Well, since everyone is still talking about some of the bashing, and can't remember my post, I'll post a pic or two and maybe it will ring a bell with you all then. But I agree with everyone, lets all be kind to one another, it makes for a much better time when we do and when we see something we are not sure about, it's ok to ask questions, but we should leave the harsh comments out, regardless of what we think. Remember we are the ones that were there, not someone else, and if it is something untrue, then let them live their fantasy, for whatever reason.
But a short comment on my post, which you won't find because it was all pulled, and I have not a clue as to why or who. It was at my favorite acerage place which now has a school and a park on part of it, but plenty ground to hunt on. I made the most fantastic find of my life in the several years of detecting. No big major finds, but a few small ones from time to time, and you can see them on the net. I unfortuanatley never got to see my find say Banner, but others told me it was there for a short while, then it was pulled. That said that because I cleaned my finds and then placed them back to show where and how I found them, that that can't be done, I've seen it happen many times on here. In fact in my story I explained how, when and what I did, just for that reason, but it was still pulled. I'm told it was replied on over several hundred times and viewed for a couple of thousand and all posts were fantastic except two or three and I guess it was them that had it pulled some how. That's the short story of it, the ones that will remember me and the post can verify what I've said here as the truth. Anyway, my greatest find turned out to be a heartbraker and I'm a pretty tough individual. but for some reason this has effected me and that's why I haven't been back posting or posted any further findings. Yes, I know, it sounds like I need to quit whinning, and maybe I do, but for a near 50 year old, sometimes pride can be hurt. I'm sure time will heal, and maybe I'll post something else some day, I'd like to, but not just yet. My biggest wish is that they would let me put it back up and give me mt post and Banner back, but I doubt it.
Anyway, I still check back from time to time because I really did enjoy the site and all who are in it, not to mention what one can learn from this site. Thanks Big Cyp, Crusader, Pgill, Bev and others, lets get the site back on track for all to enjoy. Happy Hollidays to all, and happy hunting, keep it coming, Ken.