Here it is!

Truckinbutch is 110% correct! I tried to post some pics/proof without giving away the locations or too much info. in order to keep people updated. However, there was a small group who demanded more proof. So, instead of posting anything else (proof wise), I have decided it is not worth it, as this small group will not be satisfied until I post everything (which I will NEVER do!).

Posting anything benefits me ZERO! I was doing it so others could see and b/c I always hated when people would find something and not share it and thought I would share my finds. As I stated, the true supporters will be kept in the loop and that's it - from here on out. TBH, the ones who are posting to post this/share that/etc. while stating I am lying if I don't post more, I don't know them from Adam and have nothing to prove to them at all and could care less what they believe about me or my finds. I have a good group organized now that I trust and we will go about things more secretively from here on out, as the best is yet to come! :thumbsup:

And itlooks like they will have to wait for the book.. Me personally, want to see it in person. I have waited and searched for too many years to miss this!

Swiftfan. I appreciate the days you helped and will be glad to take you back and show you the "finished product" sometime! :thumbsup:

I hope you wasn't referring to me swiftsearcher, as id love to see and also maybe help you work your find. The post above was just throwing out some facts on Gist, but by reading this post i can see why your getting upset, heck i would too. The silver mines are real, but of coarse you are going to have people that dought the fact.

L37 claimed to have found the upper mines, just as i have made that same claim, We are in the same general area but our sites are many miles apart, i have yet to see proof of his claim as i have posted a few pics of mine. would love to see his pics and some of yours as well.

Swiftsearcher have you dug out the opening yet and been inside?

You know, I can understand there will be those that will doubt. It's not like there will be a sign there saying "congratulations, you found Swift's lost mine." I mean,after all, we have to go on are stories and the chance the "copy" of the map we have will lead us to treasure. But still we search. There are even rumors that Swift didn't even exist. But still we search. Because to answer the call to adventure and mystery, is one of the best experiences we can have. Isn't everyone a little proud of swiftsearcher for the progress he has made? Me, I am. It wasn't till I found this website that I really started learning about treasure hunting. I think swiftsearcher should keep plugging along, not paying attention to those who scoff.
Just my thoughts...


i agree, and wish swiftsearcher the best.......... waiting on a update of what he's found so far........... -Ki-

Point well taken.. however, there has been more than one instance where proof has been demanded, and provided to a point. Remember there are at least three other Th's near swiftsearcher including myself. And while we all share info, we do not give exact locations as to protect our own finds. I can understand his wanting to protect his investment. And while inquiries can only help to open up a broader thought of each idea, we cannot let it detract us from our common goal. I welcome ideas whenever they present themself, and appreciate the opinions of others. I guess sometimes we get a little defensive when it comes to our research...


Swiftsearcher, I think you are on the right track. Keep going....and don't let anyone hold you back! :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft:

Ki, not mad at you at all and believe you might be on the trail of something great at your site as well - keep up the good work.

SWR - It seems you still act like I am providing NO PROOF whatsoever. Hell, my avatar is the entrance inside the bear den leading back to the mine!

Swiftfan is correct - I have tried to stay away from posting pics (of the mine entrance in red sandstone on the second ledge and others) that would give away my location........for now.

Swiftfan has been with me more than once to the Rich Mine and can attest that everything lines up to the journals (the hog's head size opening in red sandstone between the second and third ledge, the rock that has fallen from another rock, the tree in the way of the opening is still there, but dead, etc. etc.). It simply seems like there are a handful here who like to "fish" for more than I am willing to post. Well, that trick is not going to work, as I am only posting the tip of the iceberg for now and have actually quit posting any information about this site or the KGC vault I found indefinitely! :thumbsup:

If by "Proof" you mean hand fulls of Silver Crowns, you will NEVER see that from me! :wink: I was born in the dark, but not last night.

Dear SWR;
I'll admit that I tend to be a tad skeptical in regards to the ball peen hammer as being proof positive there was acache buried in the immediate vicinity, however this is not to state that an operative did not make the ball peen hammer in the 1860s and constructed it to LOOK like a modern ball peen hammer, which can be purchased at any hardware store across the USA. Those guys were a wily lot and they would have foreseen the obvious hammer connection, therefore it would have been in their best interests to make items which very closely resemble modern tools.
Your friend;

swiftsearcher said:
GREAT NEWS! A member of this site (Seth Robbins) is going to help me excavate the Rich Mine on Monday/Tuesday! This will be very interesting and answer a lot of questions to say the least. Was Swift a Pirate? Was the Rich Mine a Silver Mine OR a GOLD Mine? etc. etc.

Anyone care to make predictions?

My prediction is that it will be exactly as Swift stated - a mine. However, we know that Swift made Gold and Silver Crowns and mentioned heaped up GOLD located with the Silver in the Great Cave (or Indian Cave). Gold is sometimes found with Silver in deposits. However, during my research, I have quite a bit of info. that points to the Rich Mine containing GOLD and not Silver. With Gold hovering around a grand an ounce, I know what I want the "pocket" or "seam" in the mine to be. However, I am leaning 70% Silver and 30% Gold.

