ghostly run-in

I have found many War of 1812 buttons, balls, personnel items, plus found 0ver 2300 religious medals buried in 2 holes. In addition I have bought many jewelry items from my buddie who was a gold and silver smelter... Now, I lived in my house 25 years, found broken bottles in the basement and insulators that fell off the shelf. Kiddling I jokes my house is haunted. As the world is today I put a security system in and I use to think it was haunted but now I KNOW. I have video of Orbs, I have knocking, keys falling of the wall 3 times. ( Impossible to happen) Dogs barking at the noises in the basement they would not come down. Noise from a table I have downstairs, I was looking at it 2 feet away and it was making noise I was scared to death. I have a black bird in the basement based on the video, I looked for a half hour nothing, I enlarged the video and It was not a bird in was this big black object that flew through the air and crashed into my table with my indian artifacts on it.... It is so bad I find it very difficult go into the basement, I don't want this to stop, I need to know what is causing the issue. I have orbs setting off my camera all the time, noise, tapping, dog barking, keys falling of hooks (impossible). At this time thing are scary but not to a point to rid the issue. I have so much info on how to rid the house of spirits but until I find the cause I will live with them. Folks, all this has happened within the last year because of the cameras, but it has been really happening for 20 years but I could never ID the issue. I spoke to a indian medicine man who said things like this does happen. He asked if he was a mischievous spirit, I said no but it is kinda scary., He told me to go into the basement and tell the spirit he is welcome as long as he does not cause trouble. He gave me sage and told me what to do .. He told me to never bring an object into the house unless a short prayer was said over the object while burning sage under it to remove the spirit. I was told that people will not go to garage sales, buy off E-bay, or purchase objects from second hand shops because these can hold the spirits of the deceased. I was also told that when spirits are attached to items a verbal response to the effect of " You can leave your personnel belonging It will be left in good hands so you can move on...
Folks, what is normal ? I, in a million years if you told me what I just wrote I would listen and tell my buddy this guy is a nut. I was AM THE guy !! I seen, heard, felt and still can't believe what is happening. Cameras kick in with movement and sound. I told you guys I would tell my story , it took a while. I been at this hobby since 1989. I have thousand of objects and a paranormal person asked me if I have jewelry, religious items from a person who passed. LOLOLOL I have thousand of items, of which 99.9% are from people no longer living. Some days it so active that it is like they are having a party in my basement. Don't get me wrong it does not happen every day but when it does I am on tilt, it gets my attention. I have no objective here but to tell my story. Take it for what it's worth. I am a VP of a major scrap recycling company and like those who question what I am saying remember ... I was like you !! Now I know there is things going on that are bigger than all of us.. and Yes ... I believe !!! Ji

I had been doing some research to find new areas to metal detect when I discovered a field behind a local supermarket that was a park from 1925, to 1980. I decided to try and get to the field with my metal detector and see what I could find. When I pulled into the back of the store I didn’t see any other cars. I got myself together as quickly as I could and got on into the woods before somebody from the supermarket could tell me I was trespassing.

Studying the site with old aerial photographs from the 1940s, and newer satellite imagery on Google Earth, did not prepare me for how difficult it would be to get through the heavy tangle of brush and thistles. I really had to fight my way through thorn bushes and brambles that caught my hat, pants, sleeves, and skin with almost every step.

After a few minutes, some scratches and a lot of cussing, I finally made it to the clearing. I took a quick look around the large field, turned on my machine and dialed in my settings. I decided to start working my way to the far side of the field and turned around to start swinging my detector. Well, I almost jumped out of my skin!

There was an older man using a metal detector not 100-feet away from me. His back was to me as he swept his coil back and forth, and I was pretty sure he hadn’t seen me either. When he got over to the other side of the field and turned around, I waved to try and get his attention. He either didn’t see me or, just decided not to acknowledge me.

I shook it off and walked down to the east end of the field to give him plenty of room. I started finding some coins from the 1970s, and even a few silver coins from the 1950s and ‘40s. I had pretty much forgotten about the old man when I heard a voice ask, “Finding anything?”

