has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HI BB & Room: the degree of axis wobble or rotation can easily be calculated by merely observing the apparent sun's movement over the year. In summer, in the northern hemisphere, it is nearly overhead in many places, yet in winter it is south , closer to the equator.

As for gravity holding the oceans in place, it does a poor job right now , look at the lunar influence in the Tidal flow. In a radical polar axis shift, the earth would naturally be seeking an equilibrium and in doing so, much of it's land mass's movements would be accompanied by violent continental drifts and upheavals as the plates tend to ride up, or over each other, or even apart. You can readily imagine what this means.

Remember, the results of a precession force is evidenced by a 90 degree movement into the direction of rotation from the point of application.

If this is going to happen soon, we had better get to cracking on Monty's treasure, since it will probably be covered with the collapsing

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigo Real de Tayopa,

This will be off-topic, apologies to ye silent readers... :-[

Real de Tayopa wrote:
As for gravity holding the oceans in place, it does a poor job right now , look at the lunar influence in the Tidal flow. In a radical polar axis shift, the earth would naturally be seeking an equilibrium and in doing so, much of it's land mass's movements would be accompanied by violent continental drifts and upheavals as the plates tend to ride up, or over each other, or even apart. You can readily imagine what this means.

Hmm so you are assuming that a shift in the axial rotation would be so rapid as to result in massive cataclysms correct? How can we be sure that any such shift would be so rapid as to cause such disasters? The Earth has shifted in the way we are discussing repeatedly over the past, yet life continues - the evidence then would suggest that this type of axis-shift would not necessarily be rapid, rather it might be quite gradual to the point of being barely perceptible to a witness on the Earth. In this case, only someone keeping a close watch on the courses of the stars, the Sun, the moon etc would notice changes right away, as is in keeping with the ancient texts cited earlier, as well as Mayan, Egyptian, Babylonian and Chinese records. So is it not equally possible that a change in the Earth's tilt and/or rotation might not result in much damage? Thank you in advance,

I don't think that our amigo Blindbowman is going to post the type of evidence that would make his case irrefutable, as he replied that he is not going to post this type of evidence. So the jury is 'out' on what he has found, if it is anything remarkable or not. I don't mean to sound 'dismissive' of his claims but without that solid evidence, the claims remain un-proven and must remain classed along with those of so many others. I have to agree that it is illogical to think of the Aztecs taking such pains with the dead body of their emperor, especially considering that they had just stoned him to death. However remember the story of Caesar, murdered by Senators, but the people still mourned his passing so perhaps this is a somewhat similar case? Aztec nobility rejecting Montezuma as a weak and irresolute leader unfitted to rule the empire, but the people still holding him in high regards? That is PURE SPECULATION on my part.

Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HI ORO: There is a point in a gyros speed of rotation where a slightly more unbalanced force will cause it to violently react attempting to establish a new equilibrium, if possible. I haven't the slightest doubt that this has happened various times in the past. How else to explain human manufactured tools being found in solid granite? The present slow movement of the polar axis does not fall into this category - yet, but the continental drift just may..

How can one explain the Mastodon island in Siberia that is almost solid Mastodon bones and carcases perfectly preserved with human bones intermixed? They have found sproutable grains in the stomachs which are in the process of being raised today to see if they can be of any value to us.

Since you are a biblical scholar, have you noticed that it mentions that the world was destroyed by GOD and rebuilt to our present period?

Also, how can the Bible explain the Sun rising in the West changing to rising in the East as it presently does?.

Do you subscribe to the Nemesis theory? It is supposedly due on the 2012 - 20030 period, coincidentally with the end of the Mayan calender.

As for our MONTY, he, and his loot, are buried in the underground complex beneath Mexico city.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigo Jose',

Real de Tayopa wrote:
There is a point in a gyros speed of rotation where a slightly more unbalanced force will cause it to violently react attempting to establish a new equilibrium, if possible. I haven't the slightest doubt that this has happened various times in the past. How else to explain human manufactured tools being found in solid granite?

