ghostly run-in

For at least 15 years when I was a kid, we used to spend all of our summers in a creaky old wooden shack. My dad was a teatcher so he had all summer off and spent it with my sister and I.
I loved the shack, we were about a 10 minutes drive from the lake were we spent every day. The beach we used to go to was in a provincial park, so you had rangers and park employees roaming around.
One lady that worked at the park used to bring her kids with her sometimes, and she had two sons that were around my age, Pat and Carl. I ended up befriending them when I was maybe 9 or 10 years old.
I saw them every summer for years and we always had good fun. They would bring out the country boy in me that I was always trying to tame (Lord only knows why I was doing so).
They were both very honest and friendly, I never had any kind of negative experience with these boys.
At one point when I was maybe 16, I declared myself too old for summers at the shack and stopped going. My younger sister kept going and remained friends with the boys, and Carl, the younger of the two brothers, eventually became her boyfriend.

Fast forward about two years after I stopped seeing the boys. By this point my sister was not in a relationship with Carl anymore and had stopped spending her summers at the shack.
We hadn't had any news from the boys for over a year at that point, this was befor facebook mind you. My sister gets up one morning, visibly distraught. We aske her what's up, she says she had the worst nightmare.
She had dreamnt of Pat, the older brother of the pair. She said he was horribly mangled and torn, bleeding and twisted.
She could make up an expression of panic, pain and incomprehension on what was left of his face.
Tears were coming out of his eyes, and he would cry out to my sister. He was asking fo help, asking to know were he was and what was going on with him.
He said the pain was overhelming and was asking my sister to help him any way she chould. Of course she could not help him, and started crying because of how powerless she felt.
She keept telling us how crazy real it all felt, how she could not understand how her mind twisted and destroyed his body that way.

Later on in the day we got a call from my dad's buddy Hans, he was the neighbour of the boy's parents.
He told us Pat was dead. pat was coming back from a party late in the night, fell asleep at the wheel, and drove into a concrete wall at about 140 km/h (about 87 miles an hour).
Needless to say his remains were in a state were all you could do was cremate them.

We were shaken.
And it was not the last time this happened to my sister...

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Reading all the stories here got me to thinking about my own experiences, and after spending several days contemplating things I’ve decided to share an abbreviated version of what actually happened. I don’t typically talk about it, as I’ve learned that there are some things that I’m just not well equipped to deal with.

While the story itself is an accurate portrayal of what I experienced, there are details I’m leaving out and I changed the names (involved) just in case.

Like many of my peers, I played baseball on the town little league team. In a small, rural area like ours, it wasn’t uncommon to see a teammate bring a visiting relative with them to our practices. Back then, vacations were mostly spent visiting family members in other locations.

At least one half of our team consisted of local farm kids who would get up early in the morning to irrigate the crops before going to baseball practice. Our coach always tried to schedule practice sometime in the morning before it got too hot for comfort, but late enough that the farm-kids could get their chores done.

On one particular morning, the team began showing up around 15 minutes before practice was scheduled to start. As usual, we made small talk, in between horsing around, while we waited for the coach to show up. After a few minutes, one of my friends, Bill, showed up with his out-of-state cousin, John, tagging along. Introductions were made and we were soon shaking John’s hand as we fired questions at him.

The moment my hand touched John’s, I knew he was going to die. It was an awful feeling: one that I had never had before. But I didn’t say a word about the horrible image to anyone and chalked my premonition up to irrational thoughts.

After practice, we left to return to our normal summer routines: some of the kids going back to work on the farm and some heading down to the local swimming hole. I was one of the farm kids and headed back to a day of checking the fields being irrigated and mowing the grass in the dirt roads that snaked through our 1200 acres of crops and pastures.

Sitting on a tractor gives you a lot of time to think, and I couldn’t tear my mind away from that dreadful picture conjured up in my mind when I shook John’s hand. John was my age (fourteen) and way too young to die. It had to be a mistake and I set about trying to convince myself that I was imagining things; terrible things that just couldn’t possibly come true.

