has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings amigos,

Blindbowman wrote:
you have to remember i am more them just me ...

yes i am many in one ...

Your statements here are a tad fuzzy to me (apologies once again) do you mean to say that you are "channeling" the departed spirits of other humans etc, or do you mean that you have more than one personality living in one body, like Sybil of the book and movie? It does make a difference.

Blindbowman also wrote:
what i do is beyond the wisdom of the known world ,this morning i found out i was wrong . the chichimoztoc counsel stated Atlantis . is " Elder Brother " one shaman said they are a older culture of the same family ,not the same tribe . and they did trade with them ....

Several points raised here amigo, first being the statement about what you are doing is beyond the wisdom of this world - how do you know this to be fact, when it is quite possible that there are others, perhaps many others, who are on your same level? Next is the statement referring to Atlantis as the "Elder Brother" - are you saying that Atlantis is older than Aztlan? Or is it Atlantis is older, but that they were contemporary for a period? The reason I ask is because you then went on to say that they "did trade with them" which would be impossible if Atlantis was long-gone by the time of Aztlan right? Please clarify this for me?

Blindbowman also wrote:
i am not a child of God . i know my father . he is the creator . God is only one of many of his mask ..., the creator is creation within a creator, he is the liveing code of creation ..he is what i will become ...

Hmm now that is quite a mix of statements there amigo. First you say you are not a child of God, then go on to say that your father is the Creator, and that God is only one of many of his masks, then go further to say that you will become this Creator. What if I told you those very words, amigo? What would you make of it? Are you speaking metaphorically or poetically here again? Do you follow Kaballah? I know that some followers of Kaballah do believe that they can become "like God" or even "one" with God, similar to some other religious beliefs, if the person is worthy enough etc. To a bunch of Christians or even demi-Christians the statements seem to border on the absurd. Sometimes, amigo I just don't know what to make of what you post here. :icon_scratch:

Blindbowman also wrote:
dose the brith of mankind come from one mother , if so that mother is mother earth not one people or tribe ...you talking about when we live and died , this is before tribes and people they did not know who they were or what they were...

how can any place give brith to mankind when there were no lables in the passing of those days ... it is not a matter of where and who . it is what ,why and how ...?

Hmm well some scientists say that all of mankind can be traced to a single woman they call "scientific Eve" and they have also traced all of mankind to a single man they call "scientific Adam" which tends to confirm some religious stories of the three major religions, mainly that all mankind is a brotherhood with a single mother and a single father. I don't mean to sound critical amigo but this seems like a 'dodge' or another way to side-step what must be difficult questions for you. If we cannot address the tough questions, we cannot ever learn truth amigo. Or are you waxing poetic here? This is what I meant when I told you about the problem of false impressions, distorted images, garbled information - what the ancients referred to as the Coyote, (in others, the Jackal, same however in other respects) the trickster - you mentioned the purity and not to cast evil upon our lives, yet refuse to enter the mystical world the hard way - the pure way. Once Coyote has hold of you, he does not let go easily... :(

Bill96 wrote:
Those lasts few posts of yours were some of your best. At first i wasn't sure if it was drugs or just ego but now i'm pretty sure it's EGO, my god what an ego.

Greetings Bill, I would only say that it was possibly meant to be poetic/metaphor and not literal, but then some of the other things our amigo has posted that I would take as symbolic he insists is literal so only he can say. People sometimes say foolish things when 'into their cups' so there are several possibilities.

Cactusjumper wrote:
I believe he used to have a great deal of intelligence. What we are seeing now are the ragged remains of what used to be. Looks like self induced dementia. Damn shame!

