Here it is!

Happy Anniversary Swiftsearcher!

New to the site, but found this thread very interesting........any updates?

i just spent the last 2 days reading this entire thread. talk about anti-climatic. hope the KGC didn't get him.

When i started reading i was stoked thinking the book would be out now. any word? :/

Reminds me of Geraldo opening Al Capone's vault. There's no book, no pictures other than a hammer that's less than 100 years old, a coin that's clearly a cropped picture and probably from doing a Google search, and a rock. Back in 09 you promissed pictures as soon as you got into the back cave. Then you copped an attitude over ONE guys comments and said "no pics for anyone", and now 5 years later, nothing. Dude you owe me my 20 minutes back that I just wasted. It did bring back an old memory of what a complete jerk SWR was and how glad I am that he's gone. Curious why every single one of his comments including those that other people quoted are gone. Did he do that somehow or was he banned ? I don't think you can edit out quotes of yours from other peoples posts. Everything he ever posted is gone as if he never existed. Strange.

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to all of you gentelmen
i ask one question where is the silver ? it seems everyone has found caves mines and landmarks ect. no viens of silver where is it ? IF YOU WOULD QUIT SQUABBLINGand pool your resorces i would show you the silver thats what you want anyway there is a way everyone can not only get along but also make more money than you ever dreamed while still protecting your interest no one will be able to take advantage of another as it is i have been searching for 45 yrs. as i could not for buried crowns or silver bars but for mines like i found had i been able to obtain the righys i would not still be looking for others these mines were very rich and showed me the type of geology the silver is found in im no smarter than any of you i just stumbled on to it i guess the geologist didnot see or realize what they saw i admire all of you and your knowledge and approches we have all taken different aproches and this is good however some things do not yet belong on the internet until proteced hopefully we all can come to terms and work together it would be to everyones advantage and mabey we could actually prove js mines did exist .
may you all have a merry christmas and a happy and prosperos new year please don`tforget the real meaning of christmas
its our savour`s birthday

While I am sure we all hope that one day we will stumble upon the walled up room inside the great cave of the Shawnees, I have reserved myself to the likely fact that it was found some years ago, and secretly hauled away into history never to be seen again. But the point of the silver vein remains. Why hasn't that been exposed over time? That is what eludes me to this day. Some here may know the whereabouts of a vein here or there, so why not mine it? We have to ask ourselves this, if we come foreword with such a discovery this day and age, what would become of it? Surely a long road of claims of ownership would develop,along with everyone and their uncle trying to take it away. So why not keep it a secret and mine it slowly, and keep it all for ourselves? Just like Swift did. That would be the only way. To honor the miners of the past. Swift and the like. Just a thought.

While I am sure we all hope that one day we will stumble upon the walled up room inside the great cave of the Shawnees, I have reserved myself to the likely fact that it was found some years ago, and secretly hauled away into history never to be seen again. But the point of the silver vein remains. Why hasn't that been exposed over time? That is what eludes me to this day. Some here may know the whereabouts of a vein here or there, so why not mine it? We have to ask ourselves this, if we come foreword with such a discovery this day and age, what would become of it? Surely a long road of claims of ownership would develop,along with everyone and their uncle trying to take it away. So why not keep it a secret and mine it slowly, and keep it all for ourselves? Just like Swift did. That would be the only way. To honor the miners of the past. Swift and the like. Just a thought.

Go to Ed henson's blog spot and check out all of the links. It looks like one mine with a vein has been found..

Glad I skipped to the end and didn't read the whole post, what's the point behind making claims ya can't back up. I was ready to buy the book and watch the movie.

That's why we called him out on it! There might be some interesting posts going back several years..Swift searcher was very active till the FBI got him...never use dynamite in a national forest!

Really, so was he legit, or will we never know? If he was blasting, he thought it was legit I would think. Got tired of usin a short handled shovel in that little hole, Quick. Treasure one day, FBI the next, that's a roller coasters ride

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Really, so was he legit, or will we never know? If he was blasting, he thought it was legit I would think. Got tired of usin a short handled shovel in that little hole, Quick. Treasure one day, FBI the next, that's a roller coasters ride

Get caught diggin' in certain areas and you can get charged for relic hunting too. Blasting does draw more attention, but technically they both are breaking the law.

If one gets caught digging for arrowheads, each piece of waste flake that was dug counts as an artifact. Some guy out west got busted for 11,000+ artifacts even though he found just a handful of arrowheads.

I call bull sh*t on that

Yea all it takes is a flake of flint on Federal land and that land becomes a no dig area.

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