Always a surprise when you are wrong, when dealing with "facts". On the other hand, it was because of Mr. Pelikan that Jessie was found by the searchers. He gets serious props for that.
Joe Ribaudo
Hardly anyone doesn't credit Bob as being the man who discovered Jesse. Had it not been for Bob, Jesse would still be laying out there on that ledge. He and his partners deserve 99% of the credit for the excellent job they did.
Here is my post from
page two of this thread:
I wouldn't go so far as to say Jesse had a "partner". Certainly there is some evidence to support he had been in the company of someone else at least while in Apache Junction. Who this was and why no one knows them or can even describe them is reason for concerns.
So as not to get the wrong idea, Jesse WAS found on almost a direct line between Tortilla Peak and his CAMP. In fact this is how Bob Pelikan and his partner found Jesse. After everything else had failed, Bob decided to draw a straight line between Jesse's Camp west of Kane Spring and the top of Tortilla Mountain (Tortilla Peak) as those were both places they knew Jesse had been. Bob and his partner decided to start at Jesse's camp and work their way up onto the SW end of Tortilla toward the Peak following this line as closely as they could and fan out along the way looking for anything Jesse may have dropped or lost. They would go until the cliffs cut them off then try from the Peak down at another day.
When they got to the cliffs,
Bob noticed a pack in the brush at the base of a cliff almost on the line they had been following. A camera was also laying there. He opened the pack and things inside showed it belonged to Jesse. Bob and his partner however could not see Jesse, he was 30-40 feet above them on a ledge. I posted a topo map here earlier and the spot within a few yards of where Jesse's body was found.
Bob turned the things they found over to a SAR group headed by Cooper. Cooper went out the next day and could find no more of Jesse's items. Someone looked up and saw what they thought was a boot sticking partially out from the ledge above. The boot was Jesse. His body was then recovered from the ledge by Sheriffs deputies and SAR.
Stories circulating about what was found on Jesse and what were found at his tent are not 100% reliable. Surely there are some questions the Sheriff would like answered that would tell the whole story. The Sheriff has not released all the information concerning Jesse's items and they do not suspect foul play but if anyone knows who the mystery person might be, they would like to know.
It looks like I wasn't wrong after all. Imagine that.
I can see your point though, it's always easiest to just put your
own interpretation onto what someone else wrote and declare it to be what the person actually said.