Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!


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Many many eons ago south of St. Louis Misery there was a large volcano in the St. Francis Mtns. . It is shown on the Geological maps of Misery. BUT Clay could be right on the question of "somebody may have left it there".......:dontknow:
The St. Francois Mountains were formed nearly 1.5 billion years ago Russ. If they ever did contain obsidian it would have devitrified more than a billion years ago. Obsidian has a lifespan of no more than about 20 million years before it decomposes into perlite and then clay.

There have been 16 individual pieces of obsidian found in Missouri. All of those were worked by humans and were brought from deposits outside Missouri. :thumbsup:

Many many eons ago south of St. Louis Misery there was a large volcano in the St. Francis Mtns. . It is shown on the Geological maps of Misery. BUT Clay could be right on the question of "somebody may have left it there".......:dontknow:
If there was a volcano around, there is also obsidian. It may be buried deep.

Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:
Found in Arizona these crystals grow on the side of hills near waterbeds.? What is it.?


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Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:
Identify please.


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Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:

Found in southern VT. I see a black tourmaline crystal in last pic. What else might be in this rock. I could’ve grabbed another 4-5!in the 15 minutes after I found this one.

Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:
What rock is this??


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Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:
Hello. I am brand new to this site and geology for that matter. I’ve been wanting to know about these rocks I’m finding in a particular area which appear to an uneducated person such as myself to contain gold. This particular rock was a little different than what is typically found bc my metal detector did not or does not detect it. Could this be chalcopyrite or mica or possibly telluride type gold and why it won’t hit on my detector.


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Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:
Hello. I had one more specimen I was hoping someone could identify. The pics don’t show it well, but it looks like sugar was dusted inside and outside the rock. It looks like silver ore to me, but I’m far from even being a novice.


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Hello. I am brand new to this site and geology for that matter. I’ve been wanting to know about these rocks I’m finding in a particular area which appear to an uneducated person such as myself to contain gold. This particular rock was a little different than what is typically found bc my metal detector did not or does not detect it. Could this be chalcopyrite or mica or possibly telluride type gold and why it won’t hit on my detector.
The original poster for this thread is no longer active.
It would be helpful to other members to try to identify your finds if you add a general location of where they were found.....such as mountains near a town in a named state.

Good luck.

Hello. I am brand new to this site and geology for that matter. I’ve been wanting to know about these rocks I’m finding in a particular area which appear to an uneducated person such as myself to contain gold. This particular rock was a little different than what is typically found bc my metal detector did not or does not detect it. Could this be chalcopyrite or mica or possibly telluride type gold and why it won’t hit on my detector.
Possibly Bornite

Well when I saw this thread was from 2013 my heart sank but hell yeah still going! I have been mining rocks on my property and studying all corners of the internet since October. I have so many rocks in different stages of washing all over the place! I've been super frustrated going in and out of being sure I have gold. I'm in Jamestown, CA and I live on the motherlode belt i came to find. I was crystal hunting one day and the quart I was finding was crazy heavy. That was my first indication. But do I have questions! I joined some gold groups on Facebook and they have just been horrid the 2 times I posted pics. They're mainly Placer panners and basically just make rude comments like I'm a dumb girl and I just need to know if I'm crazy or on the right track.

1. This to me was obvious gold. Looks like rose gold so copper as well...

2. I found this while walking to my mailbox and it looked so interesting and so course I picked it up.

3. I I actually do find crystals every now and then with all the orbs I've been finding, summer pretty special I'm not so much this one was interesting and I just wasn't sure if it was really special or not.
4. This rock looks nothing like anything else I was getting up it just showed up with everything else that looks like the or I was used to scent made me curious as to what it is.
4. & 5. I sent this group of pictures 2 hour gold dealer and they told me I was crazy so maybe I am and I just have rocks but I thought I could see gold in crystalline form.

6. This thing is massive. I brought it to the house from my backyard with a suitcase on wheels. It's about two and a half feet tall in about 8 in thick. Covered in crystals looks like a crystal Matrix all the way through.
8. Here's another picture.

9. Really curious as to what the yellow/gold stuff is in this rock it's really hard to tell with all the different colors I've seen in my rocks. I have some dendritic gold rice where is gold but it's so white and of course no one thinks it's gold but me and I just want to make sure how to start identifying this or if it's a mineral.

9. This looks like Jasper to me. It's super dense and heavy and that color pretty solidly.

10. I found this in my garden and didn't have to wash it and it looked so gold that I was kicking myself that I didn't notice but then I started thinking maybe it's too obvious.