He was standing about 10-feet from me, with a pleasant smile and easy demeanor. I said, “A couple of silver dimes and a war nickel so far, how about you?” He told me he hadn’t found anything yet, but that he was really looking for his daughter’s lost wedding band. He seemed like a gentle fellow, probably about 70 or so, but in pretty good shape for his age. What struck me was his metal detector. It was an old Garrett machine from around 1975, and it looked brand new.

He said his daughter had bought a house around the corner and was down here playing with her kids when she lost the ring. He explained how it had belonged to his now deceased wife before he had given it to his daughter. A sad look came over him as he said, “When I got it for my wife, I had it engraved with ‘R.I. Loves C.I.’ which is our initials. My Wife died before our Daughter got engaged, but it turns out the initials on the ring were perfect for Ray and Cindy, because his last name is Ingram, ours is Ivers, so I knew her Mother was looking down on her, and I wanted her to have it.”

I told him I would give a holler if I beeped it. He touched the bill of his tweed cap, said he appreciated it, and started swinging back toward the other end of the field. After a moment, I had the thought I should ask him how to get back out to the parking lot without getting all scratched up. I turned around and started to take off my headphones to ask him, but he was gone.

As I began swinging the coil of my machine over the grassy field again I got a signal almost immediately. “Zip-Zip!” The signal was strong and the tone was high and sweet. I turned 90-degrees to the target and swept it with the coil again. Zip-Zip! I dropped down on my knee and pulled out my digging tool, cutting a generous plug in the damp soil. As I folded the turf flap out of the hole I saw it immediately – a small gold ring! For a second or two I just knelt there looking at in the dirt.

I did a little happy dance right there on my knees, and picked up the ring to clean it off. It was a plain gold wedding band marked 18K, and inscribed “R.I. Loves C.I.” A very strange feeling came over me. I was happy about finding the ring but, something about the old guy was still bothering me. I still couldn’t figure out how he had left the field so quickly.

After finding the ring I decided to call it a day. I thought I would take a look around and see if I could find the path the old guy and his Daughter were using. After about 15-minutes of frustration I finally went back the way I came in, getting scratched up and bleeding like I had been in a fight with a herd of feral cats.

That evening I cleaned up my finds and laid them out on the kitchen table to admire. I had done pretty well for myself detecting several old silver coins, about $2.00 in modern coins, and the gold wedding band. After dinner, my wife went through the phone book, and found a “R. Ingram,” on a street about a block from the supermarket. I called the number and got an answering machine, so I left my name and number and said I thought I had found their wedding band. Over the next week I left several more messages but got no response.

I finally decided to drive by the address and see if there was anyone home. After picking up my Wife from work that afternoon, we drove over to the house. There were a couple of cars in the driveway and the lights were on inside, so we pulled up and parked. I rang the doorbell and an attractive woman in her 40’s answered the door. I asked, “Are you Cindy?” The woman looked surprised, and then angry! She said, “Are you the guy that keeps calling here about a lost wedding band?” I started to say yes, but she didn’t give me a chance.

She stepped outside and closed the door behind her saying, “I don’t know what kind of scam you two are trying to pull on my Mother, but I’m here to tell you I’m going to have you arrested! You have caused a lot of pain in our family and I will not stand for it!” Both my Wife and I just kind of stood there with our mouths open in total shock. I finally said, “Hold on miss, I’m just trying to return a wedding band I found over behind the supermarket. I don’t want anything from your Mother.” The woman angrily asked, “What makes you think it belongs to my Mother?” At that point I was pretty sure this had been a huge mistake.

“Look, I apologize,” I said. “I met this old gentleman, a Mr. Ivers I think. He was metal detecting over behind the supermarket, and he told me his Daughter had lost her wedding band over there while she was playing with her children. Obviously I have made a mistake.” The woman looked confused, almost dazed. My Wife asked her if she was alright.

“Can I see the ring please,” she asked softly. I took the ring out of my pocket and gave it to her. As she looked at it she began to cry. My Wife put her hand on her shoulder and again asked her if she was alright. The woman was weeping now. A man came out of the house and asked her what was wrong. She put the ring in his hand and said, “He found Mom’s wedding ring.”

