Is the Forum Losing Interest?


Sapphire Member
Dec 15, 2004
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Golden Thread
South Florida
Detector(s) used
70's Whites TM Amphibian, HH Pulse, Ace 250
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Since I have been back in town I noticed that the member participation is lower than usual. At the time of this writing, we have 5 members and 40 guests viewing this entire forum. :o:icon_scratch: And it has been this way for several days. It seems there is little more than a handfull of members participating at one time. :3some: This has me worried. :( Are members losing interest in the What Is It forum? What can we do to increase participation?

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Adrian SS said:
Qte From bigcypresshunter

"Thanks for posting Adrian. This subject may require a whole new thread lol. As metal detectorists, we must be careful not to appear as looters. We need to be more interested in history and less on monetary value of our finds. Removing all the metal objects from a historical site can and will make it harder for future historians to interpet the history of the area and the people who lived there.. "

Adrian SS.

Yes it probably does require a new thread.

Trouble is a lot of these so called historians use the disguise of being an historian,archaeologist or some such interlectual do profit from their finds and they will move hell and high water and legal jargon to stop anybody else from getting into a particular area of interest while they can still make a profit and those who do record their finds for posterity and future generations do so through scientific journals that cannot be accessed by any private citizen and are only peroused by other scentists, historians and archaeologists and the items they find usually disappear into archives and museums that only a very limited number of people can access.
What has happened to all of the jewelry, silver and gold that has been remove from pyramids and tombs all around the world by archaeologists? Some is in museums but most is held in private collections. You have to get your funding from somewhere and governments are not always willing.
I agree that history should be preserved but placing a blanket ban on the hobby detectorist stopping them from taking home a coin or the odd piece of "historic" scrap metal is nothing short of rediculous.

Adrian SS
Im not defending them, just explaining their point of view. Even though most artifacts once they are removed from a site have less historical significance, I believe all contaminated areas should be fair game. Thats the reason Englands laws are so favorable to MDers. The sites are all contaminated. But this is not the topic of this discussion. It would need a new thread of its own.

BTW how long does it take for brass to "rot in the ground."

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This forum got boring when you left BigC, now that your back........ :laughing7: :thumbsup:

I do believe it'll pick up this winter when the digging gets rough up north. I wish PBK was still here.

I don't post as often as I used to but i've been trying to stay busy with getting the bills paid between work and Ebay (a lot lately) it keeps me pretty busy.

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diggummup said:
This forum got boring when you left BigC, now that your back........ :laughing7: :thumbsup:

I do believe it'll pick up this winter when the digging gets rough up north. I wish PBK was still here.

I don't post as often as I used to but i've been trying to stay busy with getting the bills paid between work and Ebay (a lot lately) it keeps me pretty busy.
LOL PBK made the What Is It forum popular. :icon_thumright:

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bigcypresshunter said:
diggummup said:
This forum got boring when you left BigC, now that your back........ :laughing7: :thumbsup:

I do believe it'll pick up this winter when the digging gets rough up north. I wish PBK was still here.

I don't post as often as I used to but i've been trying to stay busy with getting the bills paid between work and Ebay (a lot lately) it keeps me pretty busy.
LOL PBK made the What Is It forum popular. :icon_thumright:

That's funny, I was just thinking about PBK yesterday and here his name pops up. Even if he can't moderate anymore he could still stop in once in a while and say hi as he is missed throughout the entire site I would think. I still like to try and help out if I can but I seem to get to the posts just a little too late. Maybe we have ID'ed so many items that there just isn't that many mysteries left? :laughing7: Don't worry BCH you can't scare me off and every once in a while a little bickering is fun :thumbsup:

HH Charlie

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Yes this topic did spark a bit of interest so it might be interesting to get it going later on as a new thread.

Adrian SS

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Hello me I don't know how to post and most of the things they post any more I don't know what it is. I guess I am gitting dumber or something. I am on every chance I get.


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Yes PBK is def. one I miss

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On this Veteran's Day, I'm a little 'mellow' at the moment but did wish to offer this observation.
Many suggested reasons have been given in this thread relating to the situation as BCH stated.
I don't doubt that perhaps each of these reason is a contributing factor. It's all part of change created by internal and external factors; nothing to get alarmed about.
Was the seasonal factor mentioned (tundra conditions, planting, and etc.)?
It's all part of the ebb and flow of life--with a metal detector.
Now how about ya'all getting off this subject and getting back in the field and find objects that I can assist in ID--ing.
PS: God's speed home to every serviceman serving in 'the sand' and elsewhere tonight.

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Mackaydon said:
On this Veteran's Day, ...
PS: God's speed home to every serviceman serving in 'the sand' and elsewhere tonight.

