Here it is!

swiftsearcher said:
I completely understand what Rebel was referring to - the outpouring of Pentecost from the Ark of The Covenant. If you have seen Raiders of the Lost Ark, you will remember when this happened in the movie - the "Spirits" coming out and killing the people who looked upon the Ark.

The best way to get around using the J-Word is to call them Edomites, since they are from Esau and not Jacob! ;D :thumbsup:

KK, it was not the person you are referring to I spoke with. The person I spoke with was a Treasure hunter/writer who was there, but was not the leader of the expedition. I will have to Google the guy you are referring to and see if the stories match up. If so, that would be even more proof than the Bible and tons of proof already that the True Israelites ARE the Anglo-Saxons (Until Jesus returns to prove to the World and make the Edomites our footstools!). :notworthy:

Rebel was answering a question I had asked. I don't believe he was "setting the tone", but I do agree we better stick to the "vault", or things will be deleted by the mods. for being too Religious. :thumbsup:

Okay, but just one more thing. If the true Ark is not in Jerusalem, then how would anything that happened there be proof?

KK, this is an easy one. I can refer back to the book of the "vault" for this answer - Numbers, the 4th book of the Bible. If you are NOT from the Chosen Race/Tribe, you will die simply by viewing the Ark of The Covenant! So, since the people who claim to be Israelites today are Edomites, they are NOT from the correct Race/Tribe. Thus, they died in the presence of the Ark of The Covenant. However, when the blond haired, blue-eyed True Israelites went in to get nearly 20 Edomite bodies out from the place of the Ark of The Covenant, they did NOT die, b/c they were the correct Race/Tribe of THE EVER LIVING GOD! This explains why the modern country of Edomites in Israel do NOT want the Ark recovered and have sealed the entrance!

NUM 4:17 And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying,
NUM 4:18 Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites:
NUM 4:19 But thus do unto them, that they may live, and not die, when they approach unto the most holy things: Aaron and his sons shall go in, and appoint them every one to his service and to his burden:
NUM 4:20 But they shall not go in to see when the holy things are covered, lest they die.

Below is a quote from and link to a site I just found on this subject. And, yes, the person I spoke with was involved with this finding. And, according to him, the ONLY people who went inside that didn't die were Anglo-Saxon Israelites! The Edomites who went in ALL died and had to be carried out by Anglo-Saxon Israelites. This would expose the Edomite LIE they have told the World, if exposed. However, as Jesus states in the Bible, their LIE will be exposed when he returns to fight for the True Israelites and establish His 1000 Year Kingdom on Earth - The Second Coming of Jesus to Earth!

Let me say this, and this is a touchy point and I try to avoid it. There's some 14 to 16 individuals that have died because they have tried to in some way to manipulate this," he explained without providing the details.

"Some have had to do with withdrawing a permit and others have had to do with, shall we say, trying to actually get in there and move the furnishings. So I believe that God has adequately demonstrated, at least to me, that He is not going to allow this to be moved. I do know this, and that is that nothing will happen to this that is not in God's plan because this is the most important part of the plan of salvation that has been carried out. This is it, the heart and soul of it. There's no way he's going to allow people, demons, or any other forces to interfere with it being done exactly as he wants it done," he stated.

But I thought you said before that you believed the Ark to be hidden in America, and not in Israel.

What I said was that items from the Second Temple, taken by Rome in 70 AD and then retaken by the Vandals, I believe are in America.

As for the Ark I don't know where it is 100% (if I did, I would be there excavating :wink:). I simply stated what you and a friend told me about the Ark supposedly being found in Israel and stated, that, if true, this would prove beyond a doubt that Anglo-Saxons are True Israel, as they were supposedly the only ones that could enter the room without death and had to recover the dead Edomite bodies from the room when Wyatt found the AOC.

Without looking back through my posts, I am almost certain I NEVER stated the AOC is in America - only that I believe the items from the Second Temple, taken by the Romans in 70 AD should be here.

Sorry, I misunderstood. You did say the 70 AD Temple. I wasn't thinking straight.

