Bronze Member
Hal, my condolences to you and your family for the loss. Good to see you back, though.
Hal, my condolences to you and your family for the loss. Good to see you back, though.
I believe you have asked the right questions regarding the match safe!
I’m somewhat biased because I have long believed that the match safe inscription made no sense as it was being interpreted.
A couple of weeks ago I contacted an individual who had handled the actual match safe and this is an excerpt from MY e-mail.
There is supposedly an inscription on the match safe "J. L. & Co. to G. H. H." I have seen several different photos of the safe but I have never seen the inscription in a picture. Have you ever physically seen the match safe and that exact inscription? I'm relatively sure that the inscription exists as quoted and I would like to do some research but I don't want to waste my time if the inscription is not genuine. It has been speculated that J. L. is the manufacturer but that just doesn't strike me as correct. It sounds more like a commemorative gift for some service rendered to a company. Perhaps a valued customer, etc.
Although the individual had handled the match safe, he did not recall seeing the inscription.
For me, it seems important to verify the existence and exact nomenclature of the inscription on the match safe. (Has anyone ever seen a Photo of the inscription and can they share it?)
Anyway you are certainly on the right track in trying to identify “J. L. & Co.
I think that at this point in time, in your research, you should probably forget about Jimmie Douglas, John Levy, Goldmans etc. They are a distraction, only associated with the match safe through the Waltz/Holmes stories.
Can you tie Hirschfeld to Julius Liberman? Are there other candidates for J. L. & Co.? Etc.
Good Luck,
Yes, someone needs to confirm the engraving/inscription before we can move forward with any real confidence. Assuming what Matthew Roberts has shared is accurate (Brownies description), I think that this is what you are asking for: (note - Hirshfield/Hirshfeld - I have seen it written both ways but it is Hirshfeld - See the Hirshfeld Mining claim {1888} listed under Hirshfield.
I wouldn't mind seeing a sample of Coarse Gold mine ore.
It's your story to tell but we are somewhat hijacking this thread (Is the pit mine really the Lost Dutchman Mine?). The match safe probably deserves it's own thread.
You are assuming incorrectly. The Robert's transcription of the affidavit has nothing to do with my desire to see an actual photo of the wording. Greg Davis provided me with the affidavit in 2009 and I posted a transcription around that time. The contents of the affidavit have been public for many years and the Robert's transcription is, for all practical purposes, identical.
I would like to see the inscription to verify the contents of the affidavit! There are three affidavits in total that deal with the match safe. Two were later (Kollenborn and Bob Corbin] and appeared in Helen Corbin's book. I believe all three were prepared with a "lot" of input from the present owner of the match safe. Some elements of those two affidavits have been very controversial and I personally hesitate to take everything in them to the bank as being absolute facts. Maybe it's just a bad habit of questioning many things that are presented as "facts".
BTW, I have been scanning the newspapers regarding Julius Liberman and I think your probably onto the solution of "J. L. & Co. to G. H. H." There are literally 100's of articles in which Liberman appears and it's going to take a long time for me to digest things. I have a milion questions!
At any rate you have done a bang up job and I hope to see more indepth information as you move along With sources.
It's your story to tell but we are somewhat hijacking this thread (Is the pit mine really the Lost Dutchman Mine?). The match safe probably deserves it's own thread.
... I personally hesitate to take everything in them to the bank as being absolute facts. Maybe it's just a bad habit of questioning many things that are presented as "facts"...
Ok I have one question about the Pit Mine and the LDM. How did the gold change to silver? LDM was gold and the Pit Mine as far as I have read was silver with small amounts of gold, if any when processed. So, where's the gold?
all of these deposits were found as outcrops on the surface...once you start shafting on the outcrop and get underground you never know what you are going to run into...alot of mines that start out as silver will usually have some gold strikes running with it....matter of fact not far from the don's camp where the rendezvous is held there are some copper mines that started out as gold mines..then they hit copper ..then they hit gold again..i have even seen silver in these same mines....the funny part is they found these deposits in volcanic rock...the same rocks that the geology books say you will never find any mineral in...go figure that oneaudigger,
I have often been told, and read, that it's possible for a gold vein to to show up in a silver mine. A later intrusion, like a chimney, could make its way up through a silver lode. Not sure if I have expressed that correctly, but that's how I recall it. Those who do know $#!t about rocks will have to chime in.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
Joe, Tayopa is basically massive silver, but the zone also has bonanza Gold.
I do know that the Pamona Mine in Brown Canyon outside of Sierra Vista was a gold vein in the center of a lead vein.
Found a lot of small flakes there, not enough to really excite me, was looking for a lot more. Pomona was in Brown, the Hamberg was in Ramsey. Hamberg was Iron. And then there was the top of Carr Peak where they had a Tungsten Mine, 240 Acres under Patent, now a National Rec Center. Not to mention "lots" of shafts all over the area. They were taking about gold in Ash Canyon in 1984, but we didn't get there.
how far down the canyon is the pomona mine?