Perhaps we are differing only in the degree of destruction involved here. I lean toward the idea of a relatively fast "flip" due to ice-melt causing weight re-distribution, but even so to call it "fast" is to say over the course of say a 24 hour period or longer - slow enough that the oceans, seas and lakes would not necessarily react any more than to have some flooding and extreme tides etc. The mammoths found with still-green buttercups still in their mouths at the moment they were frozen to death certainly points to a rather "sudden" event, but consider how "sudden" it must have been, that the animals were still calm and grazing, not found in heaps where they had panicked/stampeded and ran over cliffs etc. So I would say rapid, in a relative term but not so rapid as to cause the Pacific to wash over the American continents and spill into the Atlantic, for example. Quite a difference in effect, depending on the speed of the event. If so slow as to equate to years, then we should not have found mammoths suddenly frozen to death - if so fast as to cause the oceans to leap out of their beds, we ought to find massive evidence of such destruction, which we do not.

How to explain those archaeological oddities indeed! If you are referring to the very strange objects such as the "sparkplug" that appears to be man-made and must be over 200,000 years old, etc correct? The same list of items we find in Michael Cremo's "Forbidden Archeology" book? These are quite mysterious and difficult to explain away, so most historians dismiss them wholesale as just "anomalies" with no meaning. However there are some possibilities, ranging from the far-fetched to the realms of science fiction; such as these could be evidence of human time-travelers, perhaps visiting the distant past from our future; as tantalizing as this theory is, we have no proof that time-travel is possible, with some scientists insisting that it is impossible, others claiming it is possible at least in theory. These anomalous objects could be the evidence of ancient alien visitors to Earth too, a few items lost by alien "Columbus"-es exploring our little world etc. There is no apparent reason to think these objects are not of earthly origins however, as far as I know. One possible explanation, as pedestrian as it may be, is that they are nothing but "geofacts" - objects that despite the obvious appearance of being man-made, are in fact rare and odd natural objects. (We see some objects posted right here in T-net from time to time that appear to be man-made, but are just strange "geofacts", usually in the Amerindian sections.) For anyone interested in 'forbidden archaeology' Michael Cremo has a web site:
I should add here that as much as I like Michael and find his work VERY interesting, he has been attacked by academics for his work and is dismissed by some as a "fringe" amateur. Of course I would have to admit that I have also been called that and worse too. :'( :tard:

Real de Tayopa also wrote:
Since you are a biblical scholar, have you noticed that it mentions that the world was destroyed by GOD and rebuilt to our present period?

Thank you for the kind words amigo, but I would amend that to biblical 'student' - I have no sheepskins to prove scholarship. Yes I noted that and for years had problems with such things as the flood of Noah etc until I found that the ancient Hebrew word for "god" is the same word as for "nature" - then re-examined such things as the plagues of Egypt, parting of the Red Sea etc and this fits very well. The apocryphal books not included in the canonical bible in common use here in the west have information that would actually be helpful for many folks, such as the flood really meant a flood over a "fourth part of the Earth" which fits with the amount of dry lands lost to sea levels rising at the end of the last Ice Age, for one example. (It is confirmed within Genesis where it explains how much the seas rose, "fifteen cubits" (Genesis 7:20). Clearly some 22.5 feet of sea-level rise would not cover Mount Everest but would wipe out most coastal human settlements.)

Real de Tayopa also wrote:
Also, how can the Bible explain the Sun rising in the West changing to rising in the East as it presently does?.

