How to prevent massacre incidents?

The thing I don't get is why does the left support Islam and protect it the way they do (while crapping on Christianity) when they themselves tout themselves as for women, while accusing the republicans of a (fake) war on women? And who in their right mind believes it?

Like right now the Feds are making it a court martial offense to spread Christianity amongst our soldiers, but not Islam??????

What the ..................... Delete it myself ............................... IS THIS!!!!!

I've come to be aware of the word Caliphate!!!! That's what we are becoming. If you don't know what it is, look up the definition. If you still don't know what it is..... Expletive deleted

Like right now the Feds are making it a court martial offense to spread Christianity amongst our soldiers, but not Islam??????

What the ..................... Delete it myself ............................... IS THIS!!!!!

I've come to be aware of the word Caliphate!!!! That's what we are becoming. If you don't know what it is, look up the definition. If you still don't know what it is..... Expletive deleted

I was not aware our gov had become Islamic! That comes dangerously close to the "separation of church and state" issue of preferring one religion over another! Or mandating one!

I was not aware our gov had become Islamic! That comes dangerously close to the "separation of church and state" issue of preferring one religion over another! Or mandating one!
Obama sounds pretty islamic to me...

Thread back on track?

Simple answer is there is NO solution. Man brought evil to Earth and it'll continue till we are extinct. We can try this or that to try to protect ourselves... But when it comes down to it.. Its about not being in the wrong place at the wrong time ... Luckily law of averages are in our favor. It aint much, but it's all we got.

The answer is....the way, truth, the light!

On a much larger scale we all live in a civilization that our descendants have taken part of creating. When I use the work civilization I'm speaking of our America Look at the history of any civilization...they are created and they die. We exist in a very small moment in the timeline of that civilization and all the intricacies that we see as important or relevant to our life will have a little effect on the bigger picture. How do we de motivate the perpetrators? We won't. You can make changes, rules laws etc. and the only thing that will change is the direction from which the next event happens. When human rights and political correctness became intertwined with policies of world government and how we interact with the world countries we call our allies. WE did nothing but hurt the strength of our own country or in the bigger picture our civilization. WE cannot continue to support and be the world police if we intend to extend the life of our own America. WE are dying from the inside out and selling our soul to the world through humanitarian, militarian, (not a word) Corporate greed agreements that will eventually seal the deal for us. Sorry just my opinion and have no facts to back any of this up. In the mean time I carry my insurance on my hip and hope I'm faster than the bad guy.

Man didn't bring evil, the serpant was already lurking, man and civilization simply fell into it's web. We can fight the good fight and prevail, or simply lie down and give up, that would be the easy wayout, let other's continually rule our very existence, or fight for our inalienable rights granted to us by the framers of the Constitution.

You can't simply say that's the way it is, you need to understand why it's the way it is. We are battling an enemy far more dangerous than the terrorist's themselves, we are battling ignorance, and the complacency that our elected officials have all the answers. They aren't even close, we, as a people rule our own destiny, and have the rights, and freedom to do so. Those I will never compromise or give up. Sit back and have an emotional fit if that's your nature, but don't get in the way of those of fighting , not only for our freedom and liberty, but your's as well.

Man didn't bring evil, the serpant was already lurking, man and civilization simply fell into it's web. We can fight the good fight and prevail, or simply lie down and give up, that would be the easy wayout, let other's continually rule our very existence, or fight for our inalienable rights granted to us by the framers of the Constitution.

You can't simply say that's the way it is, you need to understand why it's the way it is. We are battling an enemy far more dangerous than the terrorist's themselves, we are battling ignorance, and the complacency that our elected officials have all the answers. They aren't even close, we, as a people rule our own destiny, and have the rights, and freedom to do so. Those I will never compromise or give up. Sit back and have an emotional fit if that's your nature, but don't get in the way of those of fighting , not only for our freedom and liberty, but your's as well.

