has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i wish i as wrong this time ,,, but i am not ... the red line on the bottom picture is the new equator . its the rotational spin thats going to change from their known axis ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

do you under stand what this is going to do to the earths evironment ....?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Your posts have turned into some really bad science fiction. You have a harder time staying on topic than a 6yr old. The subject "Has Montezuma tomb been found" sounded like a really interesting topic but after four pages of your pointless ramblings the it's obvious this science fiction story isn't going to have any kind of ending, just continual ramblings. Without a dought your posts are some of the oddest things that I have ever read, not so much bad as odd. I can't quite figure out if this really is a game or if all this lunacy really is you. In any case you certainly do put a lot of time and effort into it, why? So what if the earth tilts over, theres nothing we can do about it. I have made my peace and I am ready to go anytime and just what does ANY of that have to do with montezumas tomb??. While most of us out her are just simple folks I don't think any of us are as stupid as you think we are.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

good then i should just leave ,.. latter

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

QUOTE Bowman: "1000 years ago there was few records of these things kept in a clear recorded histroy let alone under stood what was happening at the time ...if the event happend in the day time , no one would even know what took place other then floods and volcanic activeies... the sun cause have moved back wards a and few would under stand it if it had happend at night ... would they know what a 37 degree movement of the cellerial shpere would even look like from one hour to the next most likely not ..IMHO "

I thought the earth was a spere that traveled around the sun, thus night in the uk is day in austrailia?
If so no matter what time of day such an event took place it would have been witnessed by at least some.
Where is this event recorded?

The sun moving backward? I dont understand, I thought the sun was a star, and thus stationary or at least moving through space with "us" as the universe expands.

This is all to much for my predementianal brain to evaluate, if anyone is able to clarify for me I would be grateful.

Gary :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

PS BOWMAN if this shift takes place in 2012 could you tell me if the uk will be closer to the equator, I sure hope so its so hard to tan there with the present distance.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

cactusjumper said:

Our first real clue was the five gallon glass containers of nitroglycerin that lined the entrance of bb's find/cave. There could be no serious discussion after that story.

Take care,


Joe this was far more likely to be the reminants of a meth lab, maybe one of bowmans friends?

Gary :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigos,

Cactusjumper wrote:
Our first real clue was the five gallon glass containers of nitroglycerin that lined the entrance of bb's find/cave. There could be no serious discussion after that story.

Well Joe that one struck me as an odd thing for him to perceive and a strong clue that Blindbowman is probably MIS-interpreting the information he is obtaining by remote viewing. If the alleged jugs of nitroglycerin were actually supposed to be taken (by him) as SYMBOLIC in nature and meaning something dangerous in the cave, something perhaps life-threatening or even “explosive” in some sense (a term so often mis-used by media reporters) then it starts to make some sense. I get the impression that Blindbowman, ironically a man who is so intrigued by “codes” and hidden symbolic meanings, is taking every image or information he gets via remote viewing LITERALLY instead of looking at it as something symbolic.

On the other hand, considering the number of early Dutch-hunters who did resort to the use of explosives in their quest to find the lost mine, it would not be all that big a shock if some stray dynamite or blasting powder or even nitroglycerin (even though this particular explosive had been largely replaced by dynamite by the time the Dutch-hunters were at work) should have been left behind in a hidden safe spot. I would not attach too much importance to finding some old explosives, other than it would be wise to contact the Forest Rangers and show them where it is so that it can be safely disposed of before someone gets hurt with it. Of course Blindbowman appears to have taken no such steps for the public safety, which makes me believe that what he reports of the jugs of nitroglycerin is something he obtained by remote viewing ONLY and that it really was symbolic, but that he is taking it literally, like he appears to have done with so many different clues.

Blindbowman wrote:
what do think well happend when the force of the two rotations meet ,,.....?

we didnt find it because no one under stands it to start with ......

1000 years ago there was few records of these things kept in a clear recorded histroy let alone under stood what was happening at the time ...if the event happend in the day time , no one would even know what took place other then floods and volcanic activeies... the sun cause have moved back wards a and few would under stand it if it had happend at night ... would they know what a 37 degree movement of the cellerial shpere would even look like from one hour to the next most likely not ..IMHO

Hmm well amigo this I have to agree with in part, and respectfully disagree with in part – for some civilizations were keeping pretty good and accurate records of events 1000 years ago. (The Chinese, specifically, and India as well, plus many Muslim countries were keeping good records too. Remember that in that time period the world of Islam was really the “center” of higher learning – they preserved much of the ancient wisdom of the classical Greeks etc for us, luckily.) In Europe and North America the records range from poor to non-existant for the period, which is why I agree in part. Did you look into ancient Chinese, Tibetan, Hindu or Arab chronicles for the period to see if any such cataclysmic events are recorded?

