How to prevent massacre incidents?

No they're not coming from Canada but they(radical Jihadists) are getting through the borders there to come and hurt America,remember the news a few weeks ago???(link below) For the most part I do agree that Mexicans are hard working people but yes,some are drug dealers and gun runners. In a utopian society we wouldn't have these problems so we have got to have people looking out for our best interest and so we cannot be passive and cannot turn a blind eye to those that want to harm us like our government seems to be doing. It will be interesting to see what happens when the cover is blown on Benghazi.
The 19 hijackers involved in 9 /11 , waltzed through United States airports, we paid welfare to support tbe Boston Terrorists , Timothy mcVey was an American citizen , the Sandy Hook massacre was by an American citizen .. Referring to the title of this thread , the Mexican and Canadian borders are not involved in any of the massacres in our time ( though , the foiled terrorist attack would have been the first ).
Not to say we don't have other problems caused by the border issues. And in my opinion ( and this is just my opinion) , we arnt the same America .... Because of our " welcoming everyone with open arms " , We lost alot of what made us America. That connection with one another is getting blurry. I'm in a rural/ town areA ... And I can't go almost anywhere without hearing God knows how many languages spoken . It was kinda funny actually , we went to a new dentist the other day . The doctor was Indian , the hygienist was Chinese , and all the patients aside from me and my kid were either Mexican or Indian. There were so many languages going on it was ridiculous .. Lol. A young black mother and her daughter walked in and I think I actually let out a sigh of relief and thought " yea ! Americans !". Until they started talking to each other in some other foreign language... Lol

The foiled attack would not have been the first, they have caught terrorist trying to enter from Canada before. In 1999 the caught them trying to enter through port Angeles Washington with explosives.....

We have a 4000 mile border with canada , longest international border in the world. We have a huge border with mexico as well...

We need to enforce our immigration laws and guard our borders. It will only take 1 suitcase nuke or 1 dirty bomb....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

The foiled attack would not have been the first, they have caught terrorist trying to enter from Canada before. In 1999 the caught them trying to enter through port Angeles Washington with explosives.....

We have a 4000 mile border with canada , longest international border in the world. We have a huge border with mexico as well...

We need to enforce our immigration laws and guard our borders. It will only take 1 suitcase nuke or 1 dirty bomb....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

That's true too. But I also think it's time to just stop being the nice guys .... And do vigorous racial profiling . It may not be fair to the innocent, but life aint fair. Are there other countries that say " if your from this or that country, you are not allowed entrance " ? It'll never happen here, I guess. id like if the ones here can stay or leave, but no more can enter .. Lol...
Edit * I mean public racial profiling... It's already done of course .. I don't know, this is out of my range of knowledge

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Well , terrorists arnt really coming from Mexico and Canada. Actually we'd be much better off if we could do an exchange program with Mexico.. Lol. If you know anyone who works construction , ask wether they'd have a crew of young Mexicans or a crew of young Americans .. I guarantee most would opt for the Mexican crew . They arnt lazy , unreliable , or drug addicts . They work hard for honest pay and do the dirty work that alot of Americans think is beneath them.

I run a crew too. And this statement is full of half truths and distortions.

Do they work hard? Yes they do, and if they don't have any idea what they are doing will they ask your advice? NO.

Are they reliable,, sometimes.

Are they drug addicts? I am sure there are some. I find that some of them like to drink beer also. During work.

Honest pay? What is Honest pay? Is it paying a lower wage so that you do not have to pay taxes, how is that honest?

Which leads to the Dirty Jobs Americans will not do. There Is No Such Job! There are jobs Americans will not do for the wages these people have flooded the market with.

And if you didn't know, If you pay an illegal 12$ an Hour or an American 12$ an hour the American will definitely cost you more, Alot more. There are a lot of hidden costs in your employment. Unemployment ins, Workmans Comp, Fed and state Taxes, Social Sec. And the cherry on top will be the new Health care tax, that was a tax to get through the senate, then a penalty, and then a fee to get through the Court? No telling what they will call it soon, but it is still penalizing every worker in this country.

That one will cost you! And you think they are cheaper, better labor? You have no Idea the costs you are about to incur!

I run a crew too. And this statement is full of half truths and distortions.

Do they work hard? Yes they do, and if they don't have any idea what they are doing will they ask your advice? NO.

Are they reliable,, sometimes.

