Silver Member
I say go with your gut instincts.
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I get permission about 99% of the time to detect people's yards in my town, so I detect lots of curb strips too.I have never owned property in a city, but in the country property lines go to the center of the road. Right of ways or easements are held by the local township, county, village, etc. and give them the right to maintain the road, and run utilities. To say that the Government owns the easement property, is not right..... it wouldn't be an easement.Asking permission is not that bad, permission to hunt an entire property is so much better than looking over your shoulder, waiting for confrontations, and making our hobby look bad.
HeyJak; please read our rules, no insults or attacks on members.
American by birth, Patriot by choice.
I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......
I spent the money to install the sprinklers and landscaping and new marathon grass. I did all the work myself and I spend the money to water and maintain it. I wouldn't let some self-absorbed person undo my work. I could care less who owns it!
in arkansas you do pay the taxes on that piece of propertyI have hunted easements many times and I don't ask permission. Having worked for telephone companies for years I know for fact homeowners do not own the easements. We have plowed cable down them for miles. Home owners can plant what ever they want there but if they hit a cable they are liable for damages and we can plow or dig right through their garden.. Homeowners do not pay taxes on that strip of land either. . American by birth, Patriot by choice. I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......
He's letting me be the lightning rod on this one!- This is the thread subject that Tom_in_CA is missing out on. I'm sure we will hear from Tom tonightI'm done with this thread! ... HH, Good Luck to all, and stay out of trouble
My thoughts exactly....such a fuss over such a minor thing. As I mentioned before, I ignore the well manicure sections as there is little chance of return and it's more likely the homeowner is going to be upset. I hunt just the neglected sections that look pretty much untouched for decades. What I do could hardly be called destruction or even damage. I certainly am not "undoing" anybody's sprinkler system or ruining some botanical garden. That's just ridiculous. I find it very interesting hearing the various attitudes about this. I know if I saw someone that was detecting in front of my house in the city owned parking strip, I'd be out the door in a shot too, but I would have a smile on my face! I'd be interested in what they found and what kind of equipment they were using, not in having them arrested. I guess I'm weird that wouldn't bother me a bit if they wanted to continue hunting that area. I might even join them! It's funny how some people will get their shorts all in a wad about something so trivial as someone removing a coin or piece of jewelry from some grass or dirt on property the don't own.i'm always amazed how some people can get so upset about a little digging, even when it's not their property!ya pop out a d-shape plug, extract the treasure and flip the plug back down and tamp, no permanent damage! oh well HH
I spent the money to install the sprinklers and landscaping and new marathon grass. I did all the work myself and I spend the money to water and maintain it. I wouldn't let some self-absorbed person undo my work. I could care less who owns it!
Rusty-gold, then I'm glad you agree, that as long as someone doesn't "undo" your yard work, well then PRESTO ! No problems. I'm the first to agree with you that as long as we md'rs don't leave any mess, scars, holes, etc.... then wow, we can detect said-spots.