Greetings Joe - it is possible that Blindbowman was just "waxing poetic" or simply tossing out some BS, but it is also possible these are the effects of prolonged substance abuse, as we discussed earlier recent medical studies have shown that these supposedly "harmless herbs" can be very harmful mentally, in a percentage of the population susceptible to these effects. Based on Blindbowman's posts, it looks like the classic signs of these mental effects that those "harmless herbs" can cause over time. I refer to those feelings of euphoria, of being "superhuman", chronic anxiety, depression, or feelings of inadequacy, disconnection from "the world" etc. I am sure he will take this as some kind of insult, but in truth what I see is that we are losing a fellow treasure hunter to substance abuse. I would love for Blindbowman to just prove me wrong, and join up with a rehab program. Heck I will go so far as to make this offer to Blindbowman - if you can 'kick the habit' and stay away from it, I will go with you into the Superstitions to help find out what it is that you found there. As I can hardly afford the trip back to Arizona it would be a real financial hardship, but if he is willing to take that one step, I can sure hitch-hike my way to Apache Junction. So long as he relies on that herbal "crutch" that is hindering his psychic and remote viewing attempts however, I see no reason for me to make that trip. This makes me sad, to be honest.

Good luck and good hunting to you amigos, I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


I believe you are on the money with your assessment of bowman. The one manifestation you failed to mention, was denial and the belief that no one else has a clue that he is an addict. I know one Dutch Hunter who will stop in the middle of a conversation and leave. He will return after sucking up some confidence and "knowledge" firmly believing that no one knows what he has done. They have no idea that they fairly reek with their chemical confidence.

In bowman's case, he has told us that he created the most powerful cannabis known to man. One would assume that the only way he could be certain, would be to constantly test his new strain as it was being developed. I would imagine he is testing it many times a day, each and every day.

We see the results of that little habit in all of his posts. :tard: I would be willing to bet that he never approaches his keyboard without a little support from his friend. You can't help but wonder what he could produce with unencumbered brain cells.......if that's still a viable possibility.

Nice post.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

ALLO Oro mi buddy. No need to hitchhike, if you decide to go, em me for assistance with no strings attached, you keep it all. Later Tayopa, but here there are restrictions involved, no Gold / Silver Bar samples. hehehee..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Oroblanco said:
Greetings amigos,

Blindbowman wrote:
you have to remember i am more them just me ...

yes i am many in one ...

Your statements here are a tad fuzzy to me (apologies once again) do you mean to say that you are "channeling" the departed spirits of other humans etc, or do you mean that you have more than one personality living in one body, like Sybil of the book and movie? It does make a difference.

Blindbowman also wrote:
what i do is beyond the wisdom of the known world ,this morning i found out i was wrong . the chichimoztoc counsel stated Atlantis . is " Elder Brother " one shaman said they are a older culture of the same family ,not the same tribe . and they did trade with them ....

Several points raised here amigo, first being the statement about what you are doing is beyond the wisdom of this world - how do you know this to be fact, when it is quite possible that there are others, perhaps many others, who are on your same level? Next is the statement referring to Atlantis as the "Elder Brother" - are you saying that Atlantis is older than Aztlan? Or is it Atlantis is older, but that they were contemporary for a period? The reason I ask is because you then went on to say that they "did trade with them" which would be impossible if Atlantis was long-gone by the time of Aztlan right? Please clarify this for me?

Blindbowman also wrote:
i am not a child of God . i know my father . he is the creator . God is only one of many of his mask ..., the creator is creation within a creator, he is the liveing code of creation ..he is what i will become ...

Hmm now that is quite a mix of statements there amigo. First you say you are not a child of God, then go on to say that your father is the Creator, and that God is only one of many of his masks, then go further to say that you will become this Creator. What if I told you those very words, amigo? What would you make of it? Are you speaking metaphorically or poetically here again? Do you follow Kaballah? I know that some followers of Kaballah do believe that they can become "like God" or even "one" with God, similar to some other religious beliefs, if the person is worthy enough etc. To a bunch of Christians or even demi-Christians the statements seem to border on the absurd. Sometimes, amigo I just don't know what to make of what you post here. :icon_scratch:

Blindbowman also wrote:
dose the brith of mankind come from one mother , if so that mother is mother earth not one people or tribe ...you talking about when we live and died , this is before tribes and people they did not know who they were or what they were...

how can any place give brith to mankind when there were no lables in the passing of those days ... it is not a matter of where and who . it is what ,why and how ...?