Are they drug addicts? I am sure there are some. I find that some of them like to drink beer also. During work.

Honest pay? What is Honest pay? Is it paying a lower wage so that you do not have to pay taxes, how is that honest?

Which leads to the Dirty Jobs Americans will not do. There Is No Such Job! There are jobs Americans will not do for the wages these people have flooded the market with.

And if you didn't know, If you pay an illegal 12$ an Hour or an American 12$ an hour the American will definitely cost you more, Alot more. There are a lot of hidden costs in your employment. Unemployment ins, Workmans Comp, Fed and state Taxes, Social Sec. And the cherry on top will be the new Health care tax, that was a tax to get through the senate, then a penalty, and then a fee to get through the Court? No telling what they will call it soon, but it is still penalizing every worker in this country.

That one will cost you! And you think they are cheaper, better labor? You have no Idea the costs you are about to incur!
Hiring illegals is a win win situation for some contractors for sure Dave but you don't always get what you pay for like you've stated. I'm convinced that a house we built in 1999 was built primarily by illegal Mexicans with no supervision and half of the work was done at night if you can believe that.The house had tons of defects(my husband was in construction as well and had facts to back up what the defects were) and we ended up suing the builder and finally getting out of there. seems to me that the best way to get at the problem is to "de-motivate" the perpetrators. That isolates that group that tends to do these things and seems like a more direct approach.

Don't know that it's true in 100% of the cases, but one element that is common to most of the recent shootings is the use of prescription psychotropic drugs. Antidepressants, etc....the ones they advertise on TV with a disclaimer that you should stop using them if you have thoughts of suicide, etc., while people having the time of their lives cavort across the screen.

mexican framers do not work harder than American framers, they do not work for less money, many many mex framers think that a wall thats 3/8 out of square is acceptable. I have had to fix too dern many of their careless mistakes, I mean over and over. They have flooded the work force, and they know it. They care nothing for America. 90% are here just to save enough money to buy a rancharo down in old mexico and never work again. They are laughing in our faces.

Hiring illegals is a win win situation for some contractors for sure Dave but you don't always get what you pay for like you've stated. I'm convinced that a house we built in 1999 was built primarily by illegal Mexicans with no supervision and half of the work was done at night if you can believe that.The house had tons of defects(my husband was in construction as well and had facts to back up what the defects were) and we ended up suing the builder and finally getting out of there.

Honestly that's 80 percent of the builders that build these development houses. My husbands floors are practically holding someone these houses together. They are so out of wack , it's a crime. People just don't know what they are buying. That's how they get away with it. I cod name all the big builders in PA and tell you in order how crappy their homes are, not how good... How crappy. Private builder or older home is the way to go.
I wonder in 100 years what these houses are gonna like... Honestly I'm not sure most of them. will be standing

I run a crew too. And this statement is full of half truths and distortions.

Do they work hard? Yes they do, and if they don't have any idea what they are doing will they ask your advice? NO.

Are they reliable,, sometimes.

Are they drug addicts? I am sure there are some. I find that some of them like to drink beer also. During work.

Honest pay? What is Honest pay? Is it paying a lower wage so that you do not have to pay taxes, how is that honest?

Which leads to the Dirty Jobs Americans will not do. There Is No Such Job! There are jobs Americans will not do for the wages these people have flooded the market with.

And if you didn't know, If you pay an illegal 12$ an Hour or an American 12$ an hour the American will definitely cost you more, Alot more. There are a lot of hidden costs in your employment. Unemployment ins, Workmans Comp, Fed and state Taxes, Social Sec. And the cherry on top will be the new Health care tax, that was a tax to get through the senate, then a penalty, and then a fee to get through the Court? No telling what they will call it soon, but it is still penalizing every worker in this country.

That one will cost you! And you think they are cheaper, better labor? You have no Idea the costs you are about to incur!

Sorry but I'm talking from experience , with family that works shoulder to shoulder with Mexicans . You don't have them calling out cause they got trashed and don't want to get up. Or texting some girl on their phone all day while you do their share of work. Yes it's annoying as hell that they hardly speak English. I didnt say we were paying tbem btw, I said working with the crew

reading jimmi's post a little further up the page reminded me that a few weeks ago i was at the p.o. and the lady behind the counter was korean, the customer was indian. they could not understand each other and i was laughing out loud because i could'nt understand either of them. come on people, we speak english here.
as a construction superintendent i work regularly with mexicans, elsalvadorians, amish and who knows what else.
i can remember back in high school years ago when they offered spanish and french as elective classes, i remember thinking why in the hell would i need to know spanish, boy was i ever wrong.

