Had the police call on me today!

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Wow, beats anything I ever read or heard about. Nepotism ? Really ? That just doesn't follow - a non-sequitor. Permission, to traverse on public land ?.... would you guys listen to yourselves. You don't need anyone's permission to do anything on public land. It belongs to you, so use it as you see fit. If you mess it up, you pay for it, that's all. Fix it and move on. If this clown told me I better be gone when he got back, I would have pitched a tent and waited for him to come back. Some people still astound me. Who the heck do they think they are....the city tells us to keep up city property...really ? I suppose most just blindly obey and never question on what or under whom's authority they "tell us." I realize being a new guy here, and being my first post and all, that my post may not be well received by many, but I posted here specifically to let you guys in on a few little known facts about the law. The facts: There is no factual evidence that any law, code, statute, state constitution, or the u.s. constitution, has any applicability to you or anyone. Absent proof of applicability of the laws, there is no jurisdiction or standing in a court of law. Without standing, you can not have a valid cause of action to be levied against anyone and therefore no jurisdiction. There are only two kinds of law in this country, civil and criminal. Under civil is only contractual agreements and torts. If a cop, D.A., or individual charges you with a civil crime, they dern well better have a contract you signed and agreed too. No exceptions. If they charge you with criminal, there dern well better be someone standing there pointing their finger at you in court and claiming that you injured or harmed them...and not some made up nonsense either, it must be a bonafide injury..... "he bruised my cities dead grass".......OMG, get a rope ! Habues Corpus - the body of the crime folks. Did you injure or harm someone while retrieving the ring ? Of course not. Besides that, there is no such thing as the state or the city. They are fictions and ideas made up in the minds of men, they don't really exist. How can something that doesn't exist, bring charges against you ? They can't....ohh they try every day and get away with it because people are afraid or fearful of what they may do to you if you don't knuckle under and obey their ridiculous demands. I can prove the state doesn't exist, and have in court.... yet you still read cases that read, ....The state of N.Y. vs. John Doe Government has one and only one function and purpose. To protect and maintain the rights of the individual. That's it, that's all.... Nothing else whatsoever. If I decide to set up a fruit stand and sell fruit I've grown myself, in central park n.y., nobody has the right to require me to have a license, pay fees for a right, converted by some politician into a privelege, or to tax my sales. If noone is hurt or injured, there is no crime ! There is no such thing as a victimless crime, yet you hear about it on the news nightly. Drug arrest and storm troopers breaking down people's door to bust them for dope and even killing them in the process, yet no crime has been committed to give them jurisdiction to act. Our jails and prisons are overflowing with people that have never harmed anyone.....yet found guilty in a court of "so called" law. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny. The definition of a law is ... an opinion backed by a gun.....Victimless crime is an oxymoron like jumbo shrimp, military intelligence...etc. So do yourself a favor, the next time some psychopath calling themselves government officials, wearing a costume and a badge, tell you or orders you to do something, ask them why, ask them what gave them the power to tell you anything. Ask them if your voluntary consent is required, and if it's not, then it's compulsory. Then tell them if government services were valuable and the free market wanted them, would they be compulsory ? Supreme court decision - The governed may only be governed by consent. The created, may not have more power than the creators....and another pertinent one......a badge does not confer extra rights in this country. If anyone is interested in seeing my proof of these statements of fact, I can start a new thread in the legal section here with the facts and court decisions, proving the state is all a lie.... and now you know that absent a complaining party, and it can't be the state or city that complains because they don't exist, then there is no case of controversy and no adversary....case dismissed.
Welcome to Tnet Ripsaw.....I think.....now tell us how you really feel! :laughing7:


"Public property is property and real estate that is owned by a government, generally a government chosen by the people. The concept is that the government is made up of the people, and that therefore the people own the property that is entrusted to the government for care. This does not necessarily mean that the property is available for public use or access."

It sounds like you come form the school of "The Great IRS Hoax - Why We Don't Owe Income Tax"

Good luck with that thinking :)

Talk about double speak in true gubment fashion...you nailed it. Maybe you should run for office of some sort.

As for my world, I come from the facts alone. If you can show me any factual evidence that we do owe taxes on our labor, I will pay yours and mine !