Hmm well some scientists say that all of mankind can be traced to a single woman they call "scientific Eve" and they have also traced all of mankind to a single man they call "scientific Adam" which tends to confirm some religious stories of the three major religions, mainly that all mankind is a brotherhood with a single mother and a single father. I don't mean to sound critical amigo but this seems like a 'dodge' or another way to side-step what must be difficult questions for you. If we cannot address the tough questions, we cannot ever learn truth amigo. Or are you waxing poetic here? This is what I meant when I told you about the problem of false impressions, distorted images, garbled information - what the ancients referred to as the Coyote, (in others, the Jackal, same however in other respects) the trickster - you mentioned the purity and not to cast evil upon our lives, yet refuse to enter the mystical world the hard way - the pure way. Once Coyote has hold of you, he does not let go easily... :(

Bill96 wrote:
Those lasts few posts of yours were some of your best. At first i wasn't sure if it was drugs or just ego but now i'm pretty sure it's EGO, my god what an ego.

Greetings Bill, I would only say that it was possibly meant to be poetic/metaphor and not literal, but then some of the other things our amigo has posted that I would take as symbolic he insists is literal so only he can say. People sometimes say foolish things when 'into their cups' so there are several possibilities.

Cactusjumper wrote:
I believe he used to have a great deal of intelligence. What we are seeing now are the ragged remains of what used to be. Looks like self induced dementia. Damn shame!

Greetings Joe - it is possible that Blindbowman was just "waxing poetic" or simply tossing out some BS, but it is also possible these are the effects of prolonged substance abuse, as we discussed earlier recent medical studies have shown that these supposedly "harmless herbs" can be very harmful mentally, in a percentage of the population susceptible to these effects. Based on Blindbowman's posts, it looks like the classic signs of these mental effects that those "harmless herbs" can cause over time. I refer to those feelings of euphoria, of being "superhuman", chronic anxiety, depression, or feelings of inadequacy, disconnection from "the world" etc. I am sure he will take this as some kind of insult, but in truth what I see is that we are losing a fellow treasure hunter to substance abuse. I would love for Blindbowman to just prove me wrong, and join up with a rehab program. Heck I will go so far as to make this offer to Blindbowman - if you can 'kick the habit' and stay away from it, I will go with you into the Superstitions to help find out what it is that you found there. As I can hardly afford the trip back to Arizona it would be a real financial hardship, but if he is willing to take that one step, I can sure hitch-hike my way to Apache Junction. So long as he relies on that herbal "crutch" that is hindering his psychic and remote viewing attempts however, I see no reason for me to make that trip. This makes me sad, to be honest.

Good luck and good hunting to you amigos, I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

no shit , Oro tracy ...i can do both wish do you like most ...lol i had ever test a preson could take and i am as crazy as you ..

."same level"

what level is this you speak of . .....i have multi-trillions of levels threw out time and space , beyond the long count ...

"you will become this Creator"

NO .... a new Creator , mind over matter , the will of the being free unto time & space to create at will ...

"What would you make of it"

he is ether the crazest basterd on earth or i should walk slow and careful around him . for he may not be jokeing ...

each mask has its effects on those that were them .. the creator is the creator yet when he wares the mask he becomes part of the mask and part of what it reflects .. look threw the ast of the humans that had the mask .. see and learn what they see threw the mask . yet know you become who the mask reflects out ward ...we are beings of telepathic ,teleconetic ,telestatic ,, will ...

we ware the faces of our sense as each mask has its own ablities ...i saw him in the darkness and he was evil and scary to all but me . for i do not beleive in god and the creator . i know he is real . and h is with me always unto the ends of time & space . as i walked be for him his evil faded away before my sense and knew behind the mask this evil was the creator , for i had known him before ,, he could not hide from me ... he could scare me or hide behind any mask .. for i see threw the objects to the beings that cast the reflections i have lost my devil to wisdom ,,.. evil can not face wisdom and truth ...the evil was real as long as i beleive it is , yet face the evil and it is armless to you ...he can face you with any mask you wish apone your self. for you see your god as you will it . and he can create any mask you wish ...