Sorry but I'm talking from experience , with family that works shoulder to shoulder with Mexicans . You don't have them calling out cause they got trashed and don't want to get up. Or texting some girl on their phone all day while you do their share of work. Yes it's annoying as hell that they hardly speak English. I didnt say we were paying tbem btw, I said working with the crew

Edit* I should be clear on something. ( and you do got me on the " honest pay " part of it.. With it being under the table , you certainly have a point there) my husbands crew now consists of only 3 men . Because it was such a huge hassle trying to find reliable workers . They cut the one guy from the crew because he wasn't paying taxes ( american citizen), it became an issue. They have never hired an illegal alien. They work with the Mexican crews, because my husband subcontracts out of a place that has multiple subcontractors And some of the other subcontractors do hire illegals. He prefers the Mexican crews , but doesn't care for the Brazillian or Korean crews.... Lol. The Korean crews Carry around a wok a the can and cook on it on the job site, lmao

Edit* I should be clear on something. ( and you do got me on the " honest pay " part of it.. With it being under the table , you certainly have a point there) my husbands crew now consists of only 3 men . Because it was such a huge hassle trying to find reliable workers . They cut the one guy from the crew because he wasn't paying taxes ( american citizen), it became an issue. They have never hired an illegal alien. They work with the Mexican crews, because my husband subcontracts out of a place that has multiple subcontractors And some of the other subcontractors do hire illegals. He prefers the Mexican crews , but doesn't care for the Brazillian or Korean crews.... Lol. The Korean crews Carry around a wok in the van and cook on it on the job site
Sorry this posted twice I think : (

Jimmi, that is exactly why me and the fellas I work with all have our general contracting lic. no exceptions. It cuts down on a bunch a bull for all of us I.e. no employees ever.
It is a huge advantage.

Remember the old days when we had to document I-9s? And then we just had to get the soc sec # and see their ID? and then we just had to ask for the soc sec #?

About 10 years ago I had a roofing crew I used for a short time that I really liked the guy and he had a soc sec #.

He always told me I should come down and stay at his Rancho sometime, he said it was very nice. But I quit going south when I was in college.
Anyway, I lost track of him,, couldn't find him anymore,, just disappeared. Not because he laid out form drugs or alcohol. INS sent us a letter a few months after that said the soc sec# was fake, Imagine that. So they can lay out for other reasons too.

His prices were not different than other prices. So it saved nothing.

I care not about someones race or religion,, not in the least. My concern is that someone that wants my money, will give me a good job and be polite about it! It irks me to no end some subs that act like you are bothering them. I recently fired a concrete crew for that reason.

Too bad Your husband is not here Jimmi, I have miles of floor to be laid soon. But it looks like it will be laminates now anyway.

Dang Dave I wish you lived closer to me, its a dern slow start for me this year.

Don't I know it Bevo! It has been very tough for the last few years. There is a current wave in some places that I hope will continue. But I don't exactly see a big light. It looks like there is another chance of government easy money that could restart housing a little bit,, The keynsian type thing though, so it might be a short lived surge, They are hoping (as they always do) that the surge will last into some real growth, but regulations and healthcare ought to prevent it from taking hold.
Save what you can, when you can! I am glad I never tried Spec building! Shudder.
PM me Bevo.

terrorists have been around as long as human behavior...I bet the first humans to come out of the trees were pushed by some weirdo...
the first cave dwellers were pelted with stones by some jerk jealous your cave was bigger, dryer, better view...
WWI began with a single shot from a malcontent...

just an ugly fact of life...
arming an shooting in a crowd does not prevent a massacre, it makes it worse.

terrorists have been around as long as human behavior...I bet the first humans to come out of the trees were pushed by some weirdo...
the first cave dwellers were pelted with stones by some jerk jealous your cave was bigger, dryer, better view...
WWI began with a single shot from a malcontent...

just an ugly fact of life...
arming an shooting in a crowd does not prevent a massacre, it makes it worse.

:icon_thumleft: the only difference now is AP News Wire,
and of course news casters at FOX, CNN & other judgmental News Sources,
who like to cause trouble for ratings.

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I would much rather die with a pistol in my hand unfired, than to die hiding behind a desk with no weapon at all.........

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