Is the Pit Mine really the Lost Dutchman mine?

Amigo,Joe,:director: My name is Not Peralta. One last time just for you. I believe in the mission 100%, I believe in my theory 100%,And most of all it's my Opinion 100%, And for you or anyone else that believes 0% in the Mission,that's OK with me,It's not going to change my Theory or Opinion, For whatever reason you are the one that keeps bringing up the Mission.not me. are you just bored,If so get a kitten or a puppy:laughing7:NP:cat:


I have never believed your name was Peralta.

Are you saying the picture which you stated was from Burns Ranch was not the same ruins as the picture that was shown from miles away? Just wondering, as I already have a puppy.:laughing7:

Good luck,


Oh wow! I can't believe you just said that about Joe.

Btw yes I have many pics of real Gold ore. I have found it personally, I have crushed it, and processed it chemically to extract the Gold, which came out at 22 karats. I'm not trying to brag, I just want you to know that I know what is talking about. I've seen and handled a lot of Gold ore from many continents. I've also found Gold myself, in the desert. I'm not saying your ore is fake, I just said it looks fake in the pictures.


Good to see you posting again. Hope all is well with you and the family.

My history with the Superstition Mountains and the people who spent years in there is well known by people alive as well as those who have passed away. Anyone who has spent any time on this forum, as well as the others, know who they are or were. I did not spend any time at Bob's "Mountain Man" affairs, as they were, pretty much, drunken brawls. Any of my friends who did attend, quickly left that behind them.

It's true that the Dutch Hunter's Rendezvous is somewhat different from what has transpired in the past. It was designed that way. It's why men and women feel fairly comfortable attending and even bringing their children. If that ever changes, the Rendezvous will die. Good to see you still involved.

Take care,


Geesh! Come on guys just get out the tape measure and settle this once and for all!


If I started naming all of the old timers I knew and know, you would need a wagon to haul your tape.:laughing7:

Take care,


I'm sure glad cactusjumper, or myself, or anyone else here never made a mistake.

Glad to see the same OLD BS and bickering much more important.


Is there a specific mistake you are referring to?:dontknow: I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. When I am shown the irrefutable evidence, I have no problem saying I was wrong.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

NP, wouldn't do much good my frend but reading from left to right

Sample ? Cu (copper) Ag (silver) Au (gold) Pb (lea) Zn (zinc)

Jales (tailings)

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Pancho, "I" never make one, well just a 'little' one once in while. As for Joe & NP, knock it off ya rummies. or no coffee!
I don't intend to have my failues/faults exposed here where "todo el :censored:Mundo":dontknow:can see ) where all of the :censored:world), and further more -----

You must remember, only 'I' am perfect, just ask my teen age bride, she knows.

It's interesting how you've capitalized the metal's tag each time you've used it. Not a problem, just an observation.

I've always been confused on whether to capatilize the names of minerals/etc or not, to be honest. Don't read into it past that.

This is how I plan to get to the Pit Mine. By Wire. It's much faster than hiking and it costs very little. I practiced at my cabin this last weekend.
Going is no problem but stopping is an issue...check it out and see..



I believe the best way to go everywhere is this :


Here's the midnight Dutchman Pit Ride version...250 feet of 3/8 cable!


Very nice Bill . Now remains a shot in the rain .

Just bustin yer nutz :)

Oh wow! I can't believe you just said that about Joe.

Btw yes I have many pics of real Gold ore. I have found it personally, I have crushed it, and processed it chemically to extract the Gold, which came out at 22 karats. I'm not trying to brag, I just want you to know that I know what is talking about.
do tell. :D
I've seen and handled a lot of Gold ore from many continents. I've also found Gold myself, in the desert. I'm not saying your ore is fake, I just said it looks fake in the pictures.

Pancho, "I" never make one, well just a 'little' one once in while. As for Joe & NP, knock it off ya rummies. or no coffee!
I don't intend to have my failues/faults exposed here where "todo el :censored:Mundo":dontknow:can see ) where all of the :censored:world), and further more -----

You must remember, only 'I' am perfect, just ask my teen age bride, she knows.

Lucky for you she probably doesn't have much to compare to :D

CN, she was the queen of the town, and made a great hit in The US

err uh would you prefer pistols - my favorite- or perhaps sabres NP or mikel will be my second :laughing7::occasion14:

Very nice Bill . Now remains a shot in the rain .

Lightening I dare say would be a little more exciting! Especially if you have a ground wire hanging down!

Just staying busy in the rain up there. It rained solid for three days of our retreat. It was cold up there!

Bill, isn't a wet camp fun ?? need plenty of :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

Ya, We were singing country songs on the back deck around a propane campfire until the wee hours of the morning! Got a ticket on the way up there though, 83 in a 65, that wasn't any fun!
Officer was kind enough to write it down as a 80 in a 65 saving me a citation for the high plains drifting!

It was our 38th anniversary so I was anxious to get there...when you drive as fast as your age that's no good...we had a great time up there.

Plenty of :coffee2::coffee2:after a few shots of Patrón! Went for a quad ride and discovered my Razor had a broken sway bar on the back so we had to bring it down for repairs. I'm using the Razor for my Pit mine travel that'll do about fifty going in there all the way for a faster ingress and egress!

I'm thinking about giving Pit Mine tours using a Jack Ass for transportation of the clients and fools gold in a candle box they could dig out from under a small cave facing north when we get up there. Just as they bring the candle box out of the hole I'll put on an old gray beard that makes me look like Jacob the old Dutchman and jump out of the bush shooting blanks at um!!

The pictures will say it all!

I should have that cable strung down from there by then so right after they get the Pa-Jesus scared out of them I'll stick um on a zip cable back down the fast way and get ready for the next Jack Ass Pit tour!

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