" Do you follow Kaballah? I know that some followers of Kaballah do believe that they can become "like God" or even "one" with God, similar to some other religious beliefs, if the person is worthy enough etc. To a bunch of Christians or even demi-Christians the statements seem to border on the absurd. Sometimes, amigo I just don't know what to make of what you post here. "

i am a follower of my being and a leader of those beings that follow them selfs . i lead no on ....i am the commander yet i wish to command no one other then my self ..
i am the commoner . a simple being , yet under stand the gift his touch has given unto me ...i was dead yet he gave me life . he ask me a question and i answerd him ... with the truth ...he sk me if i would do something and i told him i would .. it is of my judgement , and my answer is mine and mine alone . yet he has given me the gift to find what i need to make a just answer ....

i have no god or creator before my self .. i respect him for who and what he is and i know and under stand who and what he is , this is why i am me...
i only want to see you be your self .. under stand who and what you are , the truth will be your religion,, stones and bibles do not make the being within ...you do . and those thngs around you if you let them cast their shadows apone your being ....

i convert no one .. that is a sin . ... you can only be you .. christ was so much ,and most never got to know him ...

did you ever watch the movie "powder " i could touch your hand and you would under stand him . i dont lke to do that because some can not face what they see and sence , they do not know how to under stand the pure truth ... few do ...

"must be difficult questions for you" lol no they are common questions you already know the answers to . you only want to know what i beleive to tell you if i am sme nut case or i am something unknown ... this is true one mother one father yet each must face them selfs in the day and the night ... let not the mothers milk hold you all your days , ware not the fathers shoes for the blisters will be many .... my wording was to that of culture , yet each man is his own guide and from within he can be as great or as common as the next ...our speice is designed will we ever under stand who and what we are ...?

the sun has tthe day and i walk up and touch the wallnut tree and next i know i am high above in the branches and i sense and feel the tree i have become ....the wind that moves me back and forth till i fall and lay apone the ground of coll soil and green grasses under the feet of the being i return to as may paths become one again . i am many and none . i can be anything and everything i will to become a grain of sand or a cona a tree on a planet far away in the cancer major .. to the east and deeper ...

"what the ancients referred to as the Coyote" ...coy o'ta , it has no power over anyone that beleives in them selfs ...and if you must face the one with in you be the best one you can be , for all is part of creation , yet conditioning and under standing the evironments you are in is just as importend...

"rehab program" rehab dose not make your choices , and it can not bring my wife back from the grave ...i went threw one of the best in north america . i did not stop . then i stoped on my own , because i made the choice my self .. if you want to make things presonal . you should under stand that what you see in side of your self may not be what you wish for ...

none of you have walked in my shoes , yet you beleive you can judge me . that is true ego ..... i say be your self and i will enjoy talking to you far more then watching the put on this act like you can judge the people around you ... you have no power over me and your choice to judge others will come back to judge you some day ....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigo Real de Tayopa and everyone,

Gracias amigo - I might well take you up on that offer, and bus fare is pretty reasonable anyway. I really hope our amigo Blindbowman can and will take that step, he does seem to have flashes of insight and what might be called some psychic ability, if only he could use it with the clarity and freedom from the 'fog'.

Joe you are correct too - I forgot to mention the denial that goes along with this problem. I have a close relative and a best friend, both of whom have major problems but refuse to admit it. I think Blindbowman has great potential, but we see what he cannot or will not, that drug is preventing him from finding what he is seeking. I do hold out hope that we can pull him away from that anti-culture that has held him so long.

