
I was asked to post an image that was mostly clear of markings.

Here you go.

View attachment 942072

I was also asked to show how these steps line up with the Superstition Lost Dutchman Spanish Peralta Mine.

These are pix that clearly show the stairway in the Peralta Trailhead mountain range map.
Best part of it is the range map is the exact photo's from Kenworthy's book as the Mountain entry at Peralta Trailhead!

View attachment 942075

View attachment 942077

See the Skulls?

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Great Job Dog!
If your looking for shadow pointers I think I can muster up some. But this photo says go left and follow without pointers.
The giant "X" at the bottom, leaning heart etc. But the steps say come up here where there is a hidden cache or gold room, mine maybe.

Well, here's what I see. First, the bottom areas are out of focus, so I concentrated on the cliff.

OK, the top yellow circle is around what I think is your "Indian", but I think he's actually a knight. You'll lnotice the tall helmet with a rounded point to it. This basic style of helmet was used by Romanisk soldiers, including even the Mongols. Drawings of the 2 Kan rulers of the Mongols shows that both of them wore helmets with this basic shape, with cloth or chain mail veils around the sides and back. This guy has an eyeball on his left cheek, of all things. The eyeball is white with a black pupil

The yellow arrow is pointing to at least 2 hearts on the cliff face that I think were made by whoever broke off at least half of the width of that trail. I marked the trail with a green line.

The red square at the top of the photo is around a devil looking head that has SOMETHING in it's mouth. Can't tell exactly what.

The 2 blue circles are around a couple of heads that are truly ancient. The smaller one is a European-type face, but the large one is an Olmec head. This site must have been established by a group PRE-DATING the Aztecs. Here's some more strangness.........these 2 heads each have a white eyeball with a black pupil. I have never seen any Olmec heads with white eyes before. If you look at the photos of those found in Central and South America, they all have round eye shapes left natural stone color. THIS head has symbols all over his forehead, bridge of nose, both cheeks, his chin, and his jowls.

The yellow circle to the left is another old man face. To the right is an odd black shape that looks like a cowboy, wearing a tall crowned hat, riding a horse, with 2 mesa mounts in the rear. Yes, I know it's crazy, but that's what it looks like to me. :)

Next yellow circle down is around a large area loaded with letters, etc. arranged in sequencies.

The lower left circle is around a large, black "7" and maybe a "1". The center yellow circle is around a bunch of faces that are overlapping each other. The small yellow circle is around a man's face that looks injured.

The red circle is around a face that is either a snake face or a cat's face. It has 2, large white eyes with vertical black pupils.

There are a LOT of other symbols and things that I did not mark. Too much marking will usually cover something, so I don't.

If you're wondering about my comment about some group destroying the trail ledge; I've seen photos of other things someone, thought to be the Spanish, has done. Also, a couple of members have found some sites with white paint put over somethings. One member calls them the White Paint Brigade. They are VANDALS at best. You may or may not be able to clean off enough of the "paint" to see what it was that they wanted to cover.


Hey, Bob C.:

Somebody put in one hell of a lot of work on those curtain walls in the second and third photo. :) Is that your VEEE-hicle hiding way back in the bushes toward the base of the cliff?? LOL

Well, here's what I see. First, the bottom areas are out of focus, so I concentrated on the cliff.

OK, the top yellow circle is around what I think is your "Indian", but I think he's actually a knight. You'll lnotice the tall helmet with a rounded point to it. This basic style of helmet was used by Romanisk soldiers, including even the Mongols. Drawings of the 2 Kan rulers of the Mongols shows that both of them wore helmets with this basic shape, with cloth or chain mail veils around the sides and back. This guy has an eyeball on his left cheek, of all things. The eyeball is white with a black pupil

The yellow arrow is pointing to at least 2 hearts on the cliff face that I think were made by whoever broke off at least half of the width of that trail. I marked the trail with a green line.

The red square at the top of the photo is around a devil looking head that has SOMETHING in it's mouth. Can't tell exactly what.

The 2 blue circles are around a couple of heads that are truly ancient. The smaller one is a European-type face, but the large one is an Olmec head. This site must have been established by a group PRE-DATING the Aztecs. Here's some more strangness.........these 2 heads each have a white eyeball with a black pupil. I have never seen any Olmec heads with white eyes before. If you look at the photos of those found in Central and South America, they all have round eye shapes left natural stone color. THIS head has symbols all over his forehead, bridge of nose, both cheeks, his chin, and his jowls.

