JESSE CAPEN ; What lead him to his search area?

Bad Guys and Fakers..............multiple login names............makes you wonder who you can trust. I guess you have to trust your instincts about people and hope you are right, especially for those of us that generally believe people are decent and honest because that is how we are and expect it in others. I guess after you get "burned" a few times you learn not to be so trusting. :dontknow:

Tread lightly through the mud cause there be Dragons Here.

Things are seldom as they seem.

Things are seldom as they seem.

Eric & Springfield,

The folks who came here to cause trouble, and use multiple identities to cover their agenda's, will find it a little more difficult now. A number of those secondary accounts are being removed by the moderator. A little house cleaning was long overdue.

Starman 1,

You sign your posts as "Starman". Are you saying you are not the same person?

Joe Ribaudo

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I was surfin' today...found this when I entered "well monumented trail" into google search. ? View topic - Barrigan version of the Ortiz Map

how odd...

my interest in this " trail" is me, a well monumented trail is something more than a few rocks stacked upon each other at odd intervals.
certainly it doesn't have Burma shave signs along the way...
but, it will be something that lasts beyond the signs carved in cacti.

hey, highjack?

Eric & Springfield,

The folks who came here to cause trouble, and use multiple identities to cover their agenda's, will find it a little more difficult now. A number of those secondary accounts are being removed by the moderator. A little house cleaning was long overdue.

Joe Ribaudo

I think some forums actually block multiple name users, although not always successfully. Seems a Treasure forum would do the same just to keep things a bit less deceitful. Sorry, I really have a difficult time dealing with dishonesty, not to be confused with caution about information, just down right :censored: dishonesty and elusive behavior without proof.


I wouldn't go so far as to say Jesse had a "partner". Certainly there is some evidence to support he had been in the company of someone else at least while in Apache Junction. Who this was and why no one knows them or can even describe them is reason for concerns.

So as not to get the wrong idea, Jesse WAS found on almost a direct line between Tortilla Peak and his CAMP. In fact this is how Bob Pelikan and his partner found Jesse. After everything else had failed, Bob decided to draw a straight line between Jesse's Camp west of Kane Spring and the top of Tortilla Mountain (Tortilla Peak) as those were both places they knew Jesse had been. Bob and his partner decided to start at Jesse's camp and work their way up onto the SW end of Tortilla toward the Peak following this line as closely as they could and fan out along the way looking for anything Jesse may have dropped or lost. They would go until the cliffs cut them off then try from the Peak down at another day.

When they got to the cliffs, Bob noticed a pack in the brush at the base of a cliff almost on the line they had been following. A camera was also laying there. He opened the pack and things inside showed it belonged to Jesse. Bob and his partner however could not see Jesse, he was 30-40 feet above them on a ledge. I posted a topo map here earlier and the spot within a few yards of where Jesse's body was found.

Bob turned the things they found over to a SAR group headed by Cooper. Cooper went out the next day and could find no more of Jesse's items. Someone looked up and saw what they thought was a boot sticking partially out from the ledge above. The boot was Jesse. His body was then recovered from the ledge by Sheriffs deputies and SAR.

Stories circulating about what was found on Jesse and what were found at his tent are not 100% reliable. Surely there are some questions the Sheriff would like answered that would tell the whole story. The Sheriff has not released all the information concerning Jesse's items and they do not suspect foul play but if anyone knows who the mystery person might be, they would like to know.


Greetings Mr. Roberts,

I have only said what I was told by persons in Search and Rescue, and the Sheriff's office, and I have seen nor heard any thing which would contradict it. Jesse stayed in Apache Jct at the AJ Motel, and paid for his "partner" to stay as well. We spoke to the lady at the motel who rented the room to them, and she is my source for saying that Jesse had a partner. You are certainly free and welcome to believe that it was all just a sad accident, that is your option. The items found where I said they were found, is the info I received from Search and Rescue, and from Jesse's mother. I stand by my statements about being choosy about picking partners for treasure hunting, or prospecting for that matter. The detective we have had contact with stated much the same as your last statement, the sheriff's dept are certainly keeping their ears and eyes open.