Then there are some ancient texts that might well be referring to such events, that do not coincide with your time-point, but MIGHT be just what you describe – check Joshua 10 (Old Testament) in which the Sun and Moon appeared to “stand still” long enough for the Israelites to defeat their enemies. What kind of celestial event could make these sky-objects APPEAR to “stand still”? Then you mentioned the Sun moving “backward” – well in Isaiah 38:8 we have a description of just such an event – quote:

Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.” (Isaiah 38:8)

Again we have to ask, what sort of celestial event would result in this type of description as it would appear to witnesses standing on Earth? Would it make more sense that the Sun should actually move from its’ place, or that the actual rotation of the Earth shifted slightly? However the timing of these events does not coincide with 1000 years ago, more like around 3000 years ago. We already mentioned the strange report in Herodotus about the Sun switching directions twice, resulting in no notable damage in Egypt, hinting that possibly some bad effects resulted in other lands.

Blindbowman also wrote:
you tell me what event took place in that time span . between 990AD -1012AD ...who saw the shift and what did they see . it happend . and i know it did ... that was only a shift the next one well be a shift and a maga shift at the same time . the ehco will make a nother event like the Younger Dryas ....dont beleive me ,, its your choice ...

There are many events in that turbulent time span, including Norse ravages of western Europe and the Norman invasion of England, (WHOOPS that was 1066, mea culpa boo-boo but still a very turbulent historical period in Europe) Leif Eriksson is believed to have discovered America, etc. As I understand it, this was not a period of a “little Ice Age” but rather the opposite, a period of unusually warm climate, enabling agricultural crops to be grown even in such frigid areas as Greenland. It is not a matter of “belief” but of history amigo.

Blindbowman also wrote:
,you people can t even under stand the pictures when they are setting still ...

thats funny to me ....

What makes you think that we do not understand this whole area of your theory? It is not difficult to understand, what I fail to see is the solid evidence to prove it up.

Blindbowman also wrote:
i get it its like a two year old trying to do basic math .. OK , let me explan it . in basic

While I appreciate your effort to explain things “in basic” I do find this a little insulting. Do you really know the IQ of the folks you are discussing here? Perhaps you are just irritated so I will drop it.

Blindbowman also wrote:
dose any one under stand me at all .. its not the planet that is going to shift its the rotation axis ,the rotational spin of the earth well remain the same .but the axis well change and shift from tilted to none tilted,and the new axis well be string up and down . <snip> (and)
dose anyone here speak addvance wisdom ...

bowmen to earth ,bowmen to earth , awake up earth .....its time to safe your selfs before its to late.

I think you are quite under-estimating your ‘audience’ here amigo, and “advanced wisdom” is not beyond the ken of several of your friends here. This condescending attitude is not going to help convince folks that your theories are correct, in fact it will have a quite negative effect.

The attitude aside, there are scholars who believe that the tilt of the Earth has changed in history, but nothing on the order of 37 degrees amigo, more like a couple of degrees. The basic laws of physics makes such a magnitude of change extremely unlikely, if you doubt this take a toy gyroscope and try to change the axis while it is spinning – the centrifugal forces tend to resist any large changes, but are less resistant to small or tiny changes. The phenomena of “precession” has been known since the ancient Babylonians figured it out, a wobble in our rotation that causes the poles of the Earth to describe circles (actually spirals as the whole Solar System is moving) over LONG spans of time.

Blindbowman also wrote:
i wish i as wrong this time ,,, but i am not ... the red line on the bottom picture is the new equator . its the rotational spin thats going to change from their known axis ... <snip> and…

do you under stand what this is going to do to the earths evironment ....?

It is not difficult to imagine the effects if this event did occur, but the effects might be less catastrophic than one might think too – for the powerful effect of gravity may cause this strange event to be not-so-detectable to a person standing on the ground.

All of this is very much circumstantial to your original claim to have located the tomb of Montezuma, and only slightly more related to the claim that the Superstitions are in fact Aztlan. To my eye (apparently so utterly ignorant in your view) this appears to be more attempts to quickly shift the subject matter away from the core subject, which has raised questions that you apparently do not wish to answer. I am becoming tempted to simply give this up amigo, it sure looks to me as if you do not wish to address some of the complex factors involved in your theories, such as, if the Clovis people were working with the Aztlan civilization, where is the evidence of such trading interaction, where are the trade routes, what did the Clovis people use for pack animals etc and what solid evidence is there to show that the Superstitions are in fact Aztlan?

