Here it is!

Hi Bob,

Just now seeing your question - sorry.

I assume you are talking about the "Great Cave" or "Indian Cave" related to Swift. This was the cave that Swift and Co. used as a storehouse for their surplus silver and gold (bars, pigs, crowns). It is also the cave that Swift supposedly killed his crew and two elderly Shawnee before going blind. There has been a "bar" taken from this cave and proved to be Silver!

Getting back to the hammer. The "experts" state that this is more than likely an early ball pein hammer (DEFINITELY Pre-Civil War) and, due to the extensive use on the head, was more than likely used to beat the Silver (or other metal) out of the moulds. Also, these type hammers ARE basically interchangeable with a "chasing hammer" in metal working and a chasing hammer is simply a "type" of ball peen hammer anyway. So, while I might have been "technically" wrong to refer to it as a "chasing hammer" it is a ball peen hammer and is/was used for basically the same metal work as a chasing hammer is used for.

I believe this hammer might have been used at the main furnace rockhouse by Montgomery in his metal working. The reason I say this is that under the rust, there appear to be a large "M" and maybe some more writing/etching as well. I have tried electrolysis on this hammer to remove the rust, but this is a SLOW process and the electorlysis machine I bought only works for around 60 seconds each time (then you have to keep turning it back on after the sixty seconds are up). What other forms of electorlysis are easier? Anyone know? Is there a way I can put the hammer in something and use wires and a battery or outlet safely? I look forward to any answers - especially if you have tried this before and used a form of electrolysis successfully.

BTW - I am going to post a pic of one of the KGC heart rocks here (and in the KGC section as well). They are really neat, as one side is reddish and one side is grayish/black. I cannot wait to get some responses on the pic I post of the "Heart Rock"!

Pic of Heart Rock I found a few years ago.


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Alot been going on in here since I last visited....where the gold or silver everyones talking about??? ;D

GREAT NEWS! A member of this site (Seth Robbins) is going to help me excavate the Rich Mine on Monday/Tuesday! This will be very interesting and answer a lot of questions to say the least. Was Swift a Pirate? Was the Rich Mine a Silver Mine OR a GOLD Mine? etc. etc.

Anyone care to make predictions?

My prediction is that it will be exactly as Swift stated - a mine. However, we know that Swift made Gold and Silver Crowns and mentioned heaped up GOLD located with the Silver in the Great Cave (or Indian Cave). Gold is sometimes found with Silver in deposits. However, during my research, I have quite a bit of info. that points to the Rich Mine containing GOLD and not Silver. With Gold hovering around a grand an ounce, I know what I want the "pocket" or "seam" in the mine to be. However, I am leaning 70% Silver and 30% Gold.

It will also be great to see the actual "pocket" or "seam" that the crew mined (be it Silver or GOLD) and to see how pure it really is. I am sure many have heard the tales that the Rich Mine is so pure that one can mine the ore with a pocket knife.

Also, not far from the Rich Mine (in fact, on the highest point in the area), is where I found an old dead tree that had GIST carved in it. We know from Gist's journal that he might have found a Gold Mine and I know from my research that Gist had a definite link to Swift (which I will devote an entire chapter to in my book). Could the Rich Mine and Gist's "find" be one in the same and be a Gold Mine?

The closer we get to Monday and Tuesday, the more excited I become on finally being able to answer these questions. Don't worry, I will let everyone know what the mine contains and will even show a pic of the ore (or other find(s)). This I won't make everyone wait on until my book comes out next year!

In the meantime (between now and when we remove the 10 ft. of dirt Swift and Co. filled the Rich Mine in with either Monday or Tuesday), I would love to hear everyone's opinions! What do you guys/gals think we will find? Will it be a Gold Mine, Silver Mine, Pirate loot they brought in to be melted down, NOTHING, etc.????

BTW - If it turns out to be ORE of some kind (like I believe), we will be having it assayed and I will let everyone here know the content!

If you are in one of Swift's mines, then I would have to go with silver (coins, ore, or bars), since that is what he mined (not a prediction, just a guess). I hope you guys do well and I'm looking forward to seeing whatever you drag out of there. :icon_thumleft:

Sounds great! best of luck, wish I could be there!

Hoping for the best . Next week is going to be very rewarding or devastating for all of us that have been following/supporting you .