Sarge - Jesse's equipment was held by the sheriff for a short time, and then was given to his mother. The amount of gear and equipment was so much, that they could not fit it all in Jesse's Jeep to drive it home. I would say this indicates more than one trip to bring all that gear in, or a second vehicle, as for a partner. One might also note that Jesse was found in the burned off area, which was the only spot we got any 'hits' with the dogs. Jesse also had some things he left at the AJ motel, including computer equipment, though nothing was found in it that proved helpful as far as I know.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


I have to add a few things to this. Jesse's body was found on a straight line from a certain spot on

Tortilla Mountain to his Jeep. It was approximately 1/4 mile from where the Jeep was parked. I will also

say that there is a person who SAW the other man, gave us a good description of him, and, he and Jesse and

the person spent quite awhile discussing what they were doing and where they were going, and this "other"

man told the person that he was well acquainted with the mountains. The police did not go and talk to this

person, even though they knew that person had talked to them. Also, there are other strange things - we all

saw the stuff at Jesse's camp.(photos were posted here at Tnet) His water - not used, his boots - though he

was wearing boots when found, his cook set - unused, his wallet with ID and a couple of credit cards and a

little money - but, he had his wallet when found, with credit cards, and a couple of hundred bucks, and a

face that looked like he had been hit with a shovel - though, those missing parts were not found where he

fell. Anyone who thinks there are no bad guys, should remember that there were bullet wounds in some Utah

guys, which nobody wants to follow up on (talking about police), but those same police did manage to harass

the finder of the men. Also, there is MUCH evidence that there was another person. I went through,

personally, Jesse's things that came home with his mother, which included a sleeping bag that he could never

have fit into, and was not his, some clothes, not his, plus his clothing, maps (except the one that had the

area that he was planning to go to - which was found on Tortilla Mountain), his "special" sleeping bag, made

by his mother, with enlarged shoulders and other things - some his, some not. Like Roy said, his mother had

to sell some of his stuff when she went to Arizona, because the police grabbed it all up, put it all in the

Jeep, and there wasn't enough room to sit to drive, no matter how hard they tried to pack it up. Jesse had

also told the folks at the AJ Motel what day he would be back - which is why they were holding his stuff,

because he had gone out, come back to AJ and then went out again. We also found - through different ways,

where he had used his credit card, that he had dined with another person, and had breakfast with another

person -

There are many other things - but, I will say, that I am absolutely convinced that Jesse met with another

person - I also, firmly believe, because of what I have said, and because of other things I know, that Jesse

was on Tortilla - got to a wrong place - had a disagreement - and then ran for his life trying to get to his

Jeep - and in doing so, he took no shortcuts, and ended up trying to get up through the brush and rocks of a

very nasty spot, which eventually became his grave.

For personal reasons, we have been involved with Jesse's case since the beginning, and even though some

people "think" they know what happened, or want others to "think" they know what happened - we are telling

you from the eyes of an insider in this case, just what the evidence is that is publicly known.

Jesse Capen location.webp

Oro and Mrs. Oro,

Not disagreeing with you on much of what you say. I have a good idea who that mystery person is but the Sheriff is handling it so I don't need to get in their way. I don't believe there was any foul play, Jesse just fell and thats my personal opinion. I'm not saying there aren't a lot of strange things surrounding his last days, there certainly are.

The above map shows the location where Jesse was found. Bob Pelikan was the man who found Jesse. He marked that map and I have been to the place where Jesse's remains were recovered. There is something left there that marks the spot. If someone told you he was found in a different location, they have given you some false information. There is no doubt or confusion about the site. I wish I had the answers to the other questions. Maybe one day we will learn the whole story.


It's not unusual to have 2 pair of boots with you just case. In this case as long as they are the same size.

Kraig is correct....That is where they found Jesse C......Oro's.... who has been telling you all these stories? The Utah men who where found by Rick G did not have bullet holes in there head...LMAO

Kurt Painter

I always believe I can read til something like this shows up...

who said anything about bullet holes?

Mrs Oroblanco said the Utah hikers had bullet holes in them in her post above.

Thanks for your time,

Pip there was four Guys that located the Utah men. I know them and what they said.

Pip there was four Guys that located the Utah men. I know them and what they said.

That would probably come as a big surprise to Rick Gwynne who was alone when he found them and spoke about it at the Rendezvous last fall.

That would probably come as a big surprise to Rick Gwynne who was alone when he found them and spoke about it at the Rendezvous last fall.


As I recall, which is always questionable, he was also the source for another story about the man he found. He only found the first guy. The other two were found later, after he reported the location of the man he found.

Take care,


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As I recall, which is always questionable, he was also the source for another story about the man he found. He only found the first guy. The other two were found later, after he reported the location of the man he found.

Take care,


I'm pretty sure he found 2 human remains on or near Yellow Peak - after he helped lead the authorities to those two bodies, the third one was found somewhere between there and Garden Valley.

My memory isn't much better than yours, but that's what I recall.

I also recall that there are some photos floating around that may lead one to believe there was a possibility of foul play.


If you draw a straight line from Weavers going 18.47* it intersects where I believe Four Peaks look as one. The square root of 1847 = 42.97. Follow that line and it takes you close to where I think Jesse was found. 74.81* takes you to Rogers. Plot those lines and overlay the stones, and the angles match with some of the markings like the 4, triangle, and priest hat. You never know. Chucksquare root.webp

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