
Sitchin's 30 years of research is just the time he put in hard searching and it would have been more if he hadn't died. As for writing books, a person can write one whenever he or she chooses if they feel they have enough info to fill one.

The Spanish subject is interesting, but my interests lie in the subjects of the Ancients and extraterrestrial / multidimensional / spirits that interact with us. As I've written, I've met 3 spirits in the flesh that I didn't KNOW were such until after they left were we were at the time. Some folks confuse spirits and ghosts.

The stories from around the world concerning "little people" tend to prove their reality. Since my ancestry lines go back to Ireland and Scotland, the Little People (leprechauns) in those areas and the fairy people of the British Ises are just some of the examples. The aborigines of Australia are supposedly the most "pure" peoples, genetically speaking. I've read that years ago, the aborigines forbid their people from marrying outside of their race, under penalty of death, because their beliefs (religion) dictated that they keep their race PURE. Plus, their close relationship with the spirit world was accepted by everyone as a natural part of life.

In North America, the Apache Indians were of slight builds, too. NOT like represented by Hollyweird. Other tribes were described as tall or "handsome" presence, but the Apache was commonly quite small when compared to others. They were also natural "gorilla" fighters and could "disappear" quickly in the mountains and irritate the hell out of the Calvary.

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Behold the Angels in spirit for not being seen they are among us. That is a fact

Behold the Angels in spirit for not being seen they are among us. That is a fact
You betcha that's a fact. The country artist, Ricky Skaggs was on Ralph Emery's talk show about 20 years ago and told how his son was helped, after a bad car wreck up in Tennessee, by his guardian angel who resembled a very muscular black man. Fast forward to about 8 years ago when a local man, here in south central Mississippi, was helped after HIS car rolled over with him in front of his house, by a very muscular black man. Afterward, the man and his wife tried to find that gentleman to express their thanks and couldn't fine him. They lived in the country and went all around their area, knocking on doors asking people for help and no one recognized his description. Sooooo, yes, good spirits DO exist and we just don't know them for who and what they are until LATER, after the fact.......if then. Many folks have written on these forums, about feeling how the spirits react on the trails, so there are many more believers "out there"......even the non-religious.

That's a nice little piece of petrofied wood. You say that little cherrie hiding just under the wood's upper left corner?? Hmmm. first time I've seen any "tin" in the load form. Thanks.

Hi Bob632,

Thanks for all the links. Last week I went to a short lecture about the Hopewell Mound Builders. After the lecture, I asked the anthropologist if there had ever been any evidence found that proved the Hopewells utilized dugouts or some other type of river craft. She said no and that surprised me because they had such a large trading network. In your research, have you ever seen such evidence? Thanks.

No Mdog I haven't, not that I can recall at least.

short of finding a picture of one on an artifact it would be pretty hard to find a hollowed out log that old, or any type of wooden boat for that matter.

I bet something may turn up if we keep an eye open though.

I agree with you, it would probably have to be on some type of artifact. I'll keep looking.

I've been reading your posts and I'm trying to get a handle on what you're aiming us toward. I'll let you know what I've been interested in and if it's the same things you study, maybe I can offer more.

I'm real interested in the ancient trade networks and how the land trails and the waterways were used. The Mound Builder cultures are especially interesting to me. In one of my earlier posts, I posted pictures of a few shell crosses that were excavated from a Great Oasis mound. This place was right by a trail that ran from the northern Rockies to the Atlantic Ocean. This trail intersected two other trails not far from the Mississippi River. One heading to New Mexico and the other running north-south. In this same area, there are two rivers that flow into the Mississippi. Utilizing these land and water routes, the Mound Builders could have accumulated and distributed many of the raw materials used to create the artifacts that have been found in their mounds, obsidian, galena, copper, mica, pearls, pipestone, flint, etc. I'm looking for the trails and I'm looking for evidence of why this trade began and what encouraged it. Whether it was just something that developed in North America or was there some outside influence from Mexico, South America or from places in the Old World.

You have posted a lot of information that I find very interesting. Is there something specific that you are guiding us toward?

