Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

It is possible that he was James Frank Dalton born in 1847 at Goliad, Texas, or a minor James gang member, Bud Dalton, of the "Brass Bucket Treasure" story about a found "bounty bank" agreement stamped on a portion of a brass bucket with the names Jesse James, Frank James, Cole Younger, Bud Dalton, and other members of the James gang.

Who was J. Frank Dalton.

This includes the "bounty bank" agreement with all the names as well as the Robbers Cave stories.

Great Articles E!! Thanks for posting the links!

Well, y'all already have... Dalton was a VERY "colorful" person...

FIRST: I once read that JJ's mother was a DALTON from Georgia... FALSE! COULD be J. "Jesse" Frank Dalton... dunno. SECOND: I read that JFD was a COUSIN of JJ... don't know. THIRD: I read that in the early days, JFD was a "Body Double" for his "cousin", JJ. THAT is why JFD knew so much... dunno. NEVER seen any "early" "pics" of JFD... I HAVE read the "Black Book".

FIRST: I once read that JJ's mother was a DALTON from Georgia... FALSE! COULD be J. "Jesse" Frank Dalton... dunno. SECOND: I read that JFD was a COUSIN of JJ... don't know. THIRD: I read that in the early days, JFD was a "Body Double" for his "cousin", JJ. THAT is why JFD knew so much... dunno. NEVER seen any "early" "pics" of JFD... I HAVE read the "Black Book".

I've read that online too Reb..I can't find anything to substantiate those claims.

Well, TN has a GREAT "thread" from 2014-2015, MORE PROOF THAT J. FRANK DALTON WAS JESSE JAMES... 15 pages of reading. INTERESTING!

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Well, TN has a GREAT "thread" from 2014-2015, MORE PROOF THAT J. FRANK DALTON WAS JESSE JAMES... 15 pages of reading. INTERESTING!

Is TN a screen name? Id like to read that real quick. Or what is the title to the thread?

Thanks Reb

Treasure Net has that "Thread"; the title is as I "stated"...

Get yourself a cup or two of coffee... KGC "Forum" has JJ in several "threads".

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Get yourself a cup or two of coffee... KGC "Forum" has JJ in several "threads".

lol...I'm on my second cup! I added Irish Cream to the second one. This is an interesting thread! I hadn't read it before. Thanks for the suggestion to read it.

Till some DNA is done on these graves we will never know for sure

I finished that thread and I'm going to check out the others you recommended.

I agree with SallySue on DNA testing..Specifically BLIND DNA testing from 2-3 independent facilities.

I can't remember who on that thread it was who had traing in identifying people, but he mentioned the inner ear. That's true. I've had two years of formal and then continuous job training on retina and all facial recognition points. Very Interesting Stuff.

I'm of course talking about specialized computer programs comparing live people vs live people and photographs and then photographs vs photographs either in life or death. I don't consider myself an expert at all compared to many, but I do have to know how to identify within 2% doubt without the use of computer or retina recognition.

and his wife grave is right next to it This is in Blevins Texas where he lived his later years .

Betty was planning doing a DNA there but sadly she passed away .

OK, was looking for bullet holes scars, missing middle finger digit, etc....

On the pics that were posted from ECS, I've seen the family pic of Frank James Wedding Day before, it was on EBay and BDD won the auction. I've seen the other one too that was spelled JESSIE JAMES.

I believe that was a James pic family taken in 1872ish. JJ's Mother Zerelda is clearly missing the biggest part of her arm. The two men in front look like known photos of Jesse and Frank James.

That photo didn't prove that Anyone Else was Jesse James...It's a pic of a known JJ.

If you look at that pic and compare both Frank and Jesse to 'Courtney Family Collection Photos' of THAT Frank and Jesse James, they are not the same men. That JJ is the same man we discussed during our JWJ of MO research.
He also is Not missing part of his Left middle asked about that Reb.

When I said in an earlier post about BDD posting her family tree online and saying she was related to Clyde BARROW, but changed a letter and made a completely different name...It was to BARRON...remove the R and replace with an N.

If you read under the photos that E posted, those came from either her book or her posting her proof and Family Tree online, she refers to her gGrandmother BARRON.... it can't be both ways. It's either Barron (Hilton Hotels) or Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde).

Has everyone read the Courtney highlights by BDD online?

Has everyone read the Johnson Co MO History? By BDD and the other author?

Anyone know how you can be registered Union but convincingly say you are Confederate to other Confederates?

Census, property records and Military Rolls (Union) Do trace James L Courtney.


To believe JLC was the Outlaw Jesse James, You Have To Believe...

JWJ did Not Marry Zee Mimms or Father Jesse Edwards James or Mary Elizabeth James.

Using mtDNA would prove Wood Hite was buried in the casket in MO and comparing it to JLC for proof won't work because Wood Hite was JWJ's cousin on his Fathers Side, Not his Mothers.

For Both Courtney and Dalton...There was Never a Jesse James lll grandson of the Outlaw Jesse James. Jesse Jr didn't have any boys.

I'm gonna wait for the Texas Members to give more information on local history, lore and land.

Stay on Courtney or go on to Dalton? You guys decide...

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Question; On the Jesse James thread by TJ... someone posted Jesse James was a Red Head...Is that true? I've never read anything like that before. I always thought he was a light brownish shade, but would dye his hair black.

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