While I do not know of any passage which describes this event specifically, there is the incident mentioned earlier, when the Sun appeared to "go backward" as measured by a Sun-dial during a violent battle. The most logical type of astronomical event that could hope to explain such an eyewitness description would be that the Earth's rotation changed slightly, resulting in the Sun "appearing" to move "backward" when the fact would be that the world moved 'backward' not the Sun. The Egyptian report found in Herodotus I believe is describing something that occurred at the end of the last Ice Age, and when compared with the report in Plato (telling what Solon had heard) the Earth has been repeatedly subjected to violent "destructions" at times by "fire" and others by floods. If we remember that many so-called "myths" are in truth allegorized reports of actual events, they begin to make sense. For one example, taken from Plato:

The former is symbolized in the Hellenic tale of young Phaethon
who drove his father's horses the wrong way, and having burnt up the earth
was himself burnt up by a thunderbolt. For there occurs at long intervals
a derangement of the heavenly bodies, and then the earth is destroyed by
At such times, and when fire is the agent, those who dwell by rivers
or on the seashore are safer than those who dwell upon high and dry places,
who in their turn are safer when the danger is from water. Now the Nile is
our saviour from fire, and as there is little rain in Egypt, we are not
harmed by water; whereas in other countries, when a deluge comes, the
inhabitants are swept by the rivers into the sea.

(Timaeus by Plato, online at: http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext98/tmeus11.txt)

This certainly seems to dovetail quite well with Herodotus's report also from Egypt, saying that the Sun-chariot was "driven the wrong way" by the demi-god Phaethon, son of Helios the Sun - making it appear to a witness standing on Earth that the Sun was traveling in the wrong direction. Plato's theory that a mis-alignment of the planets as the root cause may be the true answer to what caused the Ice Age to end, for that matter.

Real de Tayopa also wrote:
Do you subscribe to the Nemesis theory? It is supposedly due on the 2012 - 20030 period, coincidentally with the end of the Mayan calender.

Well amigo if by "subscribe" you mean do I hold that it is a true event and expect it to happen, then I would have to say no - I don't dismiss it either, on this theory I am very much on the fence as they say. As the evidence stands today, the idea of our Sun having a "twin" dark-star seems to be un-supported, as such a large celestial object dancing in orbit with our Sun should cause very detectable oscillations in our Sun - that is the Sun would react a little to the movements of Nemesis. I would say that the 'jury is out' on this, not proven nor disproven - YET. You probably have also read of the theory of a "Twelfth planet" (Nibiru as Sitchin translates it) with somewhat similar effects on Earth and alien interventions in human history - again interesting stuff, BUT....needs more research/evidence :icon_study:.

Real de Tayopa also wrote:
As for our MONTY, he, and his loot, are buried in the underground complex beneath Mexico city.

Hmm, that statement sounds as if you have already have a reliable source to back it up, correct amigo? Just curious of course, I have no plans to start excavating Mexico city! :o

So what is the scenario here viz Aztlan, Montezuma, his treasure, Clovis people etc? Perhaps I have this theory mis-arranged? Thank you in advance,

Almost forgot - Real de Tayopa also wrote:
" Obviously you haven't met my wife sigh.
:laughing9: :laughing7: :laughing3: Not YET amigo...though I do wonder why it is that so many folks don't want me to meet their wives and daughters? :love10: :love4: :icon_scratch: My breath perhaps? :icon_jokercolor: Now back to lurking... :lurk:
your friend,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i got to say something you maynot have under stand ,a may be the stupid one for not explaning it ... you saw where the secound axis had moved from the 24,000 years axis to the 10,000 years axis and then it will move to the 6 ,000 years axis .. there is 3 pionts along a linethe secoundary axis shift move apone . when you count all the shifts along this line there is 14 , thats what told me the Younger Dryas was caused by the maga shift and not the normal shift .. plus the maga shift only happen 10,000 ,once out of 10 shifts .. but look at the sequence here , we are just ending the 10 shift rotational cycle we were in the 14th at 24,000 up to 10,000 years ago ...but as we look we see the maga shift rotation has14 shifts now dateing back to 54,000 years for one rotation of its cycle , we are just moveing to the 6th rotational shift we have one more shift after the 6th rotation before the maga shift cycle reaches its starting piont , we reach our end of our rotation this time ..that was one of things i was trying to explan . the two cycles are in sequence with each other and the maga shift events come after the normal shift .. but also you should under stand the sequences are a reflection of rotations of the sun and moon on the earth as wll as other planets effects on the earth ... my piont is , if the sun was not there would the earth spin ... most likely no .. the effects of orbit around the sun