That's fine - I do type fast (and a lot) sometimes! :D

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D MEANWHILE, back at the "Vault"... question was asked how "B" Code was used on BOULDERS; Sws has it correct, I think. The PROBLEM is "B" books are "sometimes" the SAME letter, and MY guess is, what looks like someone's initials MAY be the beginning letter or two of
one of the OT books in the KJB due to the "legends" of King Solomon's Temple. I think it is the KJV, due to the BACONIAN CODE, which MAY have been utilized, too... Bro. Francis Bacon, was requested by King James to "do" a "B" for the common ppl, who could read. Elizabeth Friedman researched the Baconian Code, years ago, for the FEDS, so... ??? :dontknow: "Google" FRANCIS BACON & THE 1611 KJV BIBLE (5,020,000 "hits"). :icon_thumleft: :wink: 8) (SUNNY out).

Well boys, we have touched on the REAL Treasure here, to me and in my opinion Jesus is a global treasure! why would anyone want to delete that? Treasure of any kind should be allowed and opinions expressed. if I know these admins they just don't want a bunch of name calling here. The period of Political Correctness is now past and they won’t catch much flak!
To add to the treasures...they do greatly error not knowing—study to show your selves approved...the ark is in Heaven an apostle saw it...let you read to find out which one!

Swiftsearcher: Open the vault dude! Or PM me I’ll come down and do it for you! Will sign a nondisclosure too…so you have all the rights to the book…I just want to be helpful here and see this important find….hey have you ever got any ore samples from the area or mine?

The theory about the Anglos being the only ones that could look upon the Ark....sorry, but that could not be correct by the Bible ...if you read were Israel lost it to the Canaanites they had possession of it....and when the Israelites got it back it tilted, a common guy...(no doubt an Anglo) died for touching it...The Canaanites had it for quite a while they didn't die after looking on it...are you going to try to say those evil people were Anglos too? They did however get cancer in their privates! I am not trying to be mean here just keeping everyone on an even kneel.
I have been reading Wyatt and his associates investigations since they first hit the internet…..he found even more than most people know about… what a guy! Imagine finding the mercy seat and with the blood on it and then finding the crack in the rock right where it dripped down thru/under the place Christ was crucified? It blessed me when I read it! Praise the Lord! He was a blessed man! Did you ever read where he was visited by the Angle when he found it..Wow!

Please don’t be so sensitive about the doubters! I agree with a lot of your pictures, finds etc. I also find some questionable…that is what these forums are suppose to be about. I can show you several items similar to what you have found near Grayson KY and I’ll take some more pics and post them later on. I want to encourage you to go ahead and post so we can all benefit. Hey when I post my stuff it won’t stop me if you criticize it! Now on to a few things I would like to discuss…
First is that hammer…I am a machinist believe me that thing is no more than 100 years old. It isn’t one Swift brought with him. And that’s Ok it doesn’t have any effect on your credibility and does not make me doubt the rest of most of what you have posted! That is not key to your mines! Let it go!
The fact is they could have poured directly into a sandstone hole (sorry to disagree with others) all they would have had to do was pour a release agent into the hole first…cornmeal would work fine…it would carbonize when the molten silver hit it and provide for a release…and after you poured the silver all you had to do was stick a small piece of silver bar into the hot stuff let it cool and grab the piece added and pull it out.