Thanks for the kind words (both on here and sent privately). Personally, I am more excited than a kid waiting to open Christmas presents. I want to publicly thank Seth Robbins for volunteering to help me (of course, should we find something, he will be cut in % wise along with my other partners). The great thing about this excavation also is that it is perfectly legal on National Forest to mine ore thanks to the Prospecting Law of 1872 (I believe that is the right date without checking)! It was actually very hard finding someone to help, even though I had done all the work and found the mine and have always offered to let anyone helping share in any "find" where they help.

I will take my digital camera and document things for everyone.

Out of the three Swift Principal Mines I have found so far, the Rich Mine is going to be the easiest to excavate, as there should only be around 10 ft. of dirt to get out of the way and reach the mine entrance/seam (just as Swift mentioned in his journals). Also, it should be the most rewarding ore wise. :wink:

I will more than likely post pics and news of the events from excavations on Monday and Tuesday on here Wed. evening/night (as I have a doctor's appt. Wed. day). Of course, if we find something real exciting, I might post news that evening/night (if I am not too tired from the excavating) with pics to follow around Wed.

Aside from the rich ore (and maybe any crowns that were sealed up), it would be super to find mining equipment inside the mine IMHO. I know the moulds and other tools Swift and Co. sealed up are now gone (and know the persons who found them). However, there might be other mining equipment inside the actual mine itself. To a Swift researcher, like myself, finding an old mining pick or other tool with one of the crew's name engraved on it would actually be better than finding a bag of Crowns or Pigs!

Seth and I worked hard for two days trying to gain entrance. However, the tunnel needs to be widened some more. Evidently, men weren't as big in Swift's time as they are today, or, maybe the stories of the "little people" mining for Swift were true. Anyway, we are going to try again Sunday. I went out and bought a drill, circular saw, masonry blades and drill bits and two 18v batteries today.

The tunnel goes back for ten ft. and then opens into a large room. Seth put his digital camera on the end of his metal detector and we could see the large room and some items covered in dirt, but could not make out too many details however. Hopefully, Sunday will be the day we reach the ore (fingers crossed)!

Goodluck to you guys, and be careful. Hope you find the mother load, let us know what you find! :headbang: -Ki-

Ki, thanks for the kind words.

I will definitely keep everyone posted about any finds good or bad. I should have the tools now to widen out the mine entrance inside the bear den. With a "big man" being around 140-50 lbs. in Swift's time, they didn't need the entrance size one would need now.

Be sure to keep us posted about your site as well. There has to be something there (or that was there), as Indians have visited the region looking for a "princess skull" in relation to the 101 carving. This is what they told people. However, it is more than likely something much bigger!

Seth and I were rained out Sunday. I went yesterday with my daughter. We only got to work about 20 minutes until a HUGE downpour came and we had to leave before the road became flooded. :'( As soon as the weather breaks for a few days, I will try in again and keep you guys/gals informed. :icon_thumleft:

My daughter, better half and I spent several hours inside the mine excavating yesterday. I am still unable to get through the opening pictured above. This opening goes back around ten ft. into another bear den type chamber. It appears that this back chamber is where Swift mentions filling in 10 feet of dirt and locust poles covering the mine entrance. My daugther and better half got through the opening into the back chamber yesterday and dug a couple ft. of dirt out. My daughter also found about a six inch long piece of VERY OLD Locust in the dirt (probably from one of the rotted posts Swift and Co. placed in there). I brought this out, but, unfortunately, on the way out it broke and I only have a four inch piece now.

One who is familiar with the journals and descriptions of the Rich Mine knows that Swift stated one goes down 10 feet and the mine makes off level in a NE/SW direction and there are two seams of Silver - one thick and one thin. We will be a few more days reaching this due to the excavation of 10 ft. of dirt and rotted locust poles, plus I want to open up the rock tunnel entrance (pictured above) enough for me to get inside as well (and this red sandstone is some stubborn rock to drill/saw/chisel in this small opening!).

I will post again when we make it inside the actual mine entrance and take some pics of things at that time for you as well. It may be a few weeks, as I have several doctors appts. coming up, as well as my daugther and father, so I won't get but a day or two each week to work (and if my daughter/better half can't go with me, I will simply be widening the tunnel and not digging any of the 10 ft. of dirt out of the mine entrance until the tunnel is a little wider).

