Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

The Black Book was mostly written as an allegory, IMO. Of course Jesse James was neither all those people nor a participant in all the deeds covered in the book. However, I suspect the key message may have been that those named influential people themselves (not James himself) were private members of a clandestine group and some of the events recounted may have gone down as described (not necessarily with James as the protagonist). When looked at this way, the book becomes food for thought instead of a joke.

I agree that much James lore may be balderdash, but relying on ad hominem attacks against various contributors is a slippery slope on which it's hard to keep your bearings. Unless you somehow have real skin in the game, you're forced to take sides based on your best guess of what the facts really are. Trouble is, facts can be created, destroyed and altered in ways beyond our abilities to detect. As Tolstoy said, "History would be a wonderful thing if only it were true."

I agree, and I believe that was the intention behind the suggestion we separate the wheat from the chaff by assigning these stories a category to develope a working model. When we establish what is what, we can then winnow out what we know has no basis in fact and concentrate on establishing the TRUE facts. Unfortunately our task is made much more difficult by over a century of obfuscation. And I DO believe there has been a concerted effort TO obfuscate the truth in this instance. For what purpose it remains to be seen.

"Biases and personal preferences" should never cloud the actual documented historical facts. ...

Your points are well taken, E. However, when you bet the farm on "actual documented historical facts", you are not necessarily backing a slam dunk winner. Facts can be invented along with the documents and unimpeachable sources that support them. I won't list obvious examples in our lives here, but nations have gone to war based on false "documented facts". Likewise, unreported deeds have been done that have no paper trail, but happened nonetheless. Things are seldom what they seem. My working models are always changing, based on new information, changes of heart and better understanding of human nature. I'm not ready to identify myself with the Greek Skeptics yet, but they had some interesting ideas about what truth was.

So, what have I posted that you consider doubtful facts that have been invented ?
Since this seems to be in reference to Maximilian's claimed 15 treasure wagons, the basis of the mentioned treasure tales.
Do you have evidence that they did, indeed, exist?
Reminds me of another poster who likes to claim "WRONG" but never presents an explanation of why.
So, what's it all about, sdcfia?

I'm still reading up on Maxi, JFD and JL Courtney. I Love Reading All The Information...Mind Boggling When You Really Think About All Of It!!

We have A Lot Of Awesome New Participants...Yaa!!

Could Everyone Quote On This With What State You Are In and Home State If Different Please So We Have It In One Place? Thank You! Kace


So, what have I posted that you consider doubtful facts that have been invented ?
Since this seems to be in reference to Maximilian's claimed 15 treasure wagons, the basis of the mentioned treasure tales.
Do you have evidence that they did, indeed, exist?
Reminds me of another poster who likes to claim "WRONG" but never presents an explanation of why.
So, what's it all about, sdcfia?

What's it all about? It's about what people believe or don't believe, and why so. I thought my posts were pretty clear.

As far as JJ and Max are concerned, I don't know if any of that stuff is true. You can believe as you like.

I'm still reading up on Maxi, JFD and JL Courtney. I Love Reading All The Information...Mind Boggling When You Really Think About All Of It!!

We have A Lot Of Awesome New Participants...Yaa!!

Could Everyone Quote On This With What State You Are In and Home State If Different Please So We Have It In One Place? Thank You! Kace


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Ditlihi - NC / OK

I'm still reading up on Maxi, JFD and JL Courtney. I Love Reading All The Information...Mind Boggling When You Really Think About All Of It!!

We have A Lot Of Awesome New Participants...Yaa!!

Could Everyone Quote On This With What State You Are In and Home State If Different Please So We Have It In One Place? Thank You! Kace


------- end quote ------

Ditlihi - NC / OK

Diggergal - CA/Illinois

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm still reading up on Maxi, JFD and JL Courtney. I Love Reading All The Information...Mind Boggling When You Really Think About All Of It!!

We have A Lot Of Awesome New Participants...Yaa!!

Could Everyone Quote On This With What State You Are In and Home State If Different Please So We Have It In One Place? Thank You! Kace


------- end quote ------

Ditlihi - NC / OK

-Weekender - Ark

I'm still reading up on Maxi, JFD and JL Courtney. I Love Reading All The Information...Mind Boggling When You Really Think About All Of It!!

