DD-777. Thanks for your posting. I was out yesterday in the field and had another good day (they are all great out in the woods btw).
First, I have never claimed to be an expert. I have claimed to find three of the four PRINCIPAL SWIFT MINES (Including the Rich Mine). Also, I have found all of the landmarks (they were located in the exact locations Swift gives them in his journals) and the TWO furnace rockhouses. In fact, one still has the large stone with a smaller (but large) stone beneath it with molds the silver was poured in (in the shape of pigs). BTW - I have perm. to detect in certain areas (I asked for this in the beginning and received it). No, I don't take a detector out every time either - especially in certain areas that I don't have perm. - however, I do have perm. in the 3-mile radius of the Swift Principal Mines.
One thing you mentioned that I DISAGREE with adamantly is that I had a perceived location in mind (as I stated Henson and others did) when I started. Well, you are right - Henson and others wrote about Swift and gave their "conceived" locations of the mines. This is fair game after something has been published (to be scrutinized) and should rightly be questioned (even my findings might be questioned after I publish my book - though, I doubt it, b/c I will have more than my "thoughts" - I will have evidence supporting my claims and TONS of it!). When I started out, I went by the Swift Journals (I had two old copies I went by). I followed the directions given in the journals, as I had no idea at the time where I thought the mines were located. So, this part of your argument is incorrect - I NEVER had any preconceived notion as to where the mines were located.
BTW - I have heard of the stories of "found Silver" relating to Swift in the area you refer to. I also have several of those stories in my area (again, the ONLY person on here that knows where I am hunting is Ralph Hurst, so, Beale cannot conclude that I am in any given place, as I have never told him the location). The ONLY difference is I have physical proof. I have not even seen a pic. of any of the Swift's Silver supposedly found any place else! I am in the process of obtaining a Swift French Crown from a person related to a finder in my area and will show it in my book! Also, I have names of the finders of items in my area - including the names of people who found Silver, Coins, the actual molds, etc.! This, and I have found some items myself - some not mentioned here evidently.
Tell you what. You mentioned me showing some landmarks. I will! Let me know what you want to see (only one) and I will post the pic! The ONLY landmark rock I have not found is the teakettle rock (I know where it is. However, it is extremely rough to get to the area - too rough to get a pic. of one landmark) and the only mine I have not found is the middle mine (haven't looked for it yet, as it is a good distance (about a mile) from one of the furnace rockhouses (and there were no caches buried here to look for). I will get pics of it before my book is published however. Also, the ONE landmark/mine entrance I will NOT post is the chestnut bur rock and the entrance to the rich mine (I did post the inside of this mine, or bear den however). That will be saved for my book (in fact, I have not even shown it to Ralph yet, as I don't want to ruin his one surprise!). Again, lmk what ONE pic you want to see and I will post it this weekend!
Also, I have spoken with several "Swift Searchers" in my day. You are WRONG when you state posting pics will not give away the location. Some of these searchers (especially the old-timers) have seen it all and simply passed by it or did not recognize it when it was seen. However, you mention one rock and the general area where it is located and they can give you the exact location. Plus, they can take one pic and tell you where you took it a lot of times. If I was finished with my search and waiting for the book to be published, I would be more than happy to post more pics and might even give some locations as well. However, I still have the middle mine to find/photograph and the Indian Cave to find.
BTW - I am not interested in selling books either (though, it would be nice I guess, but I would have to sell six figures simply to cover my expenses in searching). I simply want to show everyone what they have overlooked and show where the mines are located and hope that the govt. will do something to preserve the mine sites and their history for the next generations to see. Plus, I am tired of geologists acting like we are all idiots when we mention silver or gold mines in the Appalachians!