ghostly run-in

A couple of friends were driving by a lake just north of Deception Pass on Whidby Island and pulled over to take a leak in the dark of night. While outside of the van they heard a weird chanting sound coming from the treelike across the lake. They decided to investigate as they made their way closer to the chanting sound they were amazed to see a group of dark hooded individuals around a fire chanting. They had found a coven of witches or satan worshippers. The two friends had firecrackers and when they started exploding the satan worshippers turned their attention from chanting towards them and gave chase. The two friends out maneuvered the witches (weirdos) and made it safely back to their van and skedaddled out of there pronto.

They heard later there is a coven that practices the black arts in that area of Washington. I have heard that story from other sources.

Wtf! Yikes! Remind me to stay away from there. I’m on Whidbey a lot but thankfully not north. My friends and I thought it would be funny to air horn a witches convent in high school. We had already airhorned a nudist colony but decided we were just too creeped out. Better to just let those creeps lie.

I never believed in any of the stuff until I happened to rent a haunted house outside of San Diego, back in 93. Boy Howdy! What ever the heck that sucker was that was living there with me, I'll tell you what! That was one hateful, intimidating ghost. One time, I was sitting on my amp, playing my guitar. I was watching the three dogs that were sitting on the back porch, looking in the house through the sliding glass window. I noticed that all three heads were moving slowly one way and then the other, as it they were all watching something, that I couldn't see, moving back and forth in the room adjacent to me. I thought, OH NO! It's back, and just then, it leaned over my back, as if watching me play guitar, real close up! I jumped up, dropped my guitar, and went to reading it the riot act! My two room mates and I were sitting in front of the three big picture windows one night, just chatting, when we heard a bird in the apple orchard start chirping like crazy. It was three AM, and I mentioned that I once heard that is a bird went off like that in the late darkness, that meant there was evil lurking. Just then the middle screen of the window BLEW OFF out into the orchard, like 20 feet! That's just a sample of what went on. It finally, after about a month, got sexual with my roommate's girl friend one night, pinning her to the bed for 23 minutes. Her head was to the side, looking at the red numbers on the digital clock. I awoke to hollering, got up, as she had all of her stuff in a bag, going out the door! I left a few days later. My room mate, Eddie, called the owner back east, and told him there was something seriously wrong with the house and that no matter what, we were breaking the lease. All he said was, "I understand," and that was it. Many things happened to me personally, and each time it got worse. I believe bodies were dumped in the septic tank. I could hear a low, guttural groan coming from it from time to time. That was life changing, to say the least! I won't even tell you about taking a shower! I will say however, that licking was involved!!!! YIKES IT WAS SCARY!!!!!
"when we heard a bird in the apple orchard start chirping like crazy. It was three AM, and I mentioned that I once heard that is a bird went off like that in the late darkness, that meant there was evil lurking." Mocking birds are notorious for this behavior. We had one that sat in the tree over my roommates window for a few years. From 9:30pm till dawn every night. Nothing deterred him, spraying the tree, spot lights, rocks, etc. No one had died in the house or near it except that mocking bird. :laughing7: New roommate = (BB gun) pft pft silence. Doing a house search down by San Juan Capistrano, Ca. We were hearing people talking. Sounded like they were right out back in the weeds. We searched for a mile around. Only source possible would be a horse stable. Ok, There's the scientific side of my beliefs. Now, without doing a wall of text on other weird things. Another house search, heard plain as day "Get out!" no one around. We both heard it from the first floor & second floor. The second "get out" happened just as my hunting partner stepped through the second floor & first floor ceiling, unleashing the biggest cloud of bees I've ever seen! You could see em coming out the windows like smoke! When they demolished the house a couple years later the owner told us the whole attic & 1/3 of the 1st floor ceiling was full of comb. Thank you to that entity! Ghosts? Why not? Logical explanations? Why not? It's up to you & your beliefs.

When I was 10 years old, my' Dad traded an old Nickel plated .38 Revolver to get me a 16 gauge shotgun. You see, I had stupidly traded my' .410 Shotgun for the revolver because I could not get him to buy me a bigger gauge of shotgun. In the deal, my' Dad had to take a hard headed male Beagle dog that the guy could not train to hunt rabbits. Well, the dog which I named Rebel became mine along with the 16 gauge shotgun. Me and Rebel became best buds, he went where ever I went and I trained him to hunt rabbits by putting my' hand on the ground in the turnip patch where I knew rabbits had been the night before and just snapping my' fingers and yelling go get'em Rebel. My' Dad who bred and raised Champion Beagles and only kept the best female of a brood for Rabbit hunting and to breed, said that Rebel was the best Rabbit Dog that he had ever seen. One day when walking home with my' friend and his sister and my sister not far behind with Rebel, a man in an old Mail truck ran from his side of the road to the other side and deliberately ran over Rebel. My' Dad nearly shot the man that killed Rebel and I was heartbroken for a very long time the loss. Several months after Rebel was killed, I was walking home one night from getting into mischief and Rebel's spirit came out of nowhere and followed me more than 50 yards down the road to very near the driveway to the house we lived in. Rebel's spirit was right at my' feet as I walked and when I stopped, he stopped and although there was a Full Moon that night, I could not see anything at my' feet and even though I bent down and felt all around, I could not feel anything at my' feet. Well, I knew that it was Rebel because I could hear the distinct jingling sound of the Dog Tags that he had on his' collar the whole time I had him. When I stopped the last time about 10 yards from our driveway, Rebel's spirit did not move until I reached the driveway and when he/it did move, it was cutting across the field to cut me off or join up with me again. Being already spooked, I ran at break neck speed to our' house and never heard his' Dog Tags jingling ever again.

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"when we heard a bird in the apple orchard start chirping like crazy. It was three AM, and I mentioned that I once heard that is a bird went off like that in the late darkness, that meant there was evil lurking." Mocking birds are notorious for this behavior. We had one that sat in the tree over my roommates window for a few years. From 9:30pm till dawn every night. Nothing deterred him, spraying the tree, spot lights, rocks, etc. No one had died in the house or near it except that mocking bird. :laughing7: New roommate = (BB gun) pft pft silence. Doing a house search down by San Juan Capistrano, Ca. We were hearing people talking. Sounded like they were right out back in the weeds. We searched for a mile around. Only source possible would be a horse stable. Ok, There's the scientific side of my beliefs. Now, without doing a wall of text on other weird things. Another house search, heard plain as day "Get out!" no one around. We both heard it from the first floor & second floor. The second "get out" happened just as my hunting partner stepped through the second floor & first floor ceiling, unleashing the biggest cloud of bees I've ever seen! You could see em coming out the windows like smoke! When they demolished the house a couple years later the owner told us the whole attic & 1/3 of the 1st floor ceiling was full of comb. Thank you to that entity! Ghosts? Why not? Logical explanations? Why not? It's up to you & your beliefs.

Wow, bees not good especially the africanized bees they are bad ass bees that can kill you if you happen to disturb them. Yellow jackets too. The "Get Out" I can imagine sent a chill up both you and your friends necks. Okay I get the message. I will leave and offer token to appease them. I wish my old computer did not crash. I had some eerie photographs taken in the woods that would give you the creeps. Thanks for sharing.



Don’t fear the dead. It’s the living you need to be spooked over...:icon_thumright:

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