has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

well put , if i am right i think it might be better if we got the missile , and not what looks to be comeing this way ...
look how long its been from the last maga 10 shift , .......10,000 years

if i am right these maga 10 shifts happen around every 10,000 .. . that now !

i think this is what the mayan were protecting at 2012 ..
what ever is causeing it , it cycles every 10,000 years well look at the good piont . what ever happed this addvances culture made it threw the event twice ..the only thing at this piont that makes me wonder is the fact a vast culture coverd the world at one time and were almost totally destroy in one of these events ...

i guess its the old saying" plan for the worst and hope for the best ..."

i dont think this is like going out back and makeing a bomb shelter ... this get all your stuff togather for long hard camping trip . like one you done come home from ...

maybe the treasure we are looking for next time well be food ....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings amigos,

Thank you Joe and Randy for the kind words - my neck is feeling weak from holding up the swelled head! :icon_jokercolor: I think I was only saying what the rest of us were, all in one post. However this does mean that I have to serve the first few cups of coffee around the fire.

Blindbowman you have covered a wide set of points again, I won't try to address all of them tonight as I have to get to bed early, but do have a few questions.

You said that they found no micro-diamonds on the Moon, nor in the Lunar samples returned to Earth - this is not something I have any information on, so would appreciate if you could point me where to look to find confirmation of this statement? If there were no similar micro-diamonds found on the Moon then the whole theory of a cometary or asteroid strike causing the Younger Dryas period and using the presence of the micro-diamonds as proof then is highly suspect, OR it could be simply a case of the theorist looking at evidence that is simply un-related and has no bearing on the incident.

Blindbowman wrote:
if you did not beleive my thoery before . i should just walk away . because you wont beleive what i am going to show you now

My friend whether you can believe it or not, I do understand your frustration with folks who don't see things the way you do, and have received my own share of such rejection of my own theories. It is no reflection on your friendship(s) in any way, in fact the friend who will tell you when you are wrong is in some ways a more true friend than the one who simply smiles and nods in agreement all the time. No one is poking fun at your ideas, even if they were I would suspect that it is entirely intended to be good-natured, not as an attack. It is your own choice whether to stay and banter here or to go to another forum where the members SEEM as if they are less questioning etc but (just my opinion) I would say that you have a tremendous pool of experienced treasure hunters and historians here on T-net (not including me, as I am very much still learning) that you have free access to, some folks would pay for this privilege. Would your friends on another forum get you to seek out new avenues and angles of research, or just smile and nod?

Blindbowman also wrote:
this means this multi-culture was maping the earth on at lest 3 diffrent levels useing a lunar related scale of messurement .. ,

That is quite a statement but not entirely far-fetched either, for some have suggested that the ancient Sumerians used the Moon as one-half of a degree in their measurement system, making the whole of the sky to be 720 moon-widths or 360 degrees. It is also a fact that the Aztecs (like many ancient cultures including Hebrews and Muslims) made use of a lunar calender, but remember the Aztecs also used a Solar calender as well. It is an interesting sub-theory you have there, which will be interesting to follow.

Blindbowman also wrote:
these people were more addvanced then we are ..fact !

Well to this I must agree in part and respectfully disagree in part, for I have found no evidence to prove the Aztlan, Clovis, Folsom etc were more advanced than our civilization in MOST technology. Several of the ancient cultures were more advanced than we are today in building megalithic structures (huge stone) with a degree of accuracy that we can scarcely match today; some authors like von Daniken have proposed that the ancients even had flying machines etc and it is fascinating BUT again we need solid evidence. Remember that Plutarch accused Plato not of inventing Atlantis but of giving them advanced tech (referring to the canal systems, hot and cold water systems etc NO mention of flying machines or computers, even though mechanical computers were known in Plutarch's day.) It is entirely a modern addition to the legends of Atlantis to have them flying and using laser beams etc. Unless the ancient Indian epics tales of flying machines are related to Atlantis/Aztlan - the island of Atlas. I would hesitate to say that the Clovis or Folsom peoples were more advanced than we are, perhaps in hunting abilities?