By the time I came home that night I had all but convinced myself that John was fine: he’d return to his home in a week and spend the rest of his summer hanging out with his friends.

I had no sooner walked in the door when my Dad approached me and told me that he had something he wanted to tell me. By the look on his face, I knew something was wrong, but I assumed that I was in trouble for something I had done (or not done).

John had died that afternoon: less than two hours after I had my premonition. He and Bill had gone out motorcycle riding and John had somehow crashed and broke his neck.

I can’t really describe all the emotions I felt upon learning of John’s death, but one of them was some sort of sick, twisted sense of a newfound power to foresee the future.

Shortly afterwards, I began reading everything I could find about premonitions, psychic abilities and the like. I learned about a third-eye in the middle of your forehead and I learned about a sensitive spot in your back.

I became convinced that I had this ability and my convictions were cemented when lesser premonitions also came true. It wasn’t long before I believed I had an amazing gift of unbelievable powers.

Fast forward a couple of years and I found myself in a battle that still terrifies me to this day.

My best friend was a local kid named Jim; he and I hunted together, fished together and played ball on the same team. When I wasn’t working or out on a date, I was usually hanging out with Jim.

One night, long after everyone had gone to sleep, something came to me and taunted me with threats of harm to my friend, Jim. I wasn’t about to let anything harm Jim and I was completely convinced that my “powers” were strong enough to bar that from happening.

In the beginning I didn’t know who, or what, had awakened me. It wasn’t exactly a voice that could be heard: instead it was more of a presence that was felt, but the intentions rang through as clear as if someone had been standing next to me and yelling as loud as they possibly could.

At first I felt no fear.

Then, once I had accepted the challenge to save Jim from harm, I knew what real fear was.

There was silence and ear-piercing screams of agony all at the same time. I saw brilliant lights of every color imaginable, but none that could be distinguished. I was surrounded by unimaginable evil: I could feel it, taste it even, as it permeated every cell in my body. Its greed was palpable and its lust to do harm immeasurable: it wasn’t happy with merely winning; it had to completely consume anything that stood in its path.

I don’t really know how long the battle lasted: it could’ve been mere seconds or it could’ve been centuries. Man’s concept of time isn’t capable of measuring such things

I woke up totally drenched in sweat. I was colder than I have ever been and I was mentally and physically drained of all energy. It was as though my body had been drained of every last drop of blood, my soul ripped out and a condemned shell left behind.

I had lost.

The Devil had won.

At the time, I didn’t know what that would mean. But I would soon find out.

Not long afterwards, I found myself crying in front of the bathroom mirror. A silent voice was telling me “Do it, Do it, DO IT.”

I didn’t want to die. I hadn’t really begun to live. I was only 16 and I wanted to live.


With trembling hands no longer under my complete control, I reached into the medicine cabinet and took out two full bottles of long-forgotten prescriptions.

I don’t remember much that happened after that. I know I cried because it was my last day on earth and I greatly feared where I was obviously going.

The next thing I remember is monsters chasing me. My legs wouldn’t work right; the monsters caught me and threw me down to the ground. Somehow I managed to fight my way out of their grip and was running again. But I couldn’t get away; the monsters caught me again and again.

The monsters put me on some kind of platform and strapped my arms and legs down so I could no longer fight them. They started poking me, prodding me with long needles as they yelled at me in a foreign tongue.

I broke the straps and began fighting my way out of their control.

Five days later I woke up: everything was white and I couldn’t hear because of the intense ringing in my ears. My vision was blurry and I asked if I was dead.

I saw my mother: she was crying, the tears were steaming down her face.

I asked her if I was dead.

She said “No, everything is alright.”

She had to say it several times before I understood.

Sometime in the next few days a doctor came in and told me that he didn’t really understand how I was alive. It had been too late to pump my stomach and I had taken enough pills to kill me.

Over time I learned that the “monsters” were hospital staff, a police officer and my father. I had managed to escape them numerous times before they managed to get me on the hospital bed. Then I had broken the leather straps holding down one arm and one leg and they had to subdue me again.