if you times 365 days by it self and write down what your answer , you get

730-----------6 .. to try to under tand the sequence i just droped 4 scale to under stand the effects of the sequenceing these numbers
1460---------14 rounded off this is the same sequence as the maga shift sequence at a smaller value ...
5475 --------------- with a over peak of 54 , vs 54,000 years ago when the cycle started

these events are in sequence with the suns rotational effect on the earth's rotations

so if we lok at just the 730 vs 6 sequenceing and then look at the 2190 vs 24 we under stand the true value should be 22 not 24,000 , tyhis tells us the rates decline is less ...

i am correcting it so there is no confussion latter ...

but these rotations are dirrectly reflection the effects of the sun on the earth ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

dudes , i just made a under standing discovery the earth is reflection the suns rotation axis , the sun it self has axis . the earth is in sequence with the suns rotataion we dont see it because of the nature of the flames on the sun's surerface . the i see what know one else has ever seen , the sun has axis and spins just like the earth dose the effects of the mass on the size of the earth effects the rotation around the sun .but the sun is spining on axis just like the earth and the earth is effected by that sun rotation and this makes the earth rotation around the sun ...

that could be the reason for sun spots .. the sun has shifts just like eath dose .. i get it ... , they were recording the moon and the sun .. they must have recorded this some where in their codex ...

that means the sun's year is 5475 days long

we are comeing up on the sun's 15 month years

now it makes sence , we dont see the suns's movement threw its sureface and we could not see the rotation in a orbit like we do with other planets ...

cool stuff dudes ....ya ,i am right ,,, and i will keep working and takeing one step at a time ....

the sun has axis and a rotation just like the earth dose its the center of the system so it dose not have a orbit so we could not see it .. now do you see the power of M&R logic . it tells me what i can not see or what is unseen ...cause and effects . the sequences of the sun reflect on the earths rotations . we are in for a rough ride ....

yes, i just found a way to define why the earth moves around the sun at a set rate and sequence to the sun's own rotational sequences .. our sun has axis and rotates on its own axis ...

the planets act like eletrons around a atom ...

i get it the Unverse is reflecting sequences of a inner inverse oppisite ... thats why M&R works the way it dose ...

a mass reflects it smallest sequences threw out its over all values ...i am right i can judge the size of the unverse by the effects of the rotational galaxies within the known mass vs the unknown mass ...

ya, i do learn at a fast rate ...lol

i was just defining time travel & time warps the other day and this may help ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


I should think that bb's last few post should make everything clear. It's no real surprise, but it is sad.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

The blindbowman
Charter Member
Hero Member


Posts: 1097

For those of you who may be trying to follow bb's line of reasoning, you may need to add this post to your reading material:

Re: has Montezuma's tomb been found ...?
« Reply To This Topic #327 on: Today at 07:35:18 AM » Quote


Lol did you guys under stand this theory . Now do a real mind test . Go as far out in the unverse as you can . . Now knowing what you just saw M&R logic defind look back at where you came from and then turn around and reverse it back apone it self . Flip the unknown inside out ...
The sequence is now going backwards reflecting the inner workings of a atom apone the unverse .. I think I am starting to under stand the unverse and how creation works in sequence reflecting its inverse oppisites of its inner matter , yet when the sequence of its rotation mets the end of its rotation the sequence flips and starts to reflect its inverse oppisite of the sequence it self ..this must be how time loops apone it self ....

I got some work to do ,, guy keep up the good work ...

I get it .. M&R logic is how creation reflects apone it self and those things around it ...

