JESSE CAPEN ; What lead him to his search area?

Don Jose,you gotta be kiddin me! I thought I was the only old geezer that carried a four inch model 28.Had mine over 30 years and it's my weapon of choice
for 99% of serious social work. Have Keith sights on mine but I also installed the wide spur trigger and hammer from a model 29. Love reading the stuff you post so keep it up. I can relate to some of your exploits, faced cancer head on and won round one, spent some time in Marine Recon in 69 to 72,[Lazarus is
USMC nickname] part time bounty hunter etc: thanks for listening........Bob


I've always carried a firearm with me, Its a survival tool with a lot of uses beside the protection part, it can feed you, gun power can burn a wound shut if need be or signal some one if your in trouble ect. It should be the first thing to pack when your out hiking in the hills.

Never leave home without it!


Howdy WrmickelUno,

A firearm is a must in your area, but in the desert I would think a water gun is best.


Wrmickel1, Always carry a new bottle of Instant Glue, wonderful for suturing bad wounds. Pull the edges f the wound together , apply a drop of instant glue and a no discomfort instant suture, If you feel better, go to a hospital supply house and ask for surgeons chemical suturing pack. On the instant glue, get the tiny individual paks, always fresh and of full strength

Don Jose de La Mancha

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Good morning Lazarus / Bob, Coffee ? it is always hot in the ready room. I bought the first Mod 28 - hi-Way Patrol - in Texas while in the Border Patrol. After over 200,000 full power rnds, it still met factory specs, except for slight gas etching on the upper strap, just in front of the cylinder.

Ever use the keith sights for long range - to 5-600 meters- shooting? I also used the Keith lead, semi wadcutter at around 1450 fps as my standardized load and calibrated the front sight to it. A superb load for anything.

Your additions were very good. I also used a modified grip to fill in behind the trigger guard.

No second round on Cancer, stomp on it. If you ever need any help, do as the old Colt engraving on pistols said,, "Be not afraid of anyman, no matter his size, just call on me and I will equalize"

speaking of the Jarheads, were you the one that stole my Springfield 1903 ser. no # 123 ?? I want it back !! heeeheh Sides I am like a White Elephant to the Marine corp. You (collectively) saved my --- so you are responsible for me and my upkeep. Comb of Chinese and India philosophies

Don Jose de La Macha

Don I reload my own ammo. Each gun has a load it loves. For my one Ruger 45 Lc. A 300 gr xtphp over 15.5 grains of #9 with the bullet set short. I also like the Ruger 32 mag for a trail gun. 100 xtphp over 12.7 gr h110. Light and nasty.

Oh! Don't used that load in any 45 Lc gun other than a Ruger. Put that load in a Colt and the cylinder will blow up.

I used to own an 03A3 in full mil stock. I loved it! Too bad I had to let it go when I lost my job at the tool factory. Those and model 98 Mausers were what I longed for in my youth.

Are there any known posts from Jesse on TN?

Lazurus, Sgt: You know why the Keith long range front sigh on a firearm is soo effective, especially on a pistol? Your point of impact is always on top of the front sight, in clear view, no blind, hold over thingie.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Sgt .45 Shoefield and Colt cartridges were both used in the SA Colt, but only the Shoefield cartridge could be used in the Shoefield model. etc. . To distingush between them, the term 'LC' was developed by and for the civilian market,, but never used officially by the Military.

Are there any known posts from Jesse on TN?

Not sure if he was a member here or not, maybe somebody may know. I think they mentioned a couple user names, one being Apprentice, can't remember the other, maybe the powers that be (Moderators) can help.

001.webpThe only apprentice is a woman, and hunter didn`t work either. I`m sure that Jesse wouldn`t mind. I wouldn`t. Oh, and speaking of weapons: The baddest small arms weapon ever made by man, the Bad Mother, the Ma Deuce, M2- .50 cal., which I so happen to be the recipient of a 4' tall first place trophy in a shoot-out competition from Ft. Lewis in 1979. Don`t forget to check you headspace and timing.

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Hola amigos,
Jesse Capen had spoken with Dr Thomas Glover before his trip, and specifically asked about the Pistol canyon area, which is not where he ended up. Jesse was not alone there, though his partner has never come forward to explain what happened.

We may guess and theorize about what sort of "accident' befell him, but there are numerous problems, such as his wallet being found on top of his half-collapsed tent, and his wallet was also found on his dead body. His hiking boots were found in his tent as well, leading searchers to believe he must have had tennis shoes on, yet when his body was found he had hiking boots on. There were two sleeping bags in his tent, one of which was too small for Jesse to even fit into. He was seen in AJ with a partner, who claimed he knew the Superstitions like the back of his hand. I won't go on about this as I probably should not, but Jesse's body being found where it was, in a straight line back from the peak of the mountain to his Jeep, and not to his camp is one indicator that something was very wrong. That extra wallet, laying on top of the tent as if placed there, raises alarms for me. Also his body had injuries which are not consistent with his fall,. I do not believe Jesse had any accident, and yes as far as I know he was a member here and had some private conversation with some member, but Jesse made no posts and we have no idea who or whom he had contact with.

