Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

I have quite a few from my grand fathers collection. I do not know where he got all his gems & minerals but what I do know is he worked in a couple mines in the Morenci, Globe Arizona area. He resided in Oracle Arizona for many many years. He was a big collector. I want to start with just a couple that have really left me wondering. <img src=""/> <img src=""/> <img src=""/>


1. Nephrite or Jadeite.
2. Blue opal
3. ?

Now, those are guesses. The pictures aren't clear enough.

Thank you for offering! I found this large clear "rock" on the beach at the mouth of the Delaware River, near Cape May, New Jersey the week after Hurricane Sandy hit. It weighs 5 ounces and measures about 3" x 2" x 2". It has no color and I can see parallel crystal formations in the edges. It is transparent. There are inclusions, white ceramic-looking circular clusters on one scraped edge. It has scratches but is very hard. I tried to chisel a tiny corner piece off and couldn't even scratch it. It is not brittle but it has some fracturing and to me it looks like it was scraped across something very hard like and then crushed, causing it to break apart. I had a jeweler test it, though he didn't give it much attention, he poked it with his tester and said it wasn't a diamond. So what could it be? I'm guessing some kind of quartz or calcite??? <img src=""/> <img src=""/> <img src=""/>

Most likely quartz.

Did u get a chance to see mine above theirs? Cant figure it out. My guess is it has chunks of maybe iron or something in it... But it's very heavy

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Giant Quartz vein.

Well i found another big vien near my house and what looks like tourmaline and what looks like a little puddle of some silver pyrite of some sort on that smaller piece of Quartz.I tried to chip it off but it was on there. P1151833.webpP1151834.webpP1151848.webpP1151855.webp

Can you identify this rock?

Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:

My son found this rock on the exposed shoreline of a reservoir in Oregon. We have no idea what it is. The main color is green, but there are a few spots of bumpy olive colored crystal like areas too. We're stumped. Any guesses?


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Well i found another big vien near my house and what looks like tourmaline and what looks like a little puddle of some silver pyrite of some sort on that smaller piece of Quartz.I tried to chip it off but it was on there.<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>

Yup, black tourmaline in feldspar, probably some quartz too. Keep an eye out for garnets, aquamarine and morganite.

Mr Lee, were you able to see my earlier posts? It's driving me nuts because there is a bit more of the stuff where i found it and it makes my detector and pinpointer scream

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mr Dustedyou please help me in the search for gold in a river near my house. i found a lot of flake pyrite in the sand of the river.I also found this kind of stones and bedrock.these are pictures of the stones I found.I need to know the name of these kind of stones.Thanks for you time.LUISFoto0813.webpFoto0816.webpFoto0817.webpFoto0818.webpFoto0819.webp

jerseymomof3 that is a nice looking piece. I found one almost like it, found it in the ground and been trying home test on it to find out what it is. Have you tried to scratch a quartz rock with it as diamond is harder than quartz.

Good morning! :)
I am at my wits end with this rock. Kimberlite maybe? (after reading a bunch of your I pick up "pretty rocks" where ever I go, there are about 20 I cannot identify and this is my main mystery rock. I found it in 2009 out in Nevada desert when I was hiking. It is bigger than a half dollar, but smaller than a silver dollar.
Due to recent wrist surgery I am stuck at home and decided to attempt identification on my mystery bag, this one just has me stumped. Everything I researched makes me want to say meteorite except it is not magnetic and I can't find a meteorite picture that resembles it. Then I thought it could be a ruby.... I have no idea.
This rock is not magnetic at all. It has a flaky black crust. I used the edge to mark the back of an unglazed porcelain plate and the result was a very faint light grey mark. I took several photos, one before I washed the dirt off and then some of it after lightly cleaning it.
I compared it to at least several hundred photos of hematite, magnetite, rough gems.... I cannot match it up. I need help... LOL
Any help you can give is SO APPRECIATED!!! THANK YOU!

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Here are a few more favorite unknowns.
The one that looks like a plop of dino-doo has cool fossil bugs on the flat bottom and looks orange on a corner that is chipped.
The first one also has small indentions... they look like fish , and it has a lot of small gems when looking through my loupe.
Just so cool :)
RSCN1311.webpRSCN1281.webpThanks again!RSCN1340.webpRSCN1343.webpRSCN1347.webpRSCN1341.webpRSCN1344.webp

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Still hoping someone can help me with mine

Makes the detector and pro pointer howl

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In response to Katvino. I have been told it is mica schist. The wavy pattern is the schistocity of the rock, imparted by the platy nature of the mica grains.

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ooooh. I love the green. My favorite color! :)
Possibly green fluorite with iron ore deposits... hmmmm. maybe?


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I have some fine crystals here. What are they good for. This vein is more than 4 foot wide. A hundred plus feet long on the surface and goes down several feet. Had a asbestos looking rock on top. Ty


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Hi All, I am new here and from South Africa. I have a pic of something and not sure what it is? Please comment. Many thanksrocks.webp

I have these rock specimens. I have a post on here about is it gold or mica. But I wanted to know if you saw anything significant in this video. I am new to prospecting and got fooled by some mica. I appreciate your help.


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I had a rock like that and was told it was mica schist. The mica makes that wavy pattern. I thought I had a huge silver nugget!

Clear pictures help. Also, the area in which the rocks are found. Many areas are known to rock collectors and are documented. It helps narrow down the possibilities. A description of the rocks properties, weight, color, inclusions, ferrous, non-ferrous, etc.

If it's green it can be a copper mineral, a serpentine(associated with asbestos), olivine crystals, uvarovite (green garnets), etc. Start with serpentine & olivine.

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