There is sequence to all creation

So its a two part code of creation with a sequence that can go forward or backwards by using its inverse oppisite....I under stand it now .. I got a lot work to do ... Latter guys . So what we do is write down the sequesnces and and applie them to creation , and if they don't fit one way flip them inverse oppisite .. I got it now .. This is how time works in sequence with creation ....matter vs anti matter , matter vs its inverse oppisite self , so take the sequence of matter and put it in its inverse oppiste ...

Ya ,I am starting to learn something ...maybe I am the 2 year old ....LOL but my pa is the creator .. My dads bigger then your dad ....LOL

its not if it is true or not .. can we under stand it if it was .. if it is, well it define it self in the out come ...i am just warming up the brain cells . you should see how far i go into out space and inner space this is nothing next to the will of the being ., vast wisdom with little abilty to spell it ....lol he dose have a sence of humor...

look at it from the creators piont of veiw . mankind kills his only son and christ dieing request is " do not judge them for they know not what they do " GOD can not deni christ his dieing wish , so he creates me and sends me back to earth , in the hopes he will forfill the wrath of god him self apone mankind .. sorry " I am not christ "

its nice to met you ...i am william the commoner ,, you can lol with me or cry , that is up to you . what you beleive is up to you . what i chose to do is up to me ... i guess the question is do you want to hang with me . or just hang , thats a christ joke sorry we talk often and he gets a little down now and then ... how much i could teach the human race but i just want to learn and study and now and then take a brake and play a little enjoy this life and reality why i am here ...

i almost forgot .. am not from here ...well my human body is , dose that count ...?

OK Creator creates a son and puts him on the earth what would you say to him if you knew he was the real the son of the creator , would you piss him off with lots of meaningless questions about things he most likely would not care about . or would you ask him things like why dose the earth move around the sun ... lol would he know ... could he answer your questions ........who knows ...? i wound if he would do what God ask him to do ... judge the human race ...best he know as much about the events as he can ... who knows what the out come will be ..... maybe you will noty under stand him any more then you do me ....LOL


Posts as good as this one should not be deleted. It must have been an accident.

bb, you are a true :icon_jokercolor: :D :D :D

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

you ever seen a cat play with a mouse before he kills it .. and you say your smart .... you should have known that from the start ....in this case i am just here watch .... make sure justist is done.....if you think i am going to vanish with out a even balance your misteaken .....it wont be the end of the human race but many will pray for death before this is over ....and those that beg will be like CJ . and ask why , how could i do this to the human race .... i can only ask you .. why did you let them do that to my brother ...? christ didnt hert any one ....dont worry they cant hide from me , there is no place on earth they can hide .. hope your name is not on this list .. there is no mercy for them ....

how about montezuma's tomb . you want to know wherethese sites are all you needed to do ask ...

i am working on magnetic repulsion generator,it use magnetic repulsion ...no fule needed ,no batteries needed , no friction of any kind , no moveing part , have you ever herd of a magnetic repulsion implosion , you will .....

he is crazy hahahaha .. ...

keep thinking that ....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

here is a great family joke ,,,,you know why few people ever hear about the northern new york mafia ...?

because no body is talking ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings amigos,

I have to thank you Joe for saving that post for me, I did not even get a chance to read it. Blindbowman I have to ask this, why do you remove your posts so quickly? I am not online all the time and not even every day, so would appreciate if you could leave them up for a few days anyway, even if you later decide to pull it.

I have also pulled some of my own posts, as I have found it is the only way I can really "ignore" a thread if I had posted into it. However we are still discussing right? Oh well...

Blindbowman your discovery that the Sun in fact rotates has been known a while, but the rotation period is something like 27 days, not 24 hours to match Earth. The Sun is also tilted in respect to the orbit of Earth, I think it is around 7.5 degrees but you can check that pretty easy so if I have it wrong it is not worth an "I found Oroblanco was wrong" to the finder. That is easy enough anyway! ::) :-[ The Sun is not even rotating evenly, as the equatorial region moves faster than the poles and makes a rotation in about 24 days.

