I have to add a few things to this. Jesse's body was found on a straight line from a certain spot on
Tortilla Mountain to his Jeep. It was approximately 1/4 mile from where the Jeep was parked. I will also
say that there is a person who SAW the other man, gave us a good description of him, and, he and Jesse and
the person spent quite awhile discussing what they were doing and where they were going, and this "other"
man told the person that he was well acquainted with the mountains. The police did not go and talk to this
person, even though they knew that person had talked to them. Also, there are other strange things - we all
saw the stuff at Jesse's camp.(photos were posted here at Tnet) His water - not used, his boots - though he
was wearing boots when found, his cook set - unused, his wallet with ID and a couple of credit cards and a
little money - but, he had his wallet when found, with credit cards, and a couple of hundred bucks, and a
face that looked like he had been hit with a shovel - though, those missing parts were not found where he
fell. Anyone who thinks there are no bad guys, should remember that there were bullet wounds in some Utah
guys, which nobody wants to follow up on (talking about police), but those same police did manage to harass
the finder of the men. Also, there is MUCH evidence that there was another person. I went through,
personally, Jesse's things that came home with his mother, which included a sleeping bag that he could never
have fit into, and was not his, some clothes, not his, plus his clothing, maps (except the one that had the
area that he was planning to go to - which was found on Tortilla Mountain), his "special" sleeping bag, made
by his mother, with enlarged shoulders and other things - some his, some not. Like Roy said, his mother had
to sell some of his stuff when she went to Arizona, because the police grabbed it all up, put it all in the
Jeep, and there wasn't enough room to sit to drive, no matter how hard they tried to pack it up. Jesse had
also told the folks at the AJ Motel what day he would be back - which is why they were holding his stuff,
because he had gone out, come back to AJ and then went out again. We also found - through different ways,
where he had used his credit card, that he had dined with another person, and had breakfast with another
person -
There are many other things - but, I will say, that I am absolutely convinced that Jesse met with another
person - I also, firmly believe, because of what I have said, and because of other things I know, that Jesse
was on Tortilla - got to a wrong place - had a disagreement - and then ran for his life trying to get to his
Jeep - and in doing so, he took no shortcuts, and ended up trying to get up through the brush and rocks of a
very nasty spot, which eventually became his grave.
For personal reasons, we have been involved with Jesse's case since the beginning, and even though some
people "think" they know what happened, or want others to "think" they know what happened - we are telling
you from the eyes of an insider in this case, just what the evidence is that is publicly known.