Blindbowman you are saying (if I am getting this right) that the Clovis people were a part of an already-existing Aztlan civilization, acting as the 'field foragers'? This would then require a massive system of collection and transport, among a people who had no horses or oxen, at best dogs for pack animals, then shipping by sea; and also we ought to be finding SOME kind of evidence of the goods they received in return from Aztlan (or Atlantis) right? I am well aware that some ancient trading peoples used a very non-durable product as one of their main items of trade for instance Carthaginians traded loads of salt with primitive peoples, which leaves virtually NO trace - however we DO have the ancient salt mines and ancient texts that describe it. What do you propose that the Clovis people were obtaining from Aztlan? Basketware? Pottery? Tools? Salt? Slaves? ??? We know that the Clovis people did trade in stone points and have some idea where they obtained the raw stone to make their tools so that is pretty well out of the question really. This facet of your theory requires a lot of evidence, or at least perhaps some kind of beads that show up in excavations that are un-explained as yet - we need to have something to point to in order to say that the Clovis people were trading in this way with an off-shore civilization, or with any civilization for that matter. At the moment I do not know of any evidence that might support this trading-system idea for Clovis-Aztlan.

I don't mean to constantly be the 'wet blanket' to your theories amigo, just trying to understand your theories and "push" you to obtain the necessary evidence you will need in order to present your ideas to the world. You will face much tougher criticism from 'academia' than you have or will here, as they have a pretty good collection of evidence to support the accepted version of history. As for myself, I don't require that you show me photos of whole ruined cities, but I do need to see SOME kinds of evidence. This is why I have repeatedly asked you about whether you have some artifact or inscription etc that you have found that led you to believe it is 'Aztec' etc and got the distinct impression that your identification and conclusions are in large part due to the information you obtained by remote viewing. Didn't you say that you actually communicated with Montezuma himself, beside his mortal remains? To me, the only way that would be possible would be through some kind of remote viewing, or if one were already deceased! :angel8:

I have still more questions my friends but will close here. I would LOVE to see someone find the tomb of Montezuma, but like the old Missourians would say...show me. Is that asking too much?
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i am going ahead to try to make this more simple to under stand ,, , this culture was recording the earths movements for the more then 20,000 years , this was a very excomplex culture . not in modern trems but as far observeing the earth and sun ,moon and stars .. they leave jut enough evidence to mapp their culture but at the same time it mapped the earths movements and the starts ,, one thing the were focusing on was the earths rotation. not just the primary rotation that we know and under stand as movement on the pole as our known axis . they also mapped a secoundary set of axis ...a secoundary set of poles . not cold but hot those were eastern and western secoundary axis for the 10,000 year shift this was when atlantis was was the center of their culture .this axis are western (A= Ecuador) and eastern axis (B= Sumatera), that one set of axis for the time as far back as 100,000 ,and is still being used between now and 2012 , but this culture is much older and mapped a secound set of this secoundary axis .meaning the culture is as old as 20,000 years and the mapped these secoundary axis ,(A =mexico ) and (B = (19degrees 08'12.87"S by 82degrees 18'15.79"E , in the Indian ocean just north of the tropic of Cancer )...

the fact we are comeing upon the next maga shift dose not scare me ... those two maga shifts at 20,000years ago and 10,000 years ago were bad but his culture made it threw these events ,, thats not what scares me , the fact the maga shift at 20,000 years ago record 14 shifts pre rotation , why the last 10,000 maga shift only recorded 10 shifts pre rotation ... this time the shift will go to 6 shifts pre rotation is my math is correct , we are in for one hell of ride ..if the math is correct this shift well be about 40% stronger and faster then the last , why because the effects and force at play within the earth no longer have 10 shifts to balance out the event , it well go to a stronger event every 600 years and a maga shift every 6000 years .. this tell us the 14,000 years between the 20,000 and the 10,000.... means this time span had 1400 years between each shift , and 14,000 years between the two maga shifts . this means if their were a maga shift beyond the 20,000 shift it would take place at 30,000 years ago , and most likely there would be little record of it , it would have been much weaker , but hold it for one mintue if the the shifts of the 20,000 year axis were spaced 14,000 years apart that must mean te 20, year event took place at 24,000 years ago ..