I had signed out and was about to hit the hay (much work to do tomorrow) but did a little search and found this news article:
(headline - Aztec Emperor's Tomb Unearthed in Mexico -)
Yep you can bet that caught my eye! The news article is over a year old, so I don't know how this turned out. Here is an extract:
Mexican archaeologists using ground-penetrating radar have detected underground chambers they believe contain the remains of Emperor Ahuizotl, who ruled the Aztecs when Columbus landed in the New World. It would be the first tomb of an Aztec ruler ever found.

A statue of Tlaltechutli, the Aztec god of the earth, in Mexico City. Ahuizotl's purported tomb is directly underneath.

So Blindbowman, does this resemble what you have found? If it does not resemble it, are there similarities?

Just thought you guys would find this bit interesting, have to get to bed as soon as I check any new replies. Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you all find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

cactusjumper said:

I believe you are on the money with your assessment of bowman. The one manifestation you failed to mention, was denial and the belief that no one else has a clue that he is an addict. I know one Dutch Hunter who will stop in the middle of a conversation and leave. He will return after sucking up some confidence and "knowledge" firmly believing that no one knows what he has done. They have no idea that they fairly reek with their chemical confidence.

In bowman's case, he has told us that he created the most powerful cannabis known to man. One would assume that the only way he could be certain, would be to constantly test his new strain as it was being developed. I would imagine he is testing it many times a day, each and every day.

We see the results of that little habit in all of his posts. :tard: I would be willing to bet that he never approaches his keyboard without a little support from his friend. You can't help but wonder what he could produce with unencumbered brain cells.......if that's still a viable possibility.

Nice post.

Take care,


ya . maybe i could talk common sence to a moron ... many years have gone by and i dont smoke or use any meds . so you just out right wrong Cj .. . yes i did do research ..

yet the effects of cannabis have no long trem effects on the human brain . time mag . one of the best doctors in the world stated . cannabis is no more dangerous to the human body then a 1/2 hour of exercise. ...fact !

just because you beleive what others tell you is your problem ...lol . i havent smoked in years .. but if i felt there was a logical reason i would not smoke any way . smokeing with asthma is a reall no no ...and asthma you dont take the drug at all .. it can still have the same effects .. so when i said i no long smoke . its a fact ...DA

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Oroblanco said:
HOLA mi amigo Real de Tayopa and everyone,

Gracias amigo - I might well take you up on that offer, and bus fare is pretty reasonable anyway. I really hope our amigo Blindbowman can and will take that step, he does seem to have flashes of insight and what might be called some psychic ability, if only he could use it with the clarity and freedom from the 'fog'.

Joe you are correct too - I forgot to mention the denial that goes along with this problem. I have a close relative and a best friend, both of whom have major problems but refuse to admit it. I think Blindbowman has great potential, but we see what he cannot or will not, that drug is preventing him from finding what he is seeking. I do hold out hope that we can pull him away from that anti-culture that has held him so long.

I had signed out and was about to hit the hay (much work to do tomorrow) but did a little search and found this news article:
(headline - Aztec Emperor's Tomb Unearthed in Mexico -)
Yep you can bet that caught my eye! The news article is over a year old, so I don't know how this turned out. Here is an extract:
Mexican archaeologists using ground-penetrating radar have detected underground chambers they believe contain the remains of Emperor Ahuizotl, who ruled the Aztecs when Columbus landed in the New World. It would be the first tomb of an Aztec ruler ever found.

A statue of Tlaltechutli, the Aztec god of the earth, in Mexico City. Ahuizotl's purported tomb is directly underneath.

So Blindbowman, does this resemble what you have found? If it does not resemble it, are there similarities?

Just thought you guys would find this bit interesting, have to get to bed as soon as I check any new replies. Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you all find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

" preventing him from finding what he is seeking"

to late !

much older , look at the eye of those and then the one cut in stone i showed ,, those are newer , mine are more basic level .... maybe 2 or 3 thousand years older..they dont look Aztec like that . but they use some of the markings ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings Blindbowman,

Blindbowman wrote:
if you want to make things presonal . you should under stand that what you see in side of your self may not be what you wish for ...

none of you have walked in my shoes , yet you beleive you can judge me . that is true ego ..... i say be your self and i will enjoy talking to you far more then watching the put on this act like you can judge the people around you ... you have no power over me and your choice to judge others will come back to judge you some day ....