Welcome to Tnet Ripsaw.....I think.....now tell us how you really feel! :laughing7:

Thanks cuda....heh heh heh.....I only brought this up because I got into with treasure hunters previously about rules and laws and the illegal taxing of my finds. I won by the way. They couldn't produce any proof that their magic act had any substance or evidence to tax me. If people believe in magic, they will have no problem believing in government.......same thing.

Thanks cuda....heh heh heh.....I only brought this up because I got into with treasure hunters previously about rules and laws and the illegal taxing of my finds. I won by the way. They couldn't produce any proof that their magic act had any substance or evidence to tax me. If people believe in magic, they will have no problem believing in government.......same thing.

:confused: ?

You and I haven't gotten into anything..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I left out the 'it' and the apostrophe....I got into it with treasure hunter's previously.......plural....I don't know, is that right yet ? Possessive with apostrophe or more than one ?.... really hated English class in school. The teacher was too pretty and my thoughts would wonder. Yes, it was a she.

I left out the 'it' and the apostrophe....I got into it with treasure hunter's previously.......plural....I don't know, is that right yet ? Possessive with apostrophe or more than one ?.... really hated English class in school. The teacher was too pretty and my thoughts would wonder. Yes, it was a she.
LOL! That was the best part of my English class too! The teacher (also a she!) made me much more interested in biology!

Thanks cuda....heh heh heh.....I only brought this up because I got into with treasure hunters previously about rules and laws and the illegal taxing of my finds. I won by the way. They couldn't produce any proof that their magic act had any substance or evidence to tax me. If people believe in magic, they will have no problem believing in government.......same thing.
Unfortunately, it doesn't have to be written down, as such, to be law. The courts decide what is applicable and what isn't in a particular case. The law can be vague in a certain area and one judge with an agenda can take it upon him/herself to "clarify" it for the rest of us. These self-anointed sages are who drive me crazy with their distorted facts and bizarre opinions.

Bottom line is that strip of land is PUBLIC property... If someone wants to ask permission that is their right and if they don't feel they need to ask that is also their right....

No offense but I have to strongly disagree with your statement above Treasure_Hunter. The public does not own the land but they do have an easement on the owners land. An easement is a right to use anothers land. In this particular case the easement allows the public passage on the property owners land. This is no small distinction. It is entirely possible to trespass on the land owners rights to his property. Step outside the rights enjoyed within the easement and you will be in trespass on the land the easement is applied to.

An easement gives one party the right to go onto another party's property. That property may be owned by a private person, a business entity, or a group of owners. Utilities often get easements that allow them to run pipes or phone lines beneath private property. A nonexclusive easement does not specify any specific parties. An exclusive easement specifies parties who have benefit of that easement. Easements may be obtained for access to another property, called "access and egress", use of spring water, entry to make repairs on a fence or slide area, drive cattle across and other uses. The easement is a real property interest, but separate from the legal title of the owner of the underlying land.

It would be necessary to look up the easement agreement to determine if individuals have the right to dig found objects within the easement. Since the rights transferred in an easement are specific and not general the right for members of the public to detect and dig will be spelled out in that document if such a right is included. If I were a betting man I'd bet against that possibility.

It should be pretty easy for a homeowner to find the easement particulars, they will be spelled out in his title insurance or warranty deed.

I hope that helps clear up your confusion.

If you can show me any factual evidence that we do owe taxes on our labor, I will pay yours and mine !

Seriously... how about we start with the need for you to use the roads, that you get around on everyday, to get to work to make that money? Jeesh.

No offense but I have to strongly disagree with your statement above Treasure_Hunter. The public does not own the land but they do have an easement on the owners land. An easement is a right to use anothers land. In this particular case the easement allows the public passage on the property owners land. This is no small distinction. It is entirely possible to trespass on the land owners rights to his property. Step outside the rights enjoyed within the easement and you will be in trespass on the land the easement is applied to.

It would be necessary to look up the easement agreement to determine if individuals have the right to dig found objects within the easement. Since the rights transferred in an easement are specific and not general the right for members of the public to detect and dig will be spelled out in that document if such a right is included. If I were a betting man I'd bet against that possibility.

It should be pretty easy for a homeowner to find the easement particulars, they will be spelled out in his title insurance or warranty deed.

I hope that helps clear up your confusion.

If you pull the records you will find road easements extends beyond the pavement on both sides of roads allowing for widening of roads, utilities, sidewalks or any other work they wish to do, that land is not owned by the homeowner although they are required to maintain it.