The yellow circle to the left is another old man face. To the right is an odd black shape that looks like a cowboy, wearing a tall crowned hat, riding a horse, with 2 mesa mounts in the rear. Yes, I know it's crazy, but that's what it looks like to me.

Next yellow circle down is around a large area loaded with letters, etc. arranged in sequencies.

The lower left circle is around a large, black "7" and maybe a "1". The center yellow circle is around a bunch of faces that are overlapping each other. The small yellow circle is around a man's face that looks injured.

The red circle is around a face that is either a snake face or a cat's face. It has 2, large white eyes with vertical black pupils.

There are a LOT of other symbols and things that I did not mark. Too much marking will usually cover something, so I don't.

If you're wondering about my comment about some group destroying the trail ledge; I've seen photos of other things someone, thought to be the Spanish, has done. Also, a couple of members have found some sites with white paint put over somethings. One member calls them the White Paint Brigade. They are VANDALS at best. You may or may not be able to clean off enough of the "paint" to see what it was that they wanted to cover.

SS, Thanks for the reading. That's a lot of things going on there. I'm going to need to study those things a bit more. Thanks for the time you put into it. I just thought it was a cool picture. Not sure if it means anything or not.

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That spaceship looking contraption? I just flew in it this morning!
I believe your seeing the parking lot or the Don's Camp structures at Peralta Trailhead into the Superstitions.

Bob; I hope i am not intruding. I tried downloading your pic where I circle a few items. Sorry I do not know how to work with the online version of paint. I will try to tell you what I see. If you look at the bottom 7 you have circled, follow the top line of the 7 to the left you can find some numbers. 33, When you zoom in a little the bolder 3 it becomes a 5 that is embellished with a 4. Just guessing here, but two trails. One at 330 or 333 degrees, the other 45 degrees.

In the picture where you have the words gold symbol and carved steps. In between these sets of words is a big "Z". The "Z' is a very important symbol, I think Dog may share that with you.

In the beginning of this thread you mention the " infinity" was a method of spanish layout. Would you care to share more details of this with me? Many Thanks


That spaceship looking contraption? I just flew in it this morning!
I believe your seeing the parking lot or the Don's Camp structures at Peralta Trailhead into the Superstitions.

LOL. Yeah, I knew I saw the "A" pillar to a truck / car windshield, but that wooden-looking structure kind of threw me off a little. I have seen wooden house like RV bodies built on the back chasises of trucks, but that one just didn't look totally right. :) Anyway, thanks for feeding my curiosity.

About the last photo I marked up; Those white eyeballs are obviously eyecatchers, but I don't know if they were meant to make sure the followers saw the trail or if they have additional meanings. I have seen eyes like that in the photos others have posted in this section, but no one has "decoded" their least in a posted comment. At least a couple of times, JUST THE EYEBALL, with it's black pupil was in a rock surface with no carvied face, head, or anyother identifiable feature......just the white eye with a black pupil. I remember one looked quite least the size of a football, inset into the vertical surface of a large rock. I think some folks think it is an "eye of Ra" kind of situation, but I'm not sure. The original Eye of Ra was carved as a definite oval shape, not round, and had several "rays" leading out from it, above and below the oval. According to Sitchin, that carving was representing how the god, Ra's, flying vehicle appeared to those on the ground. The rays in the carvings represented the energy field around the craft that was generated by it's power source. Only Ra controlled that vehicle (and probably several others) and they were used to travel all over the earth so he or his appointed ones could check on the progress of different projects around the world. Those eyeballs I've been talking about are way more rounded and do not have any "rays" radiating out. There have been a few photos that had the more "Ra" looking shape to them, but THEY were not colored in like these.

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Infinity is a system within a system within many systems. It's like a code under many codes but basically breaks down into a freemason religious code set up around De Re Metallica the only mining system for a Millennium. It was discovered during a routine archive search for Spanish Shipwrecks off the cost of Florida. Like Chuck Kneworthy's effort's only a few pages were ever found and are now the possession of a non-profit organization.

Like Chuck the rest was left to field research to complete. The system was put in use by the Kings of the era too ensure the gold and silver mines could be accessed thousands of years later if need be.