Blindbowman my friend I am not making it personal, and am not judging you. Who has no vices, no weaknesses, nor any skeletons hiding within their closets? You say be yourself, well that is just whom I am, even if we were pretending, as wise old Socrates said, we are what we pretend to be. I don't know what your religious beliefs are, or if you would even describe them as religion, and have no desire to "convert" you or anyone else to some other belief system. "Lift up the stone, split a piece of wood, you will find me" (gospel of 'thomas) I have no power over you or anyone, all I can offer is friendship. All I have to define "Blindbowman" is the posts we see here on the internet, and based on these posts it is easy to get the impression that a powerful "demon" has hold of you, and this particular demon is not easy to walk away from. You say that you have already left him behind, yet what we see is something quite the contrary. It is not "judging" to see a thing clearly, as it is no insult to say a deaf man is deaf, a blind man is blind nor that an old man is old.

I was serious about the offer amigo, of course if you would rather not have Oroblanco following behind you through the hills I could understand that too - I can't pack much weight and can't live without my coffee! See we all have our weaknesses amigo, just that some of them are harder to be free of.

Blindbowman wrote:
ya . maybe i could talk common sence to a moron ... many years have gone by and i dont smoke or use any meds . so you just out right wrong Cj .. . yes i did do research ..

yet the effects of cannabis have no long trem effects on the human brain . time mag . one of the best doctors in the world stated . cannabis is no more dangerous to the human body then a 1/2 hour of exercise. ...fact !

just because you beleive what others tell you is your problem ...lol . i havent smoked in years .. but if i felt there was a logical reason i would not smoke any way . smokeing with asthma is a reall no no ...and asthma you dont take the drug at all .. it can still have the same effects .. so when i said i no long smoke . its a fact ...DA

I respectfully disagree amigo, recent medical studies have shown a direct correlation between cannabis use and mental problems, if you don't believe this I can post some links to the studies online. Alcohol is quite harmful to human beings too amigo, and it is legal to use - so now you say that you have not smoked in years? What about your posts over in that other forum? This sure sounds like denial my friend, and only serves to make it harder to believe your word.

I am no angel, so don't get the idea that I am trying to stand on some pedestal to cast aspersions - I just want to see you use those talents the pure way and see what the results are. Who knows, perhaps you would become famous as the man who found the tomb of Montezuma!

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i respect those people i knew for who they are , and i will not convert them to stoping .what they enjoy in their life . that is up to them . as it was to me ...if you stop breathing once and it akes you a few mintues to start breathing again you will stop take my word for it ...

the effects you are seeing is creative artistic , with autistic tendences , a boarder line savant .. that the concluesion of 116 test ...add a 17 gram peice of metal hiting you in the temple at over 200 FPS and you would type just like i do if you could learn to talk and walk again ...

"can't live without my coffee"

now i got to call you out on this one , your saying there is a world out there beyond coffie . i just dont agree .... .

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

"a direct correlation between cannabis use and mental problems"
i agree 100% but in most cases the effects are lemited after the age 20 . youth should not use cannabis at all.. not why the brainis still developeing . the only thing is each case is diffrent , and med users are not abuseres ... try haveing 1/3 of the nerve ending in your damged and then life with till they heal .. its like have a live tooth nerve in your brain that dose not go away for the rest of your life ..

my brain sweld for 3 days . 386 doctor aptments later 4 MIR . and 3 years of testing to find amed that will stablize you ..

you dont know why i am this way dont act like you do ....

you no what its like to spend over a year on sleeping pills . go 18 hours and then your awake for a 1/2 and then back to sleep .. they did have anything to treat this type of injury , so they tryed to make me sleep threw the healing of the nerve endings

you know what its like to have skull pain so bad you put your head under cold water for hours why your family sleeps and you refuse to ask anyone for help ... haveing your family try to live in the darkness because your eyes cant handle even the smallest amont of light ..

how about 2 years latter when you get the chance to go out for the frist time onl to have the sun light to bright even with sun glasses and pass out to awake 2 months later ..

you dont know what i have been threw to be here ... but i am here ...

and no i do not take drugs of any kind if death wants me its going to have to face me face to face

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hi all - I've been away for the last week hiking and exploring in the Superstitions. Other than a couple days last fall, this was my first chance to really "taste" the area.