I previously posted the following that is related to this:
First …the version of the legend I have indicated Swift made English Crowns…how about yours? The government arrested him for counterfeiting…had to be English …….they had no jurisdiction over the French coinage/counterfeiting. Trade coins with serrated edges are a great idea and no doubt used…but the coins I saw English and French did not have serrations. So, one step of the striking process that would create friction and made striking difficult eliminated. I know most of you have heard of the Spangle, Sprinkle, and other (real) counterfeit coins which some of them were very crude but others quite good. All were made using the striking methodology. A good friend of mine (now deceased who got me into spending years looking for the Swift Mines) found a set of dies in the 1970s near the Grayson reservoir. They were dies (not molds) of English crowns and were loaned to the U of K. As far as I know they were never returned…could still be on a shelf there? Oh, the UK people did an analysis of the material they were wrapped in….Bear tallow/fat covered and the wrapping was a bear skin….time period was possibly 1750 to 1770.
This was when I first started and have lost a topo that showed where he found the dies, a carved DAS with 1763(Swifts wife’s name was Desiree Ann Swift), two monument rocks, the furnace, Buffalo rock, Light house, haystack rock etc. (I helped him out by identifying an area of 40 acres that fit the description of where they kept the horses. The 40 acres was not in a hollow by the way, but up on top of a cliffy area surrounded by rivers and creeks with a very narrow opening.
I just recently found the place where they had buried four kegs of coins (someone got there before me though) ---most Swift hunters are way out of their league…these guys were pure genius in how they hid them... Almost in plain sight! Within two miles of this location I found Spanish words carved in a rock, another large rock (turtle shaped with a map on it that may be Spanish or Indian. So the Swift party may have found old Spanish workings or the Shawnee may have shown them where some of their forefathers were in slaved to work for the Spanish. Three were a small cache of Spanish coins dating in the 1600s found within four miles of this area. Good news is I can show you the places he marked…I think he found the general location of the upper mines. I can show you four of them….all but one are buried….and unlike others hear I can provide the ore samples! Anyone got the funds to invest to start mining? I have a geologist ready to help with the claim. I teach college (CAD) and so this type of funding is out of my ball park.
Sorry for getting off topic there. But they definitely struck the coins. They didn’t have to have all the equipment to “mill” them. An apparatus with a cast iron frame could have been placed in pieces on multiple mule loads, reassembled, used and then of course hidden…why take it back when you intended to return and make more coins? I am not a coin person, couldn’t make the coin die, but I could make a coin stamping rig that just needed a 5 lbs. sledge to operate it and two men. Make at least 30 coins an hour….all done on technology older than Swift. One station would cut the coins to size, the next actually
Now as to the age of some things in KY and Ohio they go back to Viking times….I can show you where Squire and Davis (Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley) found a compound that was 3 miles around. I went there….it is awesome and you get a weird feeling there. The Smithsonian people were there several times. The place is situated on a high plateau with almost vertical sides. An older farmer friend that lives at the foot of it said researchers’ visiting explained to him that the Vikings had a good strong hold in Ohio and KY but the Indians hated them because they ate yes ate the Indians! Not hate but ate as in cannibalism! You can also find one of these structures near Louisville I think. They were very well advanced. The walls that were around the one near Chillicothe were originally 19 feet tall made of blocks of iron like materials. They had 5-8 furnaces that smelted iron there. I have a picture of one of the weapons they used…it’s a conical shaped IRON part that has a hollow inside(looks a lot like a modern artillery shell)…they laced a sharpened sapling on the inside and shot them from giant cross bows! This was supposed to be around 1000 AD! So yes there have been other people in here. The Indians all got together and wiped them out…Indians traditions say that there were several tribes involved and it took as many as ten thousand of them to defeat this one fort! Many huge skeletons have been found in the area that are over 9-11 feet tall and whose skulls have room to fit a modern person’s whole head inside! And they have two rows of teeth! I know….off topic again but its relative to the other people that were in the KY area! Oh the Smithsonian people called them Norsemen…hmmm aren’t they related to the Vandals?

One last thing did you say you have a pic of a Swift made coin? Sure would like to see that! PM it to me if youdon't wantto post.

Curtis said:
Did you ever read where he was visited by the Angle when he found it..Wow!

I did. Or rather I saw it on a video clip. There was something about that that I can't really discuss here, but it was a great thing.

I too saw the thing on Wyatt.. It makes perfect sense to keep something like this quiet. It is a piece of the prophecy of the end days. One wouldn't want to start a panic now. Anyway the reason I am writing this is I have a question. If anybody on here does belong to a "lodge", how would someone join? It seems that the masons have some of the information I can't find on some things, and am eager to learn. PM me your answer, or email me at:


:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D ASK 1 to BECOME 1; "google" GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY - FREE-
MASONRY. :icon_thumleft: :wink:

Friends may 'encourage' you to join , but you must approach of your own free will . No one is forced to join or recruited .
My own issue ; as a man of principle and integrity , has been my reluctance to swear blind loyalty to
an organization that I might find out that I would rather not be part of after I have sworn my oath .
My word is my bond and I use caution before giving it .