and the maga events are getting closer and closer togather so we see the rates of shifts slowing down and the effects getting worse , your going to ask why are they getting worse if the earth shifts are slowing down ,, good question . its a matter of balance . if your slam on your brakes at 60 you will slide a longer distence with less reaction . yet if you are going 15 MPH and slam on your brakes your not going to slide as much and it will be a far more valiant reaction. that why many people are hert in slow car crashes ,

think of it this way . you may be lowering the amont of force being disperse, but it has to be dispersed in a lesser number of events ...closer togather .... the shifts may cover a larger area , but ther well be less shift to sprad the force out ...

i cant say if the human race well make it threw this event ...but what i can tell for the data ...its going to be a flat out right show stopper ....

we as treasure hunters have a chance , with back packing and going afeild often we have many of the things need to try to make it threw this event , the event could be in a few wild end of days type events or could come from dozens of smaller events that could have a vastly larger event hiden within the pattern ..

much like a Rogue waves,

also known as freak waves, or extreme waves, are relatively large and spontaneous ocean surface waves which are a threat even to large ships and ocean liners. In oceanography, they are more precisely defined as waves that are more than double the significant wave height (SWH), which is itself defined as the mean of the largest third of waves in a wave record.

Once thought to be only legendary, they are now known to be a natural ocean phenomenon, not rare, but rarely encountered. Anecdotal evidence from mariners' testimonies and damages inflicted on ships suggested they occurred; however, their scientific measurement was only positively confirmed following measurements of a rogue wave at the Draupner oil platform in the North Sea on January 1, 1995. During this event, minor damage was inflicted on the platform, confirming that the reading was valid.

In the course of the Project MaxWave, researchers from the GKSS Research Centre, using data collected by ESA satellites, identified a large number of radar signatures that may be evidence for rogue waves. Further research is underway to verify the method that translates the radar echoes into sea surface elevation.

Freak waves have been cited in the media as a likely source of the sudden, inexplicable disappearance of many ocean-going vessels. However, although this is a credible explanation for unexplained losses, there is to date little clear evidence supporting this hypothesis nor any cases where the cause has been confirmed, and the claim is contradicted by information held by Lloyd's Register.[1][2] One of the very few cases in which evidence exists that may indicate a freak wave incident is the 1978 loss of the freighter MS München, detailed below. In February 2000, a British oceanographic research vessel sailing in the Rockall Trough west of Scotland encountered the largest waves ever recorded by scientific instruments in the open ocean.[3]

this is IMHO what we are faceing , staying in good health and collecting gear for this type of events , is a smart thing to do right now IMHO

dont think its like building bomb shelters , they are useless in this type of event ...praying is more usefull then they would be ...lol

you lol at me , but i am telling you get ready ,its comeing ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

"That is quite a statement but not entirely far-fetched either, for some have suggested that the ancient Sumerians used the Moon as one-half of a degree in their measurement system, making the whole of the sky to be 720 moon-widths or 360 degrees. It is also a fact that the Aztecs (like many ancient cultures including Hebrews and Muslims) made use of a lunar calender, but remember the Aztecs also used a Solar calender as well. It is an interesting sub-theory you have there, which will be interesting to follow.

"ma left me her keys when she died . now i just got to figer out how to drive her car ...lol "

is intelligence a matter of technology,science or mathmatics , faith or religion ...NO

think of slaves or faith . these people may not have been made to gather and hunt for the good of the culture . they may have wanted the peaceful life of this culture . maybe not maybe thats what the sacifices were all about .logic says those that watch the sacifices would work very hard to not be next ! ....lol

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

It's another slow morning here so I have a few questions, as ORO did . Do you have ANY type of physical evidence to support the idea that the clovis people knew ANYTHING about seagoing or Aztlan. This Idea seems SO far fetched to me that you just must provide some sort of evidence to even suggest such a possibility. Where are you getting this information on these trade routes. Certainly a cultures intelligence must be measured by the time that they live in. The intelligence of a culture that lives 10,000 years ago connot be compared to 20th century intelligence. While your theories knows no bounds you do not provide us with ANY EVIDENCE, and this is what is just so bizarre about you and your posts. You obviously spend a lot of time reading and thinking about this stuff and it doesn't matter that no one believes a word that you post, you just keep on posting. I for one enjoy your posts but for the life of me I can't understand why you do it. You continually talk about your "FACTS" but you clearly do not post any "facts", why not??. You continually use the term "logic" but what would seem logical to me is that you would back up some of your statements with some solid evidence and in this sense you are very illogical. While I certainly agree that a earth changing event could happen someday, maybe even next week and the human race could become extint, I don't think anyone would disagree with that possibility.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


"there is only one logical concluetion i can make from these findings this culture dates to more then 20,000 BC and has seen and recorded two diffrent maga shifts each at 10,000 years apart ..."