I have a problem with your Sun-year too. The way most astronomers define a "year" for a celestial object is the time required for it to complete one orbit of what it IS orbiting, so for our Moon, a year is less and an Earth-month. Our solar system is orbiting around the Milky Way galaxy, making one Sun-year to equal right around 250 MILLION years. Have you factored this into your calculations amigo? Heck as far as I know, the Milky Way might be orbiting around the Universe every so many billion years, but as I understand it the Universe has no actual "center" that our scientists have been able to find.

I would also point out that we are all God's children amigo.

I hesitate to ask this as I suspect that you might side-step the question amigo but how does this have any bearing on the sites you have located in the Superstitions? Are you saying that the Superstition mountains of Arizona are the actual 'navel' (belly-button) of the world or the solar system? (Heck some local Amerindians here in SD would argue against that, pointing to the Black Hills as the 'navel' of the world, and other places have other supporters.)

Oh well being a mere mortal what chance have I to fully understand? I am of the duller-brutish type, :munky2: and tend to require solid objects to convince me. I do appreciate the effort to explain things further, but the connections are getting pretty fuzzy to my poor eyes. :offtheair: :icon_scratch:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Blindbowman wrote:
you ever seen a cat play with a mouse before he kills it .. and you say your smart .... you should have known that from the start ....in this case i am just here watch .... make sure justist is done.....if you think i am going to vanish with out a even balance your misteaken .....it wont be the end of the human race but many will pray for death before this is over ....and those that beg will be like CJ . and ask why , how could i do this to the human race .... i can only ask you .. why did you let them do that to my brother ...? christ didnt hert any one ....dont worry they cant hide from me , there is no place on earth they can hide .. hope your name is not on this list .. there is no mercy for them ....

how about montezuma's tomb . you want to know wherethese sites are all you needed to do ask ...

i am working on magnetic repulsion generator,it use magnetic repulsion ...no fule needed ,no batteries needed , no friction of any kind , no moveing part , have you ever herd of a magnetic repulsion implosion , you will .....

he is crazy hahahaha .. ...

keep thinking that ....

More cryptic prophecies amigo? As you like riddles, here is one for you:

Who was the last emperor of the Aztecs?

Your idea of a magnetic generator sound like it would be great if you can get it to work, might spell the end of the oil-age. Good luck on this I hope you succeed!


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

the blindbowman said:
i am working on magnetic repulsion generator,it use magnetic repulsion ...no fule needed ,no batteries needed , no friction of any kind , no moveing part , have you ever herd of a magnetic repulsion implosion , you will .....

he is crazy hahahaha .. ...

keep thinking that ....
No, actually there are quite a lot of folks over at Keelynet who are hard at work on that very thing. Some of their nearly-working concepts would blow your socks off.... :D (But that's getting WAY off topic here. :wink:)
However, one thing I am concerned about is that you might trigger a psychic death trap in your search for Montezuma's tomb. The Aztec priests were notorious for placing such traps in wait for those using spirit means to scry out the locations of their buried god-kings. Not something to be taken lightly when travelling on the nether-world paths. Keep safe, friend.... :thumbsup:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


I have my doubts that Motecuhzoma's tomb received such reverence. The ruling council of Tenochtitlan deposed the king just before his death. Motecuhzoma's cooperation with Cortes had turned his people against him.

Motecuhzoma was replaced by his brother, Cuitlahuac who died from smallpox within months. Cuitlahuac was replaced by a fierce warrior and a nephew/son in law of Motecuhzoma, Cuauhtemoc. He was captured on Augest 13, 1521 and subsequently tortured to death.

I believe he was the last true Aztec emperor. That fact is mentioned in many book on the history of the Aztecs. One book would be: "The Aztecs" by Michael E. Smith.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Oroblanco said:
Greetings amigos,

I have to thank you Joe for saving that post for me, I did not even get a chance to read it. Blindbowman I have to ask this, why do you remove your posts so quickly? I am not online all the time and not even every day, so would appreciate if you could leave them up for a few days anyway, even if you later decide to pull it.

