Pertaining to # 896, Todd got con again. He wanted to go back home. As I stated on this forum, Since there was so much gold taken, there is little or no gold left. If there was, the owner would not lease the claim to Loser Todd. His part of the show was planned. If you purchase or rent or lease machines, you test them out first. Before Loser Todd had sign the lease, he should had test the machine. It was all unreal, only when waiting to start started, did a man found two cheap locks which did not belong there. Loser Todd should had called the owner and demand his money back or demand to know why his machine is lock, and he should had broken the locks, and start working. Then another big surprise, two men show up claiming that they had work the claim and asking to be hire. Then Loser Todd hire them and claim all are family members. Remember is a small clip, Loser Todd wanted his so call family member, staff members want to work for two weeks for nothing. Would you want to work for nothing? Do you want to work for Loser Todd? If yes, he is seeking workers to work for free or very little money. Loser Todd is not the producer or full or part owner. Beer, Loser Todd and Parker do receive a lot of money to do the show. I like Parker girlfriend. More of her and less of Parker, Mommy should cut his hair. His family members also get pay to be on the show. I doubt Loser Todd will last the season, and it will be all over with his gold mining. Will see the whole season.
Read # 891, good reading. Good hunting and good luck