Today, 09:03 PM Original Poster #268
swiftsearcher swiftsearcher is online now
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Feb 2006
MP 3 Pro Digital
15 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting
Curtis - You LOVE telling LIES as the truth! First of all, the feds didn't charge me, it was the state. The charge was for possession of materials with which explosives can be made - no pipe bomb or BS, as you have stated! Also, if Vamelungeon (Audie Kennedy) had not LIED to the attorney general, telling him he did not know me before signing the warrant, everything would have been dismissed!!! Kennedy told me he had researched me and knew all about me back when he was a cop in Wise VA, and wasn't a magistrate yet!!! Also, I did NOT snitch on anyone for "consideration" as you state!!! IF I had, the charge would not have gone to a jury trial!!! Common sense on that one! IF you want to continue your lies and accusations, please contact me and we can meet and you can lie to my face, like MAN!