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I'm still checking in when I can and contributing if possible. For me, life has gotten in the way and I simply don't have the time to come here and do the research I used to do (and LOVE to do).

I have to agree with the fact that few of the finds posted here in recent months have compelled me to do any real work on them.

It is nice to see familiar and respected names in this thread.


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Pgill, I noticed this too when you said,
"1) I was reading too many posts where people were being knocked down by others very badly, from saying that their finds were not found, to finds be bought etc..... It does not matter how they were acquired, I feel if the person lies about their finds, they are letting themselves down..... Others do not have the right to knock another person down.
2) We had a couple of guys that were just making everyone miserable at the time, and I know the moderators who by the way are fantastic, did everything to sort these people out, but it went on for far too long.
3) I found that there was far too much political / religious topics being discussed instead of what the forum is about,,,, treasure. (oh and I was guilty on one or two of them, but stopped when I realized that this was not the place for it)."

I love seeing the item and reading everyone's input and compliments. I think some might think it's the most mundane item in the world but still give people the thumbs up and a WTG which goes a heck of a long way with new people like me!

I was following a thread once where it turned really ugly in a hurry! Down right mean and insulting! When someone tries to help and are on the wrong track, to read a follow up post that is in CAPS saying that person is WRONG, etc. it makes people who knowledgeable not want to put themselves out there.

There's a way to say that someone might not be right, like- Hey, I thought that it might be that too but realized, blah blah blah.

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I was following a thread once where it turned really ugly in a hurry! Down right mean and insulting! When someone tries to help and are on the wrong track, to read a follow up post that is in CAPS saying that person is WRONG, etc. it makes people who knowledgeable not want to put themselves out there.

There's a way to say that someone might not be right, like- Hey, I thought that it might be that too but realized, blah blah blah.

Great point Bev,those are words I need to heed myself!Thanks! :thumbsup:

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Great post bigcy!!!
I am still new at this hobby and site. About a year and a half ago I decided to check out a local detecting club in my area, then bought my first detector. Once a month I would bring my artifacts to teh meeting(not knowing what most of the stuff was). Our members are allowed to put one item they found each month in four different categories (pre and post 1900's coin, relic and jewelry) to try and win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place and best in show. Our members vote during the break. If your item wins the prize is a silver coin. First place is silver half dollar, second silver quarter and third silver dime. Best in show is a silver dollar. A member told me about this site and I now go to my meeting each month, not only knowing what I found, but also backing it up with a source. This section of this site has been just as rewarding as detecting. I am very grateful for all the members who have helped me ID my finds.

I have learned so much about general world history by finding an artifact, someone IDing it then researching it further. I have noticed recently that some of my post under "what is it" go by with no comments. I do post more than most and wonder if members are tired of seeing all my post. :dontknow:

I detect as much as time will allow. I try to balance life obligations with time spent detecting, cleaning artifacts, taking pictures of then, posting them, displaying them etc...... I have little time to try and research others "what is its". I sometimes feel as if I am not giving back, but I do know when I started posting on here there was a group of folks that had a friendly competitiveness on who could ID the artifact first. They would congratulate each other, but I don't see it as much. I know that bigcy, Breezie, vayank, silver searcher, iron patch etc..... have been a great help and I thank you. I am not going anywhere. :notworthy:

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BCH - I read this forum almost every day while on lunch at work. But I rarely log in first, unless I have something to comment on. I guess you could call me a lurker :lurk:. First of all, I am using the work PC, so I don;t always sign in. But I have been faithfully reading and commenting for many years now. I would really miss this forum and all the things that I have learned from it. I do notice that it slows down during the hot summer months (everyone is swinging a coil!) but picks up again during the colder months when most folks are inside. Great topic though - JHinPA.

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Big C,

Go to the stats icon upper right side and check the stats, no signs of it losing interest....

In October of 2008 TN averaged 851 people on line a day for the month.
In October of 2009 TN averaged 886 people on line a day for the month.
In October of 2010 TN averaged 1321 people on line a day for the month.

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Bev said:
Pgill, I noticed this too when you said,
"1) I was reading too many posts where people were being knocked down by others very badly, from saying that their finds were not found, to finds be bought etc..... It does not matter how they were acquired, I feel if the person lies about their finds, they are letting themselves down..... Others do not have the right to knock another person down.
2) We had a couple of guys that were just making everyone miserable at the time, and I know the moderators who by the way are fantastic, did everything to sort these people out, but it went on for far too long.
3) I found that there was far too much political / religious topics being discussed instead of what the forum is about,,,, treasure. (oh and I was guilty on one or two of them, but stopped when I realized that this was not the place for it)."