We have A Lot Of Awesome New Participants...Yaa!!

Could Everyone Quote On This With What State You Are In and Home State If Different Please So We Have It In One Place? Thank You! Kace


mark60 orig Ft Smith AR currently SW MO

Hi All, I'm Far From Being As Knowledgeable On Maximilian as Most or Treasures Associated With Him and JJ. I Know Others Are Researching This Too and It's A Vast Story With Many, Many Other People and Events Involved and That By Itself Takes On A Life Of Its Own! Thank You To Everyone Who Has Given Excerpts,Links and Opinions! They are all very interesting and helpful and I Do Want To Come Back To That as Well as Other Tales. I know everyone else does too. I'm going to keep reading them and TJ's site.

When I started posting on this thread after reading it, I was so overloaded about Treasure supposedly associated with JWJ and realized that intentionally or not this thread started in the MIDDLE to End of JWJ life and Not the Beginning to the Middle Of His Life. I Think the man was good but...How could he of done Everything and Been Everywhere at almost the same time?

I'm an Investigator, Researcher and Locator by Trade in My Professional Life. That Does Not Make Me an Expert At All On This Topic. I'm fascinated and curious about JWJ just like everyone here...I always have been.

What I Have Learned Though Is That To Successfully Get To Where You Are Going Locating Anyone or Anything You Have To Start As Close To The Beginning As Possible. You can't just plug a name into a computer either, you have to talk to and more importantly Listen To Many People and Their Stories...More often than not, somewhere in that story is a piece or clue of the person in question you are looking for. A Cover Sheet Police Report or A Death Certificate is a Form Letter of Sorts...The actual police report or a NewsPaper Reporters Account of an Incident is Just For That Day and Event. It Has No Past or History, It's Not Personal At All. It has a lot of little boxes that the reporting person checks, there are even little boxes that say 'Other'...It's the stories and accounts of the person or events that will lead you in the most probable direction. This story is no different than any other person...We are all creatures of habit. It's finding the comfort zone,familiar areas, friends, successes and habits that will lead to the most likely JWJ.

I've glanced at everyone's short bio under your Avatar...Close to 100% of All of Us Look For All Kinds of Treasure...Which Does Not Always Mean Jewelry,Currency or what society considers treasure. It could be validation of that story you've heard a thousand times from family or friends about a person from certain area or era. Sometimes that story is the absolute truth, sometimes it's just that...a story with a tiny kernel of truth passed from person to person, added to or taken from over time. Almost All The Time there is SOME Fact to It. Maybe it didn't make it into a report,certificate or press but that doesn't make it less real or factual. Stories and Accounts are what makes a Book. The most detailed and accurate bio books are done by someone who has devoted countless hours of time, travel, going to places their subject frequented, talking to family or friends or their descendants,neighbors coworkers or people who served in their units.

We are so lucky we don't have to travel and spend countless hours researching this... we have each other spread out all over the country to rely on that have done their local areas or will if asked. And the Real Fact Is, the Subject we are on..Locals Will Not Tell Outsiders Jack!

Those of us Who Metal Detect on Soil will go to locations that are most likely to have something that someone else lost...park, playground, beach, sports complex etc. My first, big to me finds came from where the old fairground and Revivals were held in the mid 1800's thru the early 1940's. With my Radio Shack Detector in Hand, my Grandmas BF said try that thing over there...that's where the fair and revival came and set up every year...I Cleaned UPPP! I Still do well there, my equipment has advanced true, but this little area is where people still visit that used to go there as kids with their Grandparents. It's Familiar. It's Comfortable, They Know Other People That Live or Come There.. It's very close to a cemetery where I have family interred. These people who are in their twilight years are taking a trip down memory lane, going to the old haunts...they see me at the cemetery and will come over and reminisce with fascinating stories and sometimes they say hey if you have a minute I want to show you something...Get in your truck and follow me...more than once it's been a swimming hole or several old home places. Bingo!