Put into effect by Jesuit Witches, sounds kind of strange Jesuit Witch, but they were 33rd degree masons and alchemists, naturalists and artists with skills lost to history.

I think it was taught as a handed down skill not in books. Some of it came to light with Kenworthy and other parts with the non-profit organization.

Either way it seems Infinity was more like a religion then a true system but it contains both. You guys are reading it all the time. For the most part just like with me you seem to read the background noise more than the actual reading it may contain with it's abstract and not what it seems too be at face value. I've been studying Infinity for a while now and still have a long way too go but unless one believe's it's real and makes a huge jump too the concept (which you guys have already, somewhat) that it's in all you see around you, you can't really see it. It could be the actual writing of God but a barrier is up preventing anyone from grasping the concept. That barrier is nature itself or Similar's of nature. God's Hand. These guys were masters in creating and writing in similar's.

You need to look at everything you see and then discount what misleads you.

As abstracts.

In other words I don't even understand it fully yet.

So give me a break.

The eye of Ra is in their work. But the slotted eye is what you see on the trail. I've thought of it as an extension of the eye of Ra but is has a more local meaning. It's telling you to look closely at your surroundings and see with the inner eye what they want you to see as abstract.

Try closing one eye to look at what both eyes together can't see.

Another Dimension.

very interesting BoB, anyone know if birds only see one plane,with one eye on each side?

very interesting BoB, anyone know if birds only see one plane,with one eye on each side?

Eagles, Owls, and Hawks have binocular vision, meaning both eyes looking forward which makes them excellent hunters. Ravens, crows, doves, partridges, etc. have monocular vision, meaning they have to turn their heads to view anything, their visions are not as sharp as those of the Raptors. I just realized, the SCAVENGERS, i.e. Condors, also have binocular vision; I guess so they can see carrion from from a long ways off....their sense of smell can't be that good. Especially, from high up in the air. LOL

Infinity is a system within a system within many systems. It's like a code under many codes but basically breaks down into a freemason religious code set up around De Re Metallica the only mining system for a Millennium. It was discovered during a routine archive search for Spanish Shipwrecks off the cost of Florida. Like Chuck Kneworthy's effort's only a few pages were ever found and are now the possession of a non-profit organization.

Like Chuck the rest was left to field research to complete. The system was put in use by the Kings of the era too ensure the gold and silver mines could be accessed thousands of years later if need be.

Put into effect by Jesuit Witches, sounds kind of strange Jesuit Witch, but they were 33rd degree masons and alchemists, naturalists and artists with skills lost to history.

I think it was taught as a handed down skill not in books. Some of it came to light with Kenworthy and other parts with the non-profit organization.

Either way it seems Infinity was more like a religion then a true system but it contains both. You guys are reading it all the time. For the most part just like with me you seem to read the background noise more than the actual reading it may contain with it's abstract and not what it seems too be at face value. I've been studying Infinity for a while now and still have a long way too go but unless one believe's it's real and makes a huge jump too the concept (which you guys have already, somewhat) that it's in all you see around you, you can't really see it. It could be the actual writing of God but a barrier is up preventing anyone from grasping the concept. That barrier is nature itself or Similar's of nature. God's Hand. These guys were masters in creating and writing in similar's.

You need to look at everything you see and then discount what misleads you.

As abstracts.

In other words I don't even understand it fully yet.

So give me a break.

Hey Bob: Thanks for that information. I like your take on the Jesuit witches. But most of the time when I start talking like that I get the cold shoulder. Here is my take on the situation. They used the bible, and that is the most except-able version for christian minded researchers. We will not hardly get out of that box.

When one researches the mysteries in which many of these jesuits were devout. (I need to say here, there is no such thing as a christian mystic. One is either christian or mystic.) One finds a hole new set of symbols to look for in which i have found many. But they are not accepted here as treasure signs. I dont know if it is supposed to be a big secret, Like the 7 for example or if people just will not get out of the box and do a serious study into the matter. I will tell you this, there are sentinels watching over this matter and if one exposes too much important information the post will get deleted one way or another.

I have The book De Re Metalica but it is such heavy reading that I have chosen to do lighter reading, putting that one off until last. I guess I need to go ahead and get her read. Thanks again for the insight on the infinity system.


