How to prevent massacre incidents?

Not to get the discussion back on track, but I ran across this comment on "running amok" from Wikipedia:

A widely accepted explanation links amok with male honor (amok by women is virtually unknown).[SUP][11][/SUP] Running amok would thus be both a way of escaping the world (since perpetrators were normally killed) and re-establishing one's reputation as a man to be feared and respected. Some observers[SUP][who?][/SUP] have related this explanation to Islam's ban on suicide, which, it is suggested, drove Malay men to create circumstances in which others would kill them.

The human brain, especially a non-functional one, is an irrational place anyway. Civilization is an attempt to regulate human behavior to an acceptable level.

We've all heard of "death by cops", in which the only plausible explanation is the desire to be killed in a shoot out.

I'm not suggesting that we lock these folks up for life, since as Jack Ryan suggests - capital punishment may not be the answer, but at least it cures recidivism. If we cheat them of that (and maybe it just doesn't make sense for society to do it), at least don't put them up in a retirement home. Make their life not worth doing the crime.

The other side of this is, as I'm sure we'll all agree, media coverage. Focus on the victims and don't publicize the perpetrator. Rob him of that component. Why did the theater shooter have orange hair? He realized that the only way he'd show up on national TV is by shooting people. Ergo, don't put him on national TV. This is psychological warfare. Don't lose to a loser.

How about not only more weapons in responsable hands and deglorifying the perpetrators, how about getting america to get back to some morals and reinstating personal reponsability. Getting filth of tv like mtv and vh1 that polutes the youth would help as well...

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If individuals knew that they faced a mandatory 10 year jail term for the commission of a crime with a firearm, and then would be tried for the crime, we may see some decline. Too many time today criminals only get a slap on the wrist, and probation and are back on the street the same day.

We have talked about changing a persons perception of criminal acts, but you can't do that by legislating against an inanimate tool,(firearm), you need to have the justice system get tuff with the perpetrators, not the citizenry. Lately the wrong message has been sent, and unless one fears incarceration, and the lost of civil liberties, it will continue to be business as usual.

If individuals knew that they faced a mandatory 10 year jail term for the commission of a crime with a firearm, and then would be tried for the crime, we may see some decline. Too many time today criminals only get a slap on the wrist, and probation and are back on the street the same day.

We have talked about changing a persons perception of criminal acts, but you can't do that by legislating against an inanimate tool,(firearm), you need to have the justice system get tuff with the perpetrators, not the citizenry. Lately the wrong message has been sent, and unless one fears incarceration, and the lost of civil liberties, it will continue to be business as usual.

:laughing9: Sorry but from what I see fear of incarceration, & even fear of the death penalty are gone
from the majority.
it may stop 1 in a million but laws ain't the answer in my opinion.
I'm not sure what the answer is though, but laws & legislation aren't it.

it's obvious the hardend street criminals love Jail (Vacation)

slightly off topic Being she was wrongly convicted
Jodi Arias says she prefers death penalty in post-conviction interview.
and personally I would too if I was convicted by Hate mongers.


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While not 100% prevention, gun violence is down 39% and gun ownership is up.

:laughing9: Sorry but from what I see fear of incarceration, & even fear of the death penalty are gone
from the majority.
it may stop 1 in a million but laws ain't the answer in my opinion.
I'm not sure what the answer is though, but laws & legislation aren't it.

it's obvious the hardend street criminals love Jail (Vacation)

slightly off topic Being she was wrongly convicted
Jodi Arias says she prefers death penalty in post-conviction interview.
and personally I would too if I was convicted by Hate mongers.

Read more:

Please tell me you were joking about her being innocent

Please tell me you were joking about her being innocent
Yeah, Maybe I have heard the wrong story? She sounds kinda out there. Maybe if she just shot him? Or stabbed him several times. Or maybe just cut his throat?

Granted, I tried not to pay that much attention to this story. So I must not have all the info.

I am totaly in the dark on the Jodi thing, what did she do?

reading jimmi's post a little further up the page reminded me that a few weeks ago i was at the p.o. and the lady behind the counter was korean, the customer was indian. they could not understand each other and i was laughing out loud because i could'nt understand either of them. come on people, we speak english here.
as a construction superintendent i work regularly with mexicans, elsalvadorians, amish and who knows what else.
i can remember back in high school years ago when they offered spanish and french as elective classes, i remember thinking why in the hell would i need to know spanish, boy was i ever wrong.
I speak spanish fluently, and it gets me a lot of open doors, both from employers, and in the amount and skill of work I can get from my guys. Also makes vacationing in Mexico smooth sailing. Literally.

Well diesel, we must have dated in the past. And when I told her I preferred a more stable girlfriend she apparently went down the tubes a little further. Years later, when this guy told her the same she finally snapped, shot him, stabbed him 27 times, cut his throat.

Sorry, I had a long post, deleted it because the story makes me sad. She is unhinged, Probably Manic depressant.

I dated some real losers in the past. I am glad I broke out of the chains. My wife is a real angel and I hope to be worthy.