The woman looked at me and said, “What did the man in the park look like? What did he say?” I had a bad feeling about the whole situation and said, “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but if that’s your Mother’s ring then just keep it. I don’t want anything from you.” I took my wife’s hand and started for the car when the woman said, “I’m sorry, please, wait!”

“My Mom lost that ring in 1975. I was seven, and he was nine,” she said, pointing to the man on the porch who was still examining the ring. “We were throwing my Brother’s new football around and she lost her ring somehow. She was heartbroken because it had belonged to her Mother before her.” My Wife was out of the car now with her arm around the teary woman’s shoulder. I said, “So who is Mr. Ivers, the guy that told me about the ring at the old park?” The woman began crying uncontrollably again.

My wife was trying to comfort her, offering a tissue from her pocketbook. I hadn’t noticed the man walking over to the car until he took his Sister’s hand. “Mr. Ivers was our Grandfather,” he said in a soft, gentle voice. Hugging his Sister he continued, “Pop-pop had a heart attack and died in that park 36-years ago. He was looking for Mom’s ring with his new metal detector.” My legs suddenly became rubbery and I sat down on the curb, stunned.

It had been almost eight-months since my encounter with Mr. Ivers, and today we were guests at his Great Granddaughter’s wedding. We stood as “Here Comes the Bride” flowed joyously from the organ and filled the small church with music. A ray of sunshine came through the stained glass windows, illuminating the gold band the Bride wore on a delicate chain around her neck. I smiled as I caught sight of him standing at the back of the church. He smiled back at me, tipped his tweed cap then disappeared.

You have got to be kidding?

I have found many War of 1812 buttons, balls, personnel items, plus found 0ver 2300 religious medals buried in 2 holes. In addition I have bought many jewelry items from my buddie who was a gold and silver smelter... Now, I lived in my house 25 years, found broken bottles in the basement and insulators that fell off the shelf. Kiddling I jokes my house is haunted. As the world is today I put a security system in and I use to think it was haunted but now I KNOW. I have video of Orbs, I have knocking, keys falling of the wall 3 times. ( Impossible to happen) Dogs barking at the noises in the basement they would not come down. Noise from a table I have downstairs, I was looking at it 2 feet away and it was making noise I was scared to death. I have a black bird in the basement based on the video, I looked for a half hour nothing, I enlarged the video and It was not a bird in was this big black object that flew through the air and crashed into my table with my indian artifacts on it.... It is so bad I find it very difficult go into the basement, I don't want this to stop, I need to know what is causing the issue. I have orbs setting off my camera all the time, noise, tapping, dog barking, keys falling of hooks (impossible). At this time thing are scary but not to a point to rid the issue. I have so much info on how to rid the house of spirits but until I find the cause I will live with them. Folks, all this has happened within the last year because of the cameras, but it has been really happening for 20 years but I could never ID the issue. I spoke to a indian medicine man who said things like this does happen. He asked if he was a mischievous spirit, I said no but it is kinda scary., He told me to go into the basement and tell the spirit he is welcome as long as he does not cause trouble. He gave me sage and told me what to do .. He told me to never bring an object into the house unless a short prayer was said over the object while burning sage under it to remove the spirit. I was told that people will not go to garage sales, buy off E-bay, or purchase objects from second hand shops because these can hold the spirits of the deceased. I was also told that when spirits are attached to items a verbal response to the effect of " You can leave your personnel belonging It will be left in good hands so you can move on...
Folks, what is normal ? I, in a million years if you told me what I just wrote I would listen and tell my buddy this guy is a nut. I was AM THE guy !! I seen, heard, felt and still can't believe what is happening. Cameras kick in with movement and sound. I told you guys I would tell my story , it took a while. I been at this hobby since 1989. I have thousand of objects and a paranormal person asked me if I have jewelry, religious items from a person who passed. LOLOLOL I have thousand of items, of which 99.9% are from people no longer living. Some days it so active that it is like they are having a party in my basement. Don't get me wrong it does not happen every day but when it does I am on tilt, it gets my attention. I have no objective here but to tell my story. Take it for what it's worth. I am a VP of a major scrap recycling company and like those who question what I am saying remember ... I was like you !! Now I know there is things going on that are bigger than all of us.. and Yes ... I believe !!! Ji


