
That is a foundation of a vista, what, you don't believe me? look closely and you can just make out the doorway towards the bottom wall.

I have a close up of it I'll see if I can dig it up. Not just stones in a line it's a foundation with windows and a doorway. Of course a large tree is growing in the doorway now after all these years with more inside of it which makes it hard to spot in the canyon.

You'll likey.


In the first one the Vista Window's / Doorway's are raised up to keep critters out. In my travels through out the vast Supers I have found just a couple. They place these Vista's at the entrance too a mining district or Gold canyon. They're not very big. Just big enough for a couple of Guards or two short men. (Spaniard's) The Canyon is the next photo. That's were it is but I have seen a few in my research. Hard to find as it's a small object in a vast space. Very well hidden and only in site from a few feet away. This is not the one with the tree in the door that was in another mountain range and was a large house. These are much, much, different.

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This Vista just happens to be in a Canyon of Willows. You'll see a lot of Dams in the Supers but these rascals are just impossible to locate they hide well. This just happened to be one of those Dams which turned out to be a Vista after checking many of them.

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Hello B.C. I really haven't seen Floyd for probably 20 years or so, thing may have changed. I got a chance to work with him on some KGC / JJ stuff in Johnson Co Okla. when he was making his move to Utah

Hello Collins, post #17

I think your picture is great--did you check out the gold mine? Can you still recover gold from it?
Can you show me on your picture where true north is?
It may be you actually broke one aspect of the Kings Code--that "4" marks the mine site
Have you checked this site for the Quinto?


I don't think Floyd would ever not be on the internet just not his nature. I'm not saying Floyd isn't a good Treasure Hunter he certainly is. He just has a very unique style of self enjoyment on forums which turns a lot of people off. But that's him.
Whomever they are please stay away from posting on my threads and I'll do the same on theirs.
That statement was wrong look below:

I Apologize to Floyd or Rangler whomever or which ever you may be.

I'm in TOTAL violation of the Tnet rules that say anyone can post on my threads that's the rules and I mean to abide by them so feel free to post on here Rangler and I'll reciprocate.


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Most Mining Vista's are dismantled when the season was over so you won't see a lot of them, maybe in Mexico, but, not here.
I've found others that only had a pile of rocks and maybe one or two corners left. This one is the most complete.
I believe they used a canvas or leather tent type roof over the rock walls and there was never any adobe mud between the rocks.
A small portal type opening so any attacks could be defended with a bludderbus.
The Kings Royal Fifth was collected at the end of each day of mining unless smelting was required.

Barton, I've detected around this site with no luck. Up the canyon from this site is the black heart and drill hole map site so I would say this is where the gold mine is only still hidden. As far as I know the King's code would be a measurement times 4 as 3 is a bad number for the miners. If the Kings Quinto is nearby which I doubt since this site was not far from a Presidio, the brush would be a real hindrance. Another thing is that the numeral 4 is also a trail marker meaning go too the left and around. I believe the Kings code didn't allow for a mine site to have any marks directly over it. At another site where one of these Vista's is still visible the mines are up the canyon just like this one but also hidden and not accessible. The Lost Leader mines are still intact but the stone map that gives the instructions for finding it has not been decoded yet. I have a picture of it' I'll see if I can find and post it later.


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Bob632 where are you?

Tell me more bout tending the rabbits!

No I'm not under any life long nondisclosure contract with the guy in Florida I'm free to speak openly, as a matter of fact, he's using my material on his secret website for his members. You know "The Wizard".

All I have in knowledge I've discovered myself alone none of his research has helped me one bit.


Your welcome Dog.

To bad we lost Bob632 apparently my comment about Floyd must have struck a fatal nerve.

I've been out taking new photo's of the Turtle with the green on it's back. It has a Diamond shaped raised relief on the back side that gives specific measurements so I'll be detecting with a deep seeker out there once I can walk again. I made it up too that spot but was ran off by the largest swarm of Killer Bee's I've ever seen. Must have been three or four million bee's enough to black out the sun.

I'll post some updates as I can about this hunt!

Also I have in my Archive many, many, more photo's of the Infinity System I'll post as time passes.

See ya later,


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Your welcome Dog.

To bad we lost Bob632 apparently my comment about Floyd must have struck a fatal nerve.

I've been out taking new photo's of the Turtle with the green on it's back. It has a Diamond shaped raised relief on the back side that gives specific measurements so I'll be detecting with a deep seeker out there once I can walk again. I made it up too that spot but was ran off by the largest swarm of Killer Bee's I've ever seem. Must have been three or four million bee's enough to black out the sun.

I'll post some updates as I can about this hunt!

Also I have in my Archive many, many, more photo's of the Infinity System I'll post as time passes.

