Have been brutally attacked by a giant Hog in the middle of the cornfield today...

Gemini Alpha

Full Member
Nov 19, 2012
Detector(s) used
XP Deus
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Oh Boy, wanted to find some more awesome finds like earlier this week on the giant field im detecting. Instead i learnt a very scary lesson about being helpless in the middle of nowhere with nothing but what you cary on your body and nobody around that might be able to help you.
Well, the day started bad because i had problems with my hand from all of this weeks detecting. This morning, the Hand was suddenly swollen like baseball glove so my girlfriend wanted me to go see a doctor. Was kinda concerned about it being a Thrombosis from the latex gloves that im wearing. At that time, i was already prepped to go on the field again because i was pretty sure it was simply from all the digging that i did the day before. Well, long story short...did not go to the doctor and went to the field instead. Girlfriend was beyond pissed but i was still optimistic i made the right decision.

An hour later i was at the site. Soil was very muddy and i decided to go further away from the Road because the soil was dry there. At this point, the hand was killing me and i felt like kicking my own butt for not going to the doctor. Wasnt really in the right mood for detecting in wet mud so the whole search wasnt really great. Found a few neat things but nothing great. I was getting down on the ground to dig out a small coin that i just detected and when i wanted to get back on my feet again, i saw a Hog on the other side of the field. And it was running towards me. I was immedietly standing up to look bigger. At this point, i was already bringing the detector away from me because i knew this would gonna hurt. Put it a few meters away from me on the ground, took my knife and my shovel out of the backpack and screamed to scare it away. No Reaction at all....just a wild hog crazily running towards me. Cant tell you the terror i felt at this point...i was in the middle of nowhere...there were no trees, no people that heard me, nothing that was able to save me and fat pig trying to stamp me in the ground. I was like...this is it. It´ll kill me. Decided not to wuss out but stand my ground. Took the shovel like an axe and beat it with it as it hit me like a train. Was flying a few feet through the air and probably broke my rib when i hit the ground. Shovel was flying through the air and was gone at that point. When i saw it was attacking again, i was snapping. Pulled my knife and stabbed it once in the rib cage but couldnt really bring it in. At this point, it made a loud roar and finally decided its better to run away. For the first ten minutes i was just sitting there and staring. Had total horror in my eyes because i was concerned it would come back. Then i decided its time to go, packed my detector and left. Was really glad i´ve put the detector away when i still could because that monster whould have smashed it to pieces. Thats probably the only good thing that came out of this day. Not sure how to deal with this kind of stuff in the future. I was not a threat to the hog or anything like that. Saw them at least 20 times in the past months and none of them ever attacked. Until today. Not sure but i might get me a hunting license or something like that. Dont want to make this experience ever again...Take care guys. Good Hunting.

Will post some pics from my finds later today in this Thread btw. Just wanted to share this story with you guys.

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Upvote 7
ok, don;t tell anyone I told you about this or I could lose my job at Langley. I believe the hog saw your detector and from a distance thought it was a gun. There is a top secret plan being tested in Europe. The U.S. is also awash in wild hogs, and there is a gov plan to train them to take guns away from hunters. I know, I know it sounds ludicrous but trust me it's the gov plan everyone has been fearing. Next time disguise your detector as something else, maybe a sunflower. And please don't laugh at this, your ribs will hurt.

Amazing tale. Glad that you're ok. Thanks for bringing another thing to consider before venturing out alone.

holy crap you were lucky
better mark the calender
them thing are mean as ****

You did good Gemini, worst thing you could have done would have been trying to run from it, it would have identified you as prey. You fighting it is what probably convinced it to back down and call it a day. If it ever happens again, try running right at it screaming like a psycho and waving your arms. I know the best thing to defend yourself out in the wild is a gun but also understand it's not a viable option for everybody. When I go out relic hunting in the woods I carry a hatchet, it's primary use is as a hammer when I need to use a spike, chisel or my trowel to dig through hard pack and rocky ground, also use it to cut through small roots.....but if a large furry woodland creature wants to have a turf war with me I'm gonna leave a mark with it. The pepper spray is a good idea too but not sure if it'd deter a crazy boar like the one that attacked you...them things is just cussed mean. Glad you're ok though, get healed up, get geared up and get back out there huntin'. :icon_thumleft:

perhaps a small can of hairspray and a lighter or like one already said a can of Raid.

if pepper spray is good enough for American grizzlies, it'll work on a hairy pig

lol, hairspray> seriously?

lol, hairspray> seriously?