Now, what I am going to say could be wrong about the hauntings and other activity in your' house but I have dealt with dark spirits before and my sister dealt with a mischievous Native American Indian spirit for quite a few years at the Gas/Convenience Store she used to work at and which was built over a Indian Burial Ground! If you see on camera or with your' eyes a dark (black or blackish) object flying or moving across your or the camera's field of view, then most of these are considered dark spirits and are likely evil spirits. I have dealt with dark spirits in two homes, one that I owned in West Virginia and the one I own now. Now, none of these made much of a ruckus but apparently caused disharmony in the homes as it made everyone to feel down, depressed and have anger towards each other. We lived about 150 yards in front of a Cemetery in West Virginia and I don't know if the two dark spirits (yes, two or the one came back) were attached to our' home or came from the Cemetery. Also, we don't know the source of the dark spirit in my' current home but through my research, I found that part of the Battle of Mossy Creek was fought right through my' property and the adjoining properties during the Civil War. I have had trepidation about metal detecting my' property thoroughly and digging up the targets as there are literally thousands of targets and I am almost certain that I have dug human bones while burying some of our cats, kittens and three dogs over the years. It also sounds as if you have some mischievous and/or just lost spirits in your' home that have not moved on and it is possible that they cannot move on because of the evil spirit. The mischievous spirits are generally good spirits which are just bored but are usually reasonable if you request for them to curtail some of their activities in your' home. This is what my sister and her coworkers had to do because the Indian was moving the Beer to the Milk section and vice versa or moving other objects in the coolers, tipping over the mop bucket or other pranks but when they calmly asked the spirit to stop, it did so. However, you need to expel the evil/dark spirit not only to bring peace and harmony back into your' home but to also to release the lost spirits from the evil spirit's hold on them.

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Terry, that was some story. It was a soothing, yet chilling encounter. I know Mr. Ivers met no harm and was grateful to you for finding his daughters ring. Great story.

i went to a road that was there in the 1940's i got there i was in the middle of the woods no one else was there well about five minuets .I start popping old rusty metal then i hear several car doors shut then i heard children laughing. i looked around the area for a long time and found nothing. i went back to digging then i heard a mans voice shout. i got the heck out of there i don't plan on going back neither. the whole evening scared me

should have screamed at them to shut the heck up and control their dead kids that your trying to dig and have no issues making it a little bigger.

Coast to coast am I listen every night google it the best site ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You were being pranked because you stumbled on someone’s site and they didn’t want to share it.

You were being pranked because you stumbled on someone’s site and they didn’t want to share it.

if your talking to me this was on family property nobody should have been there

You should try to get that on recording, then call one of them queer shows about ghost.

You should try to get that on recording, then call one of them queer shows about ghost.

yea right like my dad or my uncles let strangers on our property

i went to a road that was there in the 1940's i got there i was in the middle of the woods no one else was there well about five minuets .I start popping old rusty metal then i hear several car doors shut then i heard children laughing. i looked around the area for a long time and found nothing. i went back to digging then i heard a mans voice shout. i got the heck out of there i don't plan on going back neither. the whole evening scared me
. That was me trying to scare you. That was my honey hole you we're messing with.

My father told me about the time he was involved in a supernatural event.

It was about dark when my father(12-13 years old at the time) and his buddy were running around an empty lot next to a deep woods. He stopped and heard the most beautiful voice calling him, by name, into the woods. He saw the woods begin to get bright as he was draw closer into the woods. At this point he started to enter the woods climbing through bushes in a trance but his buddy grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the empty field.

My father snapped out of his trance and asked him why did he stop him from the light and the beautiful voice call him. His buddy said there wasn't any light nor any voices. He said, "You just stopped and began to slowly walk toward the woods".

Flash forward about 10 plus years(this would be in the 70s) later. My father married, me just born, and us living just a half a mile for the spot which was now developed. It is about 2-3 am. My father starts to get out of bed and my mother asks "Where are you going?"

My Father: "I have to go. The voice is calling me."

My Mother: "What voice, i'm not hearing anyone?"

My Father: "I have to go!"

My Mother: "You aren't going anywhere. You are staying here with us."