See ya later,


hi BC, this is the last trace of Floyd I can find:

[h=2]Hello Fellow Treasure Seekers ![/h]

Sep 12, 2013
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My name is FLOYD MANN--the originator of this forum--in 2003. TEN years and we are still going strong and will get bigger and better. Four years ago my wife, Tara, got very sick and I had to take a "break" from this group to get her better. She is much better now and I plan to resume all of my treasure-hunting activities, website and newsletter after we get moved from Utah to Florida in the next few months. I'm shooting for January.
I'll be posting here frequently and I hope you do, too. Please ask your friends to join this group and please post this on the other websites you frequent. Let's get MORE members and re-vitalize this site to benefit all of us.
If you use Facebook, Twitter or any other social media, please post the link to our forum there. I am on Facebook and will accept your friend request.
Soon I will re-activate my old website that had 7,000 subscribers, in 27 countries, to my newsletter. You can go there now to read all of my old newsletters and LOTS of other info, also. Read & enjoy, but don't bother to sign up for the newsletter--it is not active now. I'll post here when it is ready. Don't bother with the ads--those are in-active links. My old website is at:

I'll post several times a week here and I look forward to hearing from you.
I'd like to THANK my good buddy, ANTHONY BELLI, for taking over for me 4 years ago to keep this group going until I could return. Tony is a very busy man ( Field Editor / Writer for LOST TREASURE magazine, and his new venture ). I'm sure he will drop in once in awhile !

nothing since , i hope you are wrong on your guessing of ranglers identity , because what you are claiming would be deceptive beyond belief . i hope this clears up some things . i am not defending anyone here , or making any claims , just posting info . i did removed the website address so not to be in violation of treasure net TOU

Kanabite, You're right I'm wrong. I did a little research to find out if it was Floyd Mann or not.

Not too hard in today's computer society to find out who someone is.

Rangler is not Floyd.

He's some software developer living in California.

Think's he's smarter then the rest of us.

Must not be too smart if I can find him anyone can.

Looks like he has no clue on anything at all with treasure hunting.

Just another TRoll....

I have his phone number if you would like to call him direct PM me I'll give you the link to his public info.

It's general public information.


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Thanks Bob, I appreciate the heads up, some folks just dont have enough to do, he may have reached the end

hi bob , it would appear it carried on too , not only in Mexico . i even went to the new old forum and shared this . oh well i guess i figured i have not been very sharing in the past 5 years . take care my friend ,///bob

The animal characters all had human personalities and could talk in the mythical "ancient times," but their descendents are said to have lost these attributes. Powell used the Indian names for the characters in the myths; for example, "Ta-vwoats" or Rabbit. For clarity the English names have been substituted with an indication in brackets of the Indian name.

USGS: Geological Survey Professional Paper 670 (Extracts from John Wesley Powell's notes on the Indians)

figured id leave you with this picture , i know you liked it , i'm already going to hell this week , so what is one more . and thanks, you are the man !

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Bob632 Good to see you back!

I'm glad you have thick skin I thought you might have bailed on us here. Rambler turned out to be someone else so old Floyd is not just seemed that way.

I've been working that Turtle site lately and it has a diamond shape with an "X" in the middle but the diamond crosses at the top forming another "x" or "v".

Any thoughts?

The Wizard is this guy.

Tim Brodi.

He Charges huge sums for his membership.

He knows all about the Unchi.
I'm looking right now for the Unchi Hole.
The Turtle leads to the Hare. The Hare has a hole.
Unchi's Den.

The Mine of the Rabbit.

And no, I'm not off too see the Wizard.

The Lotus speaks Carian?

The Question here is do you know Floyd Mann and why are you shy of him Bob632?

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Hey Bob, I guess all of you missed the Rabbit pix I've already sent. That is a good one from Kanabite. In the picture I posted on this thread of the water fall that looks like the massacre grounds there is a nice Black Rabbit sitting next to the heart on the left with one of it's ears folded over. The Rabbit is looking at the pile of rocks across the picture and down on the bank to the right.

Chow, BC

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Sorry to here that Bob632. You hit the nail on the head. Right under that Black Rabbit is a vein of copper and gold I haven't sent it in for an assay yet but the samples I took look promising. But you are right, they marked all veins they prospected whomever they were.

hi bob632, you should have been in Provo today , your blood pressure would have been as high as mine was . I saw at least 4 different places , different pictures, presented in a slide show , of stuff that i had posted on the web in the past . i was very well behaved and raised my hand and asked the people making said presentation when they had taken them . the answer was 5 or 6 years ago.i also heard Celtic and Iberian mentioned at least twice . but i heard the name Steve Shaffer probably no less than a dozen times . i felt so bad for Terry Carter , he is a better man than I .anyway just be careful amigo , your stuff might end up in somebody elses book or something.take care.///bob

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