
please ignore this post i think this(post) was the first time i put it on the web. even Springfield mentioned once i had posted it everywhere or something. kinda strange to sit and listen to someone else claim " discovery "of it in a public gathering. this is the only pic i looked for , the rest of them are somewhere else i don't care to look for . i guess imitation is the "something" form of flattery . WHATEVER/////

[TD="class: th firstcol poster-name"]
[TD="class: th post-subject"] "natural " landscapes[/TD]
[TD="class: th post-number"] #19 [/TD]
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Posts: 1580
May 31 08 12:41 PM

[TD="class: lastcol post-content, colspan: 3"] we could do this all day . i think i like the really creepy places that catch my eye for some reason or another.


this probably sounds like sour grapes , but the biggest issue i had , was if i wanted the whole world to know where this stuff was i would have told them when i found the place . i guess that is what happens when you play on the internet . no good dead goes unpunished. be careful out there guys .I'm out .///bob

great stuff kanabite,i hope you and bob632 keep posting,in the same type of context. dont let the sh-t talking blow hole experts have their way.keep calling them out. believe me,there's more than me,that know they are scoundrels dont let them win.i know its tough,and you guys have been carrying the torch a long time. keep firing back with the truth. i enjoy your guys post.dont let them silence the truth. i for one,need you guys to try and keep the scale balanced. it like a breath of freash air to read your guys post. in stead of all that Spanish rule book b.s. put out by the experts on here. i appericate the breath of fresh air. dog,the treasure hunter.

great stuff kanabite,i hope you and bob632 keep posting,in the same type of context. dont let the sh-t talking blow hole experts have their way.keep calling them out. believe me,there's more than me,that know they are scoundrels dont let them win.i know its tough,and you guys have been carrying the torch a long time. keep firing back with the truth. i enjoy your guys post.dont let them silence the truth. i for one,need you guys to try and keep the scale balanced. it like a breath of freash air to read your guys post. in stead of all that Spanish rule book b.s. put out by the experts on here. i appericate the breath of fresh air. dog,the treasure hunter.

thanks dog , aw dont worry im just getting warmed up , time to take this thing to the next level maybe .wish me luck

They can write all the books they want, steal all the pictures they want, talk all the crap they want, call me whatever they want. I don't care.

And I never let any of this get under my skin.....I think it's fun.

Some Validation for you Kanabite:

The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Art - Google Books

The Epoch of the Mammoth and the Apparition of Man Upon the Earth - James Cocke Southall - Google Books

The Gentleman's Magazine - John Nichols - Google Books

The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft: The native races. 1883-1886 - Hubert Howe Bancroft - Google Books

It's not like the Mongols don't have huge stone turtles sitting around.

Does anyone care to show me a picture of one from spain?

i got to tell you something bob, ive been doing this for something like 36 years or so , i mean not every day , but ya that long . and i am very hard to impress , i mean its a good idea to be skeptical about any treasure type stuffs , i have ,learned a couple parlor tricks ,and would like to think i ve seen a couple things in that amount of time that might count to somebody .i might even know a couple "secrets" in there that i got to keep, cause that is just how it works , but you my friend blow me out of the water !
holy crap THANK YOU ! i know ive said it before but you must own the google books :thumbsup:

thanks dog , aw dont worry im just getting warmed up , time to take this thing to the next level maybe .wish me luck

Best of luck to you kanabite. Thanks for exposing those dirtbags at that Provo Utah assembly. Their credibility just went down the crapper.Just like some of the dirt bags on here.Thanks again for saying something, when things arent on the up and up.:icon_thumleft:

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They can write all the books they want, steal all the pictures they want, talk all the crap they want, call me whatever they want. I don't care.

And I never let any of this get under my skin.....I think it's fun.

Some Validation for you Kanabite:

The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Art - Google Books

The Epoch of the Mammoth and the Apparition of Man Upon the Earth - James Cocke Southall - Google Books

The Gentleman's Magazine - John Nichols - Google Books

The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft: The native races. 1883-1886 - Hubert Howe Bancroft - Google Books

It's not like the Mongols don't have huge stone turtles sitting around.

Does anyone care to show me a picture of one from spain?

Thanks bob632,thats some great stuff. I really like those turtle photos. they look alot like the ones i see out much for those Spaniards carving them,lol.its sure puts that b.s. to bed. Do you have anything on the duck? besides the Spanish experts b.s of ducking out on you,reverse direction b.s.,lol. (yea, iam gonna do a great carving of a duck,to tell you iam ducking out on you,lol).thanks again bob632 for those links.:icon_thumleft:

Best of luck to you kanabite. Thanks for exposing those thieves at that Provo Utah assembly. Their credibility just went down the crapper.Just like some of the dirt bags on here.Thanks again for saying something, when things arent on the up and up.:icon_thumleft:
dog , please dont call anyone a thief just yet, i am trying to get some answers to some pretty though questions , i would post a link but it is

ok kanabite, i changed it to dirt bags. if thats still to harsh,let me know. id be interested in that link,by via pm,

I have to say, kanabite, you are a bigger man than me. I'd have HAD to call them on their least after the "meeting / presentation" was done. Out of curiosity, did they concentrate on just that big hole or did they include discussion on all of those large letters and the lion's face?

To kanabite and the 2 Bob's:
With the lost tribes idea.....could some of the piles of stones be altars left by the ancients? I've just watched a re-run of an episode of The Bible Rules and it pointed out that the Lord's instructions on building an altar, required the stones to be ones that had NOT been worked with tools. So, if any of the man-made stacks of stones found in the west and southwest are made of stacked stones that are naturally edged and not made to shape by man.....AND has a top stone large enough to be used as an altar for burning a sacrifice, then a particular stack may NOT be a boundary marker or claim marker.