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
Your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

the evidence is all around you ,,, was the poles ever tropic evironments , yes , we know ice melts ,and oceans rise .. bad things happen why we set around wondring if its posable ...you guys take care .. i will get back when i can ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Well amigo early in this thread you said you were unsure as to what you found, then after a while you seem to have become certain that it is the tomb of Montezuma (after conversing with the old king personally) and that the Superstitions are Aztlan. What convinced you of that idea, instead of keeping the door open to other possibilities? I try to keep an open mind and have been asking to see some evidence to help prove what you are saying, but you are apparently un-willing to post what I am asking and I can only assume that you either don't want to post it or don't actually have it. Are you willing to say which is the case?

Blindbowman are you absolutely certain that the information you have received by remote viewing is not symbolic instead of literal? (For example the Montezuma bit, couldn't that mean an important chieftain instead of literally Montezuma?) Have you considered the alternate possibility, that every piece of info you have gained by remote viewing might be symbolic, and what those symbols might actually mean? The whole scenario would then be quite different. Thank you in advance,
your friend,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I don't pretend to understand this thread, you people are way more well read,
elightened, and educated than I. I can follow some of the logic but not most.

Blindman wrote

the blindbowman said:
i get it its like a two year old trying to do basic math .. OK , let me explan it . in basic
bowmen to earth ,bowmen to earth , awake up earth .....its time to safe your selfs before its to late

My questions to you Blindman ...
Can you explain to me specifically how we can save ourselves before it is too late?
Can you explain in basics exactly what I must do to save myself before it is too late?
Please be specific as I may be like a two year old in the presence of a shaman.

Blindman wrote
the blindbowman said:
i thaught you were the only i was talking to ?.. stay safe stay free

Surely you realize that by posting on such a popular site that you are being read
by many, but we may not feel qualified to enter into such a discussion because we
are ignorant, that is, not possessing sufficient knowledge on much of what is being
discussed here.

I feel I am at peace with my maker and will deal with what is going to happen to
me as best I can. However, I must ask someone who states that I must save myself
before it is too late, how, exactly, specifically, should I go about saving myself?
I am constantly seeking ways to make life better for myself and all those I encounter,
please enlighten me with specifics.

Real treasure isn't held in the hand or viewed by the eyes, it is shared between hearts.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

the blindbowman said:
you would exspect to do them same you would for any bad weather event ,, ...we dont know how long this event well take . if you take meds ,, have the meds on hand ....
fresh drinking water . we dont know if the air will be safe or not ... frit aid kits .. . dish soaps and disenfectians ... we dont know how dangerou the out side air well be . if it becomes danerous ... keep plant seeds . if it gets real bad and last a long time you would like to eat something other then each other ....this is not joke ... if this event takes place this is a one way road . we make it threw it or we dont .....think no power no heat ,no food , ...think basics

Oh you mean like I do all the time, as I live in the north and it is nothing to see 30
below zero temperatures for weeks, or months of below zero weather.
As for meds and seeds and no food,
I think if it gets that bad and people around me are starving to death, dieing of
diseases, well I don't want to live in a world where people around me are dieing
and I am hiding and hoarding. I will share what I have, try to make the best of it,
and go down with the ship. I don't want to be the last man on earth, I would gladly
give my last meal to any who need it, give my only blanket to comfort another.

I thought you being a shaman would have some spiritually enlightening revelations
to reveal to save my soul. Guess I will just continue on with my ignorant ways and
let it be a surprise when the world flips and decends into chaos.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hmm sounds a bit like some of the 'Survivalist' lore available online and in magazines & books etc. It is cheap insurance to have some emergency equipment and supplies on hand in your home and in your vehicle, and good sense as well.

If I appear to be doubtful of your warnings of our collective impending doom, mi amigo Blindbowman - it is because we have had folks pronouncing similar impending dooms for many centuries, and suffice to say that so far, none of them were correct. Remember the warnings about the Y2K world-wide computer crash etc? Yes a few computers did get the year wrong, but they simply had it as year 000 or 0001, a fairly simple error to correct. We currently have some 'prophets' of doom giving out shrill warnings of "global warming" and to this there is some scientific evidence to support it, but our world has been considerably warmer than it is today and the planet survived. Mankind is arguably the most adaptable creature on the planet, so long as our Sun does not go supernova we are capable of surviving some extremes. If your prediction of a planetary shift resulting in new poles and equator occurs, there is nothing we could do to prevent it, but I suspect that humankind will endure it. Don't forget that Earth and humanity has survived changes in the axial tilt in the past.