;D True, you DO approach on yer own; NOT compelled to. You have "oaths", when you join the US Armed Services... you have an "oath" for a Court Trial; just "by yer word", ain't good enough. PLEASE clarify yer "anti-Masonry" comment, THANKS! In other words, what oath(s) do you know about, since
you are not a FreeMason? ??? :dontknow:

After reading many of the post in this thread, from mine to hardware, rock, and religion. I am very interested is getting this book when it comes out. Yes I am a newbie to this site and treasure hunting in general. Swifthunter, I wish you luck, I honesty think you are on to something there. Maybe not so big in material treasure, but steeped in rich historical treasure. And if you do find a decent haul out of the Vault and mines, so much the better I say. I will say, the only thing I was skeptical on was the hammer, not the age just the handle, but thats just me and to be honest in the grand scheme of things an extemely minor point if that. I applaud you for the work you have done and will keep an eye out for anything else you may post here. Just let me know when the book comes out because i think this is going to be one excellent read.



Sorry I have been out of pocket. My father had surgery this morning and has been in ICU for a couple weeks now (and was sick before this). The last time I got out anywhere in the woods was around Thanksgiving. I made a nice find that day (in another area close to the mines and things). I simply followed some signs.

As for a book, I don't know if/when I will get a chance. I simply want to finish my research in the areas when I have time and get to the bottom of things.

Luckily, when Ralph was in before Thanksgiving, I made both of us a copy of the digital pics I have. Last week, my computer was hacked into and pics and e-mails are now missing. I have all the pics, except the ones I had recently downloaded from my most recent find. There is so much left in the areas to uncover and pieces of a puzzle, that date back centuries before Swift, that the book is actually the last thing on my mind as of now.

As for the hammer, I am puzzled. Ralph took it to an expert in Colonial Williamsburg and the expert dated it to the pre 1850's at least, though, he could not assign a more specific date to it. That is all I know. I did make a very nice find in a rock house near where I found the hammer of something, that with the carvings similar to it, might prove the "KGC" or an associated organization was here in the 1930's (as the artifact I found, which was a "marker" dates from the early 30's). I have also found another "artifact" at another site from 1919, that was left as a "marker". Honestly, SOMEONE or SOME ORGANIZATION is still around these sites - I just need to figure out who they are (though, I have a very good idea)! BTW - I did find something that dates back to the early 1100's as well that will amaze many when I finally reveal it (probably in a book, should I ever write one on this)! Many will not agree and that is fine, but I do KNOW that these "KGC" sites, vaults, depositories, etc. (at least where I am searching) date back many centuries and are still "guarded" today!

Merry Christmas to all! I won't be out in the woods/areas until next year and don't really know when I will be able to get out. Those of you helping me, I will let you know of any additional finds and when I get the equipment in for looking inside the vault.


PS - Regarding the comments of the AOC not hurting others who captured it, THE EVER-LIVING allowed the Philistines to capture the AOC b/c of the Israelites' Priests sinning against THE EVER-LIVING GOD (I Sam. 2:12-17, 27-36; 4:12-22)! When THE EVER-LIVING wanted it back in the hands of the Israelites, it did harm many of the Philistines and they were happy to return it to the Israelites! The Ark was eventually captured by the Philistines and brought to a temple in southern Canaan. However, after a series of plagues believed to have been brought upon by the captured Ark, the Philistines returned the Ark to the Israelites along with gifts to be housed in Beit Shemesh.

As for Wyatt finding the AOC, I don't know. I tend to believe the story, since someone close to the discovery told me about it (and he is seems like a Good Christian Man from speaking with him). I also believe the part about the AOC killing almost 20 Edomites and they had to be taken out by White Israelites. Read the Verses below and you will see why THE EVER-LIVING did not allow these Edomites to view the AOC and live! These same Edomites from Esau are the ones Jesus Christ warned us about in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, who now claim to be Israelites or Jews!

Malachi - Chapter 1
1 The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi.

2 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? [Was] not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,

3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

4 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever.

Thanks for the update Swiftsearcher. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for anything else. :)

Erin :)

Thank you for your reply swiftsearcher. Merry Christmas and God Bless!

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