JESSE CAPEN ; What lead him to his search area?

Thanks for the credit....but the real credit goes to the guys who found Jesse's signature on Tortilla who also happen to be the guys who set up our search hike on 11/23/12. I was just lucky to stumble upon his pack.

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We were not there when he fell, so can not say what injuries he incurred from the fall. However Jesse had damage that did not make sense for his fall, to his face, as he landed on his back. As to the "reports" of what was found in his camp, photos were posted, judge for yourselves.

Those who would dismiss the incident entirely as pure accident are welcome and free to do so, believe what you will.

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Don't rule anything out. His face may have bounced off the rocks on the way down. Was there only skeletal remains? Was the area above the fall examined?

Closing statement

Hola mi amigos,

This reply is of necessity very long, so I must beg your indulgence and patience; in compensation, it will be my last such "argument" on this topic. :hello2: Thank you in advance.

Somehiker wrote
I would think that if Jesse did,in fact, pay for his "partner" s room at the AJ motel, as Roy has stated in a previous post, then this person would have become an important witness very early in the investigation. The name, address,etc. would have been known from the register at the motel. This also makes it likely that the person was not from the AJ area.

Talk to the woman who rented Jesse the room, a room which he specifically asked for two separate beds so that each would have one. The partner did not sign the register, only the person who pays for the room is generally the signatory when renting a room. I do not know the officer who interviewed the woman when they were first investigating, but he or she seems to have dropped the ball on this point. It does seem logical that the partner is not from the AJ area, hence his need for a place to stay, but it is also possible they simply chose to stay at the motel together so as to get an early start in the morning, which is supported by the breakfast purchased at the Jack-in-the-Box by Jesse, and again he paid for both.

I was told that the remains were within the burned off area, not precisely where it was started. I have not been to the spot where Jesse's remains were found so can not say one way or the other.

Sgtfda wrote
Don't rule anything out. His face may have bounced off the rocks on the way down. Was there only skeletal remains? Was the area above the fall examined?

While I can't say exactly what, there is a piece of evidence indicating that Jesse was injured before he went off the cliff. As this bit of information is not yet public, I can not say what it is. Of course you do not have to believe me about this either. I do not have the answers to your further questions.

If anyone wishes to believe that I am making up stories, you are certainly free to do so. It is not my job to convince anyone, please do not take my word on anything stated; talk to the persons involved directly. I certainly do not have all the answers, nor can I account for any lapses in the police involvement along the way. It is always easier to dismiss such an incident as an unhappy accident, a misfortunate lone hiker or treasure hunter got into trouble and died. To me, there are too many issues for this explanation, from the mystery person seen with Jesse (and a witness who talked with this mystery person in AJ) to the extra sleeping bag which Jesse could not possibly fit into, or the two wallets. I am convinced there is another person involved in Jesse's case, whom knows more than we do. Perhaps this person became frightened when Jesse fell and simply fled the scene, afraid of involvement. You are certainly free and welcome to make your own conclusions and disregard everything and anything I have said.

I am done here - I won't try any further to convince you of what my own conclusions are.

To tie this in to Jesse's original reasons for choosing Tortilla mountain as the point he believed the LDM was located, we can never know. He did research before he headed in, and there are reasons to choose Tortilla mountain. Jim Hatt had leaned to thinking it was Tortilla at one time but seemed to have ruled it out later. Perhaps the main clue was that you can in fact pan gold on Tortilla mountain, in small to tiny quantities, in many locations? Another treasure hunter I had talked with, whom was attempting to form a partnership at the time, told me you can pan gold literally "anywhere" on the mountain, which I had to point out to him would not be any help in locating the Lost Dutchman mine since you could not trace it back to the vein if you can pan gold everywhere. You can also pan gold in Tortilla creek which runs past the mountain, in small quantities, but again the fact that the gold is so widely dispersed makes it no help in finding the mine. Perhaps the gold was what led Jesse to choose Tortilla mountain, combined with the Holmes description of trailing Waltz in the same general area before getting caught.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.



As I said in a previous post, there are many things about Jesse Capen's last days that are mysterious and would like to know the answers to. I feel Jesse's death was accidental but thats just my personal opinion. That opinion could always change with further answers to some of those mysterious questions. I never felt you were making up stories as I heard a lot of the same things you are posting here. I believe the Sheriff has a good idea who the person(s) were with Jesse and is keeping eyes and ears open in the event anything more comes of the matter.

I know you are as glad as I am that Jesse Capen has been found and returned to his family. And even though Bob is modest and unasuming, he without a doubt deserves the lions share of the credit for that happening.


Don't rule anything out. His face may have bounced off the rocks on the way down. Was there only skeletal remains? Was the area above the fall examined?