Have you noticed that in De Re Metalica, there are dowsers shown in many of the woodcut figures? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't dowsers considered by the Catholic Church to be divining which is forbidden in the Bible? I mean, if the Priest was along on the Spanish trail groups to "protect" the Christian principles of the crown's men, would they have allowed anyone to "divine" for the veins?? Perhaps dowsing for lost or hidden goods that are associated with the past is NOT divining as meant in the Bible....but, dowsing (divining) for information about what is to happen in the FUTURE, is what the Bible meant as evil.

Just curious about what others may be thinking along these lines.

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Thanks for the reply's guy's. I have something to show you that will blow your mind. I know that shadow symbols are kind of looked at as a "so what a shadow makes a funny shape". But what if I told you that shadows can show you where hidden maps are like the Peralta Stones? Those darn Jesuit Witches. They were very busy. I have in my archive shadows of horses, Poodles, Freemasons Apron with tassel and Grail cup, Geese, Fish, eyes, heads, bodies, legs, arms, turtles, X's, crosses, large pointers, triangles, hearts, and Witches, hats and all. But what I'm about too post could quite possibly start a mad rush too dig in the Sups so I don't think I should post it.

Witch symbols are very important. The trails in can be marked as an animal trail, Witch trail, Walkers Trail. Since the Witch was the priest and supervised the hiding of all mines and treasures it was one of the more important trails in bound. One of the important symbols was a low riding snail with gold ore on it's back. This was the Witches share being brought to his camp site. The smaller the snail the closer too his camp site.

At the Witch Campsite you will find a pictograph of him or self portrait. In this carved stone you will see him holding an Eagle in one hand and a key in the other. His head is shaped as two heads as Janus. The Janus has a crown. Near by will be a simple pile of stones. This is one of the key markers to the survey of the mining claim. If you can find the other three you can center the site for the Pozo.

Kenworthy I think?

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The Infinity Code is Pythagoreanism to some degree. But the rest of the owners had to gain access to. So I would bet they had secret trails that lead to the site so the Walker could open it ahead of the Witch. Actually I know they had secret trails as I have followed them to various Gold Mines and other sites.


Why did all Freemason Pirate Captain's or Privateer's wear an Eye Patch?

When you close one eye you can't see 3 dimensionally.

It's like looking at a photo two dimensions.

It makes you somewhat color blind to. I used this method for years and it helps you when your looking for symbols and line up rock outcroppings on the fly while following a superior hidden trail. I've discovered many light and shadow symbols using one eye usually the left eye or right it don't matter just a different area on the brain.

I'll keep an eye out for ya out there!

That photo I posted of the three sevens and horse shoes? If you look closely at it the sevens and shoes continue up too the top of that peak. More than three I counted 5-7 or more. If there is a horse trail up there it would be steep and hidden well. I won't be able to make it up there in a long while but when I do I think a rock climb is in order just to see what's there. With a detour up those steps of course.

The way I found that site is contained in the mountain range map at the trailhead of Peralta Trail. For you die hard Thunters on here that way would be the Elephant trail. That picture I can post but it's at another location so later tonight I'll show you how I found the mountain of sevens so you to can follow the Elephant Trail, watch out for the dung.


Why did all Freemason Pirate Captain's or Privateer's wear an Eye Patch?

When you close one eye you can't see 3 dimensionally.

It's like looking at a photo two dimensions.

It makes you somewhat color blind to. I used this method for years and it helps you when your looking for symbols and line up rock outcroppings on the fly while following a superior hidden trail. I've discovered many light and shadow symbols using one eye usually the left eye or right it don't matter just a different area on the brain.

I'll keep an eye out for ya out there!

Maybe this explains why I can pick out so many things that I see in the photos posted on these threads. I have a deficiency in the red/green area of the color spectrum. I'm not color blind, but I can't pick out those damned numbers in the "bubble book". Once I could, then gradually reached the point of not being able to see them. I had to take the more involved method of tests for color vision when I crossed trained into some high tech electronic fields in the Air Force. Then, again, when cross training into the Airborne Radar area and applied for the flight side of the house.

Then, in about 1994, or so, the retina in my right eye became detached and I had to have a surgery procedure that changed my vision in the right eye. Sooooooo, deplated color vision and a large difference in the refractive error of my eyes...........ergo, screwy binocular vision and slight color shift in that area, too.

OOOoooohh, well............back to my box of crayons. :)

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