I don't have alot of time right now, but I wanted to let BB know that I did indeed quite easily find your "heart mountain" and climbed up to the "headdress" that you told me to look behind. I wish you could have been more specific when I asked you what I should be looking for (I believe you said something along the lines of "if I have to tell you, you wouldn't recognize it if you saw it").

I spent a couple hours climbing around the "headdress" looking under, around and beside every rock I could get to (and I got to a WHOLE bunch of them). I specifically spent a bunch of time looking around the rock you told me to focus on which I believe you intimated was used to seal off Montezuma's tomb.

I have to say that other than a beautiful view and good exercise, I just didn't see anything there at all BB. I really looked for any signs of carvings, petroglyphs, symbols, etc... that might indicate anyone had ever been up there before and just didn't see anything. I don't know what it was you expected me to see or find there, but I was unable to locate it.

I did however have a really good time hiking out there. I pushed myself hard on most days and tried to get to and see as many things as I could in just a weeks time. I'll put up some photos and my "agenda" later this week and let you all know what I did and what I saw.

BB - I don't doubt that you believe you found something up there, but I was unable to see what you must have.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings amigos,

Blindbowman wrote:
you dont know why i am this way dont act like you do ....

you no what its like to spend over a year on sleeping pills . go 18 hours and then your awake for a 1/2 and then back to sleep ..

Well amigo I thought I said that all I have to go on is what you have been posting here and elsewhere on the internet. You are a member of Yahooka, correct? I read some of your posts there out of curiosity, and have no reason to think that you are simply pulling their legs pretending to be a cannabis user. If your posts are not the result of a mind-altering drug, what then?

I guess that I should tell you that yes I do know what it is to be unable to sleep, and be dependent on sleeping pills, seeing that I have been on them for years now. I injured my back, and before being taken off-work, in one incident went nine days without a minute of sleep. I started to see things, and decided it was time to see a doctor. I still rely on the sleeping pills, and live with constant pain from a number of ruptured discs. So no, I don't know your whole life story nor what you have had to live through, but have had my own problems to deal with amigo. When you make statements like:

{Blindbowman wrote:}
what level is this you speak of . .....i have multi-trillions of levels threw out time and space , beyond the long count ...

i am not a child of God . i know my father . he is the creator . God is only one of many of his mask ..., the creator is creation within a creator, he is the liveing code of creation ..he is what i will become ...

i do not beleive in god and the creator . i know he is real

i am many and none . i can be anything and everything i will to become a grain of sand or a cona a tree on a planet far away in the cancer major .. to the east and deeper ...
...and many more.

What is a down-to-earth fellow supposed to make of it amigo? I have told you before, that I try to keep an open mind, but I always make an effort to keep at least one foot solidly on the ground. If you are saying that this is your normal, regular state of mind, un-affected by any kind of mind-altering substance, I have difficulty believing it and have to hope that you are simply in denial.

I have tried to ask you to put yourself in my place or in the place of anyone else here reading our discussions, and as much as you claim that you can be a tree, a rock or an eagle, you either will not or cannot put yourself in our shoes and consider how this must appear when we see statements like you have posted. Suppose i posted a series of statements using the very words you did, what would you think? I don't expect that you will answer that question either.

It is no skin off my nose what you do. I don't think any less of you for the statements that seem to be sort of 'off-the-wall' but don't know what I am supposed to make of them. You have intimated that you are so far superior to everyone here mentally that it is like trying to talk to a 2 year old and similar statements, which perhaps is true, but you don't really know the IQ of the folks here anymore than they know yours.