Well diesel, we must have dated in the past. And when I told her I preferred a more stable girlfriend she apparently went down the tubes a little further. Years later, when this guy told her the same she finally snapped, shot him, stabbed him 27 times, cut his throat.

Sorry, I had a long post, deleted it because the story makes me sad. She is unhinged, Probably Manic depressant.

I dated some real losers in the past. I am glad I broke out of the chains. My wife is a real angel and I hope to be worthy.
27 times? Shot and cut his throat? Sick for sure, now that solidifies it knives will be banned next. Thank you for replying, I am glad you found a angel, life is to short to be held down by losers. Sad thing is in todays america, you could be sitting in the car next to someone like this and the govt doesn't even want you to be able to defend yourself...

Wow haven't checked this thread in a while and it has some good comments and well lets say opinions I don't agree with but that's why they call them opinions. Technology, media, and the ability to do what we are doing right here in nano seconds has good and bad implications that stretch farther than anyone could imagine in forming the way of life we all live today. It's nothing but a different frontier. Too many people now days depend on too many others for everything. WE have created a society in which the lazy and worthless are paid, for nothing but their ability to navigate paperwork of the very rules we formed to allow them to do this for generations. Yes "GENERATIONS" ? We have created the freedom of religion and speech that allows those who call their beliefs a "religion" to come here, grow and thrive within the system. Yet this very so called religion vows to devastate any and all that don't follow it. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this? There are good people and bad you can't fix stupid and you can't stop anyone from doing anything that in their mind they fully intend to do. You can't fix the system that we created that is now killing this country without Major change. You can't continue try to make the rest of the world be they way we think it should be. It's obvious some don't want it that way. Can you even imagine if we stopped just half the Billions of dollars in aid we send to the rest of the world and spent that money right here in America or Dah maybe pay some of our bills. How bout if we just start with not giving Money or aid to the ones that actually Hate us. That would be a start. Now I know there are those out there that will start with the whole warm a fuzzy feeling good about helping the world but you know what. It's Killing America and our own system is eating itself from the inside out.

Life Member NRA, I carry a weapon cause it's faster than dialing 911.

Please tell me you were joking about her being innocent

I never said she was innocent
I said "Wrongly Convicted"

fact she supposedly stabbed him 27 times,
(if not false testimony) tells me
she was scared to death of him coming back.
at least in my mind he apparently drove her to this.

People need to be driven to this much fear & hate

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Might we look at the drug companies,that make up most of these drugs that the last couple of shooters were taking/or not taking.Lots of these drugs have BAD side affects if you stop taking as in the Colorado movie theater shooting.The easyest way to curb this gun problem would be to make bullets hard to get(were seeing this now throught out the contry),or make them ilegale to own.

Might we look at the drug companies,that make up most of these drugs that the last couple of shooters were taking/or not taking.Lots of these drugs have BAD side affects if you stop taking as in the Colorado movie theater shooting.The easyest way to curb this gun problem would be to make bullets hard to get(were seeing this now throught out the contry),or make them ilegale to own.
Are you serious? Make bullets hard to get or illegal to own is a direct violation of the second amendment. I also don't think the drugs are completely to blame...

I never said she was innocent
I said "Wrongly Convicted"

fact she supposedly stabbed him 27 times,
(if not false testimony) tells me
she was scared to death of him coming back.
at least in my mind he apparently drove her to this.

People need to be driven to this much fear & hate
She could just be a sociopath...

Wow haven't checked this thread in a while and it has some good comments and well lets say opinions I don't agree with but that's why they call them opinions. Technology, media, and the ability to do what we are doing right here in nano seconds has good and bad implications that stretch farther than anyone could imagine in forming the way of life we all live today. It's nothing but a different frontier. Too many people now days depend on too many others for everything. WE have created a society in which the lazy and worthless are paid, for nothing but their ability to navigate paperwork of the very rules we formed to allow them to do this for generations. Yes "GENERATIONS" ? We have created the freedom of religion and speech that allows those who call their beliefs a "religion" to come here, grow and thrive within the system. Yet this very so called religion vows to devastate any and all that don't follow it. Does anyone else see anything wrong with this? There are good people and bad you can't fix stupid and you can't stop anyone from doing anything that in their mind they fully intend to do. You can't fix the system that we created that is now killing this country without Major change. You can't continue try to make the rest of the world be they way we think it should be. It's obvious some don't want it that way. Can you even imagine if we stopped just half the Billions of dollars in aid we send to the rest of the world and spent that money right here in America or Dah maybe pay some of our bills. How bout if we just start with not giving Money or aid to the ones that actually Hate us. That would be a start. Now I know there are those out there that will start with the whole warm a fuzzy feeling good about helping the world but you know what. It's Killing America and our own system is eating itself from the inside out.

Life Member NRA, I carry a weapon cause it's faster than dialing 911.
Well said, this "religion" of bleeding heart liberalism is destroying our countries morals and financial well being, which in turn threatens our own sovereignty...something to think about.

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