I love seeing the item and reading everyone's input and compliments. I think some might think it's the most mundane item in the world but still give people the thumbs up and a WTG which goes a heck of a long way with new people like me!

I was following a thread once where it turned really ugly in a hurry! Down right mean and insulting! When someone tries to help and are on the wrong track, to read a follow up post that is in CAPS saying that person is WRONG, etc. it makes people who knowledgeable not want to put themselves out there.

There's a way to say that someone might not be right, like- Hey, I thought that it might be that too but realized, blah blah blah.

This is true, I now have limited involvement, as in the pass I have spent many hours looking in books trying to remember where I saw something (although most is in my head). I like to think of myself as a kind of specialist but definitely not an expert in any area, most of it is from the top of my head (knowledge) & of course I get many things wrong. What I have struggled with is those that can't take advice or can't admit when they are wrong (preconceived ideas), this by default doesn't mean I'm always right (clearly not), but why come & ask questions or reply to a post if you don't want the best answer & aren't open to other avenues :dontknow:
I also struggle with the concept that unless its got a link or it is on the internet then its not solved :icon_scratch: The internet is clearly an extremely powerful tool but there is plenty of misinformation out there. Most the time I prefer to shoot from the hip, hoping someone will use the sign post to find it (if they wish). If I & others did all the research (which I do enjoy), then others are missing the joy & experience as well. So lets all get educated instead of maybe just a few peoples opinions (including me). Education includes the analysis of website info as well as just reading a link, the more you look at, the better your experience becomes in spotting inconsistency,trends or errors :thumbsup:

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Bev said:
Pgill, I noticed this too when you said,
"1) I was reading too many posts where people were being knocked down by others very badly, from saying that their finds were not found, to finds be bought etc..... It does not matter how they were acquired, I feel if the person lies about their finds, they are letting themselves down..... Others do not have the right to knock another person down.
2) We had a couple of guys that were just making everyone miserable at the time, and I know the moderators who by the way are fantastic, did everything to sort these people out, but it went on for far too long.
3) I found that there was far too much political / religious topics being discussed instead of what the forum is about,,,, treasure. (oh and I was guilty on one or two of them, but stopped when I realized that this was not the place for it)."

I love seeing the item and reading everyone's input and compliments. I think some might think it's the most mundane item in the world but still give people the thumbs up and a WTG which goes a heck of a long way with new people like me!

I was following a thread once where it turned really ugly in a hurry! Down right mean and insulting! When someone tries to help and are on the wrong track, to read a follow up post that is in CAPS saying that person is WRONG, etc. it makes people who knowledgeable not want to put themselves out there.

There's a way to say that someone might not be right, like- Hey, I thought that it might be that too but realized, blah blah blah.

This is true, I now have limited involvement, as in the pass I have spent many hours looking in books trying to remember where I saw something (although most is in my head). I like to think of myself as a kind of specialist but definitely not an expert in any area, most of it is from the top of my head (knowledge) & of course I get many things wrong. What I have struggled with is those that can't take advice or can't admit when they are wrong (preconceived ideas), this by default doesn't mean I'm always right (clearly not), but why come & ask questions or reply to a post if you don't want the best answer & aren't open to other avenues :dontknow:
I also struggle with the concept that unless its got a link or it is on the internet then its not solved :icon_scratch: The internet is clearly an extremely powerful tool but there is plenty of misinformation out there. Most the time I prefer to shoot from the hip, hoping someone will use the sign post to find it (if they wish). If I & others did all the research (which I do enjoy), then others are missing the joy & experience as well. So lets all get educated instead of maybe just a few peoples opinions (including me). Education includes the analysis of website info as well as just reading a link, the more you look at, the better your experience becomes in spotting inconsistency,trends or errors :thumbsup:

Spot on Cru,I am the same way,there is only one area I am truly versed in,and thats a short time frame(the 1850's)and much of what I know is not on the net to provide links,and much of what is, is wrong(proven wrong)I too am notorious for knowing something but cant recall where I seen it or read it....I guess that happens when you read 4 books at once and spend every spare minute,when not detecting doing research!
I think the bottom line is,the forums are not for everybody,some are sensitive,some have had other things come up,some have given the sport up,and I know several that realized the amount of time they were spending on the forums was just too much...which we all know is easy to do!!!

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Treasure_Hunter said:
Big C,

Go to the stats icon upper right side and check the stats, no signs of it losing interest....

In October of 2008 TN averaged 851 people on line a day for the month.
In October of 2009 TN averaged 886 people on line a day for the month.
In October of 2010 TN averaged 1321 people on line a day for the month.

heres the facts so whats the problem here :dontknow: THIS SITE IS A GREAT SITE AND WELL RUN AND GREAT THREADS :headbang:

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