Is the Forum Losing Interest?


Sapphire Member
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Golden Thread
South Florida
Detector(s) used
70's Whites TM Amphibian, HH Pulse, Ace 250
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Since I have been back in town I noticed that the member participation is lower than usual. At the time of this writing, we have 5 members and 40 guests viewing this entire forum. :o:icon_scratch: And it has been this way for several days. It seems there is little more than a handfull of members participating at one time. :3some: This has me worried. :( Are members losing interest in the What Is It forum? What can we do to increase participation?

As for me....facebook and frontierville has taken most my time (i'm new to it) pounding down useless info. There has been a lot of modern trash posted on here, but for the most part it seems as the ecomomy was down, so was everyone work ='s metal detect and post time.
Now things are shaping up i'm back working pretty hard, and as winter settles in i shall migrate to the computer more. I have made many friends on here, I went on facebook to visit some old friends, but they just aren't as friendly as my t'net friends............................LOVE YA ALL...


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Just a thought in another direction, maybe the lack of posts in the What Is It column has more to do with the Internet age we all live in now. There's a lot more information out there than when your only real source was the local public library. People are better able to ID their own finds and don't need as much help as they used to. Lets face it, when was the last time you saw a foreign coin with clear legible details go unidentified for more than half an hour on here? Even ancient Roman coins are fairly easy to ID if you visit the right website. I think people aren't finding less, they're just more knowledgeable about what they find.

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One thing I noticed is that a new poster will ask us for help and sometimes they dont even bother to respond. You would think that they would say "yea thats a match" or "thanks" and hang around awhile. I guess we win some and lose some (new members). When a poster doesnt respond it makes you wonder if they ever got to read the ID. :dontknow:

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Well, since everyone is still talking about some of the bashing, and can't remember my post, I'll post a pic or two and maybe it will ring a bell with you all then. But I agree with everyone, lets all be kind to one another, it makes for a much better time when we do and when we see something we are not sure about, it's ok to ask questions, but we should leave the harsh comments out, regardless of what we think. Remember we are the ones that were there, not someone else, and if it is something untrue, then let them live their fantasy, for whatever reason.

But a short comment on my post, which you won't find because it was all pulled, and I have not a clue as to why or who. It was at my favorite acerage place which now has a school and a park on part of it, but plenty ground to hunt on. I made the most fantastic find of my life in the several years of detecting. No big major finds, but a few small ones from time to time, and you can see them on the net. I unfortuanatley never got to see my find say Banner, but others told me it was there for a short while, then it was pulled. That said that because I cleaned my finds and then placed them back to show where and how I found them, that that can't be done, I've seen it happen many times on here. In fact in my story I explained how, when and what I did, just for that reason, but it was still pulled. I'm told it was replied on over several hundred times and viewed for a couple of thousand and all posts were fantastic except two or three and I guess it was them that had it pulled some how. That's the short story of it, the ones that will remember me and the post can verify what I've said here as the truth. Anyway, my greatest find turned out to be a heartbraker and I'm a pretty tough individual. but for some reason this has effected me and that's why I haven't been back posting or posted any further findings. Yes, I know, it sounds like I need to quit whinning, and maybe I do, but for a near 50 year old, sometimes pride can be hurt. I'm sure time will heal, and maybe I'll post something else some day, I'd like to, but not just yet. My biggest wish is that they would let me put it back up and give me mt post and Banner back, but I doubt it.
Anyway, I still check back from time to time because I really did enjoy the site and all who are in it, not to mention what one can learn from this site. Thanks Big Cyp, Crusader, Pgill, Bev and others, lets get the site back on track for all to enjoy. Happy Hollidays to all, and happy hunting, keep it coming, Ken.


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Hey Lucas, thanks for the post, I haven't seen it or read it before, but according to the rules, I don't think I should have had my find pulled, but the ones who made it happen sure did not follow the rules. Does make me feel better just seeing this, thanks, Ken.

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Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you want to go

Where everybody knows your name....

Big C and Lucas discussing a "what's it"? ;D


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:laughing7: Can I be Carla?

I know I've been trying to detect as much as I can before winter. But I'm sure in the winter I will be haunting this place :D It is nearly my one year anniversary on TNet. I've really enjoyed being a part of this forum! ;D

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bigcypresshunter said:
One thing I noticed is that a new poster will ask us for help and sometimes they dont even bother to respond. You would think that they would say "yea thats a match" or "thanks" and hang around awhile. I guess we win some and lose some (new members). When a poster doesnt respond it makes you wonder if they ever got to read the ID. :dontknow:
That is a problem :-\ why ask for help :icon_scratch: then don't answer questions posted about the Item, if you are not prepared to stay for the outcome, which in some cases can take not posting a whatsit in the first place :-\


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I'm appreciative for any responder's response whether or not the poster acknowledges the response.
At least the rest of us get to share in the knowledge of the responder's response.

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Yep, he e-mailed me a couple of months ago and said he was working 7 days a week in his wife's dry cleaning business and didn't have much spare time. Also said he was looking forward to retirement in 2 years so he could do more THing.
Yard Digger said:
bigcypresshunter said:
anyone hear from Goodyguy?
I haven't...

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Shadowmanflash said:
Well, since everyone is still talking about some of the bashing, and can't remember my post, I'll post a pic or two and maybe it will ring a bell with you all then.
Sorry I didnt see the thread. I rarely go outside of What Is It anymore. I cant help but notice your avatar. Is that your son or daughter on the swing? Just curious. I like the shovel.

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Thanks guys for the encouragement :icon_thumleft: I also tried to send PBK a message only to find that he has shut off all communications with us ??? Strange for someone to leave with no issues with people, but does not want to hear from anyone ::) I did notice though that he was on last night.....

Oh well he can do what he wants, he is still a good guy in my books,,,,, PBK, if you ever get to see this... God bless you in everything you do, and thanks for all you taught me, and for the great posts.....

I notice that lots of the old good folks who were very strong on here, do not come here anymore.... this is very sad indeed..... As I said though, I will try and come back.... but lets see what happens.

God bless

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This forum is a ghost of what it was a mere 3-4 years ago.

People move on, change hobbies, lose places to detect, life happens.

I can only say that I miss the people on here that REALLY knew their stuff. No that is not an insult but you all know that there was one person that used to post on the what's it forum that was AMAZING.

I have been very impressed with some of the new people on here but none of them can come close to how awesome PBK was.

Again no offense intended to anyone here.

I would agree that the political thing that happened here a couple of years ago damaged this forum in ways that no one could foresee.

One additional thing though, I haven't found anything worth trying to identify in so long that I often times don't even come to the What is it part of the forum anymore.

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Hey BigCyp hope you got my message, yes that's me with my grand daughter on the swing at my house. Hope all is well for everyone and the hunting continues for us all, Ken.

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I can't speak for everyone else, but I haven't been on the forum as much lately because this is the busiest time of the year for sales; ie. Christmas. Of course I missed several weeks of the forum when I was sick with the Shingles; thank goodness they are almost gone.

For those that are not into Christmas/Holiday sales, it's still a busy time of the year for everyone. Most of us in the US are in Fall/Winter, and the weather is probably a factor too.

I MD-ed around a Civil War camp last weekend, and haven't had time to photograph & post my finds, but will do so within the next day or so. Breezie

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