It will also be great to see the actual "pocket" or "seam" that the crew mined (be it Silver or GOLD) and to see how pure it really is. I am sure many have heard the tales that the Rich Mine is so pure that one can mine the ore with a pocket knife.

Also, not far from the Rich Mine (in fact, on the highest point in the area), is where I found an old dead tree that had GIST carved in it. We know from Gist's journal that he might have found a Gold Mine and I know from my research that Gist had a definite link to Swift (which I will devote an entire chapter to in my book). Could the Rich Mine and Gist's "find" be one in the same and be a Gold Mine?

The closer we get to Monday and Tuesday, the more excited I become on finally being able to answer these questions. Don't worry, I will let everyone know what the mine contains and will even show a pic of the ore (or other find(s)). This I won't make everyone wait on until my book comes out next year!

In the meantime (between now and when we remove the 10 ft. of dirt Swift and Co. filled the Rich Mine in with either Monday or Tuesday), I would love to hear everyone's opinions! What do you guys/gals think we will find? Will it be a Gold Mine, Silver Mine, Pirate loot they brought in to be melted down, NOTHING, etc.????

BTW - If it turns out to be ORE of some kind (like I believe), we will be having it assayed and I will let everyone here know the content!

I must make a correction with your above post where you mention Gist working the mines with Swift, Gist was not a crew member, or a miner, he was however a survyor. Gist died in 1759 from smallpox.............. you mention above about a carving in a tree of Gist, I belive he did come through your area, i have his map and route i'll post if it will let me... -Ki-

Ki, I didn't mean to confuse anyone. I have Gist's journal and know about his surveying. However, my research has also indicated a "pact" with Swift and Co. (he was NOT a member of the crew nor miner for Swift)!

BTW - I finally found something yesterday with the help of two friends that had puzzled me for a long time! I found the famous anchor that was on my Swift Map and the one in Henson's book! I had long wondered about this, if it was a landmark or simply on the maps with some "meaning". It does exist and is HUGE (one of the reasons I missed it, as I had been there at the rock dozens of times and didn't notice it until yesterday, when one of my friends pointed it out!)! It was in the precise location it should have been, just as everything else on the map is!

Good luck, and as your friends said; don't post to much info.
Even though I am curios I think it'll be interesting to see the results!

Good luck. :wink:

Wow, this is one of the most exciting threads I've read here. I live in Flatwoods, KY in the North Eastern corner near WV and OH. I've deer hunted in Powell county a lot. And I have always wondered what kind of rich history that area had. I have throughly enjoyed your post and wish you all the luck. Keep us updated, I would love to hear more on your progress.

Swiftsearcher, I know you was not trying to mislead anyone... congrads on finding the anchor by the way. Did you say you found a "G" in the mine? Is masionic!!! Could be Gist mark as well, worth looking into, you mention him marking a tree, is this near by your site? Again good luck and let at least some of us know how things turn out for ya.......

Cstration, I see you mention you hunt in powell co. alot, I live in powell co. and have hunted for the upper mines for the last 6 years, i belive i have found some things very important. You are right there is a lot of untold history around here. Along the Red River is where most of the legend came from as indians would alway talk of, and look for a great silver mine....... -Ki-

Thanks for the PM Ki. We'll have to get together next time I'm down that way. Like I mentioned in my PM, I love that area around the Red River. I have stumbled upon so many cool things in the woods out there. Interesting rock formations, caves, old oil wells, old abandoned houses, and what appeared to be an old Indian camp. I had no knowledge of the Swift mines until recently when I got in to MD'ing. Now that I know about it, I would love to go back down there and look around a little closer. I'm sure the place where I hunted wasn't any of the Swift locations, but possibly some of the other mines that were around there. Maybe the French, or old Indian mines.

I hate to keep being a thorn in your side, but feel i must make corrections when the subject may call for it... You mentioned in a post some time ago, i cant find it now, but read that in Swifts rockhouse you mentioned there being molds in the rock that Swift would pour his Silver in to make pigs, i think you also mentioned the hammer you found as well...The molds you may have found are not molds, they are called "Hominy Holes" from the woodland indian period...I noticed you also wrote about an Indian petroglyphs, these were all commen to the indian of that era. The hominy holes were drilled in the large sandstone rocks or floors of the rock shelters. Although they very in size, holes were used to grind seeds and other nuts the indians gathered.....It was thought that these holes were used to grind corn, but corn wasn't known to the indians at that time, but its were it gets the name Hominy hole...... Just a thought.... -Ki-

I am in no way trying to dispute you . Scott and I disagree on some points as well . I have held the hammer in my hands and agree with him that it is not contemporary manufacture .
Where I live we find cooking holes in sandstone at Indian encampment areas . Grinding holes , I think , that were handy to a person that wanted to rough cast molten metal would be used rather than
fabricate new devices . Just a thought .

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