Its End Game

Since you bring up Thomas Jefferson and since this thread is directed at the possibility that Beale was part of a Jefferson shadow family, what do you know about Poplar Forest and how the author of the pamphlet may have been trying to direct his readers there? Let me explain....

In the pamphlet the author, when describing Beale, takes guess that Beale was "from some western portion of the state." Well here's the kicker in 1862, or at the time of his interview with Morriss, Poplar Forest was southwest of Lynchburg, or, "in the western portion of the state." But wait, because there is even more....
In 1773 Jefferson inherited the estate of 4,800 acres (1,900 ha) from his father-in-law, John Wayles. He supervised the laying of the foundations for a new octagonal house in 1806, when President."

Wayles was a slave trader and this is also how Jefferson gained possession of the slave Sally Hemings who was already 3/4 European. Poplar Forest was built with "skilled slave labor" and this structure served as a retreat and a place of escape for Jefferson who was known to take comfort with slave women, just as he did with Sally Hemings. When Jefferson inherited the estate of his father-in-law, Wayles, he also inherited 125/126 slaves that were part of that estate. Beale is described as being of "dark and swarthy complexion with jet black hair and eyes". On top of this, and for some yet to be determined reason, the Hart's had reason to conclude, "Thomas Jefferson Beale."

So it is "extremely possible" that the author of the Beale Papers was playing the role of tattletale to something that was highly sensitive. And if the author was Thomas J. Beale of Jackson Ward, who was still alive in 1884 just year prior to the publication, then it would only stand to reason his explanation that the secret had been confined to a tight circle of family and one close and trusted friend, this then possibly suggesting that this second generation Thomas J. Beale held knowledge of the first. :thumbsup:

It is new and entirely possible and exciting proposals like this that draw 11'000 views in such short order. All of the same old stuff having run aground and been exhausted long ago. :thumbsup:

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4 miles from the tavern ?
...and who was born and raised 4 miles from Buford's?
Harriet Otey Buford, the wife of James Beverly Ward, copyright owner and publisher of the 1885 Beale Papers.

...and who was born and raised 4 miles from Buford's?
Harriet Otey Buford, the wife of James Beverly Ward, copyright owner and publisher of the 1885 Beale Papers.

So, what if Ward was that one trusted friend? "If" Beale was part of a shadow family then he would certainly have reason for removing his name from that publication. I'll tell ya, a scenario of this order would certainly explain most of the discrepancies and unexplained in this mystery. So really, at this point, it all comes down to those 125/126 slaves that Jefferson inherited. Did one of them bear the name, Beale? :dontknow:

So, what if Ward was that one trusted friend? "If" Beale was part of a shadow family then he would certainly have reason for removing his name from that publication. I'll tell ya, a scenario of this order would certainly explain most of the discrepancies and unexplained in this mystery. So really, at this point, it all comes down to those 125/126 slaves that Jefferson inherited. Did one of them bear the name, Beale? :dontknow:
NO "BEALE" has been found... HOWEVER! Sally Hemings (slave inherited from TJ's father-in-law) was sister/1/2 sister to TJ's wife, Martha. THEIR father was... WAIT FOR IT!, WAIT FOR IT! John Wayles! BEVERLY Hemings was Sally's first born son (in 1792, I think)... father was "rumored to be... TJ! TJ NEVER "claimed" such & wrote Beverly down in his Farm book as... "TOM", (HINT, HINT). MORE later...

Now then... to continue from R & I; Sally was a "light-skinned slave", as "Scoop" indicated previously. So was Beverly/"Tom"; AND! Two other Hemings sons with TJ; ALL 3 sons ended up, living in "WHITE" Society... AND! Beverly/"Tom" was even a "slave" (SERVANT, really), on the Lewis & Clark Expedition/Corps of Discovery... CODE-NAME: PERNIA! Talk about "DARK & SWARTHY"! HEH... BEVERLY/"TOM"/PERNIA left Monticello, to "live FREE" in 1822... 'SHOCK'! He later fought in a ALL WHITE YANK unit during the CONFEDERATE WAR! OH NO, MR. BILL! 'DOUBLE SHOCK'! Another "WHITE" son died before the CONFEDERATE WAR; the 3rd "WHITE" son, ALSO served in an ALL WHITE YANK unit in the CONFEDERATE WAR. THEIR descendants are buried in TJ's family's "plot" at Monticello... "FAMILY SECRET"...? DANG YANKEES!

