Had the police call on me today!

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If the property isn't posted otherwise, that's exactly what it means. If I want to take a hike out on government property, picnic in a park, or swim at the beach, I'm not going to ask permission from ANYONE. It could be next door to a private residence or out in the boonies, doesn't matter. If it's not private property, or for some reason off-limits, it's fair game. I've had people who didn't think I should detect in a park or beach too. So what? They have their head up their backside. It's not going to stop me from pursuing my happiness by detecting legally. Respect is a two way street. I'll do it legally and not leave a mess, they'll need to know the law and not get upset by something that is no big deal. If you're squeamish about doing parking strips/parkways, fine, don't do them. Keep in mind that those same people who would object, would probably object to you hunting a park too. Are willing to give that up because of their personal feelings? You might as well give up the hobby if you'll only hunt where everyone will love you.

Areas are rarely posted for anything ... you need to know the laws about what you are doing in the places you are doing it.

A park or beach is not the same as in front of a private residence that a owner believes you are invading his property without permission.

This isn't about feelings ... It's about Respect

Areas are rarely posted for anything ... you need to know the laws about what you are doing in the places you are doing it. A park or beach is not the same as in front of a private residence that a owner believes you are invading his property without permission. This isn't about feelings ... It's about Respect

Public Land is Public Land...From what he is saying..he WAS Showing respect by not touching the areas people kept well groomed. I dont give a shiii what someone thinks if im out hitting an median near someones house. Of course im not there to destroy the place. But if some old coot comes out to raise hell with me. Then Im going to stand up for myself.

if someone asked me nicely NOT to detect the area. i will show that person the same respect as they have shown me. And I would have no problem leaving.

I keep seeing people throwing the Respect word around like a baseball, and from what Cuda was doing, there wasnt anythign disrepectful about it. So get off your high horse and stop acting like what he did was wrong or disrepectful

So now we know why the hobby get a bad rap ... From all the people that have a better than thou type attitude :)

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Please keep thread friendly...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Areas are rarely posted for anything ... you need to know the laws about what you are doing in the places you are doing it. A park or beach is not the same as in front of a private residence that a owner believes you are invading his property without permission. This isn't about feelings ... It's about Respect
I agree, I research the law before I attempt any hunt. The problem is this guy doesn't know the law but chooses instead to be disrespectful to me by his attitude and ignorance. As DND said, if they ask nicely not to search the section in front of their house, I would just move on.....as I did, even with this character. I might even have asked him if he had lost anything that he wanted back and offered to search for it.......or in this case, ask him to describe the ring I found to see if it was his. With his attitude, there was no chance of that happening. His loss, not mine.


Okay TH, I'll say it this way...

Public Land, Median, Park or Beach is not the same as on a PARKWAY right out the front door of a private residence. That turf is way to up close and personal, so I can see how an owner could believe you are invading his property without permission and give you the what for.

Everyone should use common sense when selecting areas to metal detect without permission.

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Okay TH, I'll say it this way...

Public Land, Median, Park or Beach is not the same as on a PARKWAY right out the front door of a private residence. That turf is way to up close and personal, so I can see how an owner could believe you are invading his property without permission and give you the what for.

Everyone should use common sense when selecting areas to metal detect without permission.

As I said earlier, I located phone lines and utilities for 16 years, I am very familiar with easements. I never said people shouldn't ask permission if they wish, I stated most homeowners do not own that strip of land and I personally do not ask permission..

Never once has a homeowner said anything to me...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

As I said earlier, I located phone lines and utilities for 16 years, I am very familiar with easements. I never said people shouldn't ask permission if they wish, I stated most homeowners do not own that strip of land and I personally do not ask permission..

Never once has a homeowner said anything to me...

A lot could depend on where you live ... if you tried to dig the turf in front of the homes in Orange County, CA, you would not make it very far before getting barked at.

You need to look at the big picture before condoning members to dig turf in front of homes without permission. It could contribute to giving metal detecting a bad rap nationally.

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A lot could depend on where you live ... if you tried to dig the turf in front of the homes in Orange County, CA, you would not make it very far before getting barked at.

You need to look at the big picture before condoning members to dig turf in front of homes without permission. It could contribute to giving metal detecting a bad rap nationally.