I have also pulled some of my own posts, as I have found it is the only way I can really "ignore" a thread if I had posted into it. However we are still discussing right? Oh well...

Blindbowman your discovery that the Sun in fact rotates has been known a while, but the rotation period is something like 27 days, not 24 hours to match Earth. The Sun is also tilted in respect to the orbit of Earth, I think it is around 7.5 degrees but you can check that pretty easy so if I have it wrong it is not worth an "I found Oroblanco was wrong" to the finder. That is easy enough anyway! ::) :-[ The Sun is not even rotating evenly, as the equatorial region moves faster than the poles and makes a rotation in about 24 days.

I have a problem with your Sun-year too. The way most astronomers define a "year" for a celestial object is the time required for it to complete one orbit of what it IS orbiting, so for our Moon, a year is less and an Earth-month. Our solar system is orbiting around the Milky Way galaxy, making one Sun-year to equal right around 250 MILLION years. Have you factored this into your calculations amigo? Heck as far as I know, the Milky Way might be orbiting around the Universe every so many billion years, but as I understand it the Universe has no actual "center" that our scientists have been able to find.

I would also point out that we are all God's children amigo.

I hesitate to ask this as I suspect that you might side-step the question amigo but how does this have any bearing on the sites you have located in the Superstitions? Are you saying that the Superstition mountains of Arizona are the actual 'navel' (belly-button) of the world or the solar system? (Heck some local Amerindians here in SD would argue against that, pointing to the Black Hills as the 'navel' of the world, and other places have other supporters.)

Oh well being a mere mortal what chance have I to fully understand? I am of the duller-brutish type, :munky2: and tend to require solid objects to convince me. I do appreciate the effort to explain things further, but the connections are getting pretty fuzzy to my poor eyes. :offtheair: :icon_scratch:
"Blindbowman I have to ask this, why do you remove your posts so quickly"

i have no idea at times why they do this , if you know let me know .. i do it at random and it drives me nuts just as much as it dose you .. i am autistic and everything must be in the right place at the right time .they see threw my eyes and my being and my bng reacts to them . i have little to no controll over this happening , sorry but true i can try to slow the effects down . but any time i feel not at peace my other spirits react to my emotions and sense.. you have to remember i am more them just me ...

yes i am many in one ...

i am the bridge they walk apone if they react in fear or distrust , their reactions make me reflect their reactions . here in this realitiy ...i could explan it in detail but we have people like CJ destoring trying to destroy what he dose not under stand ... this effects te nature of the bridge if i am weak they will not step into this world
yes i can call them to this world as well if the bridge is strong ....nothing bad to you CJ you are just CJ ...

what i do is beyond the wisdom of the known world ,this morning i found out i was wrong . the chichimoztoc counsel stated Atlantis . is " Elder Brother " one shaman said they are a older culture of the same family ,not the same tribe . and they did trade with them ....

parts of the human race at that piont in time . not the same cutlture much older , one white hair says ,they came from beyond the great ice ...he says the stone faced ones , and pionts to easter island ...when they needed out side counsel they would send words to the Elder brother ...

elder brother talked with the earth .. i asume this mean world tribes ...they say there was a great time of dust and ash apone the land and they did go intot the earth and some went to Elder brother

Black elk is on the counsel , he is a younger ,he says "3 knots in 5" what ever that means ...i am not sure if it should read " 3 knot N 5" i am not sure what he is says ...at this piont ...

"The Sun is not even rotating evenly, as the equatorial region moves faster than the poles and makes a rotation in about 24 days."

no , the outer is as you say, the solid is as i say ...the core is solid and all that bruns of flames is of the outer ...it is the inverse oppisite of the earth

Oro said
"Our solar system is orbiting around the Milky Way galaxy, making one Sun-year to equal right around 250 MILLION years."
"Our solar system is orbiting in the Milky Way galaxy, making one rotational -year to equal right around 2.5 thousand light years."