Humans, Always...even if some time has passed go to, or gravitate to others that are like them, ethnically, or work that they know or areas that are similar to what they know. Everybody does that. Look at our ancestors when they immigrated to the United States...Swedes and Norwegians...mostly went to Minnesota or the Northern Part of the Country. The climate and trades were what they knew. Scots-Irish headed for Appalachia followed by other ethnic groups that labored in coal or other hard labor. Those groups migrated south while staying east...finally getting to Alabama or close by, then heading north and west from there hoping for a better life for their families by taking the 160 acres in the territories the government gave them to plant trees, farm and settle. Ambitious Europeans Created Industry in New York City. It's what they knew. Families were clannish, they helped each other and Protected Each Other. In the city or country.

The Civil War before and after is a prime example of clannish as are the Masons, KGC, Southern Confederates etc. They stayed with their own. Thats All They Trusted. The Clans Only Trusted Each Other...It was all they had. JJ had clan ties in the east, he made friends in the Midwest and through those friends he could go North, South,East and West.

Let's try and find a majority consensus of who the Original Jesse W James was and then find the Good Stuff. We have been to Kearney, MO. So If It's Alright With Everyone Lets Go To Texas And Check Out James L. Courtney aka Jesse W James. Then Come back to JFD...He seems to have the most to research.

Those of You Who Are Not Familiar With JL Courtney...Betty Dorcett Duke (d) claims he is her gGrandfather and has written 3 Books on this. You can find excerpts from her books as well as other Facts and Lore on Him online if You Don't Have the Books. I Do Not Have Any Books Nor Have I Read Them.

Like JWJ in MO, we have to go as far back as possible to get facts, history and his locations before BDD picks up her accounts of him. We do have members from Texas here that have a lot of information for us to consider.

I posted my thoughts on JWJ of Kearney, MO...Please Do The Same with details of why you think he is the original or Not if you would like so we can consider All opinions regarding him.

In my opinion we all have to nail down who we think the Real or Original Jesse Woodson James Was Before we can talk treasure, his exploits, except Timelines and then compare together WHO is the Real JWJ..Brother of A. Frank James, Confederate, Rode With Quantrill etc.

Also, to avoid any confusion, if you guys agree, all of us say if our post is;

A) Alleged
F) Fact and how this is known
P) Published and Where
L) Lore and say if it's passed from family/friends and the area and years the event took place
K) Knowledge-IF you have found something or have seen something First Hand

Let's Not Discount Any Personal Stories, Publications or Books...Just put it out there for all to see and then we can all decide what to weed out or accept without attacking someone's credibility or their families.

Don't forget to add your current State as Well as Your Home State if Different. Go to my previous post and quote on it. Thanks! More Participants =More Locations =More Information!!!

If Someone Has Another Idea On Narrowing Down JWJ, Please Say So.

One other thing...I Think All of You Are Awesome Participants In This Thread!



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Virginia, where JJ & FJ had DALTON & JAMES kin... "Jesse" John ("J") Frank Dalton...?

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Virginia, JJ, FJ and members of the Dalton and Younger gangs all had roots or connections to Virginia. Rebel-KGC and I have researched, searched and sought after information from them while researching and digging information on other treasures in our area. My father told me tells he had heard from his grandfather of JJ traveling through Southern West Virginia. He told me that JJ at full gallop could take two six guns and shoot his initials on a tree. I love researching on the James Brothers. JJ and FJ both came through this area many times after the Civil War. Some of the James Gang was from just down the road from where I now live. Merriman Little was from Anson County, N.C., always wore his derby. I have been to a McDaniels Family property no more than ten miles from where I now sit. He was a young teenager that joined up with Merriman Little and others from North Carolina. When the Yankee Governor took over Merriman and others had to leave and join up with JJ and FJ in Missouri. The Yankee Governor would hang known KGC members. They hid out in Missouri with JJ and gang. Merriman was in on the first train robbery.

When things heated up in Missouri, JJ, FJ and others of the gang came to Virginia and North Carolina to their associates homes and stayed here until things cooled down in Missouri. FJ and his family stayed the whole Winter in Lynchburg, Va in 1882.

I heard an old black man relate a tale of JJ passing through this area and he pointed out a bank across the road that he said they robbed. He was mistaken however, JJ and his gang did travel through here but the bank was built years later. The old gentleman said he sat on his grand daddies lap when he related the story to him. Everyone fells that they are a part of the history of JJ and most of the tales are just that tales. But it is fun to sort out the true tales from the embellished tales.