It is a matter of opinion....

This thread is in legal issues forum.... Legally most land between the sidewalk and the street is public property owned by the city or county...

This is the thread subject that Tom_in_CA is missing out on. I'm sure we will hear from Tom tonight :)

I'm done with this thread! ... HH, Good Luck to all, and stay out of trouble :)

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Wow thats all I got on this. Time to find a new hobby.

Easements do not belong to home owners, they belong to city and county...... Ring was found on city property so how is it the owners ring or even know it was lost by the owner..... American by birth, Patriot by choice. I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

If someone gets hurt on your sidewalk, dont tell me the city gets sued. Having owned property where there was a easement of a road, no county or city ever maintained the road. The utility company had a easement across the property, they never maintained it either. If he had been found on my property he would not have been told anything, he would have been shot where he stood. (I no longer live in a place that it is legal to do so your free to try). This is irresponsible and will get you uninvited once the city gets involved. You also have to have permission from the city as not all public property is fair game. You can not prove to me this was legal. There is many many places one can treasure hunt. Someones front yard easement is not the place without permission. If you want respect you have to show respect. There is folks fighting for dredging rights out there and this is not helping. As a homeowner I know exactly how I feel about this.

Bottom line is that strip of land is PUBLIC property... If someone wants to ask permission that is their right and if they don't feel they need to ask that is also their right.... American by birth, Patriot by choice. I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Let me explain why I liked your post. City workers have permission from the city to do this. Its not a right. You could be asked to leave as a city worker if there was a issue. You are confused as you may have been a bully as a lineman, but the city did not give this man permission to hunt front yards. The homeowner is the one who he should be afraid of. Once the city gets involved, we all know where it will go to. A BAN on detecting. Why do you stir the pot. Not on any level is this right. Yes utility workers have a right to be on your property, but you also have to notify the homeowner and clean your mess. Damages would be reimbursed. This guy stole a ring out of a guys yard, knowing and hoping it was the guys wedding ring.....this is why I hate people.

a right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land for a specified purpose.

key word specified, you wont find digging in there anywhere.

And you would be in jail for shooting him. ...

We had a homeowner who refused to give as access to easement that cut across his property when he cut our fiber optics, stood there with shotgun, his buddy a local sheriff said sorry boys I can't make him let you on....

We returned with U.S. Marshal and got access about 6 hours later....

After fiber was repaired they billed the property owner and the bill was over 3 million. He did not have enough insurance to cover the cost. Company made The same local sheriff that would give us access serve papers on him to take the farm...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

T H if you pulled anything around my town ( gangland ) it would end badly with im in the right or the cops would haul you away for destructive damage to city property or something made up / city workers do have the right to dig up pipes and such out there or access a pole in the back yard .

This thread is hilarious and sad at the same time. If you have the bazinga’s to hunt curb strips in a residential area, God bless and be with you. It is not something I would be comfortable doing. I actually think it is sad if this is a place you choose to detect.

It may be City property, but in my County (Westchester, NY), you are VERY likely to be hassled by the police VERY quickly should you give it a try, and arguing your rights will probably put you in the back of a police car – and, or, you will be the proud owner of a $250.00 citation for destruction of City property. I know what you’re thinking, but tell it to the judge after taking a day off from work and paying for parking.

To me, detecting curb strips in a residential area without the home owner’s permission has got to look bad to anyone outside our hobby, and many within it. It appears rapacious and inconsiderate, and shows our hobby in a general bad light. Honestly, if somebody was in my front yard hunting the curb strip I would feel violated and have no compunction in telling them to knock it off.

In fact, I would lump this type of detectorist right in there with people that use shovels in public parks, or folks that don’t fill their holes - unthinking, uncaring, and arrogant. I know a lot of you will disagree with me, but hey, we all have an opinion and a navel.

I have never owned property in a city, but in the country property lines go to the center of the road. Right of ways or easements are held by the local township, county, village, etc. and give them the right to maintain the road, and run utilities.

To say that the Government owns the easement property, is not right..... it wouldn't be an easement.:tongue3:

Asking permission is not that bad, permission to hunt an entire property is so much better than looking over your shoulder, waiting for confrontations, and making our hobby look bad.

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