Pgill, I noticed this too when you said,
"1) I was reading too many posts where people were being knocked down by others very badly, from saying that their finds were not found, to finds be bought etc..... It does not matter how they were acquired, I feel if the person lies about their finds, they are letting themselves down..... Others do not have the right to knock another person down.
2) We had a couple of guys that were just making everyone miserable at the time, and I know the moderators who by the way are fantastic, did everything to sort these people out, but it went on for far too long.
3) I found that there was far too much political / religious topics being discussed instead of what the forum is about,,,, treasure. (oh and I was guilty on one or two of them, but stopped when I realized that this was not the place for it)."
I love seeing the item and reading everyone's input and compliments. I think some might think it's the most mundane item in the world but still give people the thumbs up and a WTG which goes a heck of a long way with new people like me!
I was following a thread once where it turned really ugly in a hurry! Down right mean and insulting! When someone tries to help and are on the wrong track, to read a follow up post that is in CAPS saying that person is WRONG, etc. it makes people who knowledgeable not want to put themselves out there.
There's a way to say that someone might not be right, like- Hey, I thought that it might be that too but realized, blah blah blah.