While I am sure we all hope that one day we will stumble upon the walled up room inside the great cave of the Shawnees, I have reserved myself to the likely fact that it was found some years ago, and secretly hauled away into history never to be seen again. But the point of the silver vein remains. Why hasn't that been exposed over time? That is what eludes me to this day. Some here may know the whereabouts of a vein here or there, so why not mine it? We have to ask ourselves this, if we come foreword with such a discovery this day and age, what would become of it? Surely a long road of claims of ownership would develop,along with everyone and their uncle trying to take it away. So why not keep it a secret and mine it slowly, and keep it all for ourselves? Just like Swift did. That would be the only way. To honor the miners of the past. Swift and the like. Just a thought.