Once I had recovered enough, I returned to school. Nothing was the same: few people would talk to me and several people began ridiculing me, hollering “suicide, suicide” as I was walking down the halls.

Before long, the command was back.

“DO IT.”

“DO IT.”

My parents heard me crying in my bedroom that time and rushed me to the hospital to have my stomach pumped.

The next time, my father walked in as I was attempting to pull the trigger on the loaded 12-guage that was firmly planted in my mouth.

I was sent away to several different psychiatric clinics and spent much of my senior year in and out of places like that.

I did manage to attend my senior year enough to become friends with the foreign-exchange student. Upon graduation, I paid a visit to her host family so I could bid Janet goodbye before she went back to her native country.

Janet was staying with a local family who were very religious, and they happened to attend the same church my family went to. Their oldest daughter, Emily, was my age but we had never been more than casually friendly toward each other.

Emily’s mother was pleasant though a bit off-standing when I asked permission to visit, but she invited me in anyway and the four of us sat down and talked about our plans for the future.

Suddenly Emily began babbling incoherently: she sounded like she was speaking bits and pieces of multiple foreign languages all at once.

Puzzled, I turned to her mother and asked what Emily was saying; telling her that I didn’t understand. Emily’s mother had this horrified look on her face and abruptly told me that Emily was speaking in tongues. After a few more seconds of Emily’s incoherent babbling, her mother stood up and told me that I was the anti-Christ and that I had to leave immediately.

I never saw any of them again and I didn’t get to tell Janet goodbye. I just left in shame; wondering if Emily was correct. I had told nobody about my battle and I couldn’t figure out how they could possibly know. But they did.

The next two years were uneventful as far as the commands were concerned: I had gotten married and my wife had recently given birth to a baby boy. I had everything to live for and seemed to have moved beyond my past.

One day my wife had asked me to pick up a few things from the local store and as I pulled into the parking lot I “hear” it again.



I began to cry as I sat there in my truck. I had everything to live for: a wife and my infant son. I wanted to live.

The command came again: “DO IT.”

I was powerless and I knew where this would go. I knew that I should’ve been dead already and that I would be dead if I couldn’t find a way to stop the Devil’s relentless torment.

Exhausted, I said the following out loud:

“Please help me Jesus. I can’t do this anymore and I need your help.”

Like that it was over. I felt a great weight instantly lifted from my shoulders. I felt more alive than I had felt since I first knew John was going to die.

It has been 40 years since that day and I’ve not heard the command one single time since I asked for help. I don’t know why it took me so long to find the answer, but I’m glad that I did.

I can’t really say why I decided to tell my story. I went years without telling a soul, and then I told only a couple of people I knew very well (so I was certain I wouldn’t be judged too harshly). I did share my story online (about 7 years ago) and found that human nature being what it is – there are those who insist on attacking those who have had experiences that they had not had themselves; hence the reason why I took several days prior to deciding to post my experiences.

Hopefully my story will help others learn that it is OK to ask for help: we all need it at times.

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You’re a good man brother. I’m glad you found Jesus my friend. Keep prayed up with gods armor. The devil is always on the attack. Don’t let him take you’re glory.

Been a long time since I tried that stuff. Since high school.

My father told me about the time he was involved in a supernatural event...The voice: He said it was such a beautiful pure voice that he will never forget.

Sh!tfire. That is just chilling.

...“Please help me Jesus. I can’t do this anymore and I need your help.”...

Wonderful testimony to the power of Christ. Thank you for trusting in your friends here on Tnet to tell us something that had to be incredibly hard to open up about.

God is good, and is absolutely the only thing left when all else passes.


Thanks for sharing your story and experiences! When I have time, I will relate somewhat similar stories, although with the first one, there was never a voice telling me to commit suicide.

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“Please help me Jesus. I can’t do this anymore and I need your help.”