11. And yet another picture (indoors)

12. I haven't seen it online so I wasn't sure if gold actually is in the Krystal's in courts when it shows up like this or if this is some other kind of oxidation all over it.

13. That's because I never even had to clean and it's one of my favorite pieces, I was just curious if it's a normal shape for specimen quartz not necessarily gold but I like that pattern but it has on the bottom.

I'm so glad I happened upon this thread and I have so many more pictures and so many more questions if I have an annoyed you already. Thank you in advance I literally was just losing my excitement for my fines because I'm doing this solo and everyone thinks I'm crazy because gold only looks like what it looks like if you find it in the river shiny and round.

Hope this finds you well,



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Well when I saw this thread was from 2013 my heart sank but hell yeah still going! I have been mining rocks on my property and studying all corners of the internet since October. I have so many rocks in different stages of washing all over the place! I've been super frustrated going in and out of being sure I have gold. I'm in Jamestown, CA and I live on the motherlode belt i came to find. I was crystal hunting one day and the quart I was finding was crazy heavy. That was my first indication. But do I have questions! I joined some gold groups on Facebook and they have just been horrid the 2 times I posted pics. They're mainly Placer panners and basically just make rude comments like I'm a dumb girl and I just need to know if I'm crazy or on the right track.

1. This to me was obvious gold. Looks like rose gold so copper as well...

2. I found this while walking to my mailbox and it looked so interesting and so course I picked it up.

3. I I actually do find crystals every now and then with all the orbs I've been finding, summer pretty special I'm not so much this one was interesting and I just wasn't sure if it was really special or not.
4. This rock looks nothing like anything else I was getting up it just showed up with everything else that looks like the or I was used to scent made me curious as to what it is.
4. & 5. I sent this group of pictures 2 hour gold dealer and they told me I was crazy so maybe I am and I just have rocks but I thought I could see gold in crystalline form.

6. This thing is massive. I brought it to the house from my backyard with a suitcase on wheels. It's about two and a half feet tall in about 8 in thick. Covered in crystals looks like a crystal Matrix all the way through.
8. Here's another picture.

9. Really curious as to what the yellow/gold stuff is in this rock it's really hard to tell with all the different colors I've seen in my rocks. I have some dendritic gold rice where is gold but it's so white and of course no one thinks it's gold but me and I just want to make sure how to start identifying this or if it's a mineral.

9. This looks like Jasper to me. It's super dense and heavy and that color pretty solidly.

10. I found this in my garden and didn't have to wash it and it looked so gold that I was kicking myself that I didn't notice but then I started thinking maybe it's too obvious.

11. And yet another picture (indoors)

12. I haven't seen it online so I wasn't sure if gold actually is in the Krystal's in courts when it shows up like this or if this is some other kind of oxidation all over it.

13. That's because I never even had to clean and it's one of my favorite pieces, I was just curious if it's a normal shape for specimen quartz not necessarily gold but I like that pattern but it has on the bottom.

I'm so glad I happened upon this thread and I have so many more pictures and so many more questions if I have an annoyed you already. Thank you in advance I literally was just losing my excitement for my fines because I'm doing this solo and everyone thinks I'm crazy because gold only looks like what it looks like if you find it in the river shiny and round.

Hope this finds you well,


I suggest you visit your local county museum. I imagine that it has a mineral display of gold ore specimens. Compare what you have at home to what you have seen.
Gold has one trait that no other mineral or element has. It retains its color, gold, whether it is in full or shaded sunlight and shading it with my hand is how I do it but it works with artificial light too. Check what you have and if the suspected gold doesn't always look like gold then it most likely is not.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.

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Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:

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From southern Vermont. Supposedly black tourmaline and aquamarine in this stream bed.

Is this a
I suggest you visit your local county museum. I imagine that it has a mineral display of gold ore specimens. Compare what you have at home to what you have seen.
Gold has one trait that no other mineral or element has. It retains its color, gold, whether it is in full or shaded sunlight and shading it with my hand is how I do it but it works with artificial light too. Check what you have and if the suspected gold doesn't always look like gold then it most likely is not.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.
Response to my post? It's kind of hard to tell. If so, I don't think it's gold but it has sparkly little silver flakes in it.

These were found in a family members dresser drawer after he passed away he had them in a pouch thought they were important enough to keep for many years. The group look like the have copper in them. So I'm guessing it's copper ore. The singular rock in the pics is extremely heavy for it's size and looks almost like it has a black crust or outer skin.
First three pics are separate group from the last 4 pics

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Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:
Found this shiney reflective black rock digging around in jackson county missouri. Doesn't look like anything I'm used to finding with the shell fossils. At first I thought obsidian but it isn't quite that texture, but close.. any help?


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