Also a possibility, given that such a prior injury could be established by an autopsy or other means, that Jesse had fallen earlier and , because of his injuries, had tried to get back to camp via what he thought might be a shorter route. In such a scenario, both his judgment and his physical abilities may have been severely impaired.

Thanks Matt, that took me right to the spot. I just don`t know why the co`s don`t jive with the ones on the bottom of the screen. Wrong setting?

When you put in the cords,then it goes to the area,do you have the place-mark show up,the stick pin,yellow,plus the numbers with it?
Also,the mouse curser is what gives the cords. So if you wanted to save something,you have to label it as a place-mark.
The only way you can save a place-mark is you have to move what you want saved,to the center of the earth screen,not your pc screen,the block of just the earth.Then click on the yellow pin at the top left,if it does not match to where your location is,memorize the spot,and move the screen to where you want it at the last spot the pin showed up.

Thena box will pop up,and you can put in your own name,plus it gives the cords in the same box also.

Like stated,he could have fallen an hour earlier,and he fell again being dizzy,or the partner and him got into a fist fight,and he fell off.
Plus,as stated,he could have hit rocks on the way down.
I used to be a Sgt for a S.A.R. team,and a EMT,things some times happen that are to hard to believe to a body when falling and hitting things on the way down.
Of course,if the police say so,or a autopsy say different,then the police will look into it.
If there where 2 wallets,they should have the guys,or persons name,and what they look like.

Just to add some additional information...There is a non-technical route at the 4,200 contour level about a tenth of a mile from before where the pack was found. One in our group went thru there and was within about 200ft of where Jesse's body would later be found. Although a non-technical route, it was a difficult route from what I was told. This person took more of a direct line and was waiting on top of Torilla Peak for us for over an hour. We later descended Torilla peak in more of a direct line to the parking area which was also a non-technical route.

I would think that if Jesse did,in fact, pay for his "partner" s room at the AJ motel, as Roy has stated in a previous post, then this person would have become an important witness very early in the investigation. The name, address,etc. would have been known from the register at the motel. This also makes it likely that the person was not from the AJ area.

I would not rule out a local person as being his partner, especially if the person was less than honest, they could have possibly provided false information about themselves.

The answer to the thread title question is the LDM legend. If not for that he would not have been in the mountains. Cause of death? Apparently the fall. How he fell ? Damage to a body from a fall if that type can be extreme. Years ago I investigated a case where a man fell off a very high railroad bridge. Broke every bone in his body. Every little tree limb he hit took a large chunk of flesh out of his body. If Jesse had a unusual injury it could be caused by hitting something on the way down. Exposure to the elements only complicates things.

I believe , Tortilla Mountain is more conected to the stone tablets . From my decryption of the stone trail map , one of the two dots of the Cross tablet ( the upper ) is in Tortilla M .
I post a picture from GE with the Cross stone dots locations and the location of the letter " R " .


I believe , Tortilla Mountain is more conected to the stone tablets . From my decryption of the stone trail map , one of the two dots of the Cross tablet ( the upper ) is in Tortilla M .
I post a picture from GE with the Cross stone dots locations and the location of the letter " R " .

View attachment 862158

Stone tablets? As far as I know, Jesse did not use, nor had any interest in the Peralta stones, to lead him to the area he ended up searching. There was nothing in his personal library to indicate he had any interest in them. Perhaps this message accidently got posted in the wrong thread? :icon_scratch::dontknow: <I have done that more than once!>

Stone tablets? As far as I know, Jesse did not use, nor had any interest in the Peralta stones, to lead him to the area he ended up searching. There was nothing in his personal library to indicate he had any interest in them. Perhaps this message accidently got posted in the wrong thread? :icon_scratch::dontknow: <I have done that more than once!>


You are right, I too do not believe Jesse was looking for the Peralta stone map mines/treasure/cache/etc.

But I think he may have been interested in the Stone Crosses that were discovered just west of where he fell and a little ways north of his camp. I always wondered why Jesse decided to camp exactly where he did. It was a strange place to pick for a basecamp. It was a nice wide open flat area but had no shelter or windbreak whatsoever. No wood nearby and Kane spring a ways away to the east. It was December and he was at the head of Peters canyon country. When it storms and the wind blows up there that time of year it will flatten even a well sheltered camp. Jesse was there during the worst winter storm of the 2009-2010 winter season.

Jesse was very interested in Este Conatser's book the Sterling Legend. Conatser used the Stone Crosses heavily in her book. Jesse's camp was positioned perfectly for close proximity and easiest access to the place where the stone crosses were found. It was a short distance from his camp and an easy hike to Mike Bilbry's mining claims and the trench where Bilbry dug up those crosses. Jesse was obviously going to use that camp as headquarters because it was stocked well with food, water, gatoraide and everything needed for a nice long stay. I wonder if that wasn't his reason for being where he was.