The oldest known written language would be from around 3200 B.C. Any advanced civilization that existed at the level you are proposing would have to leave some evidence that they were here. In addition, that written language would have continued with any survivors. If they were forced back into living in caves, they would have left some record, in their written language, on the cave walls.

The shifting of the earth's axis is not a new idea. It has been around, and researched for many years. The evidence of that event(s) can be found under the polar ice caps.

Logic dictates that no advanced civilization could have existed on this planet for the time it would take to become advanced, without leaving some trace of their having been here.

On the other hand, the next turn of a spade could prove all of your theories true.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Quote Joe:

"The oldest known written language would be from around 3200 B.C. Any advanced civilization that existed at the level you are proposing would have to leave some evidence that they were here. In addition, that written language would have continued with any survivors. If they were forced back into living in caves, they would have left some record, in their written language, on the cave walls."

I would disagree slightly Joe, if you are talking about "letters/words" then I would agree. But there are pictures and shapes in caves all over the world, some older than 30,000 years.
Lets take a picture of a dear being hunted as an example, the cultures that did such drawings may not have had a written "word" for a dear, however it is very likely they would have had a "verbal" word for it.
The ABC is "our" picture on the cave wall, or the on the paper.
But as you say there is no evidence to support that the cultures bowman is talking about left any such traces.
I may have misunderstood your post, but I did read it a few times.

This still leaves Bowman with a problem!! where is the evidence to support any of his claims?

Gary :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

yes i do , in fact Ray dillman found a net bag made with tone of the oldest know knots, called the fishermans knots , so yes sea fairing culture has been found in sites related to Aztlan , i beleive the dillman site speacks for it self ... the next thing we need to define is the dillman site evidence go beyond that level . is there more evidence there and if so what is it . it has not been made public as of yet ..

if i stood around waiting to defind facts everyione else would except , i would be standing around looking as useless as they do ... there are facts but then who will judge those facts , CJ .. i dont think so ..

"20th century intelligence"

you have to be jokeing right . what 20th century intelligence.. who are you talking about ...green peace ...lol i have to see this our landish clam where have you seen 20th century intelligence...

LOL do you mean theulture destoring its own resorces .or killing its own people to prove a piont .. give me a brake . disc brake please ...

i m not saying you got to go out and bye a book . just think for your self . if you dont agree thats up to you .. if your swimming in the flood waters and pass my lifeboat i will remind you , that you didnt beleive me back then ...why should i beleive you need a ride then ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Peerless67 said:
Quote Joe:

"The oldest known written language would be from around 3200 B.C. Any advanced civilization that existed at the level you are proposing would have to leave some evidence that they were here. In addition, that written language would have continued with any survivors. If they were forced back into living in caves, they would have left some record, in their written language, on the cave walls."

I would disagree slightly Joe, if you are talking about "letters/words" then I would agree. But there are pictures and shapes in caves all over the world, some older than 30,000 years.
Lets take a picture of a dear being hunted as an example, the cultures that did such drawings may not have had a written "word" for a dear, however it is very likely they would have had a "verbal" word for it.
The ABC is "our" picture on the cave wall, or the on the paper.
But as you say there is no evidence to support that the cultures bowman is talking about left any such traces.
I may have misunderstood your post, but I did read it a few times.

This still leaves Bowman with a problem!! where is the evidence to support any of his claims?