Thanks Bob.

Besides, the question shouldn't be why am I putting this stuff on should be why are other people trying to hide it.

Cernunnos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,-Danny-Walke.jpg

Castle Gardens

I suppose it's on the 1 in a million chance they will find something that will make them rich.......I wonder how that's working out for them :laughing7:

I think some people might be hoping to get rich and others keep quiet in order to protect a site from vandalism.

You post some really good stuff and I hope you continue. I might be able to contribute a few things about the Mound Builders and their trade trails from time to time. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:

Thanks Bob.

Gnomes are guardians of the doorways too the underworld. I have some photo's of one or two I have to dig up. Severed Heads with one eye or with two eyes Freemasons were the exception to the rules laid out with common clergy.
But that special society of Jesuits were 33rd degree masons that followed the rules of the inner chamber which means they could do what they wanted.​
The Cross I'm about too post is the cross of an ancient Watcher.
The Dark Eyes of the Cross represent Satan and the Silver Cross is of the Holy Grail's Salvation.
I own this Cross of a Watcher.

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Gnomes are guardians of the doorways too the underworld. I have some photo's of one or two I have to dig up. Severed Heads with one eye or with two eyes Freemasons were the exception to the rules laid out with common clergy.
But that special society of Jesuits were 33rd degree masons that followed the rules of the inner chamber which means they could do what they wanted.​
The Cross I'm about too post is the cross of an ancient Watcher.
The Dark Eyes of the Cross represent Satan and the Silver Cross is of the Holy Grail's Salvation.
I own this Cross of a Watcher.

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Thanks for the pictures, Bob. Could you explain the ancient watchers?

What about that smaller guy on the left that is looking back and up at the big one? Also, that big one on the upper right that is facing to the right, staring at something out of the photo? That one looks like he's wearing one of those chain mail head hoods of the English knights era.

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Very cool Picture Bob! Is that a Seven between the big guys eyes?

That's a Seven you hit that Gnome on the head!

I seen others like this one, but, only a few and far between.
This one is actually at the site of the other pictographic map I posted earlier on here.
Many weird and strange monuments next to this big headed Gnome.
A Goats head with a strange Lizard pictograph penciled on it you name it!

But, yes, there is a seven and it looks like some sort of map
I never noticed before now that is barely carved on the top and side of the head.

Book of Enoch the Watchers...

Yep.....TIME. LOL I have most of his books and the way he ties all the gods of the different countries of the Middle East together and breaks down the Sumerian words to their different meanings, is really interesting and logical. He mentioned Hebrew as one of the original languages of the Mesopotamia region and I found that real interesting, too. You see, I read the Book of Jubilees (Mose's book about what he was told by God's assistant on Mount Sinai) and according to that book, Hebrew was the original language on earth and in heaven and remained so right up until the incident at Babal, so I wonder if Hebrew was the language of the Annunaki. I'm currently reading the Book of Enoch and found out who the demons are. Man, THAT is spooky. They are the spirits of the offsprings of the Watchers......those "giants of the lands" that were cursed by God to remain on earth after their physical deaths and will remain here until the day of God's return. The Watchers are the satans and their offspring the demons. Part of their punishment was to be in prisoned here on this plane and not allowed back to heaven because of their great sin and insult to God. Not all spirits are those bad ones, though. The ones that I have met were 3 good ones who helped and taught me an important lesson; AND they can step into and out of this plane of existance literally in the blink of an eye.
NOTE TO THE MODS: The paragraph above is not written in a religious vein, but as historical truth. The 2 books I refered to are not in the Bible and not produced as religious material.

I had not paid any real attention to the origins of the different advances of "industry" before, but when I read how North and South America did not have a Bronze Age, I had to back up and get more interested. And when he wrote about how the few bronze age tools found in Central and South American archeological sites were actually shown to have the metallurgical signature of bronze produced in the Middle East and Europe.........well, that was eye opening. On top of the fact that not very many of those tools have been found. When you think of the minute particals that make up the tin deposits and the bauxite (aluminum) material, I wonder just WHO and HOW those minerals were ever discovered.