Now then... to continue from R & I; Sally was a "light-skinned slave", as "Scoop" indicated previously. So was Beverly/"Tom"; AND! Two other Hemings sons with TJ; ALL 3 sons ended up, living in "WHITE" Society... AND! Beverly/"Tom" was even a "slave" (SERVANT, really), on the Lewis & Clark Expedition/Corps of Discovery... CODE-NAME: PERNIA! Talk about "DARK & SWARTHY"! HEH... BEVERLY/"TOM"/PERNIA left Monticello, to "live FREE" in 1822... 'SHOCK'! He later fought in a ALL WHITE YANK unit during the CONFEDERATE WAR! OH NO, MR. BILL! 'DOUBLE SHOCK'! Another "WHITE" son died before the CONFEDERATE WAR; the 3rd "WHITE" son, ALSO served in an ALL WHITE YANK unit in the CONFEDERATE WAR. THEIR descendants are buried in TJ's family's "plot" at Monticello... "FAMILY SECRET"...? DANG YANKEES!

Dangin Yanks again Reb?
Keep your head down! (I throw snowball).:occasion14:

Remember John Wayles, father-in-law of Jefferson? I'll give you this and then from here you'll have to figure the rest out. But this should certainly set your wheels to turning as to the possibilities and "the new questions" you might be wanting to explore. I've said it a hundred times, "if we're ever going to discover anything new then we need to adjust our thinking and we need to start looking in new places." :thumbsup: Page 383..... Wayles + Ward&f=false

Dangin Yanks again Reb?
Keep your head down! (I throw snowball).:occasion14:
Heh... I build snow persons (Dave Berry) on the hill tops; then roll 'em downhill... got any hills near-by...? HA!

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Got hills. And snowbanks.
If not convenient enough .. one can also be built.


Remember John Wayles, father-in-law of Jefferson? I'll give you this and then from here you'll have to figure the rest out. But this should certainly set your wheels to turning as to the possibilities and "the new questions" you might be wanting to explore. I've said it a hundred times, "if we're ever going to discover anything new then we need to adjust our thinking and we need to start looking in new places." :thumbsup: Page 383..... Wayles + Ward&f=false
The John Wayles family tree:
John Wayles (1715 - 1773) - Genealogy

Remember John Wayles, father-in-law of Jefferson? I'll give you this and then from here you'll have to figure the rest out. But this should certainly set your wheels to turning as to the possibilities and "the new questions" you might be wanting to explore. I've said it a hundred times, "if we're ever going to discover anything new then we need to adjust our thinking and we need to start looking in new places." :thumbsup: Page 383..... Wayles + Ward&f=false

I'm not sure what "infants by Wayles" is actually implying? But I think it can be assumed to mean that Wayles was acting as representative for the infant children who were said witnesses.....

Wayles was Jefferson's father in law, a Ward held the copyright for the Beale publication. In this publication the author has pointed his readers to a western portion of the state, Poplar Forest sitting southwest of Lynchburg and in a western portion of the state at tthat period of time. The author is also pointing his readers to Richmond, or that known residence of some of the party members and the residence of the only Thomas J. Beale of record during the era. "The Key" was a presented document written by Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson inherited the estate of Wayles. Think there's no hidden truth in the may want to think again. :thumbsup:

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WHO CARES! All you need to know about is JEFFERSON/HEMINGS...

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The above site mentions Sarah Ward, executrix for Joseph Ward. Is this the Sarah married to Major John Ward?

Still sorting a lot of it out....or at least attempting to. In the 1840's, just about the same year that the author/Morriss claims that the iron box was finally opened, Ward got involved with his father estate, his father as you know was Giles, an attorney. This is what I was referencing much earlier on in thsi thread. So there is still a lot to be looked at, a lot of genealogical tracking/tracing as well. At present, however, I'm pretty involved with two other extended projects and a couple of my contacts are going to be out of the country for a while involved in other affairs. So not really going to have too much time for a while.

... In the 1840's, just about the same year that the author/Morriss claims that the iron box was finally opened, Ward got involved with his father estate, his father as you know was Giles, an attorney...
Major John Ward and wife Sarah do not appear to be directly related to Giles or James Beverly Ward.
Who are the Joseph and Sarah Ward in the link that you provided?

Major John Ward and wife Sarah do not appear to be directly related to Giles or James Beverly Ward.
Who are the Joseph and Sarah Ward in the link that you provided?
CORRECT... they are NOT related to Giles or "JB" Ward.

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