Side note here but we often forget that many others are reading our words besides those whom are actively posting; something to keep in mind.

All this should be good warning to all of us, be cautious about choosing partners, always go well prepared into the wilds and I recommend going armed if possible. You do not know what you may find yourself in, and there is no help available quickly.

Lastly - Jesse had a Dutchman library that would compare favorably with almost anyones'. He had spent a great deal of time researching the matter and had a number of sources he worked from, so it may not be possible to determine what led him to Tortilla mountain at this point. Tortilla mountain is an interesting place for sure, dangerous too. I too once thought it was where the Dutchman mine was located, but could not find any trace of it there which of course does not mean it isn't there.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, don't kid yourself that we do not have any bad guys around any more though.

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Things like this burn my ass. Possible crime scenes not processed and evidence lost or contaminated. What happened to his equipment?

Bad Guys and Fakers..............multiple login names............makes you wonder who you can trust. I guess you have to trust your instincts about people and hope you are right, especially for those of us that generally believe people are decent and honest because that is how we are and expect it in others. I guess after you get "burned" a few times you learn not to be so trusting. :dontknow:

Tread lightly through the mud cause there be Dragons Here.

Don Jose, 200 meters is about it for me with my vision. Forgot to mention I have Pachmeyer grips on mine and at this time I have about
100,000 plus rounds fired [all combat style loads] and this thing shows no signs of distress at all. Will take your advice on round two around one really pissed me off! As far as your .03, all I can say is it's had a good home all these years and is still a great shootin' piece. As far as the USMC helping you out
all I can say is glad we could help out! Hope to join you for coffee before my number is called.....Bob

Hola amigos,
Jesse Capen had spoken with Dr Thomas Glover before his trip, and specifically asked about the Pistol canyon area, which is not where he ended up. Jesse was not alone there, though his partner has never come forward to explain what happened.

We may guess and theorize about what sort of "accident' befell him, but there are numerous problems, such as his wallet being found on top of his half-collapsed tent, and his wallet was also found on his dead body. His hiking boots were found in his tent as well, leading searchers to believe he must have had tennis shoes on, yet when his body was found he had hiking boots on. There were two sleeping bags in his tent, one of which was too small for Jesse to even fit into. He was seen in AJ with a partner, who claimed he knew the Superstitions like the back of his hand. I won't go on about this as I probably should not, but Jesse's body being found where it was, in a straight line back from the peak of the mountain to his Jeep, and not to his camp is one indicator that something was very wrong. That extra wallet, laying on top of the tent as if placed there, raises alarms for me. Also his body had injuries which are not consistent with his fall,. I do not believe Jesse had any accident, and yes as far as I know he was a member here and had some private conversation with some member, but Jesse made no posts and we have no idea who or whom he had contact with.

Side note here but we often forget that many others are reading our words besides those whom are actively posting; something to keep in mind.

All this should be good warning to all of us, be cautious about choosing partners, always go well prepared into the wilds and I recommend going armed if possible. You do not know what you may find yourself in, and there is no help available quickly.

Lastly - Jesse had a Dutchman library that would compare favorably with almost anyones'. He had spent a great deal of time researching the matter and had a number of sources he worked from, so it may not be possible to determine what led him to Tortilla mountain at this point. Tortilla mountain is an interesting place for sure, dangerous too. I too once thought it was where the Dutchman mine was located, but could not find any trace of it there which of course does not mean it isn't there.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, don't kid yourself that we do not have any bad guys around any more though.


I wouldn't go so far as to say Jesse had a "partner". Certainly there is some evidence to support he had been in the company of someone else at least while in Apache Junction. Who this was and why no one knows them or can even describe them is reason for concerns.

So as not to get the wrong idea, Jesse WAS found on almost a direct line between Tortilla Peak and his CAMP. In fact this is how Bob Pelikan and his partner found Jesse. After everything else had failed, Bob decided to draw a straight line between Jesse's Camp west of Kane Spring and the top of Tortilla Mountain (Tortilla Peak) as those were both places they knew Jesse had been. Bob and his partner decided to start at Jesse's camp and work their way up onto the SW end of Tortilla toward the Peak following this line as closely as they could and fan out along the way looking for anything Jesse may have dropped or lost. They would go until the cliffs cut them off then try from the Peak down at another day.

When they got to the cliffs, Bob noticed a pack in the brush at the base of a cliff almost on the line they had been following. A camera was also laying there. He opened the pack and things inside showed it belonged to Jesse. Bob and his partner however could not see Jesse, he was 30-40 feet above them on a ledge. I posted a topo map here earlier and the spot within a few yards of where Jesse's body was found.

Bob turned the things they found over to a SAR group headed by Cooper. Cooper went out the next day and could find no more of Jesse's items. Someone looked up and saw what they thought was a boot sticking partially out from the ledge above. The boot was Jesse. His body was then recovered from the ledge by Sheriffs deputies and SAR.

Stories circulating about what was found on Jesse and what were found at his tent are not 100% reliable. Surely there are some questions the Sheriff would like answered that would tell the whole story. The Sheriff has not released all the information concerning Jesse's items and they do not suspect foul play but if anyone knows who the mystery person might be, they would like to know.


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