Maaaaan, the boatloads of BS that the "official" historians have been feeding us down through the years is really mind numbing.

Shortstack I see what your saying. And Possibly and English Knights Templar.

Here's the Satan Symbol of a Goats Head with the Spider and Lizard along the nose.

I have guys book that claims a treasure is near these Lizard Pictographs but I've never been back there to dig.

Notice the profile of a mans face carved into the right side of the stone.

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Bob Collins:
I do see that face and am wondering what he's looking at. Who was the wicked god who had the head of a goat? Can't remember off hand.

I probably should expand on who the Watchers were, also. The Watchers were the angels that God assigned to watch and monitor the humans on earth. They are the ones who became "enamored" with the women of mankind and "lay down" with them and fathered the Giants who are referred to in the various religious tombs with the phrase, ".....and there were Giants in the land." When those angels broke God's trust by having physical relations with the human women, they caused God's wrath to come down on their heads in ways they never dreamed of. They were expelled from heaven IMMEDIATELY and were denied the opportunity to even talk directly with God to plead for forgiveness. Their offspring, the giants, were given the same sentence. God's sentence against them INCLUDED not being able to leave the earth AFTER DEATH. God called the fallen angels, the Satans and the giants, the demons. Those are the evil spirits that exist on earth and will continue to be held here until God decides to return and pronounce His final judgement which will be for them to be cast down into the fires of hell for eternity.

In the 1 Book of Enoch, the names of the main leaders of the fallen angels are given as well as the name of the satan that talked Eve into breaking Gods directive. The areas of responsibilities for each of the Watchers is given and the forbidden information that was given to "man" is listed; to include the specific name of the Watcher who taught man the individual abilities and know how they were not supposed to know. The names of the Ark Angels are give and the areas of responsibilities they were given by God. Uriel's area of expertise is a very interesting one and kind of dovetails with the area of interests in this section of TNet.

While reading the Book of Enoch, you will see why the book was removed from the KJV.....along with the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Asher, and the other books by individual persons in the bible. So much of the information does not "fit" within the established religious doctrines. I think that is totally STUPID. Those books actually make God more REAL to me than the abridged stories that are "approved" for the KJV. God is real............end of statement. MODS: I am not preaching or book thumping.......just stating a historical FACT.

Now........when the great flood destroyed most of mankind, it did NOT destroy the monuments constructed before that time. That was one of Uriel's areas of responsibility. Check out the book, URIEL'S MACHINE.

Time out.

Those long strings of old book pastes and snide remarks are groovy and interesting, sure, but what's your point? Do you have anything to say that presents some sort of unified theme? If so, please state it in one paragraph. Thanks.

The infinity symbol has been slightly modified to "construct" at least 2 other symbols. In one case, the center is actually left open and not touching......a dumbbell shape to give distance info. In another case, the Christian sign of a fish that has been used since the Crusifiction, is actually one-half of the infinity symbol..........simple, easily hidden and over looked, and it's meaning is obvious...........Christ's love for us is infinite.

One needs to look very closely at the figure and determine if there is / are breaks in the line-work, which will change the symbol dramatically.
SS just closed up a known point for me here with this clue. I had the lazy 8 on the neck of a turtle looking at the base of a whale with a hole into the mountain. The other lazy 8 was actually two circles with a line through them and the distance and direction point exactly at the hole in the whales stomach. Who has a gpr I can borrow????

OK Bob632,

if you want to add some theories or comments about Infinity in your own words like Springfield said, you are more than welcome. I have to agree with him on some of his points. Throwing up pages of books to prove your theory is one thing, but, you have no theories as of yet. Just random points your trying to make by internet searches grasping concepts that you think are above everyone's comprehension.

Like another guy we all know.

And since your becoming what you yourself profess too hate, Rambler the Rambling salesman, I think it is time for you to pester someone else's threads for a while.

Your becoming belligerent.

Your welcome back any time you feel you can stop posting book links and add something constructive.

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