Here it is!

I did a quick google of the book, and it appears to the be the English author, Johnathan Swift. With letters to his wife. Wrong swift...darn it!

Wish I had a nickle for everytime the wrong Swift has come up in a article or search! I usually do the advanced search in goggle and minus the titles to some of the books like Gulliver's travels! It cuts down the titles a lot! Well it was exciting for a few minutes! I should have goggled it, instead I was checking eBay for another one..glad I didn't find it...Thanks for the help!

I did find an online copy of Gist's journal. When I get home, I'll try to lookup the address. Looks like it could be a good read.


Just read a book about Gist but it didn't have his journal in it. The poor guy sure was a good frontiersman and saved Washington's butt a couple of times. Washington mentions him a couple of times in his writtings. If you locate that book please forward the ISBN and/or other info I'd like to check it out too.

Great info, Swiftfan!

If you find a hard copy, let me know where to get one.

Thanks again!


Swiftsearcher (scott)..... Hope your father is doing better, remember we keep you and your family in our prayers and support you in anyway we can. Hope to hear from you soon buddy, God Bless..... -Ki-

Thanks for all the kind words and prayers everbody!

I am still waiting for the weather to break to get back out. There are several "loose ends" to tie up in this puzzle. Also, there is MUCH MORE to this than simply some Silver Mines. Swift was on a "mission" for the Freemasons and Washington. Goes back to Sir Francis Bacon and the "vaults" and "New Atlantis" folks - that is why these sites (especially what many think are "KGC") are still guarded today by certain high-ranking Masons and others (that I have seen personally)!


  • Holy Grail Coin Front.webp
    Holy Grail Coin Front.webp
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  • Holy Grail Coin Front.webp
    Holy Grail Coin Front.webp
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Welcome back Swiftearcher!

We are hoping all is better with your dad!

I am just starting to get into this KGC stuff a little, I am very skeptical but between you, 10Claw and Floyd Mann I am scratching my head. If I understand the KGC though, didn't it start in the 1860's? Am I understanding you in that you think the "vault" type stuff started sooner? In Swifts time? Can you shed some llight on that for us newbies?

From what I hear you will have to start referring to him as "Indy". You will be able to see all his clues and learn about his quest when he publishes the book......30 years from now :read2: :read2: :read2:

Picture the Confederacy as a goverment. The KGC would have been the CIA or the Secret Service of the the goverment. They would have (looted?) the areas that had been abandoned before the Union arrived. They were also empting banks of gold to keep the Union from getting it, burying the loot, to fund a later rebellion, or to fund the army late in the war. Later, protecting it to keep the secret. but after so many years, exactly how much was saved from the south may never be known. But, I don't know much about the KGC, it's just my idea of it.


swiftfan said:
Picture the Confederacy as a goverment. The KGC would have been the CIA or the Secret Service of the the goverment. They would have (looted?) the areas that had been abandoned before the Union arrived. They were also empting banks of gold to keep the Union from getting it, burying the loot, to fund a later rebellion, or to fund the army late in the war. Later, protecting it to keep the secret. but after so many years, exactly how much was saved from the south may never be known. But, I don't know much about the KGC, it's just my idea of it.


Swiftfan - great that you brought the KGC up - we must remember that they were notorious "Treasure Hunters" as well - searching for and finding MANY older "treasures" to add to or relocate to THEIR site! :icon_thumleft:

While I admit I don't know about the KGC, There are stories about the looting of towns prior to the Union arrival. I don't know if they were treasure hunters or not, but some possibly were looking after the war for those "signs" and stories that were told in camp around a fire. I try to not allow myself to delve into the "conspiracy" arena, but sometimes that is where you may find a lead...

SWR said:
swiftsearcher said:
swiftfan said:
Picture the Confederacy as a goverment. The KGC would have been the CIA or the Secret Service of the the goverment. They would have (looted?) the areas that had been abandoned before the Union arrived. They were also empting banks of gold to keep the Union from getting it, burying the loot, to fund a later rebellion, or to fund the army late in the war. Later, protecting it to keep the secret. but after so many years, exactly how much was saved from the south may never be known. But, I don't know much about the KGC, it's just my idea of it.


SWR - I DO have proof of this statement. However, I am NEVER posting certain "facts" here again - those will be posted on the new KGC and related information forum, when things "calm down" a bit here and I have some time to get it running.

Swiftfan - great that you brought the KGC up - we must remember that they were notorious "Treasure Hunters" as well - searching for and finding MANY older "treasures" to add to or relocate to THEIR site! :icon_thumleft:

Is there any way I can get you to validate your claim the members of the KGC were notorious Treasure Hunters? Any reliable reference or source will do. I would hate to think your claims to be hollow or fabricated to enhance an agenda

The best way to deal with SWR is to simply not respond to him . Replying leads to further distracting argument . Put him on IGNORE and only you and he know you did that and he gets off on it .
If you publicly just don't respond to him then everyone knows he is being ignored .
Them 'Dutchmen' where I come from call it shunning .


That is hilarious!

BTW - I hope all is going well with your new home and wife and look forward to meeting you again at the Swift get together "thingy"! I have some interesting things to tell you about the Rich Mine you helped with with those days and want you to be a part of the "opening" of it, as the dirt is now gone - we simply need to open the mine entrance inside and find the dabbies (as my daughter use to call coins that were dug up :D)! :thumbsup:


Jim, having met both you and Seth - You will like Seth, I am sure! :thumbsup:

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