How to prevent massacre incidents?

More weapons in responsible hands would help. Noting that when the lone gunman gos crazy in the mall/school/theater they usually end up with a bullet, self inflicted or froma police officers weapon. For instance the aurora lunatic going out of his way to ply his insanity at a gun free theater.
Security at schools is not enough, I say arm every teacher.

Terrorists are a complete different ball o wax, they are willing to die for their "cause". How do you change that?

Absolutely agree! Banning guns in schools sure kept those children safe, right? NOT! Arming the teachers, or at least a few principles would work!

Remember, when seconds count, the Police are minutes away, at best!

You can't de-motivate a potential perp. until you can identify them. I totally agree that we need to do somrthing to get to the core of this problem, but how do you de-motivate a terrorist who has generations of soured blood against us running through his/her veins. Might we suggest that if they want to live their life in a certain manner they should be able to. We have the richest and most freedom's of most any other country, lets concentrate on policing and protecting our own borders before we attempt to police other's. My opinion is that if we, as a country backed off with some of our rhetoric, we might defuse some of the animosity we find heaped against us.

We can't become more isolated, for today's technology and economics are global in nature, but until we become perfect, we shouldn't dictate to other's. We need to continue to protect our citizens from the rogue nations and zealots who aren't listening to anything but the voices in their heads, but at the same time get better intelligence interpretation, and learn why we aren't liked. If we know the why, we can plan to de-motivate some of the problems that seem to only exist because of cultural or religious missunderstandings.

"If we know the why, we can plan to de-motivate some of the problems that seem to only exist because of cultural or religious missunderstandings."
Respectfully GMD52, If we can look up the meaning of infidel we might be able to see these cultural and religious misunderstandings.

By your posts and mine we are both infidels and what is the recourse for us? How ever will we be clean enough for acceptance. What is happening to Christians in Egypt right now?

I can allow them their freedom to do whatever they want. Until they infringe on my freedoms. At this point it looks like Egypt shows the way to the future!


In their eyes, yes we are infidels, and through our eyes they are terrorists. I think we both agree that it's one's perception of the other that is the deep routed cause of all this. Personally I'm not sure their is a solution. In reality we are still stuck in the crusades, and that's a battle neither side will win. Governments can't govern if the populace only answers to a higher authority, and that makes every infidel and non-believer an enemy.

Carry Concealed, that is how you prevent massacre incidents.

All these 'incidents' happen when the people are unarmed.

There's only one way.


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Thorazine in the Water ?

Well, we could make the whole world a citizen, immediately provided with welfare so they can travel to the mideast for their religious freedom and drive Mercedes while we can't afford our own healthcare. Obviously we need higher taxes on everything we do or buy, and our great leader Emir Obama is doing that for us now. So what else could we ask for....

Massacres tend to happen out of anger. We sure do have a lot of angry folks around now....

Bum Luck, are meaning the way the truth and the Light?

Thorazine in the Water ?

I will buy all I can get........

"I know nothinnnnnnnngg!!!!!!!!!"
Sgt Schltz

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

This can't be that hard.

I am distressed by the replies that want to just feel good. That seldom solved any problems. Not only that, I thought there'd be more replies; so I'm wondering if folks just want to blow it out their butts, or are they really interested in solving the problem?

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."
- H. L. Mencken

First, we have to acknowledge the rules of mathematics. Whatever we do will not work for all cases.

Second, I think we need to look at what motivates the shooters and try to take away their motivation; de-motivate them.

Media attention: If that's a part of it, we need to scale that back - especially the recognition part of it.

Psychological reward for the shooters/bombers: This can range from prompt and appropriate punishment to maybe even some unusual punishments. Obviously, a guy sitting in jail with orange hair, orange suit, and orange flip flops feeling smug is not something we as a society want, especially if this outcome is fine with the perpetrator. Why fulfill his dream when he's given society a nightmare?

Prevention: This is tougher, since it is many slippery slopes of advance treatment. There are maybe many things we can do here, but also many more that we should not and can't afford to do.

Well, that's a start. Any thoughts?