I am not a religious person, quite the opposite. On the other hand, I am deeply spiritual.
My family experienced several things that make it impossible for us to deny the existence of the supreme being, one who is nothing but light and love.
He is good and a part of him is in each of us. In these times of need such as the ones described in your story, he is all that you need.

My paternal grandfather ran a sawmill in the 30's and 40's. One morning he was walking to the mill and met himself on the path. It bothered him, so he turned around and went home. That day the saw broke loose from the shaft and went right through where he would have been standing. Papa Jim wasn't a man to make up stories and lie.

My paternal grandfather ran a sawmill in the 30's and 40's. One morning he was walking to the mill and met himself on the path. It bothered him, so he turned around and went home. That day the saw broke loose from the shaft and went right through where he would have been standing. Papa Jim wasn't a man to make up stories and lie.

Wow - normally seeing your own Doppelganger portends a tragic ending, glad to know it saved his life.


Thanks for sharing your story and experiences! When I have time, I will relate somewhat similar stories, although with the first one, there was never a voice telling me to commit suicide.


As promised, here is my story and experiences! I am unsure if the two are related, probably not but I can remember them as plain as day.

When I was 3 years old, we lived in an old house in the woods in Knox County, Tennessee and while my two older sisters were outside talking to a neighbor friend, I was taking a nap in a newer addition bedroom that was added to the old house. I remember in the dream that I was running through the woods and somehow fell into hole which was another world that also had fields and woods. While there, I got an overwhelming feeling that something was after me that caused a tingle on the back of my' neck which gave me a feeling of urgency to get out of that world and back to the real world, right then. I woke up in a heavy sweat screaming at the top of my lungs. Although I never saw what was after me in the dream, it affected me for over 30 years with the tingling coming back on many occasions while I was walking or hunting alone. This tingling feeling would cause me to pick up my pace of walking and these weird thoughts would race through my mind but I never knew what they were as they seemed foreign to me. The last time I remember getting the tingling on the back of my' neck and having the feeling to pick up my pace while walking. I stopped and said a prayer, asking Jesus Christ to rid me of whatever i was that was haunting me and ended with "I ask and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen" and have never had it return since.

As told to me by my' Dad, my paternal Grandmother was blessed with the gift of discernment of being able to foretell tragic events before they happened. Sometimes these were dreams but often they were feelings and I was told that twice (possibly three times), she saw baby Angels and when she saw them, she knew right away what was going to happen. In 1918 she foretold that my Dad's two brothers, Charles and Robert would die within the sight of two weeks. One died from the Flu during the epidemic and the other died from Pneumonia. She later foretold in 1924 that another of my Dad's brothers, Elbert would die and he died within a few days of Pneumonia and the Measles. In 1928, she foretold that my' Dad, Lee Starnes Ferrell would get badly hurt or killed. Later that day, a neighbor who had a phone, came down to Grandpa's and Grandma's house and said that they had an urgent phone call. It was the East Tennessee State Hospital and they advised that my' Dad had fallen off of a Freight Train, was severely injured and may not live. Well, Dad was in a Coma for 6 days, had a lot of broken bones, a severe concussion and some internal injuries but he survived and healed up but was crippled the rest of his' life in his' right arm and hand.