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Virginia, JJ, FJ and members of the Dalton and Younger gangs all had roots or connections to Virginia. Rebel-KGC and I have researched, searched and sought after information from them while researching and digging information on other treasures in our area. My father told me tells he had heard from his grandfather of JJ traveling through Southern West Virginia. He told me that JJ at full gallop could take two six guns and shoot his initials on a tree. I love researching on the James Brothers. JJ and FJ both came through this area many times after the Civil War. Some of the James Gang was from just down the road from where I now live. Merriman Little was from Anson County, N.C., always wore his derby. I have been to a McDaniels Family property no more than ten miles from where I now sit. He was a young teenager that joined up with Merriman Little and others from North Carolina. When the Yankee Governor took over Merriman and others had to leave and join up with JJ and FJ in Missouri. The Yankee Governor would hang known KGC members. They hid out in Missouri with JJ and gang. Merriman was in on the first train robbery.

When things heated up in Missouri, JJ, FJ and others of the gang came to Virginia and North Carolina to their associates homes and stayed here until things cooled down in Missouri. FJ and his family stayed the whole Winter in Lynchburg, Va in 1882.

I heard an old black man relate a tale of JJ passing through this area and he pointed out a bank across the road that he said they robbed. He was mistaken however, JJ and his gang did travel through here but the bank was built years later. The old gentleman said he sat on his grand daddies lap when he related the story to him. Everyone fells that they are a part of the history of JJ and most of the tales are just that tales. But it is fun to sort out the true tales from the embellished tales.

GREAT POST FRANKLIN!! That's the kind of stories we need! Thanks For Posting It!

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I'm still reading up on Maxi, JFD and JL Courtney. I Love Reading All The Information...Mind Boggling When You Really Think About All Of It!!

We have A Lot Of Awesome New Participants...Yaa!!

Could Everyone Quote On This With What State You Are In and Home State If Different Please So We Have It In One Place? Thank You! Kace


New Mexico. Originally from Iowa.

... What I Have Learned Though Is That To Successfully Get To Where You Are Going Locating Anyone or Anything You Have To Start As Close To The Beginning As Possible. ...

It's the rule of Degrees of Separation, and it's the reason that there is so much difference of opinion with the subject of this thread. Human nature and individual frailties filter information as it's passed around. People don't communicate things accurately and others don't hear things accurately. The further away from the actual players you get, the further the truth is altered. Most errors are innocent, not intentional, but they're errors nonetheless - even with simple everyday things like giving directions to a stranger.

When you throw in controversy or notoriety of any kind, the errors multiply greatly because people begin to make personal value judgements and change their stories to reflect their biases. They may even begin to lie a little bit. If there is a possibility of money involved, things go off the rails. Greed. Any truths are kept very close to the vest, and the stories are obfuscated drastically when passed on. The first degree of separation is with the original participants - in this case James himself and his confederates. They knew the truth about their own deeds. Regarding "treasure legends" and such (buried outlaw loot, big KGC caches, etc.), by the second or third degree of separation from the original participants (maybe leaked to someone else, then told to another), it's hopeless. Human nature. By the time you read about it in a newspaper or book, it's guaranteed to be fake news - at least the secrets you want. "Official documents" or "historical facts" that may relate to hidden wealth? Same results - obfuscation.

If we were only talking about Jesse James, a Southern sympathizer from MO, we might have an easier time sorting things out. But when we talk about Jesse James the outlaw, train robber, KGC operative, etc., things get real dicey and we're a lot of years away from Jesse himself, whenever he died. When you dig up a tidbit about him, how many degrees of separation are you dealing with?

It's the rule of Degrees of Separation, and it's the reason that there is so much difference of opinion with the subject of this thread. Human nature and individual frailties filter information as it's passed around. People don't communicate things accurately and others don't hear things accurately. The further away from the actual players you get, the further the truth is altered. Most errors are innocent, not intentional, but they're errors nonetheless - even with simple everyday things like giving directions to a stranger.