You missed a key component of the "hairspray defense". It was
"can of hairspray and a lighter"....

Not a kids toy, by any sense, but a can of hairspray and a lighter can do a
lot of damage. If you didn't know, spraying hairspray (away from you!) and lighting
the stream on fire can produce one superb little flamethrower. (edit in note:
the above is a VERY dangerous thing to do, so bring pepper spray instead!)

Couple thoughts: If all you have is a 9mm, don't stress too bad ..(unless you
aren't much of a shot when under pressure..lol). If the pig is coming towards you
(and they are faster than you might think), set your sights on the shoulder,
and start firing. Put as many rounds into that one shoulder as you can, and
it should disable it enough that you can escape.

The pepper spray is a great idea, IMO. Hogs can't see too good, and rely
on their noses for just about everything. If a large can, start spraying before
the hog is even close enough, and if it's breezy out get it up into the wind
that will be blowing over the hog, as well. If he gets a snootful of that
pepper spray, I can't imaging them wanting to continue.

Gotta agree with the other chap, too, as hogs have lousy eyes, and
odds are it only smelled you and considered you a threat. Good job on
bustin' him with the shovel!

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as a last resort, side step him as he gets to you, jump on his back and poke your fingers in his eyes. Chances are he'll run from you. When he gets to a place you want to be hop off.

Gemini Alpha,
You are, as others have said, lucky that critter did not hurt you seriously or more than it did. What to do about the future? Something that is certain to work regardless of the conditions! First the pig is low to the ground so it is aiming at your legs. Your shovel was a good idea but likely it was short so the pig was very close to you when you hit it and you did not jump up in the air after you hit the pig. From what you wrote the animal did react to your knife attack so seemingly it does not want to be injured. It would be nice to have something a weapon that is long so you and the animal are a bit further away and all of this is tough to carry while detecting.

The pig did not react to the shovel hit but did to the knife attack so what is running through my head is for you to add some sort of a sturdy, solid so a bit heavy type of pick but not to heavy or long to be excessively awkward while detecting. The pick point should be quite pointed to get through the animals thick skin. Hitting it in the head should get its attention but that is a small target to aim at when you know you need to jump up in the air. If the pick could be lodged into the spine then you should get an immediate reaction out of the animal and it might just drop to the ground as soon as the spinal cord is severed or injured. This would be a very close contact activity as you've already noticed I'm sure. A pick or a pike are my suggestions.

Here in the U.S. we have a pressurized can of Wasp Spray and it comes out in a solid stream that travels some 20'. If it is available in Europe then it might give you a distance advantage even though the animal will be moving quickly.

Best of luck and I hope you heal well and quickly..................63bkpkr

We have rumors of them around here from time to time.

I work alone in the woods a lot, sometimes quite a ways out there. This is the minimum I take along:
So far, it's just taken out vegetation too small to use a machete on. Hogs have been killed with that, but it's a bit too exciting for me. Better with dogs.

Here's the carry I take when I'm "back there", in 44 mag:
Still gotta take them seriously. They're darn smart.

Had hogs on the farm, and the "veneer of civilization" is only "skin deep".

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...I beleive he is in Europe....where you cant protect yourself??If this isnt a primo example of why gun ownership is precious,I dont know what is!!Glad your OK mate,I have been attacked by hogs as well....viscous critters,when provoked,or not

Sorry Kuger but you got me laughing cause I can just see you getting attacked by a wild hog... Who wins? a Wild hog or a Colt 45?? easy question! :wave:

WoW! Lucky man you are, those are mean animals! The idea of hair spray and a lighter would play on the natural fear of fire if you had time. A can of starter fluid would be better, heavy stream, longer range, and much hotter. Glad you are o.k.!