Well, now to me who inherited some of the gift of discernment from my' Grandmother who died when I was 3 1/2 years old. It started when I was 7 or 8 years old and I had no idea as to what it was for many, many years. When I was 7 or 8 years old, my' sister who is 2 1/2 years older had me walk a mile and a half with her to some relative's home, so she could talk with a girl cousin. While standing in the driveway, I got this terrible feeling and told the cousin that she needed to get in the house now because something was wrong. She looked at me oddly but headed towards the house when all of a sudden, a blood curdling scream came from her' Mother. The cousin ran into the house to find out what was wrong and immediately screamed and started crying. My' sister and myself waited and the cousin finally came out and told us that her' Grandpa (her' Mother's Dad) had suddenly died. There are several other times that I foretold things to happen but I pushed most of these out of my mind because I began to feel that this ability was more a curse than a gift. Fast forward nearly 20 years without getting a message or having a dream about something that would happen, one dream came out of the blue in 1984 and I immediately knew when I woke up that something bad was going to happen to my' cousin, Charlie who was like a brother to me because I never had a brother. The very next day, my' Uncle called to tell me that Charlie was killed instantly when the rental car he was shuttling hit a tree head-on. Charlie had been working two jobs and shuttling rental cars in his off times to make ends meet and raise his' daughter. Due to lack of sleep, he fell asleep at the wheel and went off the road, hitting the tree. Fast forward again until January 24, 2001. My' brother-in-law, Larry was dying of Agent Orange related Cancer and was going down hill fast. My' sister called to tell me that he was in his death throes and to get there as soon as possible because she needed me. I hurriedly jumped into my' truck and headed to their' home which is 32 miles from my' home. About midway there, there was this feeling of dread that came over me and it hit me so hard, that I almost had to stop in the middle of the road. I was able to regain my composure and continue on the way there but I knew that Larry had passed. When I got there, my' sister who was crying her eyes out, rushed to me for a hug and to be comforted and said that he was gone. I asked her when did he pass and she told me the time and it was the exact time that I had the feeling of dread come over me. It has been quite some time since I have had a premonition and even today, I dread it each and every time the phone rings.


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Thanks for posting your experiences huntsman53,

There are numerous (rather eerie) similarities between your life and mine.

I am convinced that we (humans) have capabilities that are hidden for most of us - perhaps because most of us are not capable of handling those abilities very well. I can say, with certainty, that I am not able to cope with such abilities very well. I know how to call them [the "abilities"] when needed, but I make a conscious effort to let well enough alone and trust Jesus to handle all that I cannot. For me, it is better that way.

Thanks for posting your experiences huntsman53,

There are numerous (rather eerie) similarities between your life and mine.

I am convinced that we (humans) have capabilities that are hidden for most of us - perhaps because most of us are not capable of handling those abilities very well. I can say, with certainty, that I am not able to cope with such abilities very well. I know how to call them [the "abilities"] when needed, but I make a conscious effort to let well enough alone and trust Jesus to handle all that I cannot. For me, it is better that way.


I have thought long and hard about the events that led up to you wanting to take your' life! I believe that you encountered an evil spirit that taunted you with threats of harm to Jim, then once you opened up to those suggestions and wanted to intercede on Jim's behalf, the evil spirit taunted you with thoughts or whispers of suicide by saying "Do it...Do it...Do it" to prevent you from interfering. Now, the question is, was the evil spirit John, who you knew was going to die but because you were confused and uncertain, did nothing to prevent his death. This is a good possibility as once his' spirit crossed over, he was likely enlightened to the fact that you had a premonition of his death but did nothing to prevent it. He was was likely very angry because of this and bided his time, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against you, which only made his anger even greater. I do know if a person believes and has faith in what they are saying, you can command an evil spirit to leave you or your' home when you ask Jesus Christ in a prayer and then command the evil spirit to leave by saying "I command the evil spirit that haunts me (or my' home) to leave me (or my' home) and do so in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen".



I have thought long and hard about the events that led up to you wanting to take your' life! I believe that you encountered an evil spirit that taunted you with threats of harm to Jim, then once you opened up to those suggestions and wanted to intercede on Jim's behalf, the evil spirit taunted you with thoughts or whispers of suicide by saying "Do it...Do it...Do it" to prevent you from interfering. Now, the question is, was the evil spirit John, who you knew was going to die but because you were confused and uncertain, did nothing to prevent his death. This is a good possibility as once his' spirit crossed over, he was likely enlightened to the fact that you had a premonition of his death but did nothing to prevent it. He was was likely very angry because of this and bided his time, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against you, which only made his anger even greater. I do know if a person believes and has faith in what they are saying, you can command an evil spirit to leave you or your' home when you ask Jesus Christ in a prayer and then command the evil spirit to leave by saying "I command the evil spirit that haunts me (or my' home) to leave me (or my' home) and do so in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen".



