
To make my point I'm showing here a sea turtle with a man next to it for sizing. On the back of the turtle is the same phallus symbol. This turtle is a snail from a different direction but it says many things depending on your viewing angle. Notice the large shadow "7" on it's back. Zoom in and see all the Map information from this view. View attachment 961890

It means slow down and read something important.

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I'm dragging this over from another thread. It's all part of Infinity the treasure abstract system. What your looking at is a Light Tablet and below the Horse Shoe Mountain that I posted on the other thread. But it shows the light and shadow tablet below the stairway and man sitting on a throne. In this case on the right side foreground of the image it's being used as an "Eye Catcher" to give you pause so you will notice the horse shoes and sevens.

View attachment 961975

Looks like a hoya to me or another way of saying the start of another trail, if there's a X and a 7 on its back it may be 70 cordels or 2.5 miles

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you don't have to look far to find what the turtle represents.

To anyone who is actually interested in learning the truth about what it is you are looking at you might want to take a good look at what the author of this topic is showing you.

It's nice to see that someone else at least understands the System of Infinity. I believe Infinity was created by the Knights Templar for hiding Treasure but later was adapted for use with De Re Metallica. I know the rest of the posters on here see a lot of what is here and I hope they come to understand parts of it.
I respect all the opinions and help with any of this. But I have finalized a lot of the conclusions too the end by my own field work without any help from anyone. That is with the exception of Charles "Chuck" Kenworthy and his books.

I guess when your dealing with an unknown that has no prior guideline you find your own explanations for what they left behind then do your own research at the site. This takes years of devoted time.

Most of the pix your seeing on here come from one Final Treasure site. The Alpha Map which becomes the Omega Map at the end is Identical. With the exception of the Skull and the all seeing eye at the final measuring cross.

It took me two years to unlock the secret of the Alpha monument and it's meaning at the site which directed me to my first light and shadow tablet. A simple tablet it only contained two numerals. Seven and Five. The final measure for the Omega.

But from which monument and what direction?

That's the question I need answered.

I know where the death trap is and it's a huge one.

But the Pozo is what I'm looking for!

Bob632, There is some Arabic script just to the left of this Sea Turtle in the last picture on here. I would like for someone to translate it for me I haven't the ability. Notice the symbols in shadow on his back. And yes there is Diamond shapes on it's back from a different angle. Notice the shadow Heart on it's back.

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trackers, 1. just to stay on the correct trail is not a confirmed heart, to vague, the real hearts are definite, paraidolia is always vague 2.Pozos are not found by accident,because so far the only pozos found by contemporary trackers- are described by dign4it. On top of a pozo is a large boulder that was put in place by eight men with steel bars so that a rouge priest or two,could not get in the vault,[this is probable where the number "8" came from in the code for 'vault' sometimes the code does make sense. 3.The pozo WAS not for the miners, it was death trapped, the pozo was for the owner of the mine, the Jesuit Priest~! 4.horns on signs are not used to line up anything, real horns are used to tell you which way to proceed, when the trail splits just horn will be larger or some way stand out from the other, if not they are not real.,simple 5.for more solutions not - guesses go to oro only for the correctly informed rangler ps if you cant confirm your sign it is not real, sorry I didnt make the rules, just follow them one common conformation sign is a simple horizontal chiseled line usually on the back. trackers, 1. just to stay on the correct trail is not a confirmed heart, to vague, the real hearts are definite, paraidolia is always vague 2.Pozos are not found by accident,because so far the only pozos found by contemporary trackers- are described by dign4it. On top of a pozo is a large boulder that was put in place by eight men with steel bars so that a rouge priest or two,could not get in the vault,[this is probable where the number "8" came from in the code for 'vault' sometimes the code does make sense. 3.The pozo WAS not for the miners, it was death trapped, the pozo was for the owner of the mine, the Jesuit Priest~! 4.horns on signs are not used to line up anything, real horns are used to tell you which way to proceed, when the trail splits just horn will be larger or some way stand out from the other, if not they are not real.,simple 5.for more solutions not - guesses go to ranglers marks and signs .com its where you can find solutions to marks and signs oro only for the correctly informed rangler ps if you cant confirm your sign it is not real, sorry I didnt make the rules, just follow them one common confirmation sign is a simple horizontal chiseled line usually on the back..once in a great while the horizontal line will be right on the front. another confirmation sign is a nearby iconicsign.,also redundancy is also a confirmation sign, more than half of all the signs I see here now are not real confirmed signs, they are doing what the Jesuits wanted them to do, that is to take you far away from the real signs and the real goodies..trackers, slow down , dont be so much in a hurry that you call graffiti real your only fooling your self...slow sure and steady-rely on monuments - not trail signs,© copyright'03all rights reserved jesuit codex©'85
here is a case in point, the heart is ultimately identifiable - immediately no guess, no clouds, a real deal sign of the heart!