Gary :coffee2:

"some older than 30,000 years." 60,000 years old is the oldest known cro magnon shaman
clearly a culture of people based on shaman faith and clearly i have pionted out that site is dirrectly linked to this culture ,if you dont beleive navigational charts and methods have no bearing in histroy ,then i feel sorrry for your failuar to under stand the value of navigation . everything on earth just about still needs navigation today , what is even more funny then that is we still use many of the same navigational skill that were defind in the 1500' to day

ok let me ask you a question dose anyone here know any cave paiting from the 60,000 year old caves in france frist hand ... > have you seen any of them your self and who ... translated the meaning of those art work for you ... would you trust your own judgement to translate the art of any old culture for your self...?

dose any of you know how to translate lunar scales and navigate by your own judgements and translation of those lunar dirrection ...?

good piont ..?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

What Ray Dillman may or may not have claimed to have found is a whole nuther subject. What evidence do you have?? To base your whole theory on the possible finding of a fishermans knot seems a bit of a stretch. It's some of that great 20th century intelligence that allows us to communicate in this magical way thousands of miles apart and allows me to stay alive thru the wonders of modern science.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


The oldest human fossil ever found is around 200,000 years old. Truth is we know, pretty much, the evolution of mankind from that point forward.

No one knows, for sure, how far back the spoken language of man goes. That's because, for a language to be dated, it must be written......in some way. For a people to reach the level of sophistication that you imagine, they would need a language and the ability to speak, record and reason, in abstraction.

Without those abilities, what you propose these people did, would seem impossible. I doubt the law of random chance comes into play, so your people would have to have a reason to chart the heavens and earth. IMHO, for that reason to take place, over a 10,000 year period, it would require a written historical record.

I could, of course, be wrong.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Bill96 said:
What Ray Dillman may or may not have claimed to have found is a whole nuther subject. What evidence do you have?? To base your whole theory on the possible finding of a fishermans knot seems a bit of a stretch. It's some of that great 20th century intelligence that allows us to communicate in this magical way thousands of miles apart and allows me to stay alive thru the wonders of modern science.


Ray dillmans finds were made public in his DVD and they did show some of the find found at the site and did list them untill the site was over taken by the judd's ..they are not claims its evidence , what evidence did Albert Einstein have .. lol . or newtion or edison ... this is a open the gates and lets see whatshows up as we flowthe paths ...there is here it is there is the evidence is a hand bag .. the evidence is vanished in all dirrections and its up to us to relocate it and defind what it is or is not ...

and yes Albert also beleive the earth had shifted on its axis more then once in the past ... yet he could never find the evidence to show how or when , because there is a lemited amont of culture that recorded these events as you well know before you asked ...

if we even find a chance that these site could have this type of evidence there . this becomes a frist step and should be protected for the good of mankind .... the next thing i would ask is someone like NASA to look over my work and give us a over sight ...of its posablity of being true .. and yes i have asked them to do this ...

i was rewriteing Newtons work over 14 years ago .. same as Darwin theories . i wrote my frist logic code in 9 months ..."M&R logic " (matter vs its inverse opisite reflection)

some say its the code of creation it self ...i have been trying for about 9 years to find anything that dose not applie to the code with no takers as of yet ...how do you think the doors open so freely for me .... i never claimed to be superman . just my self ....you do under stand i have a theory to messure the Universe useing M&R logic...

you want go out there let me take you for a way out theory .. you keep saying how unbeleiveable my theories are . let me show you just how far i can go...lol

let me show you what you dont see ..

look into the pond , you see your reflection . your image . now ask your self who's image are you made in ...?
go now you under stand where to start .. from with in and the defineing sceince of reflections of light and matter ..

M&R logic states all creation must applied to the a balance between it self and its inverse oppisite reflection . there is nothing in creation that dose not have a reflection . air gases cells . theories . sounds . light . matter .anti matter . there is nothing in creation that dose not applie to this theory of M&R logic . this started out as a binar code and then addvanced to a logic code ..

look out in to the universe and tell me what you see . ...?

i see a reflection of the simplistic of complex matter .

what dose this mean . here on earth is a simple action of north and south hemi-spheric conditions , the stroms in the northern hemishere turn in one dirrecxtion and the southern turn the oppiste . . now tak all the known galaxys write down how many turn right and how many turn left .. . for the debate we will say 900 true right and 400 turn left , there are at lest 500 unknown galaxys in this exsample,, why because they have to both balnce between each other .. ot the hole of the mass becomes unstable ...