I do want to clarify my previous reply. I wrote it after much thought but without thinking of any consequences and for that I am sorry! I am likely wrong about the evil spirit being John's spirit and even if it was, you should not ever feel guilty for not warning John or trying to prevent his death from happening. You were only 14 years old and when something like that (a premonition) hits you for the first time or maybe even the 2nd and 3rd times, it is hard to comprehend and understand what it means other than random crazy thoughts. We all got them as kids and heck, most of still do in our old age. So again, please do not take what I wrote in the previous reply and feel any guilt because you are not at fault. We never received a User's Manual to go by and one that had a special chapter on "What to do if you get a Premonition"!


I do want to clarify my previous reply. I wrote it after much thought but without thinking of any consequences and for that I am sorry! I am likely wrong about the evil spirit being John's spirit and even if it was, you should not ever feel guilty for not warning John or trying to prevent his death from happening. You were only 14 years old and when something like that (a premonition) hits you for the first time or maybe even the 2nd and 3rd times, it is hard to comprehend and understand what it means other than random crazy thoughts. We all got them as kids and heck, most of still do in our old age. So again, please do not take what I wrote in the previous reply and feel any guilt because you are not at fault. We never received a User's Manual to go by and one that had a special chapter on "What to do if you get a Premonition"!

All is well.

No need for an apology.

I too have wondered about such things [back in the day].

I gave that up [questioning the events] 40 years ago, when I asked Jesus for help. Since then I let Jesus handle it: he's far better equipped and I am firmly in the "Don't need to know" category.

If this is going to be a ghost story while metal detecting thread, here is mine.

The most uncomfortable feeling I got from a place recently (around a month ago) was on an old abandoned road too. I was with my mother, because she is close by and thought she might like checking out the site when I told her. We parked at the parking area, when we got out of the car we noticed that someone had literally crapped on a tissue and thrown it right in the middle of the trail. We were both disgusted by that, but continued on anyway. We went down the trail (abandoned road) to tried to locate the 3 or 4 cellar holes that I found on it while researching. There was a little intersection between two old stonewall lined roads. There were also two cellar holes within 50 feet of each other at this intersection. I decided to take some time to explore the cellar holes and the woods around them. I felt a very negative dark feeling in this area, but decided that potentially finding a potentially untouched cellar hole was well worth feeling uncomfortable. I went back to the middle of the intersection and noticed big turkey feathers sticking out of stumps around the area, I figured that it was probably from kids, but my mom says there was something "weird and off " about them. The only odd thing I noticed about them being there was that the whole day, until an hour before, there was a huge storm that would have easily removed them. My mom kept begging to leave, she didn't explain why at the moment, she just kept asking if we can please leave. I told her I just needed 10 minutes to find another cellar hole down the road, I did feel very uncomfortable, but this cellar hole didn't appear on any maps going back as far as the 1850's so I knew it might be really good. My mom came with me, not wanting to be alone at the intersection, and kept asking if I feel what she does at this location. I told her it wasn't the happiest location, but really want to find a good cellar hole. After walking around a quarter mile, I was feeling really creeped out by the place, the feeling got worse as a walked down the road, so I decided to turn around too. We actually ran until we got to the intersection because of how bad it felt there. We were in the intersection again and my mom told me that she picks up that Satanists have been hanging around these woods, and that is why the place feels so dark. I told her that sounds a little bit too cliche for the type of place we were at (old abandoned road in the woods), and that we were probably just having anxiety. I noticed a little clearing in the woods near the intersection (the place had a lot of them, due to logging), and glanced over at it. The thing that was really weird about it was that I saw a bunch of beer cans, most of them still upright, making up a circle around 7 feet in diameter. Any upright beer cans would probably have been knocked over in the heavy storm we had earlier so they had to be very recent. We ran back to the car and drove away. I still think my mom's theory of satanic worshipers is a little far fetched, but I guess you could try to make a case for it based on some of the stuff there. Either way, I decided to try to find another place to metal detect instead of going there, just to be safe. When I get a bad feeling from a place I try to avoid it, metal detecting is mean't to be fun. It is very rare though that I get a negative feeling from a place, for every 15 cellar holes that I go to, maybe 1 or 2 might feel somewhat negative, but normally not overwhelming, just mild sadness (and I will find nothing at probably 10 of them :sadsmiley:)