Come mean to tell me that swiftsearcher is so sure he is within feet of all these riches and he can only get his better half and daughter to help him dig?
Well, when my book comes out with proof that swiftsearcher never found anything that is all the proof you will need. I'll even have pictures of the finds he didn't make and maps with lat. and lon. of the caves that never held a treasure. I might even have a traveling musuem with a circa 1900 hammer for you to feel and touch. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

This has been a very funny post to read. Thank you and I look forward to the next chapter in this book.

makton said:
Come mean to tell me that swiftsearcher is so sure he is within feet of all these riches and he can only get his better half and daughter to help him dig?
Well, when my book comes out with proof that swiftsearcher never found anything that is all the proof you will need. I'll even have pictures of the finds he didn't make and maps with lat. and lon. of the caves that never held a treasure. I might even have a traveling musuem with a circa 1900 hammer for you to feel and touch. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

This has been a very funny post to read. Thank you and I look forward to the next chapter in this book.
We have a very graphic local statement where I live : "You got to bring a$$ to get a$$" ....
That has had distarous results for some when confronted .
Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out . ;D

Truckinbutch - great speaking with you earlier and I look forward to working with you soon at the vault! You and T-Wolf are a couple of great guys (just like everyone on here I have spoken with on the phone and met so far!).

Makton - your post really shows your ignorance about the Swift mines/journals. The only real thing of value hidden in the Rich Mine is a bag of minted Silver Crowns and a couple of Silver seams. I am really no miner, but Ralph and I might stake a mining claim to obtain the rights after we get a few samples from the two veins of the mine. I seriously doubt that either Ralph or I will ever mine any Silver at the Rich Mine amount to anything (other than getting some samples out for assay and to keep), but it will be nice to have the mining rights anyway!

Swiftsearcher, I am sure you will want to bet me something but my guess is in 30 days from now you will still have not found anything. I know, I know, I'll have to buy your book for the proof or you'll have some pics of Bear poopies proving that this Swifts mine.
I think you mentioned that in this mine is the purest silver ore in the region so my guess is either you will have another lame excuse why there was nothing behind 10ft of dirt or we will have to read your book for the only proof that you have ever had.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that in your mind you have found it and I hope that you do actually find some proof but I guess just reading all these threads and the way you talk to people bugs me as it has with many others I am sure. I know nothing of Swift and his mines but just like to read the adventures of others but your arrogance, all knowing and I am right and you are wrong persona makes me want you to fail.

Best of luck to you in your quest

Makton, this is one of the most CHILDISH posts I have read on here!

I have been nice enough to provide some pics here and on the KGC side. IF you want to attack someone ARROGANT, who has not posted a pic one and can't even get the facts about the Swift Journals correct, I suggest you attack the poster below (unless you are one of his "buddies" who keep attacking me for proving him wrong SEVERAL times, which has led to him deleting several of his posts where he was out in LEFT FIELD on facts regarding Swift!).

Swift Upper Mines Found
Posted Jun 10, 2009, 02:09:17 PM
Hey Ki, and All
Swift's "upper mines" found using the carving/survey or compass rock on LDC and a few other carvings. I found the spot that many of the carvings pertain to. GCS nearby the mines, other carvings in the area pertain to it as well. If and when anybody does find it, you better keep it a secret or the landowners or law enforcement/feds will get it all. The secret is safe with me, "like it has been for close to 240yrs." The thrill of the hunt. When I have some solid evidence, I will show it to ya'll.

L37something -aka- Swifty...

Swiftsearcher/KGC Vault man,
Don't know the other poster other than his and your posts I've looked at. All I know is what I read and that is about a guy that has hiked those woods for 30 years yet doesn't have any friends he can trust to help him dig 10 feet. I also read you are not in this for the money but you just want to prove the history and let other people enjoy it with maps, pics, etc but after all this research and field work you come this close and cannot dig another 10 feet. Come on let's keep it real. There are people out there that want to believe you. They want you to succeed but are getting tired of the BS.

The BOOK, The BOOK - that's all I hear about but you got 120 inches standing in your way of The BOOK and I think you realize that everything you have put into this and imagined is not what it seems and there never will be a book. Even if there was, it is about the money and not just letting others know that you were the one, the only one that could find it after all these I right?


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