When you throw in controversy or notoriety of any kind, the errors multiply greatly because people begin to make personal value judgements and change their stories to reflect their biases. They may even begin to lie a little bit. If there is a possibility of money involved, things go off the rails. Greed. Any truths are kept very close to the vest, and the stories are obfuscated drastically when passed on. The first degree of separation is with the original participants - in this case James himself and his confederates. They knew the truth about their own deeds. Regarding "treasure legends" and such (buried outlaw loot, big KGC caches, etc.), by the second or third degree of separation from the original participants (maybe leaked to someone else, then told to another), it's hopeless. Human nature. By the time you read about it in a newspaper or book, it's guaranteed to be fake news - at least the secrets you want. "Official documents" or "historical facts" that may relate to hidden wealth? Same results - obfuscation.

If we were only talking about Jesse James, a Southern sympathizer from MO, we might have an easier time sorting things out. But when we talk about Jesse James the outlaw, train robber, KGC operative, etc., things get real dicey and we're a lot of years away from Jesse himself, whenever he died. When you dig up a tidbit about him, how many degrees of separation are you dealing with?

Hey Sd, Do you mind too much if I call you Wilbur? I love your signature!

I completely agree with opinions vs fact vs legend and the Degrees of Separation. No one ever said this project would be easy..

I said early on in this thread when I joined it, that I HAD MY OPINION (mind made up) on JWJ...until a member contacted me and I read this thread. I saw how spaced out everyone was and what info they were choosing to contribute. It made me think about it again.

Because I knew I the likelihood of me traveling to Brazil, Mexico or even Virginia to Track Jesse James was virtually ZIP! I thought why not pool all of our info in one thread. I've been to Mexico and Virginia...but it wasn't to track Jesse James. First off I'd have to spend a month in one town of VA to even get someone to Vaguely Engage in the subject and then it would probably be some distant kin of his...I'd get Nothing!

My family did come through VA and live there as many did, some stayed and some migrated this way. Too much separation (not literal) like you said. I'm an outsider. I have family in WV and have spent quite a bit of time there...It took me 6 Two Week Trips before someone was okay with me going to and seeing their Still operation! And I was with family they knew and I had no idea where we were when we went to this site! The first trip, second week they sold a jar to my family member for me because I wanted to try Real Still 'Shine, right out of the worm. They were not thrilled about it but trusted my family member. I lit it up like my dad said, color was good and I drank it....Can't really tell you anymore than was that good! lol!

Point being in all of that is we have members here that have access and relationships to things where they live that No One Else could get. I realize we all will rely on each other to boil all info down, even the contributors like franklin did in his post, made it clear what was what, but what better way to do it? We Cant All Be Local Trusted Natives Everywhere? Doing it this way at least eliminates one degree..maybe two.

We know from many sources about where JJ was or had been at certain times. 1882 and Before. I think, like we did with MO, JWJ, if a contributor posts a story with timeframe and how the source of information was obtained...AS ONE LARGE GROUP ALL WANTING TO SEPERATE FACT FROM FICTION...we will do better than Any One Person or Author could. I'm Not Getting Paid for Anything Here and I doubt Anyone else is either, so All we have to gain is the truth as best that it can be gotten after all this time.

We have to look at it like Civil Jury Duty instructions, take all the information presented and then we as a group decide. I highly doubt we will All agree and that's okay, everyone says why they believe what and we go from there. We have to force ourselves on all three men to start unbiased and Listen To Others. Question if we want but no one challenge anyone else.

There are members here not wanting to post really Good information for fear of being ridiculed or their credibility attacked...we can't do that. We all have to listen and ask questions just like we would having coffee and conversation with a friend.

Your Points Are Well Taken...But I Want To See and Contribute as much information on this thread and topic as possible.

I'm going to add every posters name and location in my signature tomorrow...We should have More by then. Everyone can look there to see the areas represented. It will come together I believe. Did you post your location already? I haven't checked all who posted yet.