we frist defind what our match is , then we look for its inverse oppisite reflection .. between them their hare a common fulcrum (FOOL-kruhm, FUL-kruhm)
(The point on which a lever is balanced when a force is exerted.)

now useing this under standing of fulcrum let it defind the center piont between the match and refletion . we may often not be able to defind the reflection of a given match or its inverse oppiste reflection . bu the center piont fulcrum can piont us to the unknown inverse oppisite reflection of anything and everything in creation . thus we are never lost o left wondering where to find something we seek ... ..

if you dont under stand you have a lot of company .. i write the code over 9 years ago and there are some very smart people still trying to under stand the thoery today ...and how it works ...

if you had a key to creation would you stand around waiting to recover evidece that could take years of hard work or would you just walk past and say there it is and keep going ...lol

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

do you beleive in the unified thoery ..?, do you beleive it applies to other dimensions ....? do you think if a preson dose not know something it demoralize their self awareness ....? do you beleive if something is lost with out a trace that it still can not be found ...?do you think if preson could live in more then one dimension as a being or spirit walker . yet he loses some of his culturalistic skills it would be worth the cost. something like ablity to spell or a % of short trem memory..?or ablity to relate to other people with in the culture because they think at levls not normal to the speice it self ... and they may have to wait for the under stand to show up back in this reality ...? makes me wonder dont you ...LOL

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

do you think anyone could tell if a super natral being was on earth if they did not relate dirrectly to the human race and its culture .....?

where is the evidence for something we dont know ...?how do we defind what we never knew was there ...?,

if we never knew it was there how would we know it wasnt ...

if we never saw it or knew it was there was it ...?

would we have know if it was ...?

would it know we are were here ..?
how would you know ,if it knew ...? would you care if you knew if it was there and knew iwe did not know it knew we knew ...?

how far is to far if you dont know what far is ...?

dose it matter if someone goes crazy as long as he knows his way back ...?

how crazy is crazy if you knew the answer to the last question ... ?if your crazy dose the answer still matter ...lol ...?

dose a shaman wash behind his ears in the morning hours between 6:00 to 9:00.or dose he drink more coffie at night ...? do you hear a drunk or want to be one ...?

a man walking in the supersitition picks up a small rock and goes nuts screaming he found a old clovis piont right then a large boulder falls from above and crushes him and he is never found or seen again has he made a discovery or not !

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

what will you think of your self the next morning when you spent all night rolling on the ground in tears laughing your ass off .. .if you dont know the other side of my being you would wake up in time to put your boots out when you fall a sleep and your feet are to close to the fire ... dont worry you wont be the only one on the ground rolling around ....lol

if your looking for clovis pionts in a out of the way place in the supersititions and you look down and see a fresh montain lion track the size of your hand do you real care weather you have evidence to show on some Web site or are you wondering how fast you can still run a 440 up hill ... at your age , or will you even tell the hikers you pass .at a full run ..lol

now i am thinking about puting a sign out there that says , "Dont feed the mountain Lion"

the hikers would vanish faster then clovis culture did ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Quote Bowman: "where is the evidence for something we dont know ...?how do we defind what we never knew was there ...?,

if we never knew it was there how would we know it wasnt ...

if we never saw it or knew it was there was it ...?

would we have know if it was ...? "

Bowman you quoted Darwin, and if you have studied his work you will see that he found a paticular lilly in the forest whos necter and pollen were 12 inches inside of its flower. The opening to the flower was extremely narrow and no bird could possibly have access to the necter, and thus the pollen needed for the lilly to pollenate.
darwin claimed that there must somewhere out in the forrest be a moth with a proboscis that was at least 12 inches in length. He had no proof of the existance of the moth, but he did have the lilly and a theory.

Like you he had to convince people that his theory was right. Sadly for Darwin he died before his theory was proven.
However he did produce evidence in the form of the lilly. And 100 years later the moth was filmed for the first time feeding from the lilly.

I dont mean any offence to Darwin by comparing him to you, but whereas Darwins theory was not proven for 100 years, I do not believe yours will ever be proven. The exteme lack of evidence in any form leads me to believe your research will be in vain. Do you even have a "lilly"??