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To make my point I'm showing here a sea turtle with a man next to it for sizing. On the back of the turtle is the same phallus symbol. This turtle is a snail from a different direction but it says many things depending on your viewing angle. Notice the large shadow "7" on it's back. Zoom in and see all the Map information from this view. View attachment 961890 It means slow down and read something important.

there certainly are a lot of bobs in here :laughing7::occasion14:lol .
any ways i wanna tell you mr bob collins i really like this picture !
one might always keep a look out for the "cone headed man" , no mater what country , or what name of the times he is given. LOL

Armenian Highlands: December 2005

I believe Rambler is Floyd Mann. Look him up he's been using all these type names for years and his magnificent mouth is only exceeded by his Arse. I think he's a bit jealous of what's being posted that's why were being invaded by his insane dribble. I used to own a Rambler. It broke down over heated and took me the wrong direction when turning the wheel. Keep to your own posts Floyd. If it's him we'll see a large flurry of crap flow now that he's been exposed.

Bob632, Is that Gold Ore or just Quartz? In Arizona most of the gold Ore that I've seen is in the dirtiest Quartz you could imagine. Blackish brown or dirty clear. There are two Prospects near this site. Both were worked a while at some point but I believe neither extend very far as one looks as though someone (Sapnerds) dug out a large hole and inserted a huge quartz ore bearing ledge in there.

A Lost Prospect Leader.

The Priests were good at mirror images but this seems to be a more complicated site possibly holding immense wealth. The other Prospect was once a small tunnel leading to a audit or shaft straight down but it only goes down for a ten feet or so. This leaves a triangulated measured spot from the monument. The first Turtle I posted is pointing two Prospect number two that had the tunnel now collapsed and shaft ten feet down.

This is not the final monument. Turtles don't lead to Treasures or Gold Mines.

They just send you to look.

It's important to point out that even though we may be in agreement on a few things and share the same nickname we ARE different people. I realize that the comment on Rambler's multiple personalities was a low blow, and if anyone can direct me to which ever one he is I will apologize. Keep in mind what you are looking for may not be shiny and ready to take to the "cash for gold" place. Even the Sapnerds had to crush up the rocks and extract the gold, this ABSOLUTE crap of finding a stash of gold bars ready for the king is fairy tale-ing at it's best. This is what you're looking for near the surface:

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Bob632, Kanabite, All others,

The second Turtle is only pointing too the writing next to it. But what's on it's back is important and may lead to a stash of tools or a storage vault for supplies. I need to get back there and take some fresh photo's that one was taken years ago with one of the very first digital camera's. 2 megapixel.

At the right time of the day it shows the diamonds on it's back. Also an interesting point. The Heart in shadow on it's back is also mimicked in green lichen just down the shell.

Bob632, Rabbit Hole's? You bet! In the one photo of the Elephants I posted look closely at the Elephants trunk to the far right of the photo. It's a Rabbit with it's ears laid back. The Rabbit is pointing with it's paw too a miners face with a hammer and the numeral seven on the forehead. But Rabbit Holes are the known symbol for the entrance too the Gold Mines as each mine would only be accessed through a small hole. This kept the Indians from revolting as they could only come out one at a time and also served as a good hiding place with such a small entrance. To answer your question I have seen and photographed many Rabbit Hole symbols. I'll see if I can find a few for posting besides the one already on here.

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Bob, Do you also know about the Tongues? That First Turtle has a rather large Tongue behind it with a drill hole in it.

I have photo's of the Tongues like all important Trails of the Walkers and Witches they are Keys in the system.

What is interesting in that photo of the Elephants behind the Rabbit above the head with the Seven and Hammer is a mountain Peak just barley visible. You line up by site as your walking and when the light sky opening becomes a heart take a compass bearing to that peak.

