Wow! I hate to disagree with you my friend, but my experience has been just the opposite. I have found most archaeologists and historians to be very friendly and giving of their time. At least those that I have contacted and there have been a few.
I learned a long time ago that it pays, if possible, to go directly to the top of the food chain.....on any topic. It's amazing how effective that can be when trying to open doors of communication. I seldom settle for no, especially from people who are guarding the throne to speak.
On a number of occasions, I have been told something doesn't exist, or "we don't have it", only to try another person and find out, "of course we have it, how can I help you?"
A few times that come to mind, were good examples of people going the extra mile to help a stranger:
Last year a friend (a priest) went to the New Mexico State Records Center & Archives, to try and locate a certain file for me. He was told, "we don't have it". I made a phone call and got the Senior Archivist. He assured me they did have the file, and gave me the name of the man who could get it to me. Two email's later, I had the file in hand.
More recently, I tried to locate a file that is housed in the Arizona Historical Society. Couldn't reach the lady in charge, left my name and number, and she called me back. We exchanged a few email's, and I have the file, as well as a copy of the original hand written version. Great experience with both institutions, and don't have over $35. invested, in total.
As you may have noticed, I received information from a well known archaeologist last year. Susan Martin was kind enough to answer a number of email's, and fleshed-out her resume for me. It was all in relation to the conversation we were having about copper, and the mining done in ancient times. I went to one of the top authorities on the subject.
When I wanted information on Hyrum Smith Peterson, I went directly to his ancestors, and specifically to someone who had researched and written about her families' history. Once again, the lady was very helpful and friendly, and sent me more than I could have hoped for.
Hope your
future contacts turn out as well as mine have.
Take care,