My father remmeber's the account clearly. He has told tall tails in the past. My mother however, never does. She confirmed the story.

The voice: He said it was such a beautiful pure voice that he will never forget.

My father told me about the time he was involved in a supernatural event.

It was about dark when my father(12-13 years old at the time) and his buddy were running around an empty lot next to a deep woods. He stopped and heard the most beautiful voice calling him, by name, into the woods. He saw the woods begin to get bright as he was draw closer into the woods. At this point he started to enter the woods climbing through bushes in a trance but his buddy grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the empty field.

My father snapped out of his trance and asked him why did he stop him from the light and the beautiful voice call him. His buddy said there wasn't any light nor any voices. He said, "You just stopped and began to slowly walk toward the woods".

Flash forward about 10 plus years(this would be in the 70s) later. My father married, me just born, and us living just a half a mile for the spot which was now developed. It is about 2-3 am. My father starts to get out of bed and my mother asks "Where are you going?"

My Father: "I have to go. The voice is calling me."

My Mother: "What voice, i'm not hearing anyone?"

My Father: "I have to go!"

My Mother: "You aren't going anywhere. You are staying here with us."

My father remmeber's the account clearly. He has told tall tails in the past. My mother however, never does. She confirmed the story.

The voice: He said it was such a beautiful pure voice that he will never forget.

weird...really weird

heres a good one,it happened at work not detecting.we were working on an old house in rhode was built in 1853.we were down in the basement replacing the pressure relief valve on the hot water tank.while working we heard from upstairs what sounded exactly like a empty plastic 5 gallon paint bucket getting dropped on the floor.the only problem was there werent any buckets like that in the house.when we were painting we had gallon metal cans.there were no buckets in that house.I went upstairs looked all over and nothing was there,everything was the same as it was before we went down to the basement.very strange.

Next time something like that happens. Tell them to go to the light and you don’t have time for that.

My father told me about the time he was involved in a supernatural event.

It was about dark when my father(12-13 years old at the time) and his buddy were running around an empty lot next to a deep woods. He stopped and heard the most beautiful voice calling him, by name, into the woods. He saw the woods begin to get bright as he was draw closer into the woods. At this point he started to enter the woods climbing through bushes in a trance but his buddy grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the empty field.

My father snapped out of his trance and asked him why did he stop him from the light and the beautiful voice call him. His buddy said there wasn't any light nor any voices. He said, "You just stopped and began to slowly walk toward the woods".

Flash forward about 10 plus years(this would be in the 70s) later. My father married, me just born, and us living just a half a mile for the spot which was now developed. It is about 2-3 am. My father starts to get out of bed and my mother asks "Where are you going?"

My Father: "I have to go. The voice is calling me."

My Mother: "What voice, i'm not hearing anyone?"

My Father: "I have to go!"

My Mother: "You aren't going anywhere. You are staying here with us."

My father remmeber's the account clearly. He has told tall tails in the past. My mother however, never does. She confirmed the story.

The voice: He said it was such a beautiful pure voice that he will never forget.

Sounds like he had an encounter with one of the Sirens from "O Brother Where Art Thou"!


I was at an old house near me...way off the end of the road and long abandoned. I was not doing any hunting or anything, just checking out the place, but it has a weird history.

The guy that used to live there, he was a hermit and hated to cook, so he only ate twice a day...McDonalds for breakfast in Belfast, and for dinner he went to McDonald's in Waterville. Needless to say he had a heart attack, but an old duffer, he vowed he would never step foot in a hospital again.

He was serious.

Dead serious.

No one knows if he felt one coming on again, or just knew the inevitable, but he went into the second floor of his woodshed, took his shotgun and ended it all. I have been up there and admit it is kind of creepy for the faint of heart. The stool is still there where he sat, and the pellet holes are still in the steel roofing making for this surreal shafts of light streaming through them when the sun is just right. Like I said, kind of creepy...

So I explored that a bit, then went into the kitchen and was looking around when I heard a woman sneeze. This place is in the middle of nowhere. I mean nowhere. I mean at least a half mile from the nearest house if not farther! I am not one to worry about the afterlife, but I got out, and do not plan on going back.

As you can see from this photo, just looking at the house it is somewhat creepy!

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