Bob632, Kanabite, All others, The second Turtle is only pointing too the writing next to it. But what's on it's back is important and may lead to a stash of tools or a storage vault for supplies. I need to get back there and take some fresh photo's that one was taken years ago with one of the very first digital camera's. 2 megapixel. At the right time of the day it shows the diamonds on it's back. Also an interesting point. The Heart in shadow on it's back is also mimicked in green lichen just down the shell.
today might have been a good day for pictures , the equinox and all / im not much for chasing the spinach or spanerds or whatever you call them , figure there was plenty of folks doing the treasure gig before them , so kind of figured the real trick would be to figure out just who the spinach were chasing . what is off to the left of your second turtle pic ? you seem to already be able to recognize the layout that repeats itself in the rocks you are chasing . I dont think rangler is floyd , but who knows? why do you think that ?i would even take a PM if you really believe that to be the case.
good luck.///bob

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If you are talking about Floyd Mann up in Utah, I know him and he does not even associate with folks like rangler.

i dont think so either dsty , but i am curious why BC said that

I'm dragging this over from another thread. It's all part of Infinity the treasure abstract system. What your looking at is a Light Tablet and below the Horse Shoe Mountain that I posted on the other thread. But it shows the light and shadow tablet below the stairway and man sitting on a throne. post 69

That is one fantabolous photo Bob C and I am glad you got to see it and thank you for letting me see it. How awe inspiring. It has a lot ..well just a lot. I like the "fluff", the packed mule on the right, maybe a guy ridin a elephant. etc. Gives you the big pic, yes this is way to go, then the more concrete signs.

I've never seen a king with both widepsread arms like that, so one might consider not a king but someone else., perhaps of a religious persuasion. At first one might take it mean "yes this is all mine" but we know they did not do things like that. A mark of ownership would look different. In general,a king, that says this is the kings dominion would be more sedate, in my opinion.

Additionally, he is of a particular style that is of a class. Other kings are stylized differently. It is odd he is looking to the right given everything else.

Do me a favor will ya, climb up on his arm and cut away those bushes so I can see what is going on on his right arm. lol. To me what is going on with his right arm and above would be a key as to getting a flavor of who was involved. It is not to be I guess.

Your king keeps morphing on me. But sometimes it reminds me of this king. This king is NOT looking at the "Assyrian" panel.

In your panel, that standing man, on the right is leading an elephant loaded with "tribute" to be presented to the king seated on the left of the panel. That's more of a middle eastern thing rather than a Spanish thing; wouldn't you agree??

In your panel, that standing man, on the right is leading an elephant loaded with "tribute" to be presented to the king seated on the left of the panel. That's more of a middle eastern thing rather than a Spanish thing; wouldn't you agree??

you know..I never saw the elephant till you mentioned it. I had an image fixated of that panel and it was not an elephant. Thanks for mentioning it. My brain has been kick started and that panel resolves quite differently for me now. Overall i see two kings now.

Actually, I do not agree, but do not know for sure. The reason is, to me, the carvers often referenced older symbols, stories, myths and tales in their work.

However, I do not wish to detract from this excellent thread. So we can carry on elsewhere if you wish.

Dsty, Kanabite, Floyd was associated with Lost Treasure Mag for a time but they no longer say he's part of their organization. He goes by the names like dign4it and others like rangler so I assumed they are one in the same since they are such close friends. I may be wrong but rangler has that same style of Floyd.

Desert Moons, Your Panel is fantastic but I would like to see the rest of it.
Mainly the shadows cast at the proper time of day and year. I see the Ra but not the Anubis.

My experience with photographs is early fall seems to work best at about 2:00 pm which would be solar noon.

This you will see in the pix I just shot yesterday after the first ones I in the thread from 2001.

Notice the water fall has a black heart just like the massacre grounds which is simply amazing!
We now have two separate spots that show the same black hearts which suggests strongly a consistent system of signs spread out far and wide that's why it's so hard to decode.

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Just kicking back today the trip too this place was exhausting and the brush was horrible ripped gashes in my left arm traveling there.

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Hey Dog, I think the final spot is covered by brush I'll need to buy another Trambotina (I hope I spelled that right) bush knife.

You know the whole Dutchman story surrounds a tumbled down ruin of an old Spanish House in a canyon covered in brush and scrub Oak.

These were called "Vista's". Stopping point for the King's Royal Fifth.

I've been to this personally and now I'm able to see it on Google Earth.

Here's for the first time the tumbled down ruin of an old Spanish Dwelling in the Canyon of Jacob Waltz's story.

View attachment 964858

Can you see it?
thats a good technique Bob. i have used that also to spot old foundations,i look for stones in a straight lines that make right angles.

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