Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

On the pics that were posted from ECS, I've seen the family pic of Frank James Wedding Day before, it was on EBay and BDD won the auction. I've seen the other one too that was spelled JESSIE JAMES.

I believe that was a James pic family taken in 1872ish. JJ's Mother Zerelda is clearly missing the biggest part of her arm. The two men in front look like known photos of Jesse and Frank James.

That photo didn't prove that Anyone Else was Jesse James...It's a pic of a known JJ.

If you look at that pic and compare both Frank and Jesse to 'Courtney Family Collection Photos' of THAT Frank and Jesse James, they are not the same men. That JJ is the same man we discussed during our JWJ of MO research.
He also is Not missing part of his Left middle asked about that Reb.

When I said in an earlier post about BDD posting her family tree online and saying she was related to Clyde BARROW, but changed a letter and made a completely different name...It was to BARRON...remove the R and replace with an N.

If you read under the photos that E posted, those came from either her book or her posting her proof and Family Tree online, she refers to her gGrandmother BARRON.... it can't be both ways. It's either Barron (Hilton Hotels) or Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde).

Has everyone read the Courtney highlights by BDD online?

Has everyone read the Johnson Co MO History? By BDD and the other author?

Anyone know how you can be registered Union but convincingly say you are Confederate to other Confederates?

Census, property records and Military Rolls (Union) Do trace James L Courtney.


To believe JLC was the Outlaw Jesse James, You Have To Believe...

JWJ did Not Marry Zee Mimms or Father Jesse Edwards James or Mary Elizabeth James.

Using mtDNA would prove Wood Hite was buried in the casket in MO and comparing it to JLC for proof won't work because Wood Hite was JWJ's cousin on his Fathers Side, Not his Mothers.

For Both Courtney and Dalton...There was Never a Jesse James lll grandson of the Outlaw Jesse James. Jesse Jr didn't have any boys.

I'm gonna wait for the Texas Members to give more information on local history, lore and land.

Stay on Courtney or go on to Dalton? You guys decide...

Simple, Galvanized Yankees.

There were about 6,000 Galvanized Yankees, former Confederate prisoners of war who agreed to take the Oath of Allegiance and switch sides for liberation from Northern prisons. For their freedom, they enlisted in one of six special Union regiments composed of former Confederate soldiers and were sent west “where they quelled Indian uprisings, protected settlers, restored stage and mail service, guarded railroad survey parties, provided escort service for supply trains, and rebuilt telegraph lines."

Galvanized Yankees

...There was Never a Jesse James lll grandson of the Outlaw Jesse James. Jesse Jr didn't have any boys...
As mentioned on an earlier post, Jesse James III real name was Orvus Lee Howk, and was not a descendant of Jesse W James.

"Like any dealer he was looking for the card that is so high and wild
He'd never need to deal another"- Leonard Cohen

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Simple, Galvanized Yankees.

There were about 6,000 Galvanized Yankees, former Confederate prisoners of war who agreed to take the Oath of Allegiance and switch sides for liberation from Northern prisons. For their freedom, they enlisted in one of six special Union regiments composed of former Confederate soldiers and were sent west “where they quelled Indian uprisings, protected settlers, restored stage and mail service, guarded railroad survey parties, provided escort service for supply trains, and rebuilt telegraph lines."

Galvanized Yankees

Thanks Dit...What about JLC for instance that was on the documented Union Rolls only and at an early age? Never showed as a documented Confederate at all?

Question; On the Jesse James thread by TJ... someone posted Jesse James was a Red Head...Is that true? I've never read anything like that before. I always thought he was a light brownish shade, but would dye his hair black.
To MY knowledge, JJ never had Red hair; MAY have been Reddish BROWN ("Chestnut"), later dyed black.

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Thanks Dit...What about JLC for instance that was on the documented Union Rolls only and at an early age? Never showed as a documented Confederate at all?
Well, with the REAL JJ's PASSIONATE Confederate "views"... DOUBTFUL that he would have been a Yank... (MHO). There is a book about Jesse James being the LAST Rebel of the Civil War.

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Well, with the REAL JJ's PASSIONATE Confederate "views"... DOUBTFUL that he would have been a Yank... (MHO). There is a book about Jesse James being the LAST Rebel of the Civil War.