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From Bill O'Riley's book Legends and Lies The Real West:
" In early September 1881, the James Gang, now including newcomer Charley Ford, flagged down a St. Louis, Alton & Chicago Railroad train as it slowed to go through an area known as the Blue Cut in Glendale, Missouri. Although five of the robbers were masked, Jesse James was not and actually told passengers who was holding them up. The train’s safe was almost empty, so the gang relieved the passengers of their money, watches, and jewelry, fleeing with about a thousand dollars. As it turned out, this was Jesse James’s last robbery.
That ten-thousand-dollar reward stirred up a lot of interest. Jesse was no longer that larger-than-life character whose name alone evoked terror. Realizing that there were now few people he could trust, Jesse settled with his family in St. Joseph, Missouri, living there under the name of Thomas Howard.
To keep his gang close, Jesse let Charley and his younger brother Bob Ford stay with him. The rest of his gang was scattered nearby: His cousin Wood Hite was staying with another gang member, Dick Liddil, at the home of Charley Ford’s sister Martha Bolton. Apparently Martha was a lovely woman, as both Hite and Liddil were said to be smitten with her. There were even some reports that Jesse also had cast his eyes in her direction. But something happened in that house in early December. There already was some bad blood between Hite and Liddil about the split on the Blue Cut job, but the tension erupted one morning and they took to shooting at each other. Both men were wounded, but probably not seriously. Then Martha and Bob Ford came upon the scene, and the twenty-one-year-old Bob Ford shot Hite once in the head, settling the dispute. Jesse James’s cousin was buried in a shallow grave on the property. Liddil and Ford knew they had a serious problem: No one wanted to hazard a guess at what actions Jesse might take when he learned his cousin had been killed.
Charley and Bob Ford were looking for a way out of this mess, and in January they found it. They met secretly with Governor Crittenden and the Clay County sheriff and were not at all surprised to discover they shared some goals, the foremost of which was to rid Missouri, and perhaps the world, of Jesse James. In addition to the ten-thousand-dollar reward, the Ford brothers wanted a blanket pardon for all their crimes, including the murder they were about to commit, as well as a pardon for Liddil. The governor apparently was amenable, although the extent of that amenability would later be debated. Several days later, Liddil surrendered to the sheriff, although no announcement was made to the press so as not to alert Jesse.
Sometime in March 1882, Jesse began planning his next stickup, finally deciding to rob the bank in Platte City, Missouri. To pull it off, though, he told Charley Ford, he needed some other people. Ford suggested his brother Bob. Preparations were stepped up in late March. The robbery was planned for the first week in April.
At breakfast on the morning of April 3, Jesse was surprised to find an article in the local newspaper reporting that Liddil had surrendered. Word had leaked out. Oddly, he didn’t ask the Ford brothers if they knew anything about this, a natural question, and the fact that he didn’t ask made them very nervous. Instead, he cursed Liddil as a traitor and declared that he deserved to hang. After breakfast, Jesse had some chores to do. It was a warm day, so he took off his coat. Jesse always wore his guns, but he also wore a coat so no one would wonder why a peaceful man named Tom Howard was carrying two six-shooters. When he took off his coat, he also took off his gun belt and laid his guns on the bed. This was very unusual for him, as he was never to be found without his guns at arms’ length. It was the opportunity the Fords had been waiting for. As they were talking, Jesse suddenly noticed that a picture hanging on the wall was askew and did something completely out of character. He stood on a chair, turned his back to the Fords, and started straightening the picture, or dusting it.
Bob Ford shot him dead. Both Ford brothers had pulled their weapons; there were reports that Charley fired too and missed. But Bob Ford’s one shot hit Jesse James under his right ear, and he fell. He was thirty-four years old when he died.
Bob Ford sent wires to the governor and the sheriff, claiming the reward, then both brothers surrendered to the local marshal. As word spread that Thomas Howard was actually the feared killer Jesse James, the people of St. Joseph rushed to the house to catch a glimpse of the body, stunned to discover that the most wanted man in the country had been living comfortably among them”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Is this a Legend or a Lie? I believe it was a put on and a done deal made ahead of time.

It is interesting to note that beginning in 1903 THE COLE YOUNGER & FRANK JAMES WILD WEST SHOW toured the South, where both discussed their lives and times, answered questions, and signed autographs.
Cole Younger only admitted to one robbery as a crime, the Northfield, everything else was committed as a "southern avenger" during RECONSTRUCTION.

Is this a Legend or a Lie? I believe it was a put on and a done deal made ahead of time.

DG's Post; That was the published NEWSPAPER Account shortly after the shooting. That version was also used in the Movie...The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

DG posted it was from Bill O'Rilley's Book

My opinion it is a Legendary Lie....

But even a cover up has truth

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