Had the police call on me today!

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I thought about hunting these spots even on my street but really you should ask to do so . my issue if one was on my easement digging I would tell him to bail and at any backlash my GARDEN HOSE WOULD BE ALL OVER HIS FACE SQUIRTTING HIM , AFTER I TELL HIM IM WATERING !

As long as you realize you have no legal right to tell them to leave and turning water on them can be considered an assault..

As I said earlier I worked for phone company locating cables on the same easements, many times home owners tried to force me off, police were called several times and they advised home owners they had no legal right to force me off and could in fact be arrested if they tried...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Most cities web sites state the homeowner is responsible for maintaining the landscaped parkway in front of their residence. And the homeowner is not liable if a city tree limb falls on someone vehicle.

If you were to dig in the parkway in front of this residence, you would most likely get a good kick in the rear, then questions would be asked.


And just because this parkway is not as nice, doesn't mean the owner of the residence feels any different about his parkway.


Moral of this post ... You really should ask before being a gopher on someone's parkway


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Obviously ...

Obviously you weren't in STAND YOUR GROUND FLORIDA nor ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) Britain. And Canada is still snow-bound!

The most disarming reply would have been: "The city was worried about flying metal objects hitting you as you cut city grass. They hope that this free service will save your eyes."

Obviously you weren't in STAND YOUR GROUND FLORIDA nor ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) Britain. And Canada is still snow-bound!

The most disarming reply would have been: "The city was worried about flying metal objects hitting you as you cut city grass. They hope that this free service will save your eyes."

Maybe you should try STANDING ON YOUR OWN GROUND or public ground, and not on ground that a residence is required to maintain.

You could also try soliciting your metal clearing service instead of assuming the owner needs it.

Bottom line is that strip of land is PUBLIC property... If someone wants to ask permission that is their right and if they don't feel they need to ask that is also their right....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Wow......some really harsh responses out there and I must agree, although will be a bit calmer about it. For anyone who chooses to take up metal detecting as a hobby....that person should always work through the planning aspect of detecting. One of the first steps in doing so is to gain permission to hunt. I do understand that, depending on the location, there can be some gray areas...but when the area is that close to a residence, whether owned by the resident, city or state....one should be respectful and ask for permission. I also understand that the end result may leave you looking for another location but to do so without permission is likely similar to a slap in the face for anyone who resides at that location, regardless of ownership.

At the end of the day its all about respect!!!!!!

Easements do not belong to home owners, they belong to city and county...... Ring was found on city property so how is it the owners ring or even know it was lost by the owner..... American by birth, Patriot by choice. I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I beg to differ! My property continues out to the middle of the street, and I have to pay taxes for the whole lot/lots. If the city/town decides to put in a sidewalk they ask each homeowner to pay for the cost of putting in the new sidewalk, their portion. With all due respect, I own and maintain the property in front of MY house and you better show some RESPECT.

Sorry Treasure Hunter but I respectfully disagree with you.

Bottom line is that strip of land is PUBLIC property... If someone wants to ask permission that is their right and if they don't feel they need to ask that is also their right.

"Public property is property and real estate that is owned by a government, generally a government chosen by the people. The concept is that the government is made up of the people, and that therefore the people own the property that is entrusted to the government for care. This does not necessarily mean that the property is available for public use or access."

I beg to differ! My property continues out to the middle of the street, and I have to pay taxes for the whole lot/lots. If the city/town decides to put in a sidewalk they ask each homeowner to pay for the cost of putting in the new sidewalk, their portion. With all due respect, I own and maintain the property in front of MY house and you better show some RESPECT.

Sorry Treasure Hunter but I respectfully disagree with you.

Digger you can disagree not a problem. If you search you will find most homes are not that way....M property stakes and surveys show my property ending at sidewalk.

I located cables for phone company for 16 years, 99% of the property lines ended at side walk. Pull up your home survey and see where your property line stakes are located....