A couple of friends were driving by a lake just north of Deception Pass on Whidby Island and pulled over to take a leak in the dark of night. While outside of the van they heard a weird chanting sound coming from the treelike across the lake. They decided to investigate as they made their way closer to the chanting sound they were amazed to see a group of dark hooded individuals around a fire chanting. They had found a coven of witches or satan worshippers. The two friends had firecrackers and when they started exploding the satan worshippers turned their attention from chanting towards them and gave chase. The two friends out maneuvered the witches (weirdos) and made it safely back to their van and skedaddled out of there pronto.

They heard later there is a coven that practices the black arts in that area of Washington. I have heard that story from other sources.

I was bored and figured I would share this photo on this thread. I captured this light ball thingy, with a shadow below it in my parking lot. I'm pretty sure it isn't dust, because of the shadow right below it. It also looks to have a very small trail behind it, indicating that it is moving. My thoughts went to it being an insect, but it seems to be the size of maybe a baseball. Maybe paranormal? What do you guys think?

Story behind this photo was that I remembered that a relative (who is obsessed with the paranormal) told me that if I take photos of a supposedly haunted location with the flash on that I can catch "ghost orbs". It sounded like something that could be easily explained by natural phenomenon, but I decided to try it anyway. I took 20 or so quick photos out of my front door, into my front yard/parking lot area. I noticed a lot of "orbs" on my photos that could easily pass as dust or moisture, but this one seemed rather weird because of the shadow under it. My house is from around the 1740's, so who knows, maybe it is paranormal.

Click on photos.
View attachment 1618306View attachment 1618305

Photo without orb for comparison.
View attachment 1618307

If this isn't cool I don't know what is. Thanks for sharing.



It was at night. I thought about that too, because the flash would be hitting it from the side, not the top. Not very sure why, I would think that you actually wouldn't see any shadow actually with the flash, because the object blocks the shadow behind it. Weird.

I went through some other photos. I saw a photo of what looks to be a low flying moth, that also has a shadow positioned below it. Perhaps it could be the angle, I was standing on the step, and these objects were only a few feet above the ground, the shadow would probably appear below them in that case. My flash is also blindingly powerful, and doesn't just fire straight on, it illuminates the whole area for a fraction of as second.

A moth, I think.
View attachment 1618374

I would actually metal detect where you saw both of these anomalies? I believe there is a potential to finding something in each of those spots.



When I was about 9 or 10 years old, I was Squirrel hunting along the fence line of our neighbor's field that had hardwoods on the other side. I shot a Squirrel but only wounded it and it scampered up the tree and into it's nest (organized lump of leaves in the forks of the tree). Not wanting it to die needlessly, I tried shooting the nest apart, hoping that the Squirrel would fall out. However, I ran out of shotgun shells and then climbed over the fence and tried to figure how to get the Squirrel out of the nest. All of a sudden, a large grunting type noise started coming towards me through the woods and whatever it was that was coming at me, was knocking over 3 to 5 inch trees in it's path. I could make out something grayish in color but could not tell if it had fur or hair but it was very large and moving fast. Well, I did not hang around the see what it was and climbed the fence and ran across the neighbor's field at break neck speed. Mr. Haynes called and asked my Mom what had happened and she told him and told him that I was scared to death. The next day, Mr. Haynes went up to woods where this happened and saw the downed and splintered trees that were knocked down by whatever was after me. He called the Sheriff's Office and the Zoo to see if any large animals had escaped or if there were any other reports of such an occurrence. He even called the Game Warden who came out and saw the downed and splintered trees and the path that the animal, beast or whatever it was made while attempting to get to me. The Game Warden even took pictures and made a report for future reference. They never did determine what came after me but I have thought on it ever since and the only possibility that I can conceive, is that it might have been a Big Foot. Now, some folks may blow such things off and say that I and others are crazy or were hallucinating but I know what I saw and heard and even since that time, I have heard things in the mountains that would make your blood curdle.