PS . I am in the states right now and not at home with my books so here is a link


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Your last several post were quite revealing, they did give me a little closer glimpse of your personality. I would never claim to be on the same level as you or probably most of the people who post here but I do ok. I think Einstein and Newton had some very good evidence to base their work on. Without a dought you have a wide range of knowledge and a quick mind but I would sure like to get back to the dissuction of your finding Montezumas tomb.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Bill96 said:
Your last several post were quite revealing, they did give me a little closer glimpse of your personality. I would never claim to be on the same level as you or probably most of the people who post here but I do ok. I think Einstein and Newton had some very good evidence to base their work on. Without a dought you have a wide range of knowledge and a quick mind but I would sure like to get back to the dissuction of your finding Montezumas tomb.

show me a peice of matter ,, thoeries about matter are about things we cant see , how do we know they are even there ...? this was the piont i was trying to make , its not a matter if we have evidence that the unknown is there or not .. its a matter if something wasnthere could we prove it could be there ...

if so what amont of evidence could be mis translated that could help suport a theory that was mis ununder stood ...

its not the idea i could be wrong a bout some of the details of this culture ts not even the fact i could be totally wrong about this culture or even when this culture was active if it was .. its the fact with as much as we think they know about histroy . this culture could still have fallen threw the cracks of what we beleive we know ...

i know and under stand the evidence is only very slem at this piont but there is evidence that dose say this culture is not only posable but did show up in past legends and histroy . if it was just seen in legends i would say cool and keep walking . but thats not the case here ...

i agree montezuma's tomb is wating to be found , i dont beleive i care if i find it as long as i piont it out so others can find it ....this is evidence , if i tell someone something is at a given location and it is there , who found it ... the preson that conferms its there or the preson that stated it was there to start with .. in cort i would be the finder even if i never took legal clam of the site .. so see its not a matter of who finds montezuma's tomb , you would not get to keep it anyway ... and the value of the sites goes beyond the cash value . what wisdom is hiden at these site IMHO is the real value . i can take what i know with me when this life ends .. your pockets are staing here in this world....know and condition the being within ...

let me ask you question Bill96 .. 60,000 years ago a cro magnon shaman setting in the back of some cave in france was drawing pictures , what did he have in common with the shaman of chicomoztoc ,and the Aztlan culture . we can asume the culture of the small peice of the greater culture took place at there own time yet , aztlan spaned far longer then other parts of this greater culture . so let me ask you what do you think made these chicomoztoc or Aztlan shaman diffrent then other shaman , is it the time they lived in . or the othere tribes near by . like the channel island tribe , or could they both be the same tribe . just peices of the same greater tribe ...?

the reason i ask . is because montezuma'a as well as his culture were very spiritual in their beleives, some times ta culture is defind by its secerd places and those it see in it culture as being secerd ...if we talk about the 3 montezuma's . as being secerd . do defind one before a nother or do we see them as a secerd family with believes past from one geniration to the next ..... do you see where i am going with this .. the believes of the shaman from that cave in france was past down from geniration to geniration and tribe to tribe with in the over all culture , montezuma's tomb dose not defind the culture it only definds one preson within a culture . we could learn a greta deal of data if this site is the tomb , but we may not learn as much from montezuma's remains as we would from the other things with in the tomb .. often a great amont of under stand comes from the grave rites of a culture . this is the true value of montezuma's tomb . we dont know as much as we would like to about the Aztec and Aztlan or even montezuma for that matter ..

, lets look at both side for a mintue ..

if i am wrong . we cross this site of the list of posable locations of the real montezuma tomb . and people get to lol at me . i can handle that ...

if i am right . i change histroy and defind one of the great kings of Aztec culture and build a better under standing of who he was and who his culture were and their beleives ...see i dont dout the dutchman's acount of seeing a indain ruins , because i know logically it could very well be there , why because it would over look the area around site #1, logic tells me the indain would have incamped in the area to over see the site ... ..good logic is seldom wrong ...

the dutchman had no reason to lie about that fact .. this fact puts indains with in 200 yards of the tomb site ...

i think i can relocate the site he was talking about , i do know and under stand the basic area .... if iwe stoped banging our heads togather we could defind these sites in a matter of hours ...

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