trackers, 1. just to stay on the correct trail is not a confirmed heart, to vague, the real hearts are definite, paraidolia is always vague 2.Pozos are not found by accident,because so far the only pozos found by contemporary trackers- are described by dign4it. On top of a pozo is a large boulder that was put in place by eight men with steel bars so that a rouge priest or two,could not get in the vault,[this is probable where the number "8" came from in the code for 'vault' sometimes the code does make sense. 3.The pozo WAS not for the miners, it was death trapped, the pozo was for the owner of the mine, the Jesuit Priest~! 4.horns on signs are not used to line up anything, real horns are used to tell you which way to proceed, when the trail splits just horn will be larger or some way stand out from the other, if not they are not real.,simple 5.for more solutions not - guesses go to oro only for the correctly informed rangler ps if you cant confirm your sign it is not real, sorry I didnt make the rules, just follow them one common conformation sign is a simple horizontal chiseled line usually on the back. trackers, 1. just to stay on the correct trail is not a confirmed heart, to vague, the real hearts are definite, paraidolia is always vague 2.Pozos are not found by accident,because so far the only pozos found by contemporary trackers- are described by dign4it. On top of a pozo is a large boulder that was put in place by eight men with steel bars so that a rouge priest or two,could not get in the vault,[this is probable where the number "8" came from in the code for 'vault' sometimes the code does make sense. 3.The pozo WAS not for the miners, it was death trapped, the pozo was for the owner of the mine, the Jesuit Priest~! 4.horns on signs are not used to line up anything, real horns are used to tell you which way to proceed, when the trail splits just horn will be larger or some way stand out from the other, if not they are not real.,simple 5.for more solutions not - guesses go to
ranglers marks and signs .com its where you can find solutions to marks and signs oro only for the correctly informed rangler ps if you cant confirm your sign it is not real, sorry I didnt make the rules, just follow them one common confirmation sign is a simple horizontal chiseled line usually on the back..once in a great while the horizontal line will be right on the front. another confirmation sign is a nearby
redundancy is also a confirmation sign, more than half of all the signs I see here now are not real confirmed signs, they are doing what the Jesuits wanted them to do, that is to take you far away from the real signs and the real goodies..trackers, slow down , dont be so much in a hurry that you call graffiti real your only fooling your self...slow sure and steady-rely on monuments - not trail signs,© copyright'03all rights reserved jesuit codex©'85
here is a case in point, the heart is ultimately identifiable - immediately no guess, no clouds, a real deal sign of the heart!