That's a good illustration of why mom n' pop mining and exploration died in the US back in the 1970s or so. Whatever mining remains in North America is high volume-low value large corporate surface operations. That's why all the high-grade underground action shifted to Mexico and South America - they're "mining friendly", as they say. Plus there's still a lot of ore to be found down there. There's still a few stalwarts stubborn enough to keep trying it in the US - like azdave35's pal. However, unless you have killer ore, it's pretty much a fool's errand nowadays, although a small guy can do OK with Alaskan placer if he wants to go remote. I know an old guy who has a decent-sized native silver discovery located on FS land in the Burro Mountains a few miles south of Silver City - requiring only surface trenching, mind you - that he gave up on because of the red tape and uncertainty. The game has mostly ended.
actually there are alot more people than you think still least in arizona