I thought I was going to be attacked by a hog once, gulped down a six pack of Bud and she turned into a real fox, so I took her home for the night! :)

The acp is a joke to a steaming boar sorry guys lol
You need the Total digger protection program

Taurus Raging Bull Magnum
6 shot chambers all these.
45 long colt
454 casul
.410 shotgun rounds

The 454 is a beast.
The 45 colt is easier to shoot but 2x the power of the acp
410 is available in buckshot too for personal protection.

View attachment 753009

S&W 500 Magnum might just do the job too...

I think the pepper spray is the best approach, cause if I shot the dang thing then there's
all that gutting, quartering and packing out to do. I'd rather be hunting goodies than
have to gut a hog with a dull Lesche knife!

your very lucky that it was not a pack of them (they often travel in large packs -- and if a pack of them gets you down , your not coming up again )-- because pigs are omnivories --meaning they like human beings will eat anything that doesn't eat them first -- their tusk are fierce weapons indeed and are often razor sharp , meat is meat to them and they will gladly eat you if they can --the hog most likely was feeding in that feild on a steady basis and "saw' you "rooting" around in his food source area--so in his mind you were "stealing" his food --pigs are highly territorial about food sources and mating rights with the herds females.--size often is the factor in who the "boss" pig of the herd is--and size depends on food , lots of food --so it a vicious circle -- thats why having a hunting buddy is so vital * for safety puposes

if you can not get a gun or gun permit --in germany they have hunting swords aka "boar swords" that they used to use n em in the old days better than nothing -- some folks here in america hunt wild boars with a pack of catch dogs and a knife --the dogs grab the pig by the ears and tail to "hold em" and the human dodges in with the boar knife to finish him off with --there is a weak spot just behind the pigs ear that leads to the spinal cord / brain juction -- one good stab and a twist and dead piggie -- along the shoulder area under the skin is a very large tough gristle plate that is very hard to pierce * the under throat area and behind the ear are a pigs "weak spots" when using a knife -- farmers often use a ball peen hammer (using the ball part side) to hit hard just above the pigs eyes --theres a soft spot there and it "brain stuns" them and then the farmer cuts the pigs throat with a large sharp knife and hangs them upside down to bleed out

yes I hunt pigs here in america -- I have seen a 250 -300 lb hog take a 20 guage "deer" slug fired by a freind of mine --right in the gristle plaste from 30 yards , yes it knocked him over but then he jumped up and run away rapidly still very alive --he was later on trapped alive a month later at my brothers farm where he had been making a pest of him self and upon butchering the slug was found flattened out under the skin between the skin and his gristle plate -- before we pulled the late night stake out on him I had offered my freind ron the use of one of my hog rifles ( a polish made 1952 era M44 7.62 x 54r ) but he said "oh this 20 gauge is plenty strong enough "--- he no longer says that anymore and now he happily takes my polish when we go hog hunt at night to clear them off our deer hunting lease. ( by the way night hunting with a light to remove "hogs' is legal in florida on your own land or a leased land with the land owners ok)

as far a a weapon that you can actually get and use --might I suggest a "short handled' mini sized combo pick hoe / mattox --the pick end when swung with force will peirce ia hogs skull quite nicely (they used pick type weapons to pierce knights armor in old days)-the flat mattox hoe type blade is not a idle threat either if kept sharp plus it can be used as a digging tool while MDing and carried on a belt loop .

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I would carry a walking axe or a long handled shovel. Glad you are okay. Too bad European Governments are too scared of their people to let them own guns.

Oh wait, that's happening here too.....

Grab it's ears, Hop on it's back and Wrestle it to the ground.

By the way Where are your pics of your Finds ? What did you find ?

Hi Jeff, will certainly post the finds in this Thread later today. But it will take me till the evening as i plan to go to the same Place again later today to overcome the Trauma. Wanna make sure this is not getting inside my head, you know? Will carry a small axe, various knifes and some pepper spray. Lol. I know its nothing that would have stopped yesterdays hog but its all i can do for now. Might get me a massive pick or so but i need to get me a bigger backpack first because i already look like a loon with all my equipment, the muddy clothes and the detector. Dont want people to get the idea im the village Nutjob. :)

I gotta hand it to you for standing your ground on that one. It's a good reminder that aneeethinngg can happen in the sticks. Holy crap!

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