And for the record, I've read ALL of Sitchin's books and followed quite a few discussions elsewhere. I doubt we will be able to debate much that hasn't already been debated.... we've got nothing but time right?
Yep.....TIME. LOL I have most of his books and the way he ties all the gods of the different countries of the Middle East together and breaks down the Sumerian words to their different meanings, is really interesting and logical. He mentioned Hebrew as one of the original languages of the Mesopotamia region and I found that real interesting, too. You see, I read the Book of Jubilees (Mose's book about what he was told by God's assistant on Mount Sinai) and according to that book, Hebrew was the original language on earth and in heaven and remained so right up until the incident at Babal, so I wonder if Hebrew was the language of the Annunaki. I'm currently reading the Book of Enoch and found out who the demons are. Man, THAT is spooky. They are the spirits of the offsprings of the Watchers......those "giants of the lands" that were cursed by God to remain on earth after their physical deaths and will remain here until the day of God's return. The Watchers are the satans and their offspring the demons. Part of their punishment was to be in prisoned here on this plane and not allowed back to heaven because of their great sin and insult to God. Not all spirits are those bad ones, though. The ones that I have met were 3 good ones who helped and taught me an important lesson; AND they can step into and out of this plane of existance literally in the blink of an eye.
NOTE TO THE MODS: The paragraph above is not written in a religious vein, but as historical truth. The 2 books I refered to are not in the Bible and not produced as religious material.
I had not paid any real attention to the origins of the different advances of "industry" before, but when I read how North and South America did not have a Bronze Age, I had to back up and get more interested. And when he wrote about how the few bronze age tools found in Central and South American archeological sites were actually shown to have the metallurgical signature of bronze produced in the Middle East and Europe.........well, that was eye opening. On top of the fact that not very many of those tools have been found. When you think of the minute particals that make up the tin deposits and the bauxite (aluminum) material, I wonder just WHO and HOW those minerals were ever discovered.
Maaaaan, the boatloads of BS that the "official" historians have been feeding us down through the years is really mind numbing.