Just wondering. I've seen photos that contained marks that surely looked like Hebrew or Arabic writing.

Thanks kanabite for the link. I know not to buy or read any of there work.amazing how people will ruin there creditably over just not taking the extra step in telling the truth.thanks for putting it out there.I like how that one person deleted your post,to help with the cover up,then tried to turn the table on you,lol.yea i think he is cut from the same cloth as the other claim jumpers. Thanks for the heads up on them.

Thanks kanabite for the link. I know not to buy or read any of there work.amazing how people will ruin there creditably over just not taking the extra step in telling the truth.thanks for putting it out there.I like how that one person deleted your post,to help with the cover up,then tried to turn the table on you,lol.yea i think he is cut from the same cloth as the other claim jumpers. Thanks for the heads up on them.
hi dog , there is no need for any name calling ,no need for accusations , I just wanted a simple answer for a simple question . it has not been forth coming . don't know what it means , maybe the right person has not read my question yet ? i am not looking for the same old fight , it is counter productive IMO.
thank you short stack for the kind words , it is hard to remain calm , when the possibility of anyone stepping over some line is real. i should have let it go i guess,but turn the other cheek only goes so far . i mean i try to imagine myself in those guys shoes , its hard to give a presentation in front of folks .the heat of the moment might blur ones thinking etc... i just wanted an answer to my question ya know . as far as anything regarding stuff with the almighty , i'm afraid your gonna have to ask him , cause i don't even pretend to know those answers

hi bob632, you should have been in Provo today , your blood pressure would have been as high as mine was . I saw at least 4 different places , different pictures, presented in a slide show , of stuff that i had posted on the web in the past . i was very well behaved and raised my hand and asked the people making said presentation when they had taken them . the answer was 5 or 6 years ago.i also heard Celtic and Iberian mentioned at least twice . but i heard the name Steve Shaffer probably no less than a dozen times . i felt so bad for Terry Carter , he is a better man than I .anyway just be careful amigo , your stuff might end up in somebody elses book or something.take care.///bob

I was wondering what you guys were talking about.

I've found my photo's on websites to.

I know both Steve Shaffer and Terry Carter. I find it hard to believe they would infringe on copyrights of others but I've seen it with other People's websites and Presentations so I guess it becomes the norm when you can't find anything new yourself.

It makes me hesitant too post a lot of my material on here. You're mentioning the Duck or Goose a lot GEB as it be. I've seen and found a lot of those markers some huge and some small. On a previous post about that turtle that I slapped on here to the side of the Turtle is a lions head with a Goose or Duck head on top made into the side of the lions head. I see those a lot.


What has me going back down there lately is the shadow map in the triangle on the back of the Turtles shell. A Lunar reading is justified. I hate snakes in the dark!
At first I thought it was giving me a letter "M" which is 1000 foot but I see now it has more complexity in the shadows. It's darn hard too read shadows even when It's bright out. You can't photograph them. Most of these carvings were made with a lantern at night. Orange and Yellow light spectrum. I'm going back after dark with low level lantern lighting for reading.

Any good shadow symbols on here? It's all part of Infinity.


I was wondering what you guys were talking about.

I've found my photo's on websites to.

I know both Steve Shaffer and Terry Carter. I find it hard to believe they would infringe on copyrights of others but I've seen it with other People's websites and Presentations so I guess it becomes the norm when you can't find anything new yourself.

It makes me hesitant too post a lot of my material on here. You're mentioning the Duck or Goose a lot GEB as it be. I've seen and found a lot of those markers some huge and some small. On a previous post about that turtle that I slapped on here to the side of the Turtle is a lions head with a Goose or Duck head on top made into the side of the lions head. I see those a lot.

for the record terry carter is a great guy
i dont know shaffer , this was not about either one of them , and i have decided to let it go .

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I advised a couple people to park far far away, and give false names if they had to give names to get in.

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You sure ducked that one

Did I miss something?

I think I'm done here, when you get people wanting to dig up empty graves to find some gold teeth or something, and Rambler is still their hero, there is no help for these people.

Sorry Springfield I tried, Ron White is right just can't be fixed.

keep posting bob632,i for one, like reading different thoughts on things,keep the scale balanced.keep the fresh air flowing. thanks

keep posting bob632,i for one, like reading different thoughts on things,keep the scale balanced.keep the fresh air flowing. thanks

DITTO. Experienced people giving personal findings and discoveries are waaaaaay more interesting and helpful than constant name calling and whining by someone who only knows what OTHER folks have found out and then tries to sell as his own.

I've found BOTH Bob's posts as very interesting and would really like for both to continue posting their thoughts and ideas. :)

Did I miss something?

I think I'm done here, when you get people wanting to dig up empty graves to find some gold teeth or something, and Rambler is still their hero, there is no help for these people.

Sorry Springfield I tried, Ron White is right just can't be fixed.

hi bob , some support for your cause as well . i think some folks don't like looking at the whole puzzle cause it hurts the brain if they think of all the possibilities involved at once . The Project Gutenberg eBook of Ancient Chinese Account Of The Grand Canyon, or Course of the Colorado, by Alexander M'Allan.
your still better with the research than I will ever be .
take care .///bob

PS , for anyone else interested , take a day , follow the links , decided for your selves . investigate claims made , heck even be skeptical . and ya it might make you head hurt , but i think its interesting , and i also think the tides are changing , but its all just an opinion so please don't be offended .

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