Very few homeowners owned to the middle of the road unless road was put in after they bought the land...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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When you say Easement....You mean the little median strip by the sidewalk right? Because I hunt those ALL the time. I dont give a GD what someone has to say to me. I however dont hit one of those areas where i can tell someone REALLY takes good care of it. But in my case..Most the houses i hunt are Crack houses....so the neighborhoods im in really dont matter much...its all rundown garbage neighborhoods. I mainly think..." Would I want somoe jackwagon digging in my yard" and that answer is....YES!!!! I dont think Cuda was wrong or disrespectful at all. nor bad on the hobby. i dont think its as bad a guy out detecting a tot lot while there are kids there, which i see all the time
That's pretty much where I was hunting. Old residential section of town that had some houses in good shape, some boarded up, some had been torn down. I don't usually hunt any of the strips that are well manicured. Chances are there isn't much old/good there in my experience. Most of the time the nice sections have been dug up and replanted. I like the sections that look to be neglected for 50 years....which is what his section looked to be. I'm mainly looking for old coins but I'll pop out anything with a good signal. It didn't matter what you would have said to this guy. He was ranting from his first sentence and wasn't listening to reason. If I had said that I found a ring, he probably would have gone ballistic. With those type of people, it's best to smile, wish them well, and move on down the road. Anyone who would plant something of value on public property needs to have their head examined. You really think the police are going to hassle someone who yanked a carrot out of the ground in a parking strip? Even if it was illegal, They'd never live down the bad press.

My take on this story is that even though this land belongs to the city,it is only right that we use etiquette.It's a part of
metal detecting 101.If this land is a part of the land the homeowner takes care of?Communicating with the homeowner is not out of the question..Actually it would be the right thing to do.

Easements do not belong to home owners, they belong to city and county.

Well I guess I need to send a bill to the city for gas and labor for keeping up their sidewalk.

Easements do not belong to home owners, they belong to city and county.

Well I guess I need to send a bill to the city for gas and labor for keeping up their sidewalk.

Go out and remove that sidewalk, plant bushes where it was and see what happens.:D

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

"Public property is property and real estate that is owned by a government, generally a government chosen by the people. The concept is that the government is made up of the people, and that therefore the people own the property that is entrusted to the government for care. This does not necessarily mean that the property is available for public use or access."

Most cities own 5-10 foot utility easements on both sides of a road, this allows them the ability to install utilities at their will with out needing home owners permission, it is not owned by the home owner, it is public property...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Digger you can disagree not a problem. If you search you will find most homes are not that way....M property stakes and surveys show my property ending at sidewalk. I located cables for phone company for 16 years, 99% of them property lines ended at side walk. Pull up your home survey and see where your property line stakes are located....

''Very few homeowners owned to the middle of the road unless road was put in after they bought the land...''

When an original town is plated and streets are added, and depending upon how wide the street is to be, for example if there is to be a fifty foot wide street, twenty five feet from the center or original plat line is deducted from each property to build that street. Maybe there are laws or rules in different states, but I have seen these rules applied both here in Montana and Oklahoma.

Metal Detecting questionable areas that get someone all riled up will continue to give the hobby a bad rap.

And just because no one was home or was home and didn't see you, doesn't mean the neighbor next door, neighbor across the street, or people driving by that know you don't belong there, will also give the hobby a bad rap.

It's all about perception ... Even if people don't understand what you are doing, you may look suspicious to them and they call the authorities which also gives the hobby a bad rap. Confrontations like that is why cities make stupid laws.

Scanner on another note I sent you a pm on your notifications issue and didn't get a reply...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Most cities own 5-10 foot utility easements on both sides of a road, this allows them the ability to install utilities at their will with out needing home owners permission, it is not owned by the home owner, it is public property

We have a main power line that transverses along my side of the street, and when they contract out to keep the lines free from tree limbs they do contact each owner along the street that needs any trimming when they are going to do their trimming. I guess I am saying that at least they are courteous to let you know when they are going to be there.

"Public property is property and real estate that is owned by a government, generally a government chosen by the people. The concept is that the government is made up of the people, and that therefore the people own the property that is entrusted to the government for care. This does not necessarily mean that the property is available for public use or access."
If the property isn't posted otherwise, that's exactly what it means. If I want to take a hike out on government property, picnic in a park, or swim at the beach, I'm not going to ask permission from ANYONE. It could be next door to a private residence or out in the boonies, doesn't matter. If it's not private property, or for some reason off-limits, it's fair game. I've had people who didn't think I should detect in a park or beach too. So what? They have their head up their backside. It's not going to stop me from pursuing my happiness by detecting legally. Respect is a two way street. I'll do it legally and not leave a mess, they'll need to know the law and not get upset by something that is no big deal. If you're squeamish about doing parking strips/parkways, fine, don't do them. Keep in mind that those same people who would object, would probably object to you hunting a park too. Are willing to give that up because of their personal feelings? You might as well give up the hobby if you'll only hunt where everyone will love you.

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