I hate to distract from this excellent thread the original poster started but it might be a good distraction for anyone that's interested.
It's a story about people the native americans call the pa-nee-nees:
if you are ever in Dinosuar national monument make a trip into an area called echo canyon, on the walls there are some pictures that are supposedly the oldest in the park:
here's a nice blurry picture of one, I have some real good ones but it seems stories are more believable if they are imaginary and full of mystery so here you go....
View attachment 994746
The paneenees were of a light complexion, small and industrious bunch and they built some amazing things, in egypt they were called the "Tamahu":
Atlantis, the Antediluvian World: Part V: Chapter VI: The African Colonies.
The story of the British race - John Forbes Munro - Google Books
actually they built megalithic structures all over the place, including south america:
The Mediterranean Race: A Study of the Origin of European Peoples - Giuseppe Sergi - Google Books
These people were supposed to have been cave dwellers, light skinned, strong, were from northern africa, and had a particular alphabet:
The origin and varieties of the Semitic alphabet. [With] Addendum - John Caldwell C. Clarke - Google Books
the "lybian" or "berber" alphabet might be familiar to some people, it's amazing resemblance to the "oak island inscription" is surprising, too bad nobody knows where the actual stone is.....it could probably be deciphered.
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland - Google Books
the native americans completely destroyed their entire race, I guess they didn't like them much, but it does explain the ruins you find all over south america that are older than any other known civilizations:
Records of the Past - Google Books
now, with some
free reading and some actual "boots on the ground" type experience, anyone that's interested can learn some more about the people who's graves the spaniards were robbing.
or you can pay for a "treasure book" that is completely useless.
I don't care either way, whatever is fun for you.