""center" that our scientists have been able to find."

the center is vanishing out ward and they only need count the numeber of galaxys and the rotation spin and find the balance piont between these numbers , this well tell them where the center was ... stand and close your eyes hold the magic stones and cast them around you as you spin . as they lay apone the ground is as our unverse lays apone the heavens ...the center is were you stand and no stones are there for your arm is as long as your arm ....

"I would also point out that we are all God's children "

i am not a child of God . i know my father . he is the creator . God is only one of many of his mask ..., the creator is creation within a creator, he is the liveing code of creation ..he is what i will become ...

your right ,you all are God's childern"
very true ...

dose the brith of mankind come from one mother , if so that mother is mother earth not one people or tribe ...you talking about when we live and died , this is before tribes and people they did not know who they were or what they were...

how can any place give brith to mankind when there were no lables in the passing of those days ... it is not a matter of where and who . it is what ,why and how ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Zephyr said:
the blindbowman said:
i am working on magnetic repulsion generator,it use magnetic repulsion ...no fule needed ,no batteries needed , no friction of any kind , no moveing part , have you ever herd of a magnetic repulsion implosion , you will .....

he is crazy hahahaha .. ...

keep thinking that ....
No, actually there are quite a lot of folks over at Keelynet who are hard at work on that very thing. Some of their nearly-working concepts would blow your socks off.... :D (But that's getting WAY off topic here. :wink:)
However, one thing I am concerned about is that you might trigger a psychic death trap in your search for Montezuma's tomb. The Aztec priests were notorious for placing such traps in wait for those using spirit means to scry out the locations of their buried god-kings. Not something to be taken lightly when travelling on the nether-world paths. Keep safe, friend.... :thumbsup:

my father sold inventions to the goverment ...i know far more then they will ever know ...lol when they wanted something they came to my father to design it .... like father like son ,yet i will not work for the war machines ..i have been to a war zone ..i have seen the cost ....if i want to see more blood i can see all the war i want in the past where it should be left by those of true wisdom ......

if the will to learn is pure there is no place for war within the pages of your life ....let not the ink of your being cast the evil apone the pages of your life or days apone the earth ...

i have a 3 phase generator in design ,now ....i am not looking for a design that works, i had one that work just fine in 1987 ......LOL

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Maybe you should change it to BS. Those lasts few posts of yours were some of your best. At first i wasn't sure if it was drugs or just ego but now i'm pretty sure it's EGO, my god what an ego. You are truley so full of BS I don't know how you manage to breath. The day room in that institution that your in must be a pretty slow place for you to be spending so much time on the internet. The fact that you just keep it up is so amazing to me, this internet is an amazing thing.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Bill96 said:
Maybe you should change it to BS. Those lasts few posts of yours were some of your best. At first i wasn't sure if it was drugs or just ego but now i'm pretty sure it's EGO, my god what an ego. You are truley so full of BS I don't know how you manage to breath.



Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Bill96 said:
Maybe you should change it to BS. Those lasts few posts of yours were some of your best. At first i wasn't sure if it was drugs or just ego but now i'm pretty sure it's EGO, my god what an ego. You are truley so full of BS I don't know how you manage to breath. The day room in that institution that your in must be a pretty slow place for you to be spending so much time on the internet. The fact that you just keep it up is so amazing to me, this internet is an amazing thing.


Better Yet "Blind Bong Water" :o

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


"I have to thank you Joe for saving that post for me, I did not even get a chance to read it."

No big deal. When bb posts something that is obviously part of a serious trip, I might copy it knowing that when he comes down off that high he will delete the post. He seems to be in that condition for most of his posts, which is more than obvious.

I believe he used to have a great deal of intelligence. What we are seeing now are the ragged remains of what used to be. Looks like self induced dementia. Damn shame!

Take care,


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