It is not like a utility easement across someone's property, it is part of the public roadway...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

My point was that an easement is not ownership of the land. I'm sorry your beliefs prevent you from understanding the distinction.

My point was that an easement is not ownership of the land. I'm sorry your beliefs prevent you from understanding the distinction.

Your not listening. The road easement extends beyond where the payment ends, the city, county or state OWNS that, that allows the roads to be widen if needed or for utilities and sidewalks to be installed. It usually extends 20 feet from center line of road both directions. It is NOT an easement on private land.

I located telephone cables for telephone company for over 15 years, work with the one call systems I do understand.....It is not like a utility easement put across private land it is part of the road easement owned by city, county or state.

If you own a home pull up your survey and look where your property line ends or go find your survey stakes...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I have. Thank you for your concern. :laughing7:

Obviously the next step, should you choose to understand the issue, is to look up the meaning of easement. Easement is not the same as ownership.

I have. Thank you for your concern. :laughing7:

Obviously the next step, should you choose to understand the issue, is to look up the meaning of easement. Easement is not the same as ownership.

I already understand the issue, your still not understanding.

Example, city owns 40 foot wide strip of land to build a road for subdivision, road is 20 foot wide, they own additional 10 feet on either side of the road that they install utilities sidewalk etc on, it is still part of the original road easement and was never owned by homeowners, homeowners are required to mow grass, shovel snow but they do not own that land... In some places homeowners do own to edge of road but that is not the norm....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I've had my fair share of run in's with buttheads like that. I don't argue with them and just move on, plenty of tree lawns to hunt. Run into these same people when fishing in front of their dock and they complain that I'm catching their fish and its their water and if I don't leave they will call the cops. Here I know Florida fishing laws and I tell them to go ahead and call the law because they don't own the fish or water, the state does, so there! There is right and wrong and most of these idiots are wrong.

I had just started hunting a parking strip in front of an old house, when on my second target I popped a big silver ring from about 2" down with my probe. As soon as I saw the ring, I grabbed it, and at the same instant, a guy claiming to be the home owner is yammering in my ear asking what I thought I was doing "digging" in his yard. I casually slid the ring into my pouch without him seeing what it was and turned to address his concerns. I politely pointed out that from the sidewalk out into the street belonged to the city but he was in no mood to hear facts when he already had his mind made up. He continued on complaining that I was digging up "his" grass and that he was the one who "maintained" it. Since I had just used a probe so far, I explained that I wasn't "digging" but that fell on deaf ears as well. It was all I could do to keep from laughing at his "maintained" grass as it was virtually dead and just dirt in many spots but I managed to bite my tongue and be nice. He then said "you better not be here when I get back"! I just smiled and said, "have a good day" and continued my search as I went down the block.
About 15 minutes later I had made it to the next corner and as I was zeroing in on another target, a police car rolls up, and then another. I start taking to the first cop, answering his questions, and discussing the situation when my hunting partner comes around the corner and says HI to the cop I'm talking to. Seems they know each other, in fact, they work in the same office! We had a pretty good laugh on that one. The second cop waves and takes off. We all talk for a while, swap stories, and he wishes us good hunting as he takes off for more important duties than hassling us. He wouldn't say, but we figured the knucklehead I had the run-in with must have called and complained. I showed my partner the ring I found and I say, "I hope it was the guys wedding ring and that his wife gives him grief about it every day of his life"! I normally try my best to return rings when I can, but if it's his, this guy is going to do without....in more ways than one! :laughing7:

no,no,no he just came out to give you crap cause his wife was ragging at him and he needed a reason to get out of the house and air his bloomers:laughing7:

I beg to differ! My property continues out to the middle of the street, and I have to pay taxes for the whole lot/lots. If the city/town decides to put in a sidewalk they ask each homeowner to pay for the cost of putting in the new sidewalk, their portion. With all due respect, I own and maintain the property in front of MY house and you better show some RESPECT.

Sorry Treasure Hunter but I respectfully disagree with you.

if i ever get out to montana i will.

I don't know how you can say that the property owners do not own the Easements in some states like mine not only do I own it I pay taxes for the land it is on my title to the property as a easement not owned by others.

I don't know how you can say that the property owners do not own the Easements in some states like mine not only do I own it I pay taxes for the land it is on my title to the property as a easement not owned by others.

Look at your survey when you bought your home, it will give you the footage from your front wall to end of your property line, then measure it with a tape.

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

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