It's the rule of Degrees of Separation, and it's the reason that there is so much difference of opinion with the subject of this thread. Human nature and individual frailties filter information as it's passed around. People don't communicate things accurately and others don't hear things accurately. The further away from the actual players you get, the further the truth is altered. Most errors are innocent, not intentional, but they're errors nonetheless - even with simple everyday things like giving directions to a stranger.
When you throw in controversy or notoriety of any kind, the errors multiply greatly because people begin to make personal value judgements and change their stories to reflect their biases. They may even begin to lie a little bit. If there is a possibility of money involved, things go off the rails. Greed. Any truths are kept very close to the vest, and the stories are obfuscated drastically when passed on. The first degree of separation is with the original participants - in this case James himself and his confederates. They knew the truth about their own deeds. Regarding "treasure legends" and such (buried outlaw loot, big KGC caches, etc.), by the second or third degree of separation from the original participants (maybe leaked to someone else, then told to another), it's hopeless. Human nature. By the time you read about it in a newspaper or book, it's guaranteed to be fake news - at least the secrets you want. "Official documents" or "historical facts" that may relate to hidden wealth? Same results - obfuscation.
If we were only talking about Jesse James, a Southern sympathizer from MO, we might have an easier time sorting things out. But when we talk about Jesse James the outlaw, train robber, KGC operative, etc., things get real dicey and we're a lot of years away from Jesse himself, whenever he died. When you dig up a tidbit about him, how many degrees of separation are you dealing with?
Hey Sd, Do you mind too much if I call you Wilbur? I love your signature!
I completely agree with opinions vs fact vs legend and the Degrees of Separation. No one ever said this project would be easy..
I said early on in this thread when I joined it, that I HAD MY OPINION (mind made up) on JWJ...until a member contacted me and I read this thread. I saw how spaced out everyone was and what info they were choosing to contribute. It made me think about it again.
Because I knew I the likelihood of me traveling to Brazil, Mexico or even Virginia to Track Jesse James was virtually ZIP! I thought why not pool all of our info in one thread. I've been to Mexico and Virginia...but it wasn't to track Jesse James. First off I'd have to spend a month in one town of VA to even get someone to Vaguely Engage in the subject and then it would probably be some distant kin of his...I'd get Nothing!
My family did come through VA and live there as many did, some stayed and some migrated this way. Too much separation (not literal) like you said. I'm an outsider. I have family in WV and have spent quite a bit of time there...It took me 6 Two Week Trips before someone was okay with me going to and seeing their Still operation! And I was with family they knew and I had no idea where we were when we went to this site! The first trip, second week they sold a jar to my family member for me because I wanted to try Real Still 'Shine, right out of the worm. They were not thrilled about it but trusted my family member. I lit it up like my dad said, color was good and I drank it....Can't really tell you anymore than was that good! lol!
Point being in all of that is we have members here that have access and relationships to things where they live that No One Else could get. I realize we all will rely on each other to boil all info down, even the contributors like franklin did in his post, made it clear what was what, but what better way to do it? We Cant All Be Local Trusted Natives Everywhere? Doing it this way at least eliminates one degree..maybe two.
We know from many sources about where JJ was or had been at certain times. 1882 and Before. I think, like we did with MO, JWJ, if a contributor posts a story with timeframe and how the source of information was obtained...AS ONE LARGE GROUP ALL WANTING TO SEPERATE FACT FROM FICTION...we will do better than Any One Person or Author could. I'm Not Getting Paid for Anything Here and I doubt Anyone else is either, so All we have to gain is the truth as best that it can be gotten after all this time.
We have to look at it like Civil Jury Duty instructions, take all the information presented and then we as a group decide. I highly doubt we will All agree and that's okay, everyone says why they believe what and we go from there. We have to force ourselves on all three men to start unbiased and Listen To Others. Question if we want but no one challenge anyone else.
There are members here not wanting to post really Good information for fear of being ridiculed or their credibility attacked...we can't do that. We all have to listen and ask questions just like we would having coffee and conversation with a friend.
Your Points Are Well Taken...But I Want To See and Contribute as much information on this thread and topic as possible.
I'm going to add every posters name and location in my signature tomorrow...We should have More by then. Everyone can look there to see the areas represented. It will come together I believe. Did you post your location already? I haven't checked all who posted yet.