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You are right, I too do not believe Jesse was looking for the Peralta stone map mines/treasure/cache/etc.

But I think he may have been interested in the Stone Crosses that were discovered just west of where he fell and a little ways north of his camp. I always wondered why Jesse decided to camp exactly where he did. It was a strange place to pick for a basecamp. It was a nice wide open flat area but had no shelter or windbreak whatsoever. No wood nearby and Kane spring a ways away to the east. It was December and he was at the head of Peters canyon country. When it storms and the wind blows up there that time of year it will flatten even a well sheltered camp. Jesse was there during the worst winter storm of the 2010-2011 winter season.

Jesse was very interested in Este Conatser's book the Sterling Legend. Conatser used the Stone Crosses heavily in her book. Jesse's camp was positioned perfectly for close proximity and easiest access to the place where the stone crosses were found. It was a short distance from his camp and an easy hike to Mike Bilbry's mining claims and the trench where Bilbry dug up those crosses. Jesse was obviously going to use that camp as headquarters because it was stocked well with food, water, gatoraide and everything needed for a nice long stay. I wonder if that wasn't his reason for being where he was.


Jesse may have chosen to locate his camp off the main trail for privacy for one thing, and in order to obey the AZ hunting regs which state (if memory serves) you are not allowed to camp within several hundred yards of any spring or water source used by wildlife. Jesse was also very interested in Dr Glover's book, and went so far as to contact him in person to ask questions, so I am inclined to think that was his main "source" book. Can't very well ask him, and he did not tell his own mother what his plans were much less what had led him to that area so we are speculating. There was nothing in his notes mentioning the Peralta stones, stone crosses or the Sterling legend, nor in his emails. Jesse's plan was to be out for three or four days and return to the motel in AJ, but failed to return there on schedule.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

PS almost forgot, but Jesse went missing in 2009, not 2010-11 but you are correct a powerful storm struck in the time span during which he was there.

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Stone tablets? As far as I know, Jesse did not use, nor had any interest in the Peralta stones, to lead him to the area he ended up searching. There was nothing in his personal library to indicate he had any interest in them. Perhaps this message accidently got posted in the wrong thread? :icon_scratch::dontknow: <I have done that more than once!>


Relax , I didn't read Jesse's emails or his diary to know in what was interested . But if you are sure in what was , you can tell us .
I posted the picture to give Tortilla M. a relation with something . I believe the stone Crosses are part of stone tablets , and for this I wrote my opinion .
A modest man can hear somebody opinions .


Relax , I didn't read Jesse's emails or his diary to know in what was interested . But if you are sure in what was , you can tell us .
I posted the picture to give Tortilla M. a relation with something . I believe the stone Crosses are part of stone tablets , and for this I wrote my opinion .
A modest man can hear somebody opinions .

Markmar, you are correct,if I were sure what Jesse were interested in, I could tell you. However I am not sure at all. I have stated earlier, Jesse left no diary nor journal, and nothing to indicate positively as to what led him to that area. We are guessing entirely. If he had a journal with him in his camp, it was never reported found as far as I know.

I could not be more at ease BTW, only suspected that a post had been done by mistake as there are several other threads on the Peralta stones etc and there was nothing to indicate Jesse had any interest in that direction. If anything I posted gave you the impression that your opinion(s) were not welcome, my apologies as I certainly did not intend to give that impression. Of course everyone is free and welcome to express their opinions, just as we are free to ask questions.

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

In The Stirling Legend, near the end of the book (pg.90 of my copy) Estee Conatser mentions several caches said to be located in the area south of the Tortilla Ranch.
"In the early years of the 1950's, two men did, in fact, locate a sizable cache of gold in this area and returned two weeks later in the dead of night and recovered it. But this involved only one cache. There should be others."



Thanks for the link. Very interesting.


The article states that the body was turned over to the Maricopa Medical Examiner's for identification. Would that have been the only focus of their examination. Did Jesse have broken bones, etc. Would the Medical Examiner's office have generated a report that would be available for public viewing.

The Maricopa Medical Examiner's web site seems very limited and there is no mention, that I can find, on how to go about viewing any resulting paperwork they prepare on a case.

Or, do they pass their report on to law enforcement or some other agency and it would require going through them to in order to view the Medical Examiner's findings.

Has the case been closed by law enforcement of did it go into a cold case file. Would their findings be available for public viewing?

Maybe Sarge will explain the mechanics of how all of this is handled?

Thanks, Garry

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