Its these kind of stories that gets my heart pumping. I am the opposite I turn and run towards it in full battle mode. The best defense is a direct offense. Attack what is attacking you. Guns drawn in full advance. This is the way I think and it has helped me survive.



I have found many War of 1812 buttons, balls, personnel items, plus found 0ver 2300 religious medals buried in 2 holes. In addition I have bought many jewelry items from my buddie who was a gold and silver smelter... Now, I lived in my house 25 years, found broken bottles in the basement and insulators that fell off the shelf. Kiddling I jokes my house is haunted. As the world is today I put a security system in and I use to think it was haunted but now I KNOW. I have video of Orbs, I have knocking, keys falling of the wall 3 times. ( Impossible to happen) Dogs barking at the noises in the basement they would not come down. Noise from a table I have downstairs, I was looking at it 2 feet away and it was making noise I was scared to death. I have a black bird in the basement based on the video, I looked for a half hour nothing, I enlarged the video and It was not a bird in was this big black object that flew through the air and crashed into my table with my indian artifacts on it.... It is so bad I find it very difficult go into the basement, I don't want this to stop, I need to know what is causing the issue. I have orbs setting off my camera all the time, noise, tapping, dog barking, keys falling of hooks (impossible). At this time thing are scary but not to a point to rid the issue. I have so much info on how to rid the house of spirits but until I find the cause I will live with them. Folks, all this has happened within the last year because of the cameras, but it has been really happening for 20 years but I could never ID the issue. I spoke to a indian medicine man who said things like this does happen. He asked if he was a mischievous spirit, I said no but it is kinda scary., He told me to go into the basement and tell the spirit he is welcome as long as he does not cause trouble. He gave me sage and told me what to do .. He told me to never bring an object into the house unless a short prayer was said over the object while burning sage under it to remove the spirit. I was told that people will not go to garage sales, buy off E-bay, or purchase objects from second hand shops because these can hold the spirits of the deceased. I was also told that when spirits are attached to items a verbal response to the effect of " You can leave your personnel belonging It will be left in good hands so you can move on...
Folks, what is normal ? I, in a million years if you told me what I just wrote I would listen and tell my buddy this guy is a nut. I was AM THE guy !! I seen, heard, felt and still can't believe what is happening. Cameras kick in with movement and sound. I told you guys I would tell my story , it took a while. I been at this hobby since 1989. I have thousand of objects and a paranormal person asked me if I have jewelry, religious items from a person who passed. LOLOLOL I have thousand of items, of which 99.9% are from people no longer living. Some days it so active that it is like they are having a party in my basement. Don't get me wrong it does not happen every day but when it does I am on tilt, it gets my attention. I have no objective here but to tell my story. Take it for what it's worth. I am a VP of a major scrap recycling company and like those who question what I am saying remember ... I was like you !! Now I know there is things going on that are bigger than all of us.. and Yes ... I believe !!! Ji


I used to collect suicide and crime guns. The Suicide guns were interesting they had traces of blood splattering round the barrel and frame. One a Smith & Wesson Model 27 357 magnum had areas that the bluing was missing and the blood had pitted the metal. I could not even remove the grips because the blood and brain matter had welded the wood to the metal goes to show you should not brush your teeth with a revolver. I had a .44 magnum Ruger Blackhawk Bisley that the previous owner had placed the barrel in the center of his chest and pulled the trigger. It too was badly pitted with blood where it sat for several days before he was found. I also had a FN IOM 5.7x28 that was stolen in a robbery. My friend and his wife were held at gunpoint and were forced to open their safe.

Tangible items can hold onto spirits, like an anchor holds a ship. Sometimes they can release other times they can hold fast.



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