I keep a bit of "survivalist" equipment around myself, and have a little store of food, as I believe every household ought to have - "just in case" for natural disaster can strike anywhere at about anytime. I am not converting my cash into gold and silver however, though at least that would help protect it from the constant depreciation/devaluation our currency undergoes. Are you, Blindbowman, prepared or preparing yourself for the imminent doom you have just predicted? If so, what steps are you taking or have taken already? If you are not prepared nor preparing, why not?

I consider us to be friends here amigo, and some differences in opinion are to be expected and ought to have no effect on the friendship. I appreciate your trying to extend the warning, but to be honest I have difficulty in believing that it will come to pass, at least in our lifetimes. I hope that you will not take it as some affront if some of us have problems trusting your prediction, and remember a famous man once said "A prophet is not without honor except in his home town" - and I think you are indeed 'in your home town' among a pack of treasure hunters as we are here on T-net, even though you have said that you are no "treasure hunter".

So what about the questions amigo, viz Clovis-Aztlan-Montezuma etc? Should I just forget the questions raised or do you plan to address them? Thank you in advance in either case,
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings everyone,

Well mi amigo Blindbowman what am I to make of your replies? You are saying that you cannot be mistaken about the images/info obtained by remote viewing, that it is definitely not to be taken symbolically, correct? You either do not have the solid evidence being requested, or are unwilling to post it publically, correct?

Based on your replies, I have to say that while this particular theory was interesting, many complex issues you apparently will not address; the prophetic warning of our impending doom might be a token of esteem, a wish to let your friends have the warning needed in order to survive, but how can we know this warning is unlike those so frequently uttered in the past that proved to be false alarms? What I have been asking you is to convince me - and I get mystical "smoke and mirrors", so to speak.

I don't know what you found there in the Superstitions amigo, and now am fairly convinced that you don't know what it is either - just go over the litany of theories you have presented in the various threads and read them as if you were another person to see what I mean. You were convinced that it is so many different things, and have been trying to tie together so many varied legends into a single place that it stretches the imagination (and diminishes the legends of other places) - almost as if the whole world must be wrapped up on those mountains. It is tempting to tie in legends with other legends but rarely will they fit together. The world and history is far more complex than that amigo!

I am not irritated with you but am a little disappointed. I get the impression that you get similar feelings out of our discussion - perhaps we are of two worlds so different that our communication is crippled. At this point, I have no further questions for you on your theory or your discovery(ies) as it seems impossible to get ground-level answers to ground-level questions.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

unwilling to post it publically, correct

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

ORO, you posted =====>

"No one has "all" the answers to anything"

" Obviously you haven't met my wife sigh.


BB, why do you think that it is difficult to visualize the effect of a shifting of the poies? As a matter of fact this has been going on since the earth commenced to coalesce from primerial materiel, but generally at a slower pace in between violent spacial shifts. . The basic shift only inclines the polar axis, which as you mentioned changes the equator, but "the wobble" determines the length of the seasons and the "surface climatic change".

Once this new equilibrium has been reached or stabilized, the seasons and surface climatic conditions will be fairly constant for a long period. This will lead to New equatorial super heating and also super cooling at the new poles leading to an enormous ice cap buildup again.

What you have failed to mention is the change in "directional rotation" of the earth various times. ORO casually mentioned this in his references also. I believe that Geomagnetics has proven this. They tend to confirm ancient documents.

Remember, we are effectively dealing with fluid magmatics, the earth is effectively not a solid.

Did you use any mathametics to establish your belief as indicated by the multiple lines on the spheres.? If so which?

What about those tracks that you showed? any more evidence on them?

Bk to the Aztecs & Monty.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

was i talking to just the smartest of the class ...? this is a act of nature ,no one is safe . no one will get a free ride ..

it will do what it will and we adapt or become ...extinct.. fact ..

it dosent matter how rich you are or how much you think you know . if you dont carry your wisdom in side of you ,your histroy ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

OHIO BB & Room, k, What caused the rotation of the earth and it's orbit in the first place? snicker.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I sincerely doubt that Montezuma treasures or personal effects were moved any effective distance since the required amount of men would not have gone unnoticed and would have been handed down in family legends. The logistics for such an operation to go to the superstitions are very interesting and would have been extremely difficult if not impossible in those days.

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