Yea Reb, I looked and looked at everything I knew to look for, some I didn't and could find zip..I don't think the Union would of believed him even if he swore his loyalty.. JMO

The Red Hair... I can see chestnut, but not flaming red.


As mentioned on an earlier post, Jesse James III real name was Orvus Lee Howk, and was not a descendant of Jesse W James.

"Like any dealer he was looking for the card that is so high and wild
He'd never need to deal another"- Leonard Cohen

Right E...I didn't mean to imply that was Headline News...with all of the Jesse James' along with Jesse the lV, V,Vl etc, Woodson, Frank and Cole James Yada Yada that pop up and will continue to... it implies that they are carrying on That family name..Especially when they write or collaborate on books or publications like Howk/Houk did. At least it does to me since my family carries on names like William Wright, Robert Lee______ etc.

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Go for DALTON...

Ok, we can add Courtney information as members post.

I can't find anything that can be verified on JLC being anyone other than JLC.

I'm not saying she was lying, but there are so many names, dates and people that have to be changed to make JWJ being JLC work... we aren't finding anything yet to back up Published Claims which is why I think the Texans that are familiar with the local lore might be more helpful.

TJ is right that she did throw some doubt on the MO exhumation mtDNA testing, through research, which we've all wondered about even Who Was In The Graves(s).

Gotta Blind mtDNA Test All Parties.

Are there any Deans or Chancellors of Medical Universities Here...??

Dalton it is.

Just BRIEFLY on JLC; COULD he had been a Yank "spy" (with a Union Record), pretending to be JJ...? Having "family members" writing to him "at that time", so they ALL could discredit JJ/CSA/KGC...? AND! TODAY, we have "proof" that JLC was JJ! HA! BACK to DALTON! Gonna be INTERESTING!

J. ("Jesse") Frank Dalton... LAWDY! What can we "say" about JFD...? LOL! And the "BLACK BOOK"...

J. ("Jesse") Frank Dalton... LAWDY! What can we "say" about JFD...? LOL! And the "BLACK BOOK"...

What is the “Black Book”?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Glad you asked; hard back copy of Del Schrader's book, JESSE JAMES WAS ONE OF HIS NAMES; BLACK Book with brown "title". You get a copy for... $695.00 or $425.00, OR! A DIGITAL copy for only $495.00. "Google" Jesse James Was One of His Names by Philip K. Kromer. HH! Good Luck! Read it "on-line" for FREE, years ago... LAWDY!

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Thanks Dit...What about JLC for instance that was on the documented Union Rolls only and at an early age? Never showed as a documented Confederate at all?

You'll never know for sure unless you ante up and search the Galvanized Yankees records and eliminate the possibility. There could be several reasons he is not listed on the Confederate rolls, or you couldn't find him.

Sometimes the facts can only be found by the process of elimination. If you leave a possible stone unturned, error can easily creep into the equation and create doubt in a jury.

Are we looking for facts...or popular opinion?

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Ok check this out long before I even got interested in J J I had a renter that when he was filling out my contract as a joke he said to me that I better be nice to him and I said why He said he was kin to J J . and we laugh and never discuss it. Years later some family members inherited some land in Blevins and the story was that J J lived there So I got on the net a found Betty Duke and left her a message about the land . She said she had a DNA done on the grave in Mo. and said it was not J J and tract him here in Tex and he change his name to J Courtney she also said she had a map of where he buried some stash on the Cow House creek. Ok after I got interested I called my renter up ask ask why he thought he was kin to J J He said he was told that all his life so he got a pic of his great great grandmother and found a pic of JJ mom and the look just alike and to top that of his name was P Courtney.

You'll never know for sure unless you ante up and search the Galvanized Yankees records and eliminate the possibility. There could be several reasons he is not listed on the Confederate rolls, or you couldn't find him.

Sometimes the facts can only be found by the process of elimination. If you leave a possible stone unturned, error can easily creep into the equation and create doubt in a jury.

Are we looking for facts...or popular opinion?


I'd Love Facts..But right now I think we will have to be happy with Our Own Little CIVIL Court Jury Vote!! lol

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