So as far as Cubfan says, what ever it was that you saw was not immediately apparent to him. Can you tell us what it was that he should have seen? Is there some image or figure of the Aztec mother-earth goddess
Tlaltecuhtli, drops of blood flowing into her mouth? They think that is what ought to be found over an Aztec emperor's tomb. I am probably wasting your time even asking those questions. I was unaware that the Aztecs cremated their dead kings, so it seems unlikely there would be a mummy in Montezuma's tomb. I asked you who was the last Aztec emperor, and this question has several possible answers including "who was he" as in ,was he a warrior, a priest etc but for some reason you did not answer that question. I don't know what I can say amigo to change your mind or to get your answers to some questions. I am convinced that you found something, but tend to think that no one knows what it is (including you amigo) - even you said so, early in this thread but after a few posts seem to have decided that it must be the tomb of Montezuma, then off to it is Aztlan etc. You have also said that you are un-willing to post the type of evidence that folks like me need to see before being convinced. It seems unlikely that this can be "settled" without that kind of evidence (solid) so what am I to do? Keep on asking you questions that you are unwilling to answer? I would rather remain friends.

Good luck and good hunting amigo, I hope that you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

ORO: You posted ===>

I guess that I should tell you that yes I do know what it is to be unable to sleep, and be dependent on sleeping pills, seeing that I have been on them for years now. I injured my back, and before being taken off-work, in one incident went nine days without a minute of sleep. I started to see things, and decided it was time to see a doctor. I still rely on the sleeping pills, and live with constant pain from a number of ruptured discs.

Sheesh, try going with out coffee or your computer for two days !! Now that is suffering. You and BB are sissies.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Real de Tayopa said:
Sheesh, try going with out coffee or your computer for two days !! Now that is suffering.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Wow, don't say such things are real!!! I couldn't imagine a life like this, no coffee and internet :o :o :o :tard: :tard: :tard: :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

No internet, no problem - been there done that and will in future - Jose you and I still remember when there was no such thing! No coffee - e-GADS man what sort of torture can you dream up! Perish the thought! Now I will have trouble with nightmares! :o ::)

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

the blindbowman said:

Before you decide to leave BB, please PM me if you would. I'd really like to get a better idea of what I was supposed to see out there. I'll definitely be going back - probably this coming fall sometime and would give it another chance.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I sure would like to see some pictures of your trip.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Since this is BB's thread, I don't want to post trip photos here, but I'll post a few that are related to his topic. I'll try to get some of my "trip" photos put on the "My Daily Snapshot" section tonight.

Here is a photo of Miner's Needle looking towards the NE on my way to BB's "heart mt."


Here is a photo of BB's "heart mt." probably taken from about the same place as he took his photo


This shot was taken down in the streambed looking N upwards towards BB's spot


Lastly, this was taken looking down into the valley from sitting almost at the top of BB's "heart mt."


I climbed to the top so I could see over into the next valley area, but didn't include any shots of that here as they were irrelevant. I didn't take any photos of the actual rocks up at the top that I looked around, pretty much because they were just... well... rocks. The only evidence I saw of anyone ever being up there was a chewing gum wrapper. BB was right that it was a steep climb - not unmanageable, but I left my backpack about halfway up so I wouldn't have so much weight to pull upwards and there was a little hand over hand climbing needed.

I still hope BB sends me a PM as I would like to know more about what he believes is up there and what he obviously found that intrigued him.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i am on my laptop ,cub thats what you were going to see ,, thats what they wanted people to see ... you are in the area ...its the lack of human evidence that total me i was in the right area . they did to good of a job they delited any sign of anyone being there , in doing that they for got that to the right preson or a shaman tracker even the void is evidence .. i am not misteaken ,its there . and you were closeer then you know ....something has taken place and i will be leaveing the web for some time ... stay safe stay free

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