I assume your addressing my comment. Man didnt create evil , but it did ride in on his coat tails .. Because we have the capacity to commit evil. Evil serves it's own purpose , it's here cause without it we can not have good, we' d have no adversity , we wouldn't suffer therefor we wouldn't grow. Life's biggest lessons are learned through pain ....
So your plan is to conquer evil? Let us know how that works for you. Im sorry if you think I'm laying down and complacent ... But your mistaken . I do what I can to make the world better, I'm certainly not turning a blind eye to suffering.
Government got nothing to do with my comment.

Prev poster, If comments directed to my post, you're on ignore so I can't respond ........ sorry

I say let's try (to de motivate) with compassion, food stamps, free cell phones, free collage, rent assistance, heating assistance, electric assistance, reduced prison sentence's No I.D to vote, free health care, Yea that will work.!!!!!! If it doesn't I probably left something out:dontknow:

I say let's try (to de motivate) with compassion, food stamps, free cell phones, free collage, rent assistance, heating assistance, electric assistance, reduced prison sentence's No I.D to vote, free health care, Yea that will work.!!!!!! If it doesn't I probably left something out:dontknow:

Prev poster, If comments directed to my post, you're on ignore so I can't respond ........ sorry

Lol. Wow now that's a fighting spirit. Run forest run

Sounds like it's getting hot in here...

It's not even lukewarm ... Lol. Some start a fire ... But can't take the heat

Ahem... back to the original topic at hand,de-motivating the perpetrators. Lets allow states and not the government far removed in DC and their judicial systems next to key borders(i.e. California,Texas,and Nevada primarily) free rein within reason detaining and questioning those that are sneaking across our borders and make them prove their US citizenship.if they don't cooperate lock them up or send them home.Why is this so hard people?

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Ahem... back to the original topic at hand,de-motivating the perpetrators. Lets allow statesnandmnot the government far removed in DC and their judicial systems next to key borders(i.e. California,Texas,and Nevada primarily) free rein within reason detaining and questioning those that are sneaking across our borders and make them prove their US citizenship.if they don't cooperate lock them up or send them home.Why is this so hard people?

Well , terrorists arnt really coming from Mexico and Canada. Actually we'd be much better off if we could do an exchange program with Mexico.. Lol. If you know anyone who works construction , ask wether they'd have a crew of young Mexicans or a crew of young Americans .. I guarantee most would opt for the Mexican crew . They arnt lazy , unreliable , or drug addicts . They work hard for honest pay and do the dirty work that alot of Americans think is beneath them.

Well , terrorists arnt really coming from Mexico and Canada. Actually we'd be much better off if we could do an exchange program with Mexico.. Lol. If you know anyone who works construction , ask wether they'd have a crew of young Mexicans or a crew of young Americans .. I guarantee most would opt for the Mexican crew . They arnt lazy , unreliable , or drug addicts . They work hard for honest pay and do the dirty work that alot of Americans think is beneath them.
I run a crew, and I agree wholeheartedly.

You just can't fix EVERYTHING, but you sure can eliminate ALL the repeat offenders.

Well , terrorists arnt really coming from Mexico and Canada. Actually we'd be much better off if we could do an exchange program with Mexico.. Lol. If you know anyone who works construction , ask wether they'd have a crew of young Mexicans or a crew of young Americans .. I guarantee most would opt for the Mexican crew . They arnt lazy , unreliable , or drug addicts . They work hard for honest pay and do the dirty work that alot of Americans think is beneath them.

No they're not coming from Canada but they(radical Jihadists) are getting through the borders there to come and hurt America,remember the news a few weeks ago???(link below) For the most part I do agree that Mexicans are hard working people but yes,some are drug dealers and gun runners. In a utopian society we wouldn't have these problems so we have got to have people looking out for our best interest and so we cannot be passive and cannot turn a blind eye to those that want to harm us like our government seems to be doing. It will be interesting to see what happens when the cover is blown on Benghazi.

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