BTW - A quick update. I have not been back to the Rich Mine, since the last day of the excavation. I do intend to make at least one more trip in the upcoming weeks - to make sure nothing was left and get some pics of the inside chambers (better pics - of the beehive shapes, the "G" and some other things).
Also, even though things had pointed to a Sir Francis Bacon connection here and at the "vault", there always seemed to be an even older presence at these sites (rocks carved that even predated Bacon and Swift). I believe I might be on the right track to those - The Vandals! While I have not been out in the field, I have been researching at home and found out that the Vandals (who were a great maritime Israelite people) recognized articles, when they sacked Rome, that the Romans had taken from the Temple in 70AD. While the Vandals (much like America/Manasseh) had no intentions of holding Rome as a conquered territory, they did take back the Temple items that belonged to the Israelites (whom they were a part). They then migrated to Northern Africa, were conquered and, with their sailing prowess, came to America, as we know it today.
I am not stating for SURE that the Temple items are at my site (as I don't know what the heck is there until I finally get inside the vault), but I am 99.9% certain these items were brought to America, as we know it today. Now, I need to see IF there is a connection between the Vandals and Sir Francis Bacon. Rebel - anyone?
I have some books on the way that might help to answer this and need to check the web as well in my spare time. Bacon DID seem to know much about Israelites that many didn't and don't today, along with the "esoteric". Maybe he knew somehow of the location or locations that the Vandals hid the items of the Temple? Maybe he removed them and stored them inside his vaults? I am confident Washington and other Founding Fathers were aware of these Baconian vaults - maybe this is where Swift and crew came into the picture? Another Great Mystery in all of this is the "elder" whom "guided" Washington, Franklin and others during the Revolution!

One would think that many of these individuals would be aware of the Significance of anything the Vandals brought here from the Temple. Could these items have been "rehidden" by Bacon and/or others, for when the Phoenix (America) rises out of the chaos that is coming? Were these items hidden for evil or for Jesus' 1000 Year Kingdom in America (Israel/Zion)? There are many questions, and, again, the only way to start to answer any of these is to find one or more of these "vaults" and open it/them.
There might be more to the "Religious tone" in carvings at many of these "KGC sites" than we realize! Personally, I believe it is more than just KGC members being Religious - the Religious carvings have a DEEPER MEANING!

.......more along the lines of telling us the purposes of these caches and WHAT is hidden in some of these vaults/depositories!