Man made waste of some sort, a glassy slag if I had to guess. Been learning a TON this last week on naturally occurring rocks, meteorites and manmade slag byproducts from dfferent eras and different materials
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that picture is pretty one is Jasperiod, commonly has large loads of fine gold in it,, yours may have been reheated (IE sub crust and forced back up),, should also possibly have Calaverite View attachment 778969, i have seen this formation alot ,, its AuTe2 and a bugger to seperate
the bottom one is a mixture of Chrysocolla, and lapped quartz with mineralization.. i would say that its really heavy due to the copper, magnesium, iron, silver, and titamium within the quartz.. in a scholars terms Copper Manto development immediately beneath the andradite garnet – epidote – carbonate – hematite skarn with green (chrysocolla) – cuprite – chalcocite (grey) and ochreous hematite – limonite developed in the oxide zone after copper sulfides.. lol but a good spot to look!
IE View attachment 778971
I actually found some opalized slag at an old foundry site a while back. Here's one: It's dense, from a quartzite matrix,and I know it's a hematite, but what variety? <img src=""/>
the two little gold-colored ones were found in the Cold River Vermont... I am very curious about these...
The green ones...I believe is Slag glass found in Irondequoit Creek in New York
The Brown one was found on Newcomb Beach in the Adirondacks.
The Blue/brown one was found in Schroon Lake, which I also believe is slag
Thanks so much!
Found some more giant quartz bolders also found a tun of mica this stuff looks metalic shinny almost chrome but when you look at it its actualy a bunch of thin layers and its clear like glass kind of heavy to neat lookin. check it:View attachment 942734View attachment 942735View attachment 942736View attachment 942737View attachment 942738View attachment 942739View attachment 942740View attachment 942741
Heavy Hunk of Rock
A friend asked me to find out what I could about this specimen.
It weighs 21 pounds.
It displaces 6 cups of water in a bucket.
Dimensions are roughly 7" x 6' x 4 1/2".
It is magnetic but more so on the end that looks volcanic.
It came in a load of rock from the California Sierras.
Any ideas?