Unusual punishments are acceptable bum? Why didn't you say so? Take arsonists into the streets, pour gas on them and set them on fire and let them burn to death on public tv, preferably during prime time. Take male child molesters to a tree stump, nail their jewels to the stump and push them over backwards. Let the young, radicalized Muslims know they really aren't going to get some perverted, sexual desires granted if they blow themselves up for Allah. Also let them know that, even if it was true, you have to be careful of what you wish for. btw....what does the great Allah offer his female worshipers? If some jerk takes some hostages then take his family members hostage and do the same to his family that he does to his hostages. A weak target motivates the predator, just ask a lion how that works. Arm the weak target and motivation is diminished. Don't put nutjobs back on the streets. Make the scum in prison serve their entire sentences; no one gets out for GOOD behavior but you get to stay longer for BAD behavior. Worked on my kids. :) Allow a little vigilante justice to prevail; nobody cares much if the law is looking for them but, if they knew citizens without rules were on their trail, they might be a little less motivated to commit the crime in the first place. Let fathers and/or family members hand out punishment to rapists. Let serious gun crimes receive the death penalty with no appeals and no deal making. Require jurists pass some sort of intelligence test. Parole board members should receive the same sentence as the perp if they release someone who commits another crime. I could go on and on but some of you might swear Hitler was still alive.

Why haven't we elected packer?

Let's add this. Since you can stone a woman for just about anything in radical Islam, let's stone Islamic terrorists with rocks that have been smeared in bacon grease.

Unusual punishments are acceptable bum? Why didn't you say so? Take arsonists into the streets, pour gas on them and set them on fire and let them burn to death on public tv, preferably during prime time. Take male child molesters to a tree stump, nail their jewels to the stump and push them over backwards. Let the young, radicalized Muslims know they really aren't going to get some perverted, sexual desires granted if they blow themselves up for Allah. Also let them know that, even if it was true, you have to be careful of what you wish for. btw....what does the great Allah offer his female worshipers? If some jerk takes some hostages then take his family members hostage and do the same to his family that he does to his hostages. A weak target motivates the predator, just ask a lion how that works. Arm the weak target and motivation is diminished. Don't put nutjobs back on the streets. Make the scum in prison serve their entire sentences; no one gets out for GOOD behavior but you get to stay longer for BAD behavior. Worked on my kids. :) Allow a little vigilante justice to prevail; nobody cares much if the law is looking for them but, if they knew citizens without rules were on their trail, they might be a little less motivated to commit the crime in the first place. Let fathers and/or family members hand out punishment to rapists. Let serious gun crimes receive the death penalty with no appeals and no deal making. Require jurists pass some sort of intelligence test. Parole board members should receive the same sentence as the perp if they release someone who commits another crime. I could go on and on but some of you might swear Hitler was still alive.
Pretty much the only thing I disagree with and or would change is the part about doing the same to the perps family. It's not the criminals family's fault for what the criminal has done. In this case a public hanging should suffice...

Why haven't we elected packer?

Let's add this. Since you can stone a woman for just about anything in radical Islam, let's stone Islamic terrorists with rocks that have been smeared in bacon grease.
The thing I don't get is why does the left support Islam and protect it the way they do (while crapping on Christianity) when they themselves tout themselves as for women, while accusing the republicans of a (fake) war on women? And who in their right mind believes it?

The thing I don't get is why does the left support Islam and protect it the way they do (while crapping on Christianity) when they themselves tout themselves as for women, while accusing the republicans of a (fake) war on women? And who in their right mind believes it?

Correct, some have even started calling them soldiers not terrorists.... NO, they are terrorists......... We are at war with terrorists....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

This can't be that hard.

I am distressed by the replies that want to just feel good. That seldom solved any problems. Not only that, I thought there'd be more replies; so I'm wondering if folks just want to blow it out their butts, or are they really interested in solving the problem?

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."
- H. L. Mencken

First, we have to acknowledge the rules of mathematics. Whatever we do will not work for all cases.

Second, I think we need to look at what motivates the shooters and try to take away their motivation; de-motivate them.

Media attention: If that's a part of it, we need to scale that back - especially the recognition part of it.

Psychological reward for the shooters/bombers: This can range from prompt and appropriate punishment to maybe even some unusual punishments. Obviously, a guy sitting in jail with orange hair, orange suit, and orange flip flops feeling smug is not something we as a society want, especially if this outcome is fine with the perpetrator. Why fulfill his dream when he's given society a nightmare?

Prevention: This is tougher, since it is many slippery slopes of advance treatment. There are maybe many things we can do here, but also many more that we should not and can't afford to do.

Well, that's a start. Any thoughts?
For prevention? I got nothing, short of a global power failure. Yes, I believe the media, the internet and the information age are much of the reason behind the warped brains of these small minded individuals who commit their heinous and cowardly acts. Little maggots that are led astray by religious fanatics and/or video game fantasies. They live a life of fantasy, they can't rationalize correctly. For punishment? Eye for an eye x's 10, slowly, very slowly. As you quoted Mencken, the answer "is clear, simple